
看板SRB-CRO作者 (熱血網球)時間15年前 (2009/01/24 19:14), 編輯推噓8(8011)
留言19則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來來來....大家每人發一條手帕 我知道大家看到我終於回家了一定感動得泣不成聲 但以後我可能浮出海面的時間越來越少了 我會在光陰的故事完結篇後抽空上來看大家XDDD 請大家務必樓上揪樓下....阿巴揪阿媽....一起把握難能可貴的時刻 ====================抽號碼牌領手帕進場看翻譯來領分界線====================== Q. Is that the sort of third round match that you needed? 你是不是需要接受一下像第三盤這種"烤"驗勒? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I think so. I need some matches like this to feel really what is Grand Slam all about, you know. It's about those long four?, five?set matches on the heat like this. Nole: 黑阿..我是蠻需要被烤一下來體會什麼叫做大滿貫...熱到爆炸的四盤或五盤大戰 (一回來就要忙著翻譯還要翻面和生火的翻譯....) I didn't really plan to be that long on the court, of course. You always want to finish the job as soon as possible. As I said, the positive thing is that I got more time out there, and looking forward to the upcoming match. 其實我也沒有打算要烤這麼久啦....(這麼久沒見還是這麼老實阿...) 因為我們總是希望能速戰速決....但是往好處想就是多烤一點才能面對接下來的烤驗 (三分熟就好....我難得回來看你請不要烤太久....謝謝!) Q. We just spoke to Delic about the trouble outside. What are your thoughts on what happened? 我們剛剛才在跟Delic講到外面的一些麻煩...你知道發生啥事嗎? (什麼事什麼事阿?? 探頭探腦也很好奇的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, look, I tried not to keep my attention on that. This is something that we cannot effect on. We can, as players, try to ask them to be a little bit less ?? a little bit quiet during the point. Nole:ㄟ...我有試著忽略它啦...我們作為選手的就是不能被影響並試著要求他們安靜一點 (講了一個半天我還是不知道事啥事....你在處罰我工作爆炸不能看比賽嗎?) But, you know, it's really uncontrollable from our side. We give our authorities to deal with that if they're exaggerating. You have to understand them in some point, because people don't get many chances to see their professional athletes from their countries. 但是我們這邊真的超不舒服的.....如果他們太誇張也是會被制止的 我們要體諒人家沒啥機會在那裡看自己國家球員..... (怎麼聽起來很像是說人家沒啥機會打到大滿貫阿...= =a 你說完這話身上沒被砍兩刀怎麼活著走出去的阿.....很愛誤解Nole的翻譯) This is probably the only opportunity they can see them, and they support them. This is something that makes Australian Open different, I think, from the other Grand Slams, is that nationalities. Groups are coming to support their players. 這可能是他們唯一可以看到他的機會了...所以就跑來支持他...讓澳網變得很斯盃秀 我想其他大滿貫也都會有很多國家的球迷來替球員加油... (越講越覺得你應該要被砍兩刀XDDD) Q. When it becomes violent to the point it did, what would you say to the fans that were involved? 對於那些暴力行為你有什麼話想對他們說.... (小心有坑!! 默默跑去插警告標語的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Look, as I said, I can't do much. I'm on the court. I have to keep my focus on the tennis, because I need to win the match. As I said, authorities are there, chair umpires, referees, the people, security. If they think that they're overreacting or somebody is complaining about them, then it's different and they can do something about it. Nole: 我就說我不能做啥啦..我在打球耶...我必須要專注在網球上因為我想贏 (很好...想贏就對了...加油阿!! 搖旗吶喊的翻譯) 我就說了...專業的在那邊...主審..裁判..保全.. 如果他們覺得這些人太超過了或是有人抱怨的話....可能就可以做些什麼吧 (很好!雖然沒有輕盈的跳過這個坑....但講了半天等於沒講也是一個招阿!) Q. Delic said he asked his supporters to keep it quiet and nice on his website. Would you look at doing something like that as well? Delic說他會要求他的粉絲安靜一點並在網站上做人好一點.... 你也會這樣要求你的粉絲嗎? (我們哪這麼被動阿....都麻自己來....自己做好好...自己乖乖的...超乖巧的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Look, I'm trying to play my best tennis on the court. This is why I'm here. If I start to lose my energy on these things, I'm going to lose my focus as well. Nole: 我盡我所能的去比賽...這就是我能在這裡被烤的原因 如果我因此失去活力在賽事上...我也就無法專心在這裡被烤了 I agree and it's very nice for him for doing that, you know, so he can have a fair encounter with his opponent, which is obviously not annoyed by the fact that the people who are supporting them, they're not exaggerating. Look, I'm not thinking about that. As I said, it not on me. 我很認同他會這樣告知他的粉絲....這樣他才能跟對手有個公平的競賽 而且不會被那些支持他的球迷太誇張的打擾比賽..... 但我沒有想這麼多...這不是我... (我們頂多只會追殺你把日記交出來而已....超溫馴的阿..跑去藏刀的翻譯) Q. The atmosphere on court seemed to be much better towards each other. The fans were enthusiastic, but not out of control. I assume you had to walk a fine line between wanting people to cheer for and you feed you a little bit of their energy. 球場上看起來彼此氣氛美賣耶....粉絲都很熱情但沒有失控.... 我想你應該走去人群裡面感受一下.... NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You're exactly right. I don't think things got out of control today. I think actually we had a nice match. It was really enjoyable to play and enjoyable to watch. The crowd enjoyed it. The fans were all right. Nole: 你說得對極了! 我也不覺得今天有什麼失控阿.... (那你前面講那一大堆是什麼鬼......) 我覺得我們打了一場好比賽.......看得很享受...打得很享受..大家都很享受! There were some points when they, you know, start cheering between the serves or during the point, but very rare. I was very happy with the way the Serbs and Bosnians were cheering, you know, reacting on everything. Nole: 有時他們會開始瘋狂的歡呼....但其實不多 我高興塞爾維亞人和波士尼亞的人在歡呼.....而且沉浸在比賽中 So I mean, we have big respect for each other, Amer and myself. We know each other for a long time. He's a great guy. Sportsmanship is something which is a part of us. 所以我們對彼此都很尊重.....我們認識彼此有一段時間了 (你怎麼感覺誰都剛好你認識阿.......翻過很多次這種話的翻譯) 他是個美賣的人阿.....我們都超有運動家精神的啦.... Look, we are friends off the court. Why we shouldn't keep that on the court? Of course, we are rivals, so we have to put that aside when we're playing against each other.     我們是私底下好朋友....為什麼球場上不行勒?     當然啦我們在球場上是對手....廝殺的時候是要先把這個放在旁邊 Q. There was allegations of a chair being thrown, and there was a scuffle outside. About twenty Serbs and Croats. Does that disappoint that you, fans of yours are involved in that? 有傳言說外面也在廝殺還丟椅子耶.....大約20個塞爾維亞人和克羅埃西亞人吧 你會覺得很失望因為你的粉司也在裡面嗎? (慘了...塞克版自己打自己耶..差點被椅子丟到的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, look, I'm going to repeat it again: We have no control over that. I am happy when I see that I have my own group of fans that are supporting me in a fair way, of course, not provoking my opponent and everything is going in a sportsmanship way. Nole:ㄟ....我要再講一次:我們根本控制不了他們阿!(無奈狀) 我很開心我能有自己的粉絲用正常的方式在支持我 而且我也沒有挑釁我的對手....我們是很有運動家風度的比賽耶... (媽押...這東西也講太久了吧...好啦我知道你很乖巧的在那裡被烤) It's fine with me. I didn't know about this encounter whatever they had outside of the courts. But, you know, I have no comment about that. 我是還好啦...我不太知道外面是怎樣...但我不予治評... Q. Would you ask them to tone it down? 你有叫他們小聲一點嗎? (還在問? 我翻很多題一樣的東西了耶! 剛回來脾氣不太好的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Look, I've said enough. Please, let's change the subject. Nole: 我講夠多啦...換一下別題吧... (這記者真是太不認真了....) Q. What do you think was the difference out there today? 你覺得今天有哪裡不一樣勒? (我怎麼覺得沒有換阿?) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think it was focus. I knew I had to stay with him all the way until the end. The way he started serving was just annoying, really. He was serving really well. He had the high percentage of the first serves, a lot of aces, especially aces in the fourth set when I thought he was going to drop his first serve a little bit, but he didn't. Nole:我覺得是專注力耶....我一定要全程專注到最後啦 他剛開始打得時候真的有點吵...(阿剛剛不是有人說大家都很享受....= =") 他打得很好...他一發整個很美賣...有很多aces 尤其是第四盤一發.....我還想說他有打算要放鬆一下...結果還是打得很不賴 I stayed all the way through the end and I looked for my chances in the tiebreak. 我撐到最後而且抓緊我在搶七的好機會.... (希望我接下來看比賽你也可以這麼乖巧阿.....聽得很開心的翻譯) Q. He had a lot of chances on your serve. I think he only took one of them. Was that more your good play? 他其實有很多機會破發但只有成功一次......你的贏球小撇步是什麼? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think I served well in the important moments and set points and breakpoints. Okay, I was a little bit fortunate as well. Some net calls. Nole: 我覺得我在關鍵時刻打的很好阿..... 好啦....我承認我也有點小幸運....有些過網即墜的球.... (哈哈哈....自己臭屁完還知道要不好意思喔.....) Luck is a part of the sport. Sometimes you need it to overcome the tough matches like that. 運氣也是運動的一部分耶....有時候就是需要這種小東西來贏得比賽 Q. Did you learn anything at the US Open last year before the Roddick match with all the nonsense and after the Roddick match? Do you do anything in terms of trying to stay calm? 你上次在美網跟Roddick有學到什麼教訓嗎?上次群眾也很吵...你做了什麼讓自己冷靜下來 (記者整個很貼心的問了一個翻譯有參與到的考古題...) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yeah, exactly. I mean, we're here to play some tennis. Of course, there are some moments in our careers when the emotions are, you know, too big. Then you react the way you shouldn't and you don't think rationally, which sometimes happens. But we learn from our mistakes. Nole: ㄟ...有啦! 我們比賽的時候難免有時情緒會過於機動 如果你做了什麼你不該有的反應是不太理性的....我們是可從錯誤中學習的阿 (孩子...你長大了我好感動阿....也很需要手帕的翻譯) I think it was a very specific situation I had in US Open, but it's a good lesson for me. I look at it as the past, and now I just focus myself on the future and try to improve as a person and as a player. 我想在美網是很特別的狀況....但這對我來說是很大的一課 我當這一切都過去了.....我現在專注在自己身上並試著改善 Q. Is adapting to this racquet any different from adapting to any racquet in the past? 現在適應新球拍和以前適應新球拍有啥不同 (我連他換球拍都是等他輸了才知道耶.....超可憐的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's quite different. I have changed racquets in past, but when I was a junior. The level of play is really ?? it's different from a professional level. Nole: 這真的不太一樣....我兒童時期也是有換過球拍啦 因為專業用的真的不太一樣 As the third player of the world, of course the defending champion here, it was a pretty risky move. But I already decided to do that, so I take the responsibility and I just move on. 但現在身為世界第三而且還要尋求衛冕....換球拍好像有點冒險 但我已經決定用人家就要負責到底.....(以後老婆不要亂換就好XDD) I think I found a good rhythm and good feel with the racquet. Hopefully it's going to stay that way. 而且我發現我跟這球拍找到很好的節奏和感覺....希望可以一直下去 (我怎麼覺得他一始亂終棄換東西就會開始衰....那球鞋也是....) Q. The ball was out by so little. What did you see? You didn't see it out, in, you just took a chance? 那球只是出界這麼一點點耶....你有看到嗎?還是你只是賭賭看? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I just took a chance. Maybe I looked confident by taking the towel and whatever. I just focused on upcoming points. But it was really pure luck. Nole: 我真的只是在賭個運氣....可能我看起來很有信心的去拿毛巾... 但我只是專注在接下來的比數上....真是運氣運氣啦! Q. You feel your game is where you want it to be, or do you still need to improve a lot of things at this time? 你覺得這是你要的比賽還是有其他需要改進的地方? (這記者的問題很沒點耶......太有點又嫌人家八卦的挑剔翻譯XD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, you're always improving. I can't play perfect tennis. It's normal to have ups and downs during the tournament and during the matches. I've played, I think, the best tournament of my life here last year, which helps me out for this year. Nole: ㄟ..........就一直在進步阿....哪有可能到完美...比賽總是有起伏的麻 我想我人生打最好的就是去年澳網了....幫助了我整年的賽季 (千萬不要這麼說!以後還會更好啦.....) You know, I feel comfortable very much playing on the center court. I could prove that by today's match and two days ago. Just confident. You know, winning the matches giving you more confidence and self?belief. 我在中央球場打球感覺整個很蘇湖~~~~(需要失傳已久的大明星眼鏡嗎?) 贏球真的可以讓你更有信心並更相信自己! Q. A lot of players like to play when they feel like it's them against the world. You seem to be a player who plays best when you feel like you have a lot of positive support behind you. Do you feel like you're lacking a bit of that at the moment? 你看起來似乎是個需要正面力量支持你的選手.....你會覺得你缺少正面力量嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I don't think I lack any positive energy. I have always motivation to play and to win the tournaments. I mean, look, the bottom line is that I love tennis. I play it because I love playing this sport. (後...哪來這麼多沒點的問題阿.......沒點到我都不想翻了...暴躁依舊的翻譯) Nole: 不會阿.....我總是很積極的想去贏得每一場比賽 我會打網球是因為我熱愛著這個運動阿 I'm only 21. I did go through a lot of great matches and a lot of great tournaments. Hopefully if I stay healthy enough I will have a long career. 我才21歲.....我打過很多場很好的球賽 我希望我可以有很好的健康擁有很長的職業生涯.... ========================修復完成後的分界線============================= 話說翻譯剛剛又差點發生了之前在豆版翻譯全失的慘劇 經過雪克大人解釋超久還差點誤導我的指點 我終於找到傳說中的暫存區 我那天本來為了舊愛Safin的最後一場奔回家浮出海面但最後還是去爆炸了 希望可以等到豆豆龍大戰來好好的熱血一下網球阿~~~ -- ╭═╮ ╭═╮ ╮ ╭═╮ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ :暴躁小孩我要跟你切八段!!! (怒吼~~~) ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═╯ ───────╮ ╭─────── ╰ ╰ ╰═╯ ╰═ ╰═╯ 我是食指 │ │我也是食指 mental advantage 云鬼 ───────╯ ╰─────── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/24 19:22, , 1F
未看先推 開頭就很好笑了XD
01/24 19:22, 1F

01/24 20:05, , 2F
01/24 20:05, 2F

01/24 20:19, , 3F
(遞手帕)XDDDDDDD 這個翻譯也兼太多工作了吧XD
01/24 20:19, 3F

01/24 20:42, , 4F
這麼無聊的賽訪都被你翻的這麼搞笑 XDD
01/24 20:42, 4F

01/24 20:46, , 5F
01/24 20:46, 5F

01/24 21:16, , 6F
01/24 21:16, 6F

01/24 21:38, , 7F
01/24 21:38, 7F

01/24 21:58, , 8F
我怎麼覺得有人偷偷在很得意 tz tz tz
01/24 21:58, 8F

01/24 22:02, , 9F
感動感動...像我就被他囧到不想翻譯 哈哈哈
01/24 22:02, 9F

01/24 22:13, , 10F
我才覺得有人想藉此不想翻譯勒.....tz tz tz
01/24 22:13, 10F

01/24 22:20, , 11F
因為有人說很想念你的翻譯阿 tz tz tz
01/24 22:20, 11F

01/24 22:59, , 12F
01/24 22:59, 12F

01/24 23:20, , 13F
01/24 23:20, 13F

01/24 23:21, , 14F
01/24 23:21, 14F

01/24 23:21, , 15F
01/24 23:21, 15F

01/24 23:21, , 16F
01/24 23:21, 16F

01/24 23:34, , 17F
01/24 23:34, 17F

01/24 23:34, , 18F
01/24 23:34, 18F

01/24 23:40, , 19F
01/24 23:40, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #19UlWB6Q (SRB-CRO)