[情報] 便宜租屋資訊$400~450

看板SanFrancisco作者 (成為晴天)時間15年前 (2009/10/06 14:52), 編輯推噓0(001)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
便宜租屋資訊 $400, $450 (代PO, 請洽 Sandy) Nice room for rent with plenty of sunshine and ocean view. Share kitchen, bathroom and utilities. (Prefer Chinese Student/Internetional Student) 地點: ‧ San Francisco, Geneva & Cow Palace ‧ 附近# 9 Bus, 門口有站牌, 近Muni, Bart (about 15-20 minute commute to get to either station) ‧ 5 分鐘上Freeway ‧ 近CCSF和Downtown 附近易停車,近加油站及便利商店 廚房附微波爐冰箱, 浴室附蓮蓬頭, 附洗衣機及烘衣機 房租: ‧Move in $400 or 450 $ and Last month ‧Deposit: $200 Security Deposit Negotiable ( We can discuss after we've met) P.S: No Smoking, No pet, No alcohol, No Stay over night, No Party. I'm looking for a responsible Tenant. And I Rather you to feel comfortable while you stay home. 有意請洽 Sandy 415-497-6049 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/08 15:03, , 1F
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10/08 15:03, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1Aokaann (SanFrancisco)