[情報] 每週英文運勢 11/26-12/02

看板Sagittarius作者 (KKKKK)時間5年前 (2018/11/23 23:05), 5年前編輯推噓4(401)
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Claire's Astrology 11/24-11/30 SAGITTARIUS Don’t live down to others’ expectations, but keep your eyes on the stars. Something you were about to give up on is given a helping hand by someone who you didn’t even realize was on your side. Check your phone and diary, you’re likely to have forgot an important birthda y. 不要辜負別人的期望,但要注意星象。 你即將放棄的東西是由你沒有意識到的人伸出援助之手。 (就是要射手們任何事情都不能放棄^_^) 檢查你的手機和日記,你可能已經忘記了一個重要的生日。 大意是:別辜負別人期望,別放棄任何希望^_^加油! ---------- UK Weekly Horoscope Sagittarius The last time that the Sun and Jupiter aligned in your sign was in December 19 94. This week is not a repeat of that time - though you may find you are as busy t his year as you were then. What is likely that you will be the centre of considerable attention. This might not be entirely comfortable. You could feel bombarded with information and to some extent totally confused. Bear in mind that Mars has now joined Neptune at the very base of your solar c hart. Think of this as living on a boat rather than in a well-established property o n land. Somehow or other you need to get used to a new rhythm and pace entirely. What could however have much of your attention are documents showing how other s have plotted similar courses in the past. Whether these are related to health or archiving this week could see you on th e start of the new journey. 太陽和木星上次相合在射手座裡是在1994年12月。 本週不是返工的時期,雖然你會發現你今年還是一樣的忙碌。 因為很有可能你成為了備受關注的中心。 這樣讓你不太舒服。 你可能被信息訊息不斷轟炸,在某種程度上完全被訊息搞得混淆。 記得,火星和海王星已經進入你的家庭宮。 你可以把這星象想像成是生活在船上,而不是生活在陸地上的老房子裡。 (在家庭領域會有小混亂/衝動/忙碌) 不管如何,你需要完全適應新的律動和節奏。 然而,有什麼能夠引起你注意就是某文件顯示了他人在過去也和你一樣繪製了類似的方向 。 不管是否與健康或恢復有關,本週在你將開始進行新的旅程。 ----------- Weekly Horoscope 11/26-12/02 Sagittarius You may experience jealousy from someone this week, Sagittarius, which may cat ch you by surprise. This may come from someone for whom you have great admiration. But you are far more impressive than you realize, and someone may be intimidat ed. Accept any comments or implications as a kind of flattery rather than letting it sting. This week could also bring a joyful announcement from someone you care for. This could be anything from news of a marriage or a baby to a new home or a ne w job. Help this person to celebrate, and celebrate your recent accomplishment at the same time. Around the middle of the week, a challenge could arise with an ongoing project that has taken far more time than you initially believed it would. It's too late to back out, so just keep going with your eye on the prize. This will be worth it when you reach the finish line. Someone this week may dramatize a matter that isn't really all that terrible. But because you are more realistic, you may not expect this to be a dramatizat ion. If you have any doubts, check it out for yourself rather than getting upset ab out it. The weekend will offer a great chance to catch your breath and relax. -- Copyright ? Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 本週,射手們會大吃一驚關於某人對你的嫉妒。 (好討厭~射手怎麼這麼棒棒^_^) 這個嫉妒你的人是你非常佩服/敬佩的人。 但你自己比你意識到的要令人印象深刻,某人會被嚇倒。 (本人比照片好看的概念) 請接受任何評論/啟示並把它當成一種奉承,而不是令你傷心的話。 (面對任何人的評語都請忽略,因為別人嫉妒射手們呀^_^) 本週,你關心的人帶來快樂的消息。 這消息從結婚/嬰兒/搬新家/有新工作任何相關的好消息。 幫助關心你的人慶祝,同時也慶祝你最近的成就。 本週中,正在進行的工作項目會出現新挑戰,所要花費的時間比最初認為的還要更多。 現在你要退出已經來不及,所以請繼續努力。 當你到達終點時,這是完全值得(有豐碩的獎品)。 本週,某人會非常戲劇化但不是這麼可怕。 因為射手們太現實無法接受,所以你不期望這樣的戲劇化。 如果你有任何疑惑/擔心,自己檢查想想看,而不是懷著不安的心情。 週末將有一個很好的機會喘口氣/放鬆。 大意是: 如果有人嫉妒你說出了不好聽的話, 別往心裡去,不要管 射手就是臉皮薄^_^ 也有好消息(發了分我^_^) 手中項目比預期花費的時間更久(菸 某人有個戲劇化的表現,擔心的話,自己趕快檢查想想看XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sagittarius/M.1542985554.A.7F0.html

11/23 23:16, 5年前 , 1F
11/23 23:16, 1F

11/24 01:22, 5年前 , 2F
11/24 01:22, 2F

11/24 08:43, 5年前 , 3F
11/24 08:43, 3F
※ 編輯: kkkkkiddy (, 11/25/2018 14:20:35

11/25 22:45, 5年前 , 4F
11/25 22:45, 4F

11/25 22:45, 5年前 , 5F
11/25 22:45, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1R-1TIVm (Sagittarius)