A Ivanovic - Interview [2010 US OPEN R2]

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http://www.usopen.org/en_US/news/interviews/2010-09-01/ 201009011283364283359.html An Interview With: Ana Ivanovic Wednesday, September 1, 2010 An interview with: ANA IVANOVIC THE MODERATOR: Questions, are please. Q. Nice performance. Second of the tournament so far for you. Are you happy with the way you're playing right now? 表現很棒喔,妳對於妳現在的狀態滿意嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: Yes, I was really happy with today's game, because she's tough opponent and I lost to her last couple of times we played. I was expecting really tough match. And actually conditions a little bit tough out there because it was very gusty. It's a lot different than the outside courts. No, I'm really happy the way I played and just stayed aggressive. You know, even when errors creeped in, I just kept looking for the ball that I knew I had to hit. It worked out well, so I'm pleased. 對於今天的比賽我很高興,因為她不是很好打,加上前幾次交手我都輸了。 我原先預期會很難打,但只有一點辛苦,因為有風在吹,跟外圍球場有所不同。 對於現在很滿意並保持積極,即使失誤發生,我仍是繼續要球,我知道比賽還是要進行 下去。都發揮的很好,所以我很滿意。 Q. You come into the tournament, I believe, was it a foot injury or ankle injury you suffered in Cincinnati; is that correct? 妳在辛辛那提腳踝受傷,對嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: Yes, actually it was a little bit, yeah, disappointing and frustrating because I really felt I found my form in Cincinnati and was playing well, and then had to pull out in the semis and then was out of the court for ten days. You know, I was not too happy about coming to the Open with such a break, but, you know, just very happy that I'm pain free now and I can actually compete. 嗯,這個傷勢讓我很失望,因為我在辛辛那提找回狀態,也打得不錯,但因為傷勢 必須在四強退賽,並休息十天,在美網前這樣讓我不是很開心,而如今沒了傷痛也能 正常比賽,讓我很高興。 Q. Two years ago you came here as world No. 1, and you were upset in the second round. You're now beyond that point. This year there were some questions about your health with the injury, and certainly not in the world No. 1 position right now. Yet you look like you're really playing well and with great confidence. Talk about that. 兩年前妳來這裡時,是世界第一,然後第二輪就輸了。今年有些健康問題困擾妳, 也不再是世界第一了,但妳打得很好、很有自信,談談吧。 ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, I think rankings obviously tell a lot about the player, but I think just the way you feel about your game at the time. I remember a couple years ago when I was here and I was saying, Even though I'm No. 1, I don't feel I'm playing as No. 1. You know, now I'm ranked I really don't know what. 排名對於一個球員可以代表許多,但那只是那段時間那球員的表現。 記得兩年前,在這裡我說過,即使我身為第一,但我表現得不像世界第一。 現在我真的不知道我排名多少。 Q. 40. ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah. But I feel like I'm playing like a top 10 player, you know, and I have confidence that I can beat these players. That's huge for me. 但我覺得我表現像前十名一樣耶,我有自信可以打敗她們。 Q. What are your thoughts on the next round? I didn't look at the score. But if you have Bartoli, what kind of match would you expect? 對於下一輪,妳有什麼看法,如果對手是Bartoli,那將會是場什麼樣的比賽呢? ANA IVANOVIC: I think it's gonna be tough match. I played her a few weeks ago in Stanford and lost, but she was playing really well and really aggressive. There are different conditions here comparing to Stanford. There the ball was flying a lot faster and bouncing lower. I just have to sort of try to have my game plan like I had the previous matches, and just try to do what I did in a practice and what I worked on. You know, that's staying aggressive and moving forward. I definitely have a chance. 那將會不好打,幾週前在史丹佛跟她比賽,我輸了,她表現的很好、很積極。 但如今又跟史丹佛不同,球飛的比較快彈得、比較低,會跟前幾場比賽的策略一樣, 發揮平時練習的成果,保持積極向上,那我就有機會能贏。 Q. You look like you were a lot more confident on the serve, especially the toss. Have you done anything different in practice? 看來妳對於妳的發球有信心多了,特別是拋球,妳在練習時有做什麼改變嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: I did work a lot on that. But, yeah, I do feel a lot more confident. Just playing lots of matches, it does help get your confidence up. But, you know, there are some bad tosses, like everyone else has them. But I hope I'm not as famous for that anymore. (Laughing.) 我花很多功夫,但我的確有信心多了。經過那麼多場比賽,使我增加信心。 那些很囧的拋球,其他人也有啊,希望我不再以囧拋球聞名。(笑) Q. How did you deal with the extreme heat out there today? 妳如何處理酷暑呢? ANA IVANOVIC: Actually, as I mentioned, it was gusty on the central court, so it did not feel as if it was that hot out there. Tried to take ice at the change of ends and tried to stay cool with ice towels and pour some water on my head and tried to cool myself as much as I could. 之前有講過,今天中央球場風很大,所以我沒有感到很熱。 可以試試換邊時用些冰塊、冰毛巾,或到些水在頭上,儘可能使自己涼爽。 Q. Was there a particular moment this year where you felt like things were beginning to turn around for you? 今年有什麼特別的轉戾點嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: Definitely around Wimbledon time I really felt. You know, I got new team around me, and I just felt like I surround myself with, you know, like a positive environment and really felt I was breaking through. And I worked really hard in those few weeks, and, you know, preparing for hardcourt season here. I really came a lot more confident into this US Open and also the tournaments leading up to it. 當然是溫布頓那時候,我有新團隊,讓我覺得有正面力量圍繞和感覺有所突破。 那幾週我很辛苦練習,準備硬地賽季。我是帶著滿滿的信心來美網和迎接之後的賽事。 Q. You seem like you're moving much better these days. Have you been working a lot on your fitness and physical side? 妳的移位最近好像有變好,妳是否有加強妳的體能訓練呢? ANA IVANOVIC: I did. I worked a lot on my fitness. That was a little bit of a Catch 22 before, because I wanted to work on it, but there were always little injuries and pains. So I always had to stay away from gym and just tried to do a lot of rehab and stretching. But now I could actually do some strengthening exercise, and also a lot more specific footwork drills and agility for matches. That made a huge difference. Obviously when you feel physically fit to last through these matches, it helps get your confidence up. 我的確很花功夫在我的體能上,在這之前是個很困窘的情形,我想要加強體能, 但總是有些小傷小痛影響,所以我無法上健身房,只能等它康復、多做伸展。 現在我可以確實做伸展和許多腳程的練習。那有很大的影響,當你感到最近體能良好, 那對增加信心很有幫助。 Q. If a player has trouble with the heat, do you think of that as a fitness issue or just a dangerous heat issue? 如果對於炙熱的天氣有困擾,妳覺得是體能問題還是天氣真的太熱? ANA IVANOVIC: I think it's a combination of two. Also, I think it also has to do with how an individual perceives it and also which conditions they prepare and they're used to. But, yeah, I guess just have to find what works best for you. I think it is very important to hydrate well the day before and also, you know, that morning before the match and try to use ice on the court. It really does help a lot, just keeping cold ice around the neck area. 我認為兩者都有,同時跟每個人的感受、練球的情形和習慣也有關, 但我想需要自己找到適合的解決之道。賽前飲食的攝取也是很重要, 在場上用些冰也有所幫助,在脖子附近多用些冰。 Q. I know you said it didn't seem that hot out to you today, but has it been inordinately hot the last three days here? 妳說妳認為今天沒有很熱,那妳覺得前幾天有特別的炎熱嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: It has been. Actually yesterday I was feeling the heat the most. I was practicing around 2:00, and it was like, Okay, I think I'm done with half an hour. But actually in Cincinnati was pretty hot and humid, so that was even harder because of obviously the humidity. There was a lot more sweating happening. 真的,我覺得昨天最熱,我大概兩點左右練習,那時感覺像"好啦,我已經練了半小時了" 在辛辛那提則是又濕又熱,因為潮濕,狀況反而更糟,留很多汗。 Q. Melanie Oudin was talking the other day about the difference of coming in this year with expectations as opposed to prior when people didn't have expectations of her. You at 20 years of age came in as the No. 1 and had to play with great expectations of you. Can you talk about as a very young woman of say 20 years of age what it's like coming in with those expectations and what you've learned now two years later? Oudin幾天前談及今年人們對她沒有所期望,跟之前有所不同。妳在20歲時來到世界第一 並背負著許多期望在妳身上,可以談談年約20的女孩兒對於那些期望有什麼看法, 和妳這兩年來學到了些什麼? ANA IVANOVIC: It is a whole different story. I see myself also as two different persons. Once you're actually coming up and you have no expectations, you are hungry for success, and you really don't know what the stakes are. You just go for it. You have no fear. You play freely against anyone you come up against. Once you actually get in a position to defend some points and there is more outside pressure coming in, it is a lot different story. Because even though you perceive yourself the same or maybe even better, if you're improving, still there is a lot of outside effect. That creates some doubts and obviously pressure. Everyone deals with it differently. That's what I feel it was the biggest change with me, is that I managed to sort of let go of this. Now I feel, you know, as I am just coming up again, and I have really nothing to lose. I got that joy of competing again. 那又是個不同的故事了。我認為有兩種不同的狀態,一個是妳沒有背負任何期望, 妳渴望獲勝,無所懼怕,做就是了;一個是妳必須保住積分,有很多外在的壓力, 這兩者有所不同。因為即使你認為自己有好的狀態,但仍有很多外在因素的影響, 那將會造成自我懷疑和壓力,而每個人處理的方式不同,那也是我自己最大的改變, 我設法將那些因素排除。現在我又回來了,我沒什麼好輸的,享受競賽帶來的樂趣。 Q. Is that the greatest lesson you think you've learned from having been in that rarified air of being the world's top player? 高處不勝寒,那是妳所學到最重要的課題嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, it is. I mean, I learned about myself and just about the world in general and how everything goes. You know, I mean, what I learned is that it goes on no matter what. (Smiling.) 嗯,的確是。我學到了解自己和事物所進行的腳步,不管如何,堅持下去就是了。(笑) -- 翻到最後有點糾結 請多見諒 感覺Ana比較耐熱耶XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wop875 來自: (09/02 13:25)

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09/02 20:41, , 4F
哈哈 冏拋球
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ANA go!!!!
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"現在我真不知道自己排名多少" "40"
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