[情報] 5 Dec 2015 Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間8年前 (2015/12/04 23:29), 編輯推噓7(703)
留言10則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
5 Dec 2015 Daily Minor family problems might make you gloomy today. Perhaps a family member is away, or there may have been some petty squabbles in your household. Others might want to invite friends over, but you may not feel all that sociable. Throw yourself into projects of your own. It could give you a feeling of accomplishment, defusing your downhearted mood and firing your enthusiasm. Try it! 蠍蠍,瑣碎的家務事讓你今天過得特別陰鬱。也許一位家族成員出門遠行,或是在家庭 之中發生一些爭吵。其他人可能想要邀請朋友來訪,可是你並不覺得能夠跟他們打交道。 把自己的心思放在自己的事情上面吧!如果可以從中得到成就感,並因此把消沉的心情 給消除,燃起你的熱情。那不妨嘗試看看! Love Conversation is important in making the right kind of decisions concerning your love life. There may be some conflict between wanting to have your own way, and demanding certain rights within your current relationship, or withholding certain information in order to maintain a degree of control over your partner (current or prospective). It is best to communicate from your heart rather than your head. 溝通在你的感情生活之中扮演了十分關鍵的腳色。可能在自我空間的爭取,或是想保有 某些自主的權利有些爭執。也許是你希望獲得某些資訊,以得到對自己伴侶一定程度的控 制。這些在你目前或是往後可能的感情關係中,都十分重要。請記住!誠心的溝通比什麼 都還要重要! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 不知不覺已經來到第100篇文 也不是甚麼值得紀念的事情 只是做為開場白還不錯 最近因為接受新的班制後 沒有心力與時間在翻譯上面 好在也有不同的好心人提供各種運勢文翻譯 要跟大家說聲抱歉 現在只會想要躺在值班床上 能睡就睡...... 謝謝蠍版溫暖的版友們! 祝大家事事順心 -- 三太那次 ▃▃▃▃ \\\ ﹍ ﹍◥ 我一直在外面待命... * ▊ ⊙ ⊙ ▃▂ ◢█◣ __ / ▊_ ██◤ mroscar製 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1449242992.A.3B5.html

12/04 23:41, , 1F
12/04 23:41, 1F

12/04 23:48, , 2F
12/04 23:48, 2F

12/05 00:12, , 3F
想說幾天沒見andy大的翻譯想要自己動手 結果就出現了(艸
12/05 00:12, 3F

12/05 00:17, , 4F
12/05 00:17, 4F

12/05 01:08, , 5F
100篇 !! 大推~~~
12/05 01:08, 5F

12/05 07:51, , 6F
12/05 07:51, 6F

12/05 08:47, , 7F
12/05 08:47, 7F

12/05 08:47, , 8F
12/05 08:47, 8F

12/05 16:24, , 9F
12/05 16:24, 9F

12/05 16:39, , 10F
太強拉~ 100篇
12/05 16:39, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1MOR5mEr (Scorpio)