[USO]An Interview With: Jelena Jankovic 0902

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http://www.usopen.org/en_US/news/interviews/2010-09-02/ 201009021283468802973.html An Interview With: Jelena Jankovic Thursday, September 2, 2010 An interview with: JELENA JANKOVIC THE MODERATOR: Questions. Q. You've had two really good fights. You've come through both. Do you look at matches like this as they can help you get stronger or would you rather get in and out? 問:你奮戰了兩場,對你的信心有助益嗎? JELENA JANKOVIC: Well, yeah, it's tough to say. I'm just glad I was able to get through, and it was another tough match for me today. I had a really tough opponent. She played really well and she was hitting those balls really hard. Really gave me a hard time. So either way, I'm just happy that I was able to win. That's the most important thing. You know, I give myself another chance. JJ:也很難說,我只是很高興可以贏。對手總是難打。能贏總是給自己另一次機會。 Q. Are you satisfied with your level or do you have to pick it up? 問:你對狀態滿意嗎? JELENA JANKOVIC: I have to pick it up. I would like to, with every match, keep improving and picking up the level of my tennis. And I'm working on it. You know, it's a step forward from the first round. I think I played much better than in the first round, so I'm happy with that. JJ:我必須繼續努力,每場比賽繼續提升狀態。今天應該有打的比第一輪好。 Q. Not the first time you've had to dig yourself out here early, huh? 問:也不是第一次從谷底爬起來了? JELENA JANKOVIC: Yes, I had many matches in the past where you're down and your opponent plays really well. Sometimes, you know, the conditions are really tough, it's windy, it's hot out there. You just have to give your best, fight for every point and stay positive, just try to get yourself through. JJ:是啊,過去有很多自己關機對手又打得很好的時候,外面又熱風又大,不 過我就是得盡力。 Q. What is your enjoyment level out there? In the first match, didn't seem like there was a lot of joy. Are you having fun? 問:你第一輪比賽看起來你不太有樂趣,你有樂趣嗎? JELENA JANKOVIC: Sometimes it's tough to enjoy when it's hot out there, your opponent is playing so well. But still at the time, you know, at certain times of the match I was able to stay positive and I was able to smile at times. You know, I think when I do that, I think I play better and I play more relaxed. You know, I wish I can be more kind of happy out there and kind of with an even more positive attitude. But I'm working on it. Especially when it's a tough match, things are not sometimes going the way you want them to, you have to try your best. But the most important thing is to be able to win. JJ:外面很熱對手又打得好的時候很難享受比賽。當然有時候我比較樂觀笑得出 來打得也比較好。不過最重要還是贏得比賽。 Q. The top seed here, Wozniacki, she's never won a major before. You've tried yourself to be a top seed without a major under your belt. What is it like to be a top seed with those expectations not having won a slam? 問:第一種子Wozniacki沒贏得大滿貫就變成第一種子。那會是如何? JELENA JANKOVIC: What does that matter? JJ:有關係嗎? Q. I don't know. You tell me. 問:我不知道,告訴我。 JELENA JANKOVIC: Well, I'm just here to play, and I'm really give my best. You know, I always believe in myself. I would like to win a Grand Slam. You know, there is no difference if you won a Grand Slam or you didn't win a Grand Slam. You're here to play. It's just the beginning of the tournament. So you have many more rounds to play and anything can happen. JJ:我只是來這比賽,我想贏大滿貫。不管之前有沒有贏過都是來這比賽。這 只是一開始,再多打幾輪甚麼事都可以發生。 Q. What did you think of her level of play? Were you surprised by the quality of play from her? 問:你覺得她的狀態如何?你對她的狀態驚訝嗎? JELENA JANKOVIC: She played really well. I knew that she hits the ball so hard. But she really gave me a hard time out there. She really kept hitting those balls. At times when they were going in, it was really difficult for me. I just tried to pick those balls up, you know, tried to stay down and hold my ground as much as I could. It was difficult time for me out there, to be honest. But I was just able to, you know, stay strong, especially that third set, and finish the match in my favor. So I'm pleased with that. JJ:她真的打得很好。我知道她擊球很有力,又追得到球。今天在場上很辛苦。 不過我就是得保持專注,特別在第三盤打出自己的比賽。我很開心。 Q. We, in the media, are always judging the performances of all the players. Let's switch that around. What kind of job do you think the media does? Do you think we do a great, fabulous job telling your story or do we piss you off? What do you think? 問:我們媒體總是在評論球員比賽。轉換身分,你覺得媒體做得如何?我們做得很 棒,還是惹你生氣? JELENA JANKOVIC: You piss me off (laughter). I think you guys do a great job, you know, sharing the stories, you know, what we have to say, what we have done, different kind of things, interesting things. And I believe that you're always looking for some interesting stories to write. You're not looking for boring stuff. You're always trying to get some things that you can write that are going to sell the papers. JJ:你惹我生氣耶(大笑)。我想你們做得很棒。你們總是找些有趣的來寫。 Q. Do you think you do a good job in supplying us with the stories? 問:那你覺得你做到提供我們故事的工作嗎? JELENA JANKOVIC: Who, me? JJ:誰?我嗎? Q. Yes. 問:對啊。 JELENA JANKOVIC: You tell me if I do a good job giving you stories (laughter). JJ:那你告訴我好了(大笑) Q. Tell us more about your house in San Diego. 問:那告訴我你在聖地牙哥的房子。 JELENA JANKOVIC: I'm here to play (laughter). I'm at the US Open. We're in New York. I'm just excited to be here. I'm really not thinking in this moment about any other things except playing my matches and really giving my best. JJ:我是來這比賽的耶(大笑)。我在美網。我們在紐約。我很興奮能道這。我在這 時候除了網球不會想其他的。 Q. (Question regarding Ana Ivanovic.) 問:(和Ana有關的問題) JELENA JANKOVIC: It's great for Serbian tennis. I'm happy she's doing well. I hope we can continue like this. It's been quite a while since we've all been quite far in the tournament. I think it's been two years. There were times when there were three of us in the semifinals, finals. It would be good so that we can go into tournaments and do really good again. JJ:我想這對塞爾維亞網球很好。我很高興她打得很好。我希望我們可以這樣繼續。 有一陣子我們都打得不怎樣。我想大概兩年了。有陣子我們三個總有兩個人打進四強 或決賽。如果我們能在這比賽有好成績會很棒。 Q. Did you watch Janko's match? 問:你有看Janko比賽嗎? JELENA JANKOVIC: I thought he played really well. It was an amazing match. Really, congratulations to him. He was just really on his game last night. He was really impressive. Really happy for him that he was able to win. It was a really good win for him. Is not easy playing Andy Roddick here on a night match, American crowd. It was really tough. But I think Janko handled it very well. He did a great job, so congrats to him. JJ:我想他打得很好,很棒的比賽。恭喜他,在夜場美國觀眾前和大安迪比賽不簡 單。不過我想Janko做得很棒。 Q. How much do you know about his game? 問:那你覺得他的球技如何? JELENA JANKOVIC: Can I please talk about myself? We go to ATP tennis, San Diego house. Guys, I'm tired. I just played a three hour match. JJ:我可以談談我自己嗎?我們說了ATP、聖地牙哥房子。拜託大家,我很累耶。 我才剛打完三小時比賽耶。 Q. A couple of wins into a slam, is it tempting for you to look deeper into your quarter to see what potentially could be waiting for you? 問:贏了幾場比賽,會讓你想看看自己籤表這區有誰是可能的競爭者嗎? JELENA JANKOVIC: To be honest, I'm just looking, you know, my next round. I'm not really looking too far ahead. I just want to go one match at a time and focus on what I have to do. Tomorrow I have a day off, so I will work on my game, try to clean up some things in my game and try to play a better match the next day, Sunday. That is my goal. I hope to be lifting my game, to keep improving every time. That is what I strive to do. Hopefully I will be able to do that. JJ:老實說,我剛剛只看了誰是下一輪對手。我不會看太遠。我每次只注意一場比 賽和自己該做的事,明天休息日要來改善缺失,試著在禮拜天打出更好的比賽。那 是我的目標。我希望提升比賽水準。這是我想做的,希望可以做得到。 (記者想開聊 JJ不想XD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/03 10:41, , 1F
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第二題的回答 提升狀。 少一個字? 記者整個很岔題XDD
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※ 編輯: duffy 來自: (09/03 11:07)

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