[新聞] SS501為飯們的航空乘務員服務

看板SS501作者 (小毛遊世界*)時間15年前 (2009/04/15 00:10), 編輯推噓13(1303)
留言16則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
form:kiss@sportshankook.co.kr + SS601.com + (英語翻譯) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com 翻譯:薄荷綠的守護吧-薄荷綠學委§如 轉載請注明 http://tieba.baidu.com/薄荷綠的守護 否則一律禁轉 ss501為飯們的航空乘務員服務 組合ss501即將成為航空乘務員 五月2號至3號,ss501將為他們的飯做一次航空乘務員,提供飛行途中的服務。SS501為 了濟州島2天一夜的與歌迷互動的活動,準備了這次的乘務員特別服務。他們將會身著航 空乘務員的服裝以及為200名左右的歌迷提供空中服務。 這次的活動的發言人之一表示,很少有藝人會為了歌迷而裝扮成空中乘務員。屆時將會 有100名左右的日本歌迷參與這個活動,請期待他們給歌迷留下的獨特印象。 而即將參與ss501空中服務活動的歌迷,也將幸運的與ss501一起參加在濟州島酒店進行 的2天的歌迷見面會以及花園派對。 Mnet將會在5月播出這次ss501的空中乘務員體驗。 消息來源:kiss@sportshankook.co.kr + SS601.com + (英語翻譯) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com PS:本翻譯為直譯 如有不妥或者錯誤之處 請大家原諒 不好意思 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ‘Flight Attendant Service’ Event for Fans~ Group SS501 will become flight attendants. SS501 will become a one-day flight attendant for their fans, providing services on board, on 02~03 May. SS501 prepared this special event on board the flight meeting with their fans prior to the 2days 1night fan meeting held in Jeju island. They will be dressed as flight attendant and providing services for about 200 fans. One representative for this event said “It is rare for entertainers to change themselves into flight attendants to serve their fans. There would be about 100 Japanese fans participating for this event, please look forward to them making an impression of themselves to the fans.” Fans, who would enjoy SS501’s flight services, will also be having a fan meeting and garden party at a hotel in Jeju island with SS501 for the 2-days event. In addition, SS501 will also have tours to places such as SeoJiKoJi (name of a place on Jeju island) with their fans. Cable channel Mnet will be broadcasting SS501’s experience as flight attendant and the Jeju island trip in May. Credits : kiss@sportshankook.co.kr + SS601.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com PS:英文版本 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/15 09:08, , 1F
04/15 09:08, 1F

04/15 11:49, , 2F
阿馬來這裡坐 (拍大腿
04/15 11:49, 2F

04/15 12:08, , 3F
04/15 12:08, 3F

04/15 12:17, , 4F
04/15 12:17, 4F

04/15 13:26, , 5F
04/15 13:26, 5F

04/15 13:33, , 6F
04/15 13:33, 6F

04/15 16:34, , 7F
那些FAN應該都超緊繃的吧!被服務了耶! 我也想要這種服務!
04/15 16:34, 7F

04/15 16:38, , 8F
啊啊 政玟啊我要水!還是要咖啡好呢?..要橙汁好了(馬上被踢)
04/15 16:38, 8F

04/15 16:57, , 9F
我...我...我想要大馬政玟跟賢重XD (羞)
04/15 16:57, 9F

04/15 18:57, , 10F
阿馬不用受訓就可以直接上陣吧 好一個適合他的職業XD
04/15 18:57, 10F

04/15 23:17, , 11F
04/15 23:17, 11F

04/15 23:17, , 12F
亂碼@@ 應該是"阿馬最適合的職業"
04/15 23:17, 12F

04/15 23:37, , 13F
我想把我的騷擾空服員第一次獻給他們XDDDD (羞)
04/15 23:37, 13F

04/16 00:46, , 14F
04/16 00:46, 14F

04/16 00:48, , 15F
04/16 00:48, 15F

04/16 15:35, , 16F
阿馬:coffee tea or me XDD
04/16 15:35, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #19vBLtWV (SS501)