[新聞] 金賢重活在自己的世界裡 (新聞2則)

看板SS501作者 (迷路羊)時間13年前 (2010/12/03 16:56), 編輯推噓18(1804)
留言22則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
新聞來源:http://blog.omy.sg/ss501/ lovedream228:補上原新聞網址: http://0rz.tw/3hrlu (感謝l大 m(___)m) Text & Photos: Joanna Goh Videos: Tay Yixuan & Fiona Lin 中文翻譯:轉自金賢重中文網 影片:http://ppt.cc/UP5g (前面有十幾秒的廣告) [News]Kim Hyun Joong, living in a world of his own 金賢重,活在自己的世界裡 For a person who harbours dreams of alien encounters and outer space travels, it 's not hard to see why the band leader of SS501 has earned himself the nickname of a "fourth-dimensional person" 對於一個時常幻想與外星人相遇和外太空旅行的人來說,你一點都不難發現為什麼組合SS50 1的隊長被冠于"四次元"的稱號。 http://ppt.cc/7kZt He lives in a world of his own and is known for having a "fourth-dimensional" pe rsonality filled with quirky thoughts and ideas. 他活在自己的世界裡,在他那被稱為"四次元"的腦子裡裝滿了奇奇怪怪的想法。 Take the recent incident when a Korean fan masquerading as a repairman entered h is place on the pretext of repairing his gas pipes. Instead of seeking help from security - as per what all normal beings would do - Kim Hyun Joong decided agai nst it and treated her like a "normal repairman". 舉個最近發生的例子,一個韓國飯假裝煤氣管維修工跑進了他家。不像一般人反應的那樣- 把警衛叫來-金賢重反過來,決定就把她當做一個"正常的維修工" (我抖了一下.....粉絲 跟偶像都好可怕~ 偶像的腦子也需要維修一下吧?XDDDD) And that's not the end of his unconventional experience. Calling that his "most outrageous fan encounter", the band leader of SS501 (also known as leader Kim) e ven allowed her to cook him a bowl of porridge at his place. 那還不是這個不尋場故事的全部。他回想起這次"最無法容忍的與粉絲相遇"的經歷,這位SS501組合隊長(也被稱為金隊長)居然讓她(粉絲)在家裡為他煮了一鍋粥。 Hyun Joong recalled feeling a little "down and unwell" on the day of the inciden t. 他回想起那天"精神不好,有點不舒服" (這...那你還把人留下來?你不怕被...直接想到別 的地方去....XDD) "And the fan, thankfully, she cooked up some porridge and placed a bowl of porri dge on the table before leaving," he said through a translator, giving a slight chuckle. "然後那位飯,讓我感激地,煮了些粥,在離開前盛了一碗 放在桌子上"他這樣告訴翻譯, 還輕輕笑了笑。(阿重啊~ 請問這是"正常的維修工"會做的事嘛~ XDDDD) In town as ambassador for Korean beauty brand, The Face Shop, the 24-year-old al so flaunted his offbeat sense of humour at the press conference held in Marina B ay Sands Expo and Convention Center. 這位韓國美妝品牌"Face Shop"的推廣大使來到獅城,在濱海灣金沙酒店會議中心召開的記 者會上,這樣誇耀著他的脫線幽默。 http://ppt.cc/GL@l He tickled many with his cheeky yet straightforward response when asked if he "g oes for looks in a girlfriend". 當被問到他是否"以相貌選擇女朋友"這樣的問題時,他直率又大膽地回答惹得眾人大笑。 Instead of providing a conclusive answer, the 24-year-old deftly countered back with a question, "If not looks, what else should I go for?" 沒有直接回答,24歲的年輕人熟練地回敬了一個問題"除了相貌,還有什麼可以讓我選擇?" (記者跟回答問題的人都一樣白目 XD) http://ppt.cc/owh~ Giving the question a second thought, he added, "I don't particularly go for sup ermodel looks. I feel that on the average, usually when a lady has a very beauti ful face, she may have an average figure. When her figure is outstanding, she ma y have an average face. 他想了想這個問題,補充道"我沒有特別要選一個超級模特(當女朋友)。我覺得一般來說 ,通常樣子很好的美女,身材會一般般;身材出眾的,又很可能相貌平平" (還真是閱人無 數 XDDD) "But no, I don't have a particular liking for a very beautiful face. I usually g o for the average," the bemused one chuckled. "可是現在,我沒有很想要一張天仙臉蛋。我走平均路線。"有點困惑地想著(問題)的他笑 了 (平均路線是哪招??? XDDD) Wearing an all-white ensemble that was most befitting of his charismatic and pri ncely persona, the singer turned actor shared that he was taken aback by the rou sing welcome at the airport when he arrived. 一身白衣完全襯托出他的魅力和王子形象,正從歌手向演員轉型的他和我們分享到,他到達 時在機場被熱情的粉絲嚇了一大跳。 http://ppt.cc/ZlHY The overwhelming turnout must have left an indelible impression on Hyun Joong as he keenly expressed eagerness in returning to Singapore next year "as a singer" for album promotions and a fan-meeting following the release of his single solo album. 這個排山倒海的場面一定給賢重留下了深刻印象,他迫不及待地表示明年他的第一張solo專 輯發行後,將會以歌手身份回星加坡宣傳專輯和開粉絲見面會。 Breaking into his trademark toothy grin, the charming lad quipped, "I also plan to act in new dramas - if there are any good scripts." 擺了一個招牌式的露齒笑容,這個迷人的小夥子俏皮地說"我還準備演一部戲--如果有好的 劇本的話" http://ppt.cc/Nhe7 Said to bear a striking resemblance to Korean star Bae Yong-joon, the flower boy felt "honoured" to be placed in the same league as the handsome Hallyu actor mo st famous for his role in Winter Sonata. 當被問到他被稱為和韓國明星裴勇俊驚人地相似(的想法)時,他說"很榮幸",能與這位因 為出演"冬季戀曲"而出名的帥氣韓流明星相提並論。 "No comment," he said with a hearty laugh when asked to name the better-looking one between the both of them and mused, "The most important thing besides decidi ng who is more handsome is the fact that Mr Bae Yong-joon is my boss [Hyun Joong is contracted under Bae's management agency, KeyEast]." 當被問到他們兩個誰更帥些,他親切地笑著說"不予置評",想想又說"比起誰更帥這個問題更 重要的事實是,裴勇俊是我老闆"(哎唷~ 這句戳到我笑點 XDDDDDDD) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [新聞]金賢重不敢比裴勇俊帥 (2010.12.03 聯合早報) 韓國F4之一的金賢重首次來新加坡,留給媒體的印象是--累,但不失可愛。 金賢重這次是以The Face Shop代言人身份來新。大概是因為前晚才抵步,昨天一早就得出 席記者會,他雖然一身白色西裝的清新打扮,但臉上的疲倦藏不住,甚至在小組訪問時忍不 住張開雙手伸了伸腰。 眼前的他,和記者會現場廣告板上臉掛燦爛笑容的他,形成強烈對比。 儘管如此,他仍是謙謙有禮,有問必答,還不時展露調皮的一面。 會接下這個代言,他說:"The Face Shop的形象乾淨、自然,跟我一樣。" 外型俊俏的他,被問及交女友是否也注重外貌,竟幽默地反問:"不看外貌,那還看什麼?" 接著才認真地表示:"其實我不追求supermodel looks,外型和身材average就可以了。" 可以接受人工美女嗎?"無所謂。只要我愛她,就夠了。" 封裴勇俊為榜樣 金賢重簽約裴勇俊旗下的經紀公司Keyeast。對於被指外表跟裴勇俊很像,他說:"裴勇俊很 帥,大家覺得我長得像他,是我的榮幸。" 那他覺得自己和裴勇俊,誰比較帥? 他微微笑說:"No comment,因為重要的不是誰比較帥,而是裴勇俊是我的老闆。" 談起這個老闆,金賢重滿是欣賞:"他是我的榜樣,他對工作充滿熱情,凡事都竭盡全力。" 新聞圖:http://ppt.cc/UFbR --------------------------------------------- 要死了,這小子 說是很累,可是光芒四射是怎樣 XDDDD 整個對答就是很金賢重 XDDDD 還有一定要推一下新聞標題很優秀 (雖然是全世界的都知道的事XDDDD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/03 17:00, , 1F
12/03 17:00, 1F

12/03 17:08, , 2F
12/03 17:08, 2F

12/03 17:10, , 3F
12/03 17:10, 3F

12/03 17:16, , 4F
12/03 17:16, 4F

12/03 17:18, , 5F
12/03 17:18, 5F

12/03 17:20, , 6F
看完我笑了 哈哈 果然是4次元!!!
12/03 17:20, 6F

12/03 17:30, , 7F
也太可愛了啦~笑容真的讓人瘋狂耶 呵呵呵~~~癡癡笑了我
12/03 17:30, 7F

12/03 18:10, , 8F
補上原新聞網址: http://0rz.tw/3hrlu
12/03 18:10, 8F

12/03 18:10, , 9F
維修工那題讓人捏了一把冷汗 = =" 不過比帥超好笑 XDDD
12/03 18:10, 9F
※ 編輯: monalin 來自: (12/03 18:27)

12/03 18:37, , 10F
我如果是那個維修工的話 一定會很難離開 XDDD
12/03 18:37, 10F

12/03 18:38, , 11F
是真正的飯的話 應該就沒關係吧~
12/03 18:38, 11F

12/03 18:42, , 12F
12/03 18:42, 12F

12/03 19:35, , 13F
我想他家會越來越多奇怪的工人出現.....( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
12/03 19:35, 13F

12/03 20:07, , 14F
重點是 他是我老闆 真的很好笑
12/03 20:07, 14F

12/03 20:25, , 15F
12/03 20:25, 15F

12/03 20:33, , 16F
12/03 20:33, 16F

12/03 22:10, , 17F
裴勇俊是我的老闆 =>完全是賢重式回答..XDDD
12/03 22:10, 17F

12/03 22:24, , 18F
真的很愛他的四次元和無厘頭 太可愛了XDD
12/03 22:24, 18F

12/04 01:10, , 19F
12/04 01:10, 19F

12/04 01:35, , 20F
12/04 01:35, 20F

12/04 01:41, , 21F
12/04 01:41, 21F

12/04 08:23, , 22F
12/04 08:23, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1C-B37qM (SS501)