[情報] 考古,希特勒是否為沙爾克球迷

看板Schalke04作者 (偉哉我大魯爾)時間10年前 (2014/03/04 00:39), 編輯推噓7(703)
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2008年英國泰晤士報(TIMES)曾經刊文世界50大最壞的名人球迷 並把希特勒作為沙爾克04球迷列在首位 這是當時的泰晤士報原址:http://goo.gl/CUw1Wz 網路上可以找到完整的原文:http://goo.gl/QaspLs 原文中那段如此寫道: ----- The 50 worst famous football fans 1. Adolf Hitler (Schalke 04) Hitler may have bombed Old Trafford, but he wasn't a Manchester City fan. The Fuhrer had a soft spot for Schalke, who, funnily enough, were German champions six times between 1933 and 1945. “Winning a match,” Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief, wrote, “is of more importance to the people than the capture of a town in the East.’” He obviously never went to a Norwich-Millwall game. 希特勒或許炸了曼聯的老特拉福球場,但他並不是曼城球迷。納粹德國元首對沙爾克可是 情有獨鍾,皇家藍在1933~1945年間一連獲得了六次德國冠軍,希特勒的公關部長 Joseph Goebbels 在他們的戰時海報裡如此寫道:「對人們來說,贏得一場比賽比拿下東歐的一 個鎮更為重要。」顯然,他絕對不會去看 Norwich 和 Millwall 的比賽。 ----- 在TIMES登了這篇報導後, 沙爾克俱樂部新聞官10天後發了一封郵件做為回應 回擊了英國媒體的報導,以下中英對照 親愛的編輯你好: Your article on 'The 50 worst famous football fans' on November 26 made interesting reading. Until then we didn’t know Adolf Hitler had a soft spot for Schalke 04 let alone was a fan of our club. 你們在十一月二十六日刊載的這篇報導「世界上最壞的的五十名名人球迷」十分有趣,在 那之前我們都不知道,希特勒是我們沙爾克球迷。 We were very curious to find out what made the well respected Times claim this as a fact. So we checked and double-checked whether the club board between 1933 and 1945 had named a stand the “Führer Stand”, for example, and we watched every episode of 'Allo 'Allo in a bid to find a clue. Nothing. 我們很好奇,泰晤士報是怎麼知道這是真的,所以我們確認又確認了,沙爾克在1933到 1945年間,有沒有一個「元首的看台」?例如,我們去看了你們BBC拍的二戰連續劇'Allo 'Allo,看看有沒有其中的線索,結果什麼都沒有。 In fact, it turned out he must have been an armchair supporter because he never bothered to turn up at any of our games, even if it was a championship final right on his door step at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin. Perhaps he was too occupied with his genocidal policies, or… maybe he wasn't a football fan after all. 話說,即使決賽是在他柏林門外的奧林匹克球場舉行,像他這樣的鐵腕統治者根本不會管 我們的球踢得如何,可能是因為他正忙於他的種族主義政策,又或者他根本不是個球迷。 This is at least what a scientific study commissioned by the club revealed in 2004. The authors analysed the theory that the fact that Schalke won six national championships during the Third Reich was down to the special support of the Nazis. The result was quite clear: the theory is total rubbish. At best, the Nazis tried to bask in the sun of the great popularity of a team that had ranked among the best in the land since 1927. 沙爾克在2004年的研究文獻裡曾談到這件事,那些作者分析了沙爾克在第三帝國時期贏得 六次德國冠軍到納粹的崛起,結論很明顯:說希特勒是沙爾克球迷這個理論根本是唬爛。 充其量納粹也只是在當時擁有眾多球迷的沙爾克俱樂部底下的陽光取暖,直到1927年。 Hitler himself never did so for two reasons. First, the physiognomy of footballers with their bow legs and knock-knees wasn’t exactly his idea of a superior German race. Second, he did go to a football match once during the Olympic Games in 1936, but Germany lost 2-0 to Norway. Bugger! 希特勒不會是沙爾克球迷的理由有兩個,首先,足球選手根本不是他的菜,球員們彎著腿 和膝蓋外翻根本不是他眼中,高人一等的德國人。其次,他有去看1936年在奧林匹克體育 場舉辦的比賽,當時德國0-2輸給了挪威,科科! To conclude Hitler was a fan of Schalke 04 because they won most of the titles during his regime must make Margaret Thatcher a Liverpool fan. Funnily enough she didn’t make the list. 如果只是因為沙爾克在希特勒的時代,獲得了最多冠軍,就來斷定他是沙爾克球迷的話, 那柴契爾就是利物浦球迷了,有趣的是柴契爾出現沒有在這個榜單上。 你們誠摯的 Gerd Voss 沙爾克04媒體傳播新聞官 http://www.101greatgoals.com/?p=407735 -- "Benni is the face of Schalke. Julian Draxler is then the younger brother and Max Meyer come after. They are NOT FOR SALE." -來自沙爾克主席,兄弟卡(?)榮譽認證 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: CHERYL7 來自: (03/04 00:41)

03/04 00:43, , 1F
搶頭香(?) 真的很幽默欸lolll
03/04 00:43, 1F

03/04 00:47, , 2F
03/04 00:47, 2F

03/04 01:14, , 3F
03/04 01:14, 3F

03/04 01:22, , 4F
03/04 01:22, 4F

03/04 01:31, , 5F
03/04 01:31, 5F

03/04 11:45, , 6F
不過英國人自己不會覺得柴契爾是"壞"球迷呀 XD
03/04 11:45, 6F

03/04 14:35, , 7F
03/04 14:35, 7F

03/04 14:36, , 8F
她取消了英國很多社會福利制度 搞民營化 讓中下階層很難過
03/04 14:36, 8F

03/04 14:37, , 9F
礦工們更是對她恨到現在 之前她過世還一堆人慶祝
03/04 14:37, 9F

03/05 02:16, , 10F
03/05 02:16, 10F
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