
看板SRB-CRO作者 (熱血網球)時間15年前 (2009/01/26 21:29), 編輯推噓14(14019)
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將將將將!(熟悉的配樂之翻譯獨家懷念金曲) 賽版獨家的chj翻譯又來了~~ 昨天Nole就在大家的尖叫聲中如願的贏球了 而且我心臟壞掉有一部分應該是乃仁兄要給我負責 一直瘋狂的提醒我巴大叔有多恐怖 雖然中間有一度被暴躁小孩附身還摔拍 但最後正拍先生還是戰勝了暴躁小孩贏得了比賽 希望之後暴躁小孩出來玩耍的時間可以越來越少阿.... ======================看完Tsonga才回來翻譯分界線====================== Q. It's always difficult to play those late night matches. How much of a relief was it to get through and win that one? 當夜貓子打球很辛苦齁~打完贏球後有沒有一種放鬆的輕飄飄感? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's big relief. We've been waiting for a couple of hours for the women's match and warming up on and off. Really happy to get through in the fourth set. Nole: 超輕飄飄的阿~ 我們等超久的耶...暖身也是熱了又冷...冷了又熱的(燉很久XD) 實在很開心可以四盤把這場比賽結束.... (暴躁小孩不出來亂你三盤就可以了......貪心的翻譯XDD) It could really go either way. We had long rallies, even though the results doesn't show the real picture. We played really, really long match with the difficult rallies. Once he gets into the rhythm, he's one of the toughest opponents on this surface. 其實都很花時間啦....我們來回對打超久的....從比數上看不出有多辛苦 我們真的打超久的....但是一旦他進入狀況他就會變成地球表面上最難纏的對手 (巴大叔的威力真是遠近馳名....Nole竟然跟乃仁兄講一樣的話...) I was aware of that. He had the really slow start, but that was probably because of the fact we waited for a long match before us. 我超有警覺心的阿....他剛開始的很慢熱.....可能是因為等太久了吧 (我還一度怕他前面贏得太輕鬆會很輕敵....想不到這小孩每賣聰明麻~) Q. That was the toughest match so far. Do you feel you're improving with each match? 這應該是目前最艱困的一場比賽了.....你會覺得你每場比賽都在進步嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I do. I feel more confident the more wins I have under my belt. It's logical. I did have a slow start on the tournaments before Australian Open, but this was my priority. Nole: 黑阿....我覺得越贏就會越有自信而且更有把握! 我澳網之前都比較慢熱....但這是之前的賽事..... (你那哪叫慢熱阿.....根本就是亂打阿...扣扣輸...沒看到也要罵的翻譯XDD) I'm really happy that things are going well with the racquet as well. I'm feeling much better on the court mentally and physically and game?wise. Hopefully I can continue in the same way in the quarterfinals. 我真的很開心我跟我的拍子也處得很好...我覺得我心理上和生理上都感覺更好了 我希望我八強賽事可以繼續保持..... (接下來要上對超級好朋友之Andy一號....請把皮繃緊一點阿......) Q. These late nights are becoming something of a tradition at the Australian Open. What's your experience this year? 這種七晚八晚的賽程已經變成澳網的傳統之一了....你今年的體驗如何? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You have this unique excitement when you play the night matches. It's really fun. You know, you make the history by going into the 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. Nole: 只有夜間賽程才會有這種特別的興奮感....這真的很好玩耶 (我看你明明就很累齁.....還中間還一度像小孩一樣發脾氣XDD) 我們可以在凌晨兩點三點和四點的時候創造歷史... But, then on the other hand, I don't think that this really benefits a lot of people that we played that late. Hopefully in the future we can make some compromise. 但另一方面來說,打這麼晚對很多人來說不太方便..... 希望未來可以有些妥協.....(過凌晨三點發送早餐卷你覺得怎麼樣XDDD) Q. Did you and Marcos see and talk about how late the women's match was going when you were waiting? 在等上場的時候,你有跟笑起來很勾追的巴大叔討論那場打超久的女單嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: We had quite a lot fun before the match. In the locker room we were cheering that the match finishes a bit earlier, but it didn't. Nole: 我們比賽前有偷偷玩耍一下....還偷偷希望比賽可以早點結束...可惜沒有 (希望人家早點打完也敢講出來....還好你沒說希望誰快點輸..鬆一口氣的翻譯) It's all in the good way. 一切都很良好的進行 (不然你是希望....??) Q. What about in the quarterfinals? Andy hasn't had quite the time on the court that you have. Will that suit you? 那八強勒? 超級好朋友之Andy一號沒有像你在球場上花這麼多時間...體力可以相當嗎? (想不到記者竟然沒有問到翻譯自以為會猜到的考古題....你已為你不問我就不會罵你嗎?) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, depends. I don't think it's going to hurt me a lot physically that I had a long matches. Actually, I will try to use it in my favor. Nole: ㄟ...看情況啦...我不覺得打太久會消耗我太多的體力 事實上....我會試著把這當作我的優勢 (每賣麻~~~耐烤又耐熬.....真是送禮自用兩相宜! 但捨不得送人的翻譯XDD) Physically I feel good. I had very good preparational (sic) period of a couple of weeks during the off?season, and good matches in Sydney. 我覺得體力上還不賴阿....我賽前有好好的準備了兩個禮拜 而且在雪梨也有很好的比賽.... (先生...你確定嗎? 你不要以為我沒有看你就可以這樣呼嚨我喔.....疑心病很重的翻譯) So I feel physically very fit to play best?of?five every two days. I think I'm going to have enough time to recover and wait for the great on counter against Roddick. 所以我覺得體力上非常的不賴....兩天打一次五盤也不成問題阿... (好啦!一直強調...幫你放大畫螢光筆加紅線阿.....急忙去影印買螢光筆的翻譯) 我有足夠的時間去復原然後好好的在球場上和超級好朋友對戰! Q. When do you play, Tuesday or Wednesday? 你什麼時候打阿?禮拜三還是禮拜二? (記者你也太不專業了吧......不會自己去查賽程表阿? 遇到沒點的問題照罵的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know. You can get this information anywhere. Nole:我不知道耶....你可以去查一下阿.... (Nole好勾追喔....自己也搞不清楚......偏心偏很重的翻譯XDD) Q. I thought you know that's why I ask. 我想你應該是知道我為啥要問吧! NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No. Nole:阿災...... Q. Were you having problems your knee or some part of your leg? 你家的膝蓋先生或是小腿家族的成員們還好嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, actually, I had trouble with blisters this couple of the matches here in the Australian Open because I ?? it's a big heat, and I've changed a little the shoes. That's what usually happens in the start of the season when you don't play matches for a long time, for a month or two. Nole:ㄟ......其實我的腳這兩個禮拜慘遭水泡攻擊.....因為我實在被烤太久了... (蛤....烤太久了喔....生火生到一半要去滅火的翻譯...) 而且我還換了鞋子....其實在賽季開始被水泡攻擊是很平常的啦..... 只要一沒有長時間打球他就會來拜訪一下.... (那溫布頓明明就是賽季的中間.....他來拜訪個屁阿....攻擊水泡的翻譯) Then you start moving fast again and feeling the intensity of the official match, but it's nothing serious. 然後你開始快速移動並在賽場上感到緊張時....這就沒什麼大不了的了 -- ╭═╮ ╭═╮ ╮ ╭═╮ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ :暴躁小孩我要跟你切八段!!! (怒吼~~~) ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═╯ ───────╮ ╭─────── ╰ ╰ ╰═╯ ╰═ ╰═╯ 我是食指 │ │我也是食指 mental advantage 云鬼 ───────╯ ╰─────── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/26 21:36, , 1F
this surface指的是硬地吧?好翻譯
01/26 21:36, 1F

01/26 21:37, , 2F
01/26 21:37, 2F

01/26 23:24, , 3F
早餐券是個不錯的idea xDDDDDD 另外我現在才發現這個
01/26 23:24, 3F

01/26 23:24, , 4F
簽名檔耶 太酷了XDDD
01/26 23:24, 4F

01/26 23:34, , 5F
科科 我剛剛跟主板的人吵架呢因為剛好心情不好 現在講完
01/26 23:34, 5F

01/26 23:35, , 6F
好多了 XD 是說我一向是板上最不在意任何言論的人阿 XD
01/26 23:35, 6F

01/26 23:35, , 7F
一定是因為明明是過年但我卻窮的要死的關係 XD
01/26 23:35, 7F

01/26 23:42, , 8F
01/26 23:42, 8F

01/26 23:43, , 9F
01/26 23:43, 9F

01/26 23:43, , 10F
01/26 23:43, 10F

01/26 23:44, , 11F
太窮嗎?? 版主快發錢啦 momo大快暴走了 XDDD(我也要錢錢XD)
01/26 23:44, 11F

01/26 23:48, , 12F
不 我吵完又回復到whatever的狀態了 除了nole輸球任何事
01/26 23:48, 12F

01/26 23:48, , 13F
我都不會在意了 我指網球 XDD
01/26 23:48, 13F

01/26 23:49, , 14F
對啊 應該沒有到超級好朋友 XD
01/26 23:49, 14F

01/26 23:49, , 15F
板主有賭贏就會發啦XD 明天要是我不在忙煩好心人開liveXD
01/26 23:49, 15F

01/26 23:49, , 16F
窮還是很窮 真希望NOLE獎金分我一點 XD
01/26 23:49, 16F

01/26 23:50, , 17F
那我覺得現在只要平安就是福 XD
01/26 23:50, 17F

01/26 23:52, , 18F
01/26 23:52, 18F

01/26 23:53, , 19F
而且要一直是第四盤on fire的狀態喔
01/26 23:53, 19F

01/27 01:16, , 20F
01/27 01:16, 20F

01/27 01:16, , 21F
01/27 01:16, 21F

01/27 02:50, , 22F
01/27 02:50, 22F

01/27 02:50, , 23F
01/27 02:50, 23F

01/27 15:18, , 24F
01/27 15:18, 24F

01/27 15:19, , 25F
01/27 15:19, 25F

01/27 15:37, , 26F
01/27 15:37, 26F

01/27 15:37, , 27F
01/27 15:37, 27F

01/27 17:43, , 28F
01/27 17:43, 28F

01/27 18:50, , 29F
那種招牌? 我是宅女? XDD
01/27 18:50, 29F

01/27 18:53, , 30F
不是"不好笑不要錢"嗎? 今天yitta找我翻nole賽訪 我想的是
01/27 18:53, 30F

01/27 18:54, , 31F
01/27 18:54, 31F

01/27 22:08, , 32F
01/27 22:08, 32F

01/27 22:08, , 33F
01/27 22:08, 33F
文章代碼(AID): #19VRgkqy (SRB-CRO)