N Djokovic - Interview [2011 Wimbledon Win]!!

看板SRB-CRO作者 (吃草可以當球王)時間13年前 (2011/07/05 17:40), 編輯推噓16(16011)
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http://www.asapsports.com/show_interview.php?id=72525 Novak Djokovic LONDON, ENGLAND N. DJOKOVIC d. R. Nadal 6-4, 6-1, 1-6, 6-3 THE MODERATOR: Questions, please. Q. Ever since leading Serbia to a Davis Cup title in Belgrade, it has been an incredible journey. Share a little bit of your thoughts of this incredible time period. 自從你帶領塞(爾維)亞人拿下DC冠軍後,你就搭上美夢列車(法網中途出軌!! ),談一下你在這段不可思議的時間的心情。 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I would love to tell you everything, but it's hard to describe - and I can't find words to describe - the feeling that I have right now. As you mentioned, I managed to achieve a lifetime goal and I managed to make my dream come true, all in three days' time. It's just an incredible feeling that I'm never going to forget. This is the best day of my tennis career. 我當然很想跟你們分享心情,但我很難說,找不到文字來描述我現在的感覺。就像你們說 的這三天來我設法去達到自己的目標和夢想,我做到了,我永遠不會忘記(在領先兩盤之 後開始恍神)。這是我網壇時光中最棒的時刻。 For these kind of days, I was practicing every day, being dedicated, being a tennis professional. Any athlete in the world dreams of being No. 1 of the world. This is something that gives us a lot of motivation. So finally when you really do it and when you know that you're the best, it's just an amazing achievement. 這三天來我每天都有練習(怕跟法網一樣出去玩就翻車?)能夠當上世界第一、不管是任 何運動這都是一個很好的動力。最後我真的做到了,你知道自己是世界上最(囧)棒的( 誰說的?),實在是很了不起的成就。 Q. When you won the second set dominating like that, did you start to be a little tense? Is that how you explain the loss of the third set? What were you feeling when you lost the third set? 你大勝第二盤之後,開始使出放鬆恍神漫步必殺技,你可以以此來解釋輸掉第三盤?你輸 掉的時候感覺如何?(感覺這就是我!!) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think I went the opposite way. I think I relaxed a little bit too much in the start of the third set. I wasn't focused in the beginning of that third set. Obviously when you're playing a player like Nadal, he uses his opportunity and he gets back to the match. I didn't want to lose my focus. Obviously the 6-1 in the third set for him was well-deserved, but I made a lot of unforced errors. It was kind of my fault letting him back to the match. But in the fourth set I was in the lead for all the time. The first game was very important to hold the serve. After that, was really great tennis. 我覺得我有點放鬆,不夠專心在第三盤一開始(趕快去告訴詹俊說你沒有策略性放棄阿! XD)眾所皆知對上納豆這種球員,他就很會利用自己的機會來重返比賽。我不想失去專注 力(可惜這就是我)他第三盤發球很好,但我也出現很多失誤(得意什麼!)讓他又打起 氣勢來是我的錯。 但第四盤我先領先,保住第一局其實不錯,之後又找回、你們知道的,我最棒的網球。( 少自以為大家會忘記你有被破回!!) Q. When you started to play really well, Federer and Nadal had the world divided and they owned the world basically. How difficult was it to break this, both personally, psychologically in your own mind, to be able to beat both these guys, and also just in general? 你開始有點成就之後,其實已經是費納壟斷的王朝啦,四面楚歌很辛苦吼(四面代表:費 爸、納豆、小囧、大囧>>時不時惡搞自己),要突破很難吧?要能夠擊敗他們兩個,你到底怎 麼想的? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, we all know the careers of Nadal and Federer. We don't need to spend words again. They have been the two most dominant players in the world the last five years. They have won most of the majors we are playing on. So sometimes it did feel a little bit frustrating when you kind of get to the later stages of a Grand Slam, meaning last four, last eight, and then you have to meet them. They always come up with their best tennis when it matters the most. 我們都知道費爸和納豆的成就,所以這邊不用再說一次了吧。他們是這五年來最主宰的球 員,又贏那麼多大滿貫,有時候真的會覺得很沮喪,尤其是你打到最後幾關 的時候(鬼打牆)類似八強開始就要遇見他們,他們總是會掌握一切比賽打出最高水準。 But, look, you know, it's a process of learning, a process of developing and improving as a tennis player, as a person, and just finding the way to mentally overcome those pressures and expectations and issues that you have. I always believed that I have quality to beat those two guys. I always believed I have quality to win majors, Grand Slams, and that was the only way I could be here in this position, you know. I mean, I have full respect for those two guys, what they have done. Anytime I play them, I mean, it's a great match. But the mental approach has to be positive. You know, I have to win this match. There's no other way. 但我也知道這是一種學習,你必須進步才能當一個網球員,以一個人來說,找尋能夠破關 擊敗大魔王的心理素質,撐過那些壓力和期望。我一直都相信自己能擊敗他們倆(法網勒 !)我相信自己能贏很多大滿貫(我有發現你加了SSSSSSSSSSSSSS),要這樣想才能站在 現在的位置。要尊敬他們,但是心理要是正面的,想著我必須贏這場比賽,沒有其他捷徑 。(哇,沒想到你這麼會說教) Q. As a 12-year-old when you left your hometown to go to Germany to the tennis academy, how much did that take out of you? Looking back now at what you've achieved, all those sacrifices, can you tell us a little bit about that? 你十二歲時就離開家鄉去德國打球,你覺得那樣對你來說是打擊嗎?現在的成就可以撫平 那些犧牲嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I was just chatting with my brothers and my family and my team in the locker room, just kind of remembering those days of the hard work that we put into in Germany and back in Serbia when I was eight, nine, ten, eleven years old, the dreams that I had. It's really beautiful. I mean, this success kind of makes you rewind the old days, makes you come back to your childhood and remember what you've been through to get to this stage. Well, look, you know, it wasn't an easy way, but I guess that's necessary in order for you to fight for what you want to achieve. 剛才我在休息室也和我爸媽和我弟聊天,談起那時候怎麼辛苦的訓練,去了德國之後又回 到塞爾維亞。這樣的勝利可以讓我覺得付出得到了回報,讓我在走上舞台時想到兒時記憶 。當時的努力不是很輕鬆的一件事情,但我想如果你希望有所成就就必須去奮戰。 (找不到可以吐槽的點,掩面~) You know, we all know the situation in our country, how it was with the wars and things like that. It was definitely really difficult to become a tennis professional, with tennis being not one of the most popular sports in our country. Didn't have any history. But then in the end of the day, now when you think about it, that's something that we needed. You know, not just myself, but Ana Ivanovic, Jankovic, Tipsarevic, Zimonjic. All these players that have been successful these last couple years in men's and women's tennis, we had a tough way to go through. That made us mentally strong. 大家都知道以前塞爾維亞是多麼糟糕的戰亂環境,想要成為職業球員是不可能的,網球也 不是很受歡迎的運動,根本沒啥歷史可言。但你想想看,我們開始需要他了,不只是我, 還有很多其他的球員Ana Ivanovic, Jankovic, Tipsarevic, Zimonjic,他們也達到很多 成就,我們經過奮鬥換來的,這讓我們心智成熟。 Q. How do you explain on this stage against Rafael Nadal playing some of your best tennis today, and what was that feeling like when you were playing your best? 你怎麼解釋對上納豆可以打出這麼好的球賽,納豆耶!! NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I was really enjoying, you know. You have to enjoy the moment. I mean, winning in just over an hour two sets against the defending champion on the court that he hasn't lost for three years was incredible. You know, I was just trying to enjoy the tennis that I play. Obviously, it was the best tennis match on grass courts that I've played ever, for sure. It came in the right moment. 我很享受,必須享受這一刻,領先前兩盤然後對手又是衛冕冠軍,且3年內沒在這裡輸過 球,這真是不可思議。我試著去享受(使出必殺技開始亂打)這也是我在草地上打得最好 的一戰(草地爛>"<),很明顯的時機來得還不錯。 (哈哈哈哈,蠻好笑的) Q. What did the grass taste like, and have you got any more racquets left? 吃草(球王)的滋味如何?!XD,你的拍子都送光啦!? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I have a couple more racquets for the Davis Cup that is coming up, and the grass tasted quite well, really. It was well kept. DC又要來了,我會準備更多的拍子。然後草~很不錯吃,保養的很不錯喔! (白痴~~) Q. I think everyone imagines how they might feel when they win the Wimbledon championship. What is the reality like? 大家都會想像拿到溫布頓冠軍的滋味,真實的滋味如何?(很好吃?) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I guess I can't talk in the name of all the tennis players, because everybody individually has different preferences of the favorite Grand Slam. But I think most of the tennis players rate this Grand Slam as the most important tournament in our sport. So I think that sentence gives you an idea of how much this means for a player to win. 也許我無法說明每個選手的想法,大家都有不同喜歡的大滿貫,但我想大家都會認同這是 在網壇中最重要的大滿貫,所以贏得這裏的冠軍應該代表重大的意義。 Q. Your uncle was saying the win in December for Serbia released you. Your mother was saying it taught you to play without fear. Do you think, if the result had been different in Belgrade, would we be here now? Was it that important in this streak that you've had? 你的叔叔說去年十二月贏了DC後徹底解放你(的頭髮),你媽媽說那個冠軍讓你不再恐懼 ,你覺得呢?之後貝爾格勒有什麼不同嗎?你的連勝帶來了什麼影響? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, if my mother says that, then it's like that, you know (smiling). There is nothing else I can say. Mother knows me better than I know myself. ㄟ~如果我媽說了,那就是這樣好了(怕媽媽?哈!)我沒有什麼好說的,媽媽永遠比我 了解自己。 Q. Really, though? 真的假的? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, really, it is (smiling). 真的阿(有什麼好假的) After the Davis Cup win I was full of life, full of energy, eager to come back to the tennis court, eager to play some more, win some other tournaments. In a sentence, I lost my fear. I believed in my abilities more than ever. Australia was one of the best tournaments I played in my life. 贏了DC後我的人生都復活了(先前是打殭屍網球就對了)我渴望再去打更多比賽,用文 字來說的話,我忘記了怎麼害怕(請勿抄襲媽媽,謝謝),我相信我的(搞笑)天賦更多 ,澳網也是我打得最好的大滿貫。(還曾經被打到吐,多酷) Q. Rafa said the four wins you've had over him in previous finals this year, when it got to the tough moments, that made the difference. Is that what you felt, as well? 納豆說之前輸你4次都在決賽可能會讓他的心理居劣勢,在關鍵時刻會出現影響,你覺得 呢? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Probably. Probably, you know, because I have won four times, consecutive times, in the finals against him this year. So I had that in back of my mind. I was trying to take myself back to those matches and really, you know, perform the same way, you know, that I performed those days in those matches: aggressive, taking my chances, not giving him opportunity to take over the control. 有可能喔,因為我今年在決賽贏了4次,可以說是吃了定心丸,我希望能夠把自己帶回那 些比賽的樣子,很積極,打得跟那時候一樣,利用我的機會,不讓他主導比賽。 Q. Talk about sort of building on your successes. You've gone from one victory to another. Talk about that process. Can you imagine where it's going to take you? 你的成就又到了一個新的境界,談談這個過程,你接下來要幹麻 (當吃土球王>////<) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I will definitely come for some more Wimbledons, more Grand Slam trophies. I mean, this is what I'm born for. You know, I want to be a tennis champion. I want to win more Grand Slams. I will not definitely stop here, even though I have achieved, you know, two biggest things in my life in three days. 當然要(吃)更多溫布頓(的草)啦!拿更多大滿貫,我是為大滿貫而生的(有嗎?~)我要當網 球(吃草)冠軍,我想要更多大滿貫,我不要停在這裡,雖然我已經達到兩個夢想了。 Q. You talk about losing the fear. At 30-All in that final game, you chose to serve and come in. You hadn't done that much. Was that part of what you were thinking? You wanted to throw him a curve? 你說趕走了恐懼,最後一局30-30的時候,你選擇上網(找死),你不太常這樣做耶,這 是你的戰術嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It was now or never. Just close your eyes, hit slice, go to the net, and hope he will chip the one back, you know (smiling). I mean, you got to take the chances, you know. In those moments, you have to believe that you can do it, not wait for your opponent to make a mistake. 不這樣做的話也許永遠贏不了,就是閉上眼睛,用一個切削發球然後上網,祈禱他會切回 來。(笑)我必須去製造機會,在那些時刻,你需要相信自己可以做到,而不能等對手失 誤。 Q. Before you said you always thought you had the quality. It was a long process. When was the worst moment for you? When you were - I don't say doubting - but afraid to not make it or having difficulties of any kind? When you were 14? 16? 18? 你說你想要成功的過程很辛苦,哪時是你最艱辛的過程呢?有什麼時候你不認為自己能夠 改變一切?是你14 16 18歲的時候? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, after I won my first Grand Slam, actually then I started facing some feelings and situations I never faced before: defending the Grand Slam title, being one of the top players, facing the pressure, having the expectations of the people all the time to get far in the major events, to get at least to the semifinals. So that is something, you know, that I haven't experienced before I was 21. And then I guess in last two, three years, that's where I was facing periods where they were up and down. I would lie to you if I didn't have doubts. I did have doubts. I did have difficult, crisis times where I didn't know if I could really make it, you know, because the first two guys were so dominant. 我拿到第一個大滿貫之後,的確遭遇了一些不曾碰過的問題。(窒息、吐、中暑、昏厥? )想要衛冕冠軍,面對那些壓力,被期待必須打入準決賽等等的看法。我那時候21歲我並 沒有經驗過。我想我就開始起伏不定,如果我跟你說我不曾質疑自己就是騙人的,我當然 有(廢話,我們也有!)我曾經覺得自己到底能不能做到,因為前面兩個人實在太噁心啦 ! Q. Was that the best serving you have ever done, the slice wide? 你今天在一區的大角度發球是你最棒的一次嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: At that moment, yeah. 是喔! Q. When you broke Rafa in the fourth set, he broke you back. Did that affect you? 你第四盤破發之後又被破回(網帶 -_+)那影響你了嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No. Look, you know, I was lucky in some points; he was lucky then. It's all sport. You got to think about what's coming up. 沒有耶,我有些時候蠻幸運,那他也會有,運動就是這樣,我是在思考之後該怎麼打。 Q. At the end of the game you were clearly overcome with a little bit of emotion. Can you sort of explain what was running through your mind as you won the match? Can you sort of elaborate on your somewhat unusual celebration at the net. 最後你壓抑了一些情緒,你贏球的瞬間心情是怎樣?你講一下你特殊的慶祝方式。 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, first of all, you know, the feelings that I had at that moment, I really don't know how to describe. Best feeling I had ever on the tennis court. You know, winning Wimbledon, looking at my box, 20 people, closest people to me in my life being there, supporting me, getting to share that moment and that experience with them was incredible. And the other one, I didn't really understand. 就說過不知道該怎麼說了啦!但我知道我要一直打網球!我要贏溫布頓,有20個人在我的 包廂看我,他們都是支持我的人,這種經驗太棒了。 然後你剛問啥阿,聽沒有? Q. When you sank to your knees... 你跪下之後~~~~ NOVAK DJOKOVIC: When I ate the grass? 吃草!!!! Q. Yes. Can you explain why you did it? 對,你解釋一下你到底在幹嘛阿(你是球王耶,霸氣勒?) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I felt like an animal. I wanted to see how it tastes. It tastes good (smiling). It just came. I don't know. It came spontaneously really. I didn't plan to do it. You know, I didn't know what to do for my excitement and joy. 我覺得我是一頭動物,我想知道好不好吃,很好吃喔(笑),我沒有計畫要吃草(計畫還 得了?!)就是突發性的,我不知道怎麼表達太高興了。 Q. There's still a lot of work to come this year: New York, North America. But next year is Wimbledon and the Olympics. Are you coming for both? 接下來還有很多挑戰,美網、北美硬地,但明年又有溫布頓和奧運耶,你會來嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Of course, I am. Now that I know that I can play well on grass, I'm coming (smiling). 我會來喔,因為我已經知道我會打(之前打很爛的)草地啦(偷笑) Q. This achievement deserves a big celebration. How do you celebrate it? 你要怎麼慶祝~(抱緊Jelena!!) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: How the Serbs do celebrate. 就激情塞亞人慶祝模式。 Q. Can you elaborate? 說一下啦 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's very hard to explain that (smiling). 很難說耶(笑) Q. How will it be celebrated in Serbia? 那你回國之後要怎麼慶祝(結果今天已經有影片了!凍蒜!) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know how it is in my country, but I will find out tomorrow. 不知道耶,回去就知道了。(可以選總統了) Q. About points of your career that are most important, can you say that the reason of this successful season was final of Davis Cup? 你覺得DC真的是讓你打出這麼好的網球的原因嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, it was. Well, obviously after the Davis Cup, after those wins, I made 40-something wins in a row. Up to this moment, the Davis Cup win was the most special feeling that I had on the court. Now it's Wimbledon. Wimbledon and Davis Cup, obviously gave me a lot of energy, obviously, because I didn't only share it with my team of people. I didn't win by myself. It was a team effort. The whole nation was really celebrating that, so it nothing like anything else. 是阿,在那之後我打出40以上的連勝,DC真的是超特別的感覺,現在是溫布頓,都給我很 多能量。但我不是靠個人贏球,還有團隊合作,這是整個國家都在慶祝的勝利,無可比擬 。 Q. Did the squirrel ever eat from your hand? 結果松鼠有從你手上吃東西嗎?(拯救猜猜樂!!!!!) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No. Maybe now she will. Maybe she heard, so... 沒有(所以8強是因為松鼠不吃在落寞?)但她搞不好聽說了我拿冠軍,之後會吃… (你怎麼知道松鼠不是納豆球迷?她會咬你!) FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/05 17:51, , 1F
07/05 17:51, 1F

07/05 18:08, , 2F
07/05 18:08, 2F

07/05 18:18, , 3F
07/05 18:18, 3F

07/05 18:19, , 4F
推翻譯 好好笑XDDDD
07/05 18:19, 4F

07/05 18:21, , 5F
贏球又當球王當然還是要被虧啊 這是塞克板宗旨(誤)
07/05 18:21, 5F

07/05 18:24, , 6F
07/05 18:24, 6F

07/05 18:25, , 7F
07/05 18:25, 7F

07/05 18:30, , 8F
有笑有推XD 是說還有一篇pre-final,t大或c大有要翻嗎?
07/05 18:30, 8F

07/05 18:46, , 9F
殭屍網球讓我笑死了XD 還有將來要吃更多溫布頓的草,哈哈
07/05 18:46, 9F

07/05 21:03, , 10F
07/05 21:03, 10F

07/05 23:59, , 11F
07/05 23:59, 11F

07/06 00:46, , 13F
短短的Head專訪 我看他笑我會一直傻笑耶XD
07/06 00:46, 13F

07/06 00:48, , 14F
07/06 00:48, 14F

07/06 01:18, , 16F
ATP Uncovered Novak Djokovic No. 1 Tribute
07/06 01:18, 16F

07/06 01:19, , 18F
07/06 01:19, 18F

07/06 01:20, , 19F
Jelena一high來跟Nole一樣瘋XD Marko好像有點手足無措
07/06 01:20, 19F

07/06 01:44, , 20F
Jelena本來就是內心狂野派!XD 我猜的啦XDD
07/06 01:44, 20F

07/06 02:47, , 21F
07/06 02:47, 21F

07/06 02:49, , 22F
其實後面Nole有點囧掉了 但Jelena還是好high XD
07/06 02:49, 22F

07/06 02:49, , 23F
07/06 02:49, 23F

07/06 02:50, , 24F
其實Nole囧掉+1 他臉好尷尬XDDDDDD
07/06 02:50, 24F

07/06 12:27, , 25F
哈哈好好笑喔~翻譯和影片都很好笑! 松鼠拯救了猜猜樂!耶
07/06 12:27, 25F

07/06 12:49, , 26F
07/06 12:49, 26F

07/06 19:45, , 27F
Jelena真的好High XDDDDDD
07/06 19:45, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #1E4jmFMm (SRB-CRO)