[賽訪] A Ivanovic - 27 June 2009

看板SRB-CRO作者 (慈郎)時間15年前 (2009/06/28 12:40), 編輯推噓13(1307)
留言20則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Q. Was that your best match so far at Wimbledon? 問:這是不是你今年在溫布頓到現在為止表現最好的一場比賽? ANA IVANOVIC: It was pretty good. I played really well. And I'm very happy that, uhm, today's match was -- I think my tactics and my game plan prevailed over my emotions. That's something I'm really happy about. I stick with my plan and I just, you know, kept playing the best I can every point. ANA IVANOVIC:這場的確是相當好。我打得不錯。而我也很開心,今天這場比賽,我想 我的開心是因為我的戰術和我比賽的計畫得到一些優勢。 我堅持著我的計畫,而我就,你知道的,每一分都保持打出最佳的實力。 Q. When are your thoughts on facing Venus Williams, and what's the biggest challenge when you do face her? 問:你下一輪要面對大威,當你對上他的時候,什麼是最大的挑戰? ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, I'm very excited. You know, she plays really well here, and last two years here she's the champion. Two years ago I played her in the semifinal here, so I can take a lot from that match. But, you know, I felt like every match I was playing better and better. So I'm really, you know, happy to take that challenge and to play against some, you know, top player like her. She's very dangerous opponent, but I think I have a great chance, and I feel very comfortable going in that match. I'm so excited to have opportunity for that challenge. ANA IVANOVIC:是的,我非常興奮。你知道的,她在這裡打得非常好,而且過去兩年 她是這裡的冠軍。兩年前我在四強跟他遭遇過,我在那場得到很多。 但,你知道的,我覺得我現在有打得愈來愈好。所以我真的,你知道的,很高興接受 跟一些選手,你知道的,像她這樣的頂尖選手來較量的挑戰。 Q. You said you take a lot from that last time when you faced her. What do you take from it? 問:妳說妳上次跟她交手的時候得到很多。你可以說一下是得到什麼嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: Well, definitely it was the only time I think we played on the grass, and it's so different, you know. And she likes to go for her first shot. She likes to dominate the points. Uhm, you know, I just think I have to try to make a lot of returns. And obviously it's going to be important for me to serve well in that match because, yeah, she has great first serves. So if I can hold onto my serve and then put pressure on her, that would be a key. ANA IVANOVIC:嗯,我想那是我們唯一一次在草地球場上交手,你知道的,那是蠻不同 的經驗。她喜歡在她第一扳就搶攻。她喜歡去掌握每一分。 嗯,你知道的,我想我必須試著在回發上做很多。而且顯然這對我來說很重要,在一場比 賽發球發得好,因為,是的,她有很好的一發。所以假如我可以保持我的發球然後讓她有 點壓力,這是這場比賽可能的關鍵 Q. Adam Scott has been at your last two matches. Are you dating? Can you tell us about your friendship? 問:Adam Scott這兩場比賽都有出現。你們是在約會嗎?你可以告訴我們你們之間的關 係嗎?(大家最想問的問題出現了) ANA IVANOVIC: Well, I think, you know, I rather talk about my tennis at the moment. Yeah. I wouldn't like to comment on that. It's great to see familiar faces I think in your box when you look for support. ANA IVANOVIC:嗯,我想,你知道的(啊就那個關係嘛,女生要保持襟持的),我現在比 較想講我的網球。是的,我不想評論這個。看到熟悉的面孔在你的家屬包廂上支持你這是 很棒的一件事。(所以Adam Scott是你的家屬之一囉?) Q. That was one of your best matches this year against Stosur. Against Venus, how much of it is going to be a mental challenge for you to see if your confidence is there to go for your shots when you need to? 問:面對Stosur這場是妳今年打得最好的一場比賽之一。面對大威,妳心理上的挑戰會 有多少?妳的信心在當妳想要有好的擊球時有多少? ANA IVANOVIC: It's going to be huge challenge. I'm just so happy. I feel very lucky to have opportunity to play against her because, you know, in my first match I was, you know, half gone. To come back and win, you know, win another couple of matches and play better each match, it definitely gives me confidence. You know, I'm just very thrilled, because I put lot of hard work over past few weeks and worked a lot with Darren and Sven on the court, and, you know, practiced the most I've been practicing I think ever. So it's great to see the results. You know, I just want to go out there and enjoy it, take it as a challenge, because I haven't really played against too many high-ranking players lately because I wasn't putting myself in a position. But now, you know, I see it as a great challenge. ANA IVANOVIC:這會是一個大挑戰。我對這還蠻快樂的。我覺得我很幸運有這個機會可以 面對到她,因為,你知道的,在我的第一場比賽,我差點就嗝屁了。 回到比賽而且贏下來,你知道的,贏下一些比賽,而在皆下來的比賽感覺比較好,這給我 了信心。 你知道的,我還蠻激動的,因為我在過去幾個禮拜做了很多努力,跟Darren以及Sven在球 場上練習,而且,你知道的,我想這是比以往我做過最多的練習。 看到結果很棒。你知道的,我只想走進這裡然後享受它,把它視為是一項挑戰,因為我最 近沒有面對太多頂尖選手因為我沒有把自己放在那樣的一個位置。 但現在,你知道的,我預期它是一個很大的挑戰。 Q. Have you kept anything in reserve to be able to play Venus next week? 問:妳對下個禮拜面對大威,妳有做些什麼來預備嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: Definitely. In these kind of matches, like I said, I was playing better and better, and that's what you want to feel going into second week of a Grand Slam. Obviously French Open I played fourth round, but it's been a while that I, you know, gone far in a Grand Slam. So I'm very excited to have opportunity to do that here. And I think my game suits grass very well. I still want to enjoy every match and, you know, see what happens. ANA IVANOVIC:當然。在像這樣的比賽,就像我說的,我正打得愈來愈好,而這也是為 什麼想要進到大滿貫賽的第二週賽程。顯然在法國公開賽我打進第四輪,但那對我來說 只有一會兒,你知道的,在一個大滿貫賽走得遠。所以我非常興奮有這個機會在這裡可 以走得更遠。 而我想我的打法在草地也非常適合。(嗯,如果發球跟正拍有回到顛峰是蠻適合的)我依 然想要享受每場比賽,你知道的,看有什麼事情發生。(看著爆冷的發生,我知道) Q. How important is the court to you that you play on? You were in the new Court 2. Did you like it? Did it feel nice? 問:球場對妳來說怎麼樣?妳在新的2號球場比賽。妳喜歡它嗎?妳感覺好嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, it is very nice court. And it's just so strange, you know, I used to look at it as a Court 13, and now it's Court 2. So it's definitely very, very nice court. I enjoyed it. I think it's great they this challenge there, too. ANA IVANOVIC:是的,這是非常好的球場。它還蠻陌生的,你知道的,過去這裡是13號 球場,而現在是2號球場。它是非常,非常棒的球場。我還蠻享受的。我想在這裡打球 也是很不錯的一個挑戰。 Q. How is your knee? How has it progressed as the tournament has gone on? No chance of making it any worse by playing here? 問:妳的膝蓋怎麼樣?妳在這想賽事跑動的時候發生了什麼?有沒有更惡化在妳打球 的過程中? ANA IVANOVIC: No, no, definitely. Still after my matches I have to keep icing it and do some work on it. But it's feeling hundred percent stable. You know, I can practice normal and play my matches. You know, it's important to feel that. ANA IVANOVIC:沒有,完全沒有。在每場比賽我依然會冰敷它,然後對它做一些按摩。 但現在它是百分之百OK。你知道的,我現在可以正常練習然後打我的比賽。你知道的, 這樣的感覺很重要。 Q. When you made the coaching change back from Craig to Darren and to Sven, was it because you were unsettled? What wasn't working with Craig? You were only with him maybe three and a half, four months. 問:當妳的教練從Craig換到Darren和Sven,是不是因為妳覺得合作的不好?為什麼妳 跟Craig拆夥?妳跟他只合作了大約三個半月,四個月左右。 ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, Craig is great guy. We really had great time working together. But just I felt like this might be a good, you know, decision for me. And, you know, something maybe, you know, that someone can, you know, push me a little bit harder. I needed I think some more intensity on the court. And that's something that I feel maybe was lacking a bit. Obviously now with adidas program, they have Darren Cahill, which is great coach, and so experienced, as well. It's great opportunity for me to work with him. And I really took I think the most out of it and I really enjoy spending time on the court with Sven and Darren. I just, you know, feel like I want to go out there and practice and practice and, you know, improve, because I feel still there is so many things I can work on. ANA IVANOVIC:是的,Craig是一個很棒的人。我們合作的很愉快。但我的感覺這對我 來說是個好的決定。而且,你知道的,有些事情,你知道的,宜些人可以,你知道的, 會鞭策我多一點。我需要更多些強度在球場上。我想或許有缺乏一些東西。 顯然現在我回到愛迪達,他們有Darren Cahill,一個很棒的教練,有一些很不錯的經 驗。這是對我來說很棒的機會跟他合作。我想我們的合作會讓我有些突破,而且我真的 很享受跟Sven還有Darren在球場的時間。 我就,你知道的,覺得我想要我來到球場,然後練習再練習,你知道的,進步,因為我 覺得我依舊還有很多事情是可以做的。 Q. Can you describe what your thoughts are as to why there have been so many No. 1s since Justine Henin retired. 問:妳可以解釋一下自從Justine Henin退休後有這麼多世界第一的原因嗎?(這個問題 我認為問JJ會更好) ANA IVANOVIC: Well, Justine was a dominant force in women's tennis I think, and she had so many points. The other points that were left were quite spread. Once she retired, you know, the other girls were very close to each other, so I think that is the main reason. ANA IVANOVIC:嗯,Justin是一個我認為在女網有主宰能力的球員,她得了這麼多積 分。其他人跟她的分數有一段差距。當她退休,你知道的,其他球員跟彼此是很接近 ,所以我想這是主要的原因。 Q. And what are your thoughts as to whether it's good for the tour or not so good to have one person maybe have a longer stay at No. 1? 問:那妳覺得有一個長期世界第一對於賽事是好還是不好? ANA IVANOVIC: Uhm, I think for players it's great, because they know that they can beat anyone they play against. You know, they just go on the court and, you know, try to play the best they can. Everyone knows they have chances. You know, in everyone's career you have little slumps and you have little ups and downs. I think at the moment no one was, you know, probably consistent enough to be so dominant on position No. 1. But I think that's great for woman's tennis, and it makes us work hard, you know, try to use the chances we have, you know, try to make ourselves one of the ones that can be dominant at that position. ANA IVANOVIC:我想對於球員來說是很好的,因為他們知道他們可以打敗任何一個。你 知道的,他們來到球場,你知道的,試著想要打出他們最好的。每一個人都知道他們有 機會。 你知道的,在每個人的職業生涯妳會有低潮,而且妳也有起伏。我想在當下沒有一個球 員有做好足夠的準備來這麼的主宰於世界第一的位置。 但我想這對女子網球來說是好的,這讓我們更努力,你知道的,試著去抓住這樣的機會 ,你知道的,試著讓我們在這個位置時可以嘗試來主宰女網。 Q. You were No. 1 twelve months ago, and now you're ranked 12 in the world. How would you compare your game now to what it was a year ago? 問:妳在一年前是世界第一,而現在妳是世界第12。妳可以比較一下現在跟你一年前 的比賽嗎? ANA IVANOVIC: At the moment I think, you know, I feel better on the court than I feel then. You know, just like I said, I feel my game has improved and my serve has improved. I got much more speed on it and much more variety. I just felt like I needed some more matches to get match confidence. Yeah, I feel like I'm getting that back, too. So, yeah, I just -- I think my game is probably even better than it was. ANA IVANOVIC:在當下我想,你知道的,我覺得比那個時候要好。你知道的,就像我講 的,我覺得我的比賽,我的發球有進步。我發球比較好的速度,而且更有變化。我覺得 我需要一些比賽來提升我的信心。 是的,我也覺得我有漸漸在回來。所以,是的,我想我的比賽大概有比之前來 得好。 Q. So are you saying you're a better player now than you were when you were the world No. 1? 問:所以妳說現在比妳當時世界第一要打得好? ANA IVANOVIC: I think so. I feel like that. And I feel also much more experienced and much more mature in some way. I went through a lot over past year, you know, being No. 1, you know, having some disappointing losses and some tough times. I think that made me stronger and made me appreciate some things, you know, not take every match, you know, you win for granted, but just appreciate the hard work that was put in. ANA IVANOVIC:我希望,我想要那樣。我覺得有更多的經驗而且更成熟。我去年經歷 過世界第一,你知道的,輸了一些我非常失望的比賽也有一些非常硬的比賽(有嗎?) 。我想這讓我更堅強,而且讓我體會到一些事,你知道的,不是每場比賽,你知道的 ,就算妳贏了,妳要能體會你花了多少努力在這上面。 Q. Are you surprised how hard it was, how hard the struggle was, given how quickly you came up? 問:妳有驚訝到這有多難嗎?這樣的奮鬥有多難?妳花了多久才回復? ANA IVANOVIC: Can you repeat that, please? ANA IVANOVIC:可以請你再說一次嗎? Q. Are you surprised how difficult it was over the past year, given how much success you had early on? 問:妳有驚訝這一年有多困難嗎,這麼早就得到很多的成就而之後就馬上遇到挫敗? ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, it was very hard, because my career was going always sort of up. Every time I reached few Grand Slam finals, and then I won one. My ranking was always going up. Then once I reached position No. 1, it's like, Okay, what's next? So then, you know, when I had some setbacks, I sort of didn't know how to deal with it because there is no higher position than the No. 1, so obviously it's going to be setbacks and you're going to drop your ranking. You know, then some doubt creeped in, and that's something that I didn't really know how to deal with and I didn't feel comfortable with it. So I sort of start pulling back instead of just doing the same things I've been doing. You know, rankings were never my main concern. I always wanted to work for winning Grand Slams. So, you know, I just think a little bit gone away from what got me there, and, you know, now I feel like I'm back to basics and just, you know, working hard again on these things, and, you know, trying to feel comfortable out there again. ANA IVANOVIC:是的,這真的很難,因為我的我的職業生涯總是一直在上升。每一次我 進到大滿貫賽的決賽,然後我贏了一個。我的排名就上升。 然後當我達到世界第一,好了,下一個是什麼?然後,你知道的,當我開始經歷倒退, 我想我不知道如何去處理,因為沒有比世界第一更高了,所以顯然排名是會倒退遇上了 一些挫敗後 你知道的,然後開始有一些懷疑漸漸產生,而且有一些事情是我不知道該如何處理,而 且我的感覺也很不好。所以我開始鞭策我就只要做跟我以往同樣的事情就好。 你知道的,排名不是我主要關心的。我所想的是要為贏得大滿貫努力。所以,你知道的 我認為我有點遠離了,而且,你知道的,現在我覺得我回來,而且就,你知道的,再次 努力在這些事情上,而且,你知道的,試著讓自己在遇到這些事情的時候覺得舒服。 Q. Is there anything you can take from the male players in your game? 問:妳有從男子球員那裡得到一些東西嗎?(有啦,一定就是Federer嘛) ANA IVANOVIC: Yesterday I watched Federer play. Uhm, I think I can learn a lot from him, just the way he plays on the grass. I think grass is such a specific surface, and you really have to understand it to do well. And this is the first year that I feel, you know, I'm sort of starting to use grass for my advantage, and, you know, try to work it. Federer does that so good. So it was great to see that, and it give me encouragement that I'm actually in the right way. ANA IVANOVIC:昨天我有去看Federer的比賽(我就知道,大家也知道吧)。嗯。我想我 可以從他那裡學到不少,看他怎麼在草地球場上作戰。我想草地球場是個非常特別的 場地,而且妳必須真的了解它才能打得好。而且這是我第一年感到,你知道的,我開始 有在草地球場上的優勢,而且,你知道的,試著運用它。 Federer打得非常好。看他的比賽非常棒,而且也激勵我在正確的方向上努力。 Q. What are your thoughts in general about Roger Federer when you watch him play, knowing that he may be setting the record for all-time majors won? 問:當妳看Roger Federer的比賽時,妳整體的想法是什麼,對於這位大家都知道他有 可能可以創下贏得最多大滿貫單打的紀錄? ANA IVANOVIC: It looks so easy when he steps on the court. It looks so easy, doesn't it? And I think he's such a great champion. I mean, I was so thrilled for him when he won French Open. I actually had little tears in my eyes when he was doing the speech. And I think he deserves it so much. And he worked so hard. You know, he just goes out there, and when he steps on the court, you know, he's all about business. You know, it's so hard to get chance against him, especially on the grass, I think. ANA IVANOVIC:他在球場上的腳步看起來很容易,不是嗎?我認為他是這麼樣棒的一位 冠軍,我的意思是,在他贏下法國公開賽是這麼我很激動。事實上我還流下了一些眼淚 在頒獎典禮他的演說上。我想他是這麼的渴望這座冠軍。而他也非常的努力。 你知道的,他來到這裡,而且當他走進球場,你知道的,他是所有人的目標,你知道的 ,這是多麼難得的機會來面對到他,尤其是在草地上,我認為。 Q. Are there any specific things that you've changed in your play for the grass court? 問:妳有做什麼特別的事讓妳在草地球場上有了改變?, ANA IVANOVIC: I worked a little bit on consistency in my game and just being more patient. That's what I try, you know, to apply in my matches this week. It's been working well. So I just want to stick with that and, you know, try to realize, you know, I have to maybe hit few more shots in a rally, but I'm fine with it. ANA IVANOVIC:我在組織我的比賽上做了點改變,而且打得更有耐心。那是我嘗試運用 在這禮拜我的比賽上,你知道的。效果也不錯。我想要繼續保持下去,你知道的,試著 去理解,你知道的,或許我必須在來回上打更多扳,但我覺得那是好的。 好落落長的一個賽訪 = = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chaohsiu 來自: (06/28 12:48)

06/28 12:44, , 1F
那個 ...familiar face只是熟悉的面孔 ...應該不是家人?
06/28 12:44, 1F

06/28 12:45, , 2F
推落落長,我真的不喜歡英文的U KNOW
06/28 12:45, 2F

06/28 12:45, , 3F
06/28 12:45, 3F

06/28 12:46, , 4F
you know是語助詞啊 特別在講到卡住時愛用 至於很長喔....
06/28 12:46, 4F
※ 編輯: chaohsiu 來自: (06/28 12:50)

06/28 12:49, , 5F
只能說....開講永遠有更長的啊 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
06/28 12:49, 5F

06/28 15:33, , 6F
話說這麼落落長的賽訪拿到的稿費好像不到100 = =
06/28 15:33, 6F

06/28 17:55, , 7F
怎麼可能 看你怎麼做的啊? 我都直接貼上來 在ptt邊翻邊打字
06/28 17:55, 7F

06/28 17:55, , 8F
JJ的少則三四百 去年美網還好幾篇一千
06/28 17:55, 8F

06/28 18:37, , 9F
06/28 18:37, 9F

06/28 18:43, , 10F
看輸入法吧 注音跟無蝦米比較多 自然超少XDDD
06/28 18:43, 10F

06/28 19:03, , 11F
06/28 19:03, 11F

06/28 20:24, , 12F
06/28 20:24, 12F

06/28 20:25, , 13F
06/28 20:25, 13F

06/28 20:43, , 14F
06/28 20:43, 14F

06/28 20:47, , 15F
要錢多的話就打完一個字或詞就按enter 這樣會多一點 但還是
06/28 20:47, 15F

06/28 20:48, , 16F
06/28 20:48, 16F

06/28 20:54, , 17F
06/28 20:54, 17F

06/29 02:04, , 18F
06/29 02:04, 18F

06/29 07:02, , 19F
還好我上半年沒賭 不然受情感影響輸光XDDD
06/29 07:02, 19F

06/29 09:29, , 20F
06/29 09:29, 20F
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