[情報] 2 Dec 2015 Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間8年前 (2015/12/01 21:49), 編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
2 Dec 2015 Daily There's something blossoming inside you today. The heavy pressure of the past several days has ebbed, and you're able to go about your business with a lighter heart. It would be a good idea to pay more attention to your body. Try to schedule more aerobic exercise and cut down on fats and sugars. Start some healthier habits. 蠍蠍,今天心花朵朵開,前幾天累積的沉重壓力開始消退,你已經有能力可以為工作四處 奔走,也感到比較輕鬆。多多注意自己的身體是很重要的一件事,試著做做有氧運動並降 低脂肪與醣類的攝取,開始養成健康的好習慣。 Love Today you should try and work out how you really feel about your relationship with your latest partner or love interest. If you have had mixed feelings for a while, then take some time to mull over exactly what is bothering you. It may only be a minor issue that is being blown out of all proportion, creating a sense of alienation. 今天你應該試著釐清你對於最近的這段感情關係,心中真正的想法。假如你的心中有種好 壞參半的感覺,多花點時間去探索自己的內心深處,真正困擾你的到底是什麼?可能最終 只是個無傷大雅的小問題,卻讓你的感情生活滲入了一絲違和感。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1448977792.A.0BA.html

12/01 22:01, , 1F
12/01 22:01, 1F

12/01 22:02, , 2F
12/01 22:02, 2F

12/01 22:56, , 3F
12/01 22:56, 3F

12/01 23:30, , 4F
12/01 23:30, 4F

12/02 02:27, , 5F
12/02 02:27, 5F

12/02 07:30, , 6F
12/02 07:30, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1MNQM02w (Scorpio)