[閒聊] 23 Sep 2015 Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間8年前 (2015/09/22 20:31), 編輯推噓5(502)
留言7則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這個週末不知道是不是登革熱的關係 台南市區少了很多觀光客 所以久違地與同學出門去溜噠 結果身為台南人 這才第一次去了奇美博物館XDDD 館藏還滿有趣的 各種兵器是也滿特別的收藏啦...... 雖然感覺滿可怕的 但是人類的歷史基本上就是戰爭史阿@.@ 最近換了新手機 每換一次就發現自己又默默地變老了一點... 尤其是發現自己跟學長姐一樣找不到電源鍵的時候 看了昨天的翻譯 才發現自己翻得有夠爛 許多不通順的地方... 因為太急著想出去玩了 大家Sorry啦~ 今天的運勢看起來是好的啦 請大家別擔心 不過有很大的一部份取決於自己的心境吧! 祝 順利啦~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 附錄 23 Sep 2015 Daily There may be doubt about the outcome of a project that means a lot to you. It may involve financial problems or lack the support from others that you require in order to complete it. Your doubts are most likely groundless, Scorpio, but it doesn't hurt to hedge your bets a little and seek what you need elsewhere. This is likely to be a temporary delay. All signs indicate success. 蠍蠍,今天可能會對一個很重要的計畫結果產生質疑,這可能包含了財務上的問題或是 缺少了重要的關鍵支援而導致你無法完成它。基本上,你的懷疑可能是沒有根據的,因為 結果其實是無傷大雅的,很可能只是一個暫時的推遲而已,畢竟所有的跡象都指出了你 最終的成功。 Love Today may just bring a smile to a sad, tired, worn-out, and dutiful pair of lips. If your love life is going downhill, then take heart, as you could meet someone who really knows how to cheer you up, and who could even show you a good time! All you need to do is forget about your career and dare to be spontaneous for once. 今天可能是你這哀傷、疲累、受盡磨難卻又不輕易示弱的雙唇第一次展開笑靨。如果你 的愛情生活已經開始走下坡,請保持信心與堅持!你會遇到一位知道如何在你失落時鼓勵 你,並且給你美好時光的人。你需要的只是將目光從事業中脫身,勇敢地做自己一次。 Career Whenever you have doubts or frustrations about your current situation, stop and take stock of what you have. Be thankful for the gifts that have been given to you instead of wishing for things that you don't have. You have more than you realize. 無論你在什麼時候對自己目前的狀況感到懷疑或是挫折,請停下來並好好反省一下自己 所擁有的事物。應該要感恩自己擁有的,而不是專注於你所沒有的。仔細想想,其實你 擁有的比你想的還要多! Weekly Networking is a good way to boost business and get ahead. Jupiter's presence in your social sector is certainly encouraging you to move in new circles and enjoy meeting other people. However, you might need to strike more of a balance between work and rest as the Sun jogs into Libra and your spiritual zone. You're entering a natural phase in which it helps to take time out to relax and recharge. You'll still want to party, but you'll also enjoy some quiet time. 靠著你的人際網絡是個提升工作的好方法。木星在你的社交面出現肯定會鼓勵你拓展 你的圈子並使你樂意與人打交道。然而在太陽慢慢進入天秤座以及你的心靈面的時候, 還是要好好評估工作與休息。你會進入一種自然的休息狀態,能夠幫助你從壓力中放鬆 以及回復活力。你可能會想要與他人狂歡,但是也能享受獨處的時光。 -- 三太那次 ▃▃▃▃ \\\ ﹍ ﹍◥ 我一直在外面待命... * ▊ ⊙ ⊙ ▃▂ ◢█◣ __ / ▊_ ██◤ mroscar製 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1442925084.A.890.html

09/22 21:06, , 1F
09/22 21:06, 1F

09/22 21:46, , 2F
09/22 21:46, 2F

09/22 22:33, , 3F
煩欸 感情已經準三天了 但實在不知道該如何做才好了
09/22 22:33, 3F

09/22 22:34, , 4F
這個下坡好像沒有終點似的,就好像股票變壁紙一樣 :(
09/22 22:34, 4F

09/22 22:56, , 5F
09/22 22:56, 5F

09/23 00:10, , 6F
09/23 00:10, 6F

09/23 22:23, , 7F
09/23 22:23, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1M0KeSYG (Scorpio)