[新聞] Novak's Diary - 20080909(in New York)

看板SRB-CRO作者 (シンジラレナイ!!)時間16年前 (2008/09/11 23:33), 編輯推噓13(1309)
留言22則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Novak's Diary no.13 20080909 (in NY) People around me always remind me to write diaries for the site. I know, I have to do something about this bad habit of mine -> not writing it more often. I’m working on it! ;) 大家都一直叫我要來寫日記,好啦好啦我知道我偷懶的壞習慣要改掉,現 在不就來寫了嗎(裝笑臉)。 I haven’t been writing for a long time, so it’s hard to decide where to start from. 可是因為太久沒寫了,所以不知道怎麼開頭耶。 You probably already know how I played, behaved, with who and when I play, so I’m gonna talk about different topics. 我打球的過程和對手你們應該都很清楚了吧,所以我決定來點不一樣的。 Toronto tournament was really well organised, they treated me like a champion, and I want to thank the tournament director and others from organisation team for that. 加拿大名人賽對我很好耶,他們把我像冠軍一樣看待,所以我要感謝這個賽 事的主席和各項工作人員。 Many Serbs that live in Canada were in the stands, just like last year in Montreal, so I felt like I was playing at home! I could have done better on court, but life went on, so did preparations for Cincinnati! 很多塞爾維亞人住在加拿大,所以在那邊打球的時候就像我有主場優勢, 去年的蒙特婁賽也是如此。不過世事多變化,所以只好為辛辛那提繼續準 備。(備註:去年在加拿大奪冠的Nole今年於八強止步,以3-6 6-7(3) 輸給A.Murray。) The tournament takes place in Mason (Cincinnati suburb). To be honest, it’s not the most interesting place in the world. Besides tennis courts that are burning from the extremely hot weather, there is amusement park with crazy roller coasters, cinema, few restaurants next to our hotel ‘Marriott’ and several beautiful golf courts for relaxation. I’m sorry if I insulted anyone, but those are the facts. Good thing is that you have a car during the tournament, and if you want you can always go to New York! :) 辛辛那提在一個叫做Mason的地方舉行,靠近當地的郊區。老實說啦,這個 地方不是個太好玩的地方,除了網球場之外,就只有熱死人不償命的天氣, 然後有一個遊樂園,瘋狂的雲霄飛車,電影院,幾間餐廳和好多漂亮的高 爾夫球場。(聽起來不會不好玩阿?奇怪了...),如果我有冒犯到誰真的很 抱歉,但這就是事實,如果你在比賽期間有車的話會好一點,不然就是去 紐約比較好玩!(笑) OLYMPIC GAMES! 談奧運吧! That’s the subject we could write and talk about, dream about for our whole life.I was privileged to take part in the most important, the most prestigious sports event… You get emotionally fulfilled already at the thought of the history of the event. When I was going to Beijing, I didn’t know what to expect, cause I’ve never been a part of the Olympics. There’s also a certain difference in organisation, the tennis Olympic tournament is part of ITF, and most of the tournaments we play during season are ATP! 這是我可以寫和說比較多的,關於我的夢想和生活。我真的何其有幸可以打 奧運,這個有如聖殿的比賽。如果你知道它的歷史就會被它感動,當我剛到 北京的時候,其實我不知道該何去何從,因為我沒有打過奧運,這經驗也和 大多數我們打ATP賽事不同,因為奧運是隸屬於ITF之下的比賽。 We could see that everything was in service of the Olympics, at the airport, in the city, and ofcourse in the Olympic village. Acreditation was one of the most important things you had to take care of. Without it you couldn’t go anywhere, not even enter China (it was like a visa!). It is risky for those who lose their things, because the procedure of getting the new one could take very long. There were around 15.000 people in the village, so it was very hard to organise everything. But my opinion is that the organisation was perfect! 奧運有很多相當好的服務,機場、北京城市裡,或是在選手村。當然啦,你要 有識別証否則你哪裡也去不了,而且識別證可以當作簽證用,所以沒有它連海 關都進不去了。 如果搞掉了它就是一件麻煩事,聽說重新辦理要花很長的時間。選手村的辦事 員大約有一萬五千人,辦什麼都很麻煩,但我想這個團隊還是非常完美的。 There were numerous blocks of flats, I’m not sure on what basis we were placed… We shared our block with Macedonia and Angola, across our block, there were Slovenians and Bosnians, Croatians were a bit more far. There was a long street along the village, with busses ready to take you to any part of it. It was not hard to go through the village on foot, because everything was relatively near. The most visited place there was canteen. There was always a huge number of sportsmen all day long, enjoying the variety of meals offered… from Mediteranian food, Asian… to McDonald’s! :) 選手村裡面有很多區,我有點搞不清楚這怎麼分配的,不過我們和馬其頓 還有安哥拉的選手住在一區,另外一邊是斯洛維尼亞和波士尼亞,克羅埃 西亞住得有點遠耶。 裡面有一條長長的大街可以辦理很多事務,其實用走的穿梭在其中就可以 啦,每個地方不是很遠,最常去的當然就是餐廳,很多球員在那邊可以待 上一整天,被食物黏住了。有地中海區的食物,亞洲食物,當然有麥當勞 。(再笑) I’m sorry we weren’t more successful in winning medals. I think we had enough quality to hope for some more medals for Serbia. Anyhow, the next Olympic Games may be more successful, but only if the state and the Olympic Committee take it seriously, realise the potential of our sportsmen, and give them support. It all depends on organisation, on intercession of some institutions, and ofcourse on the sportsmen. 對塞爾維亞來說,我們沒有替國家爭取到太多獎牌,我想我們是有資格預 期更多成績的。不管如何,希望下次奧運可以更加成功。不過這也要奧委 會重視這件事情,並且深入了解我們國家運動員的情況等等,這很多事情 是決定運動員身上,但也決定在奧會身上的。 The feeling when you enter the stadium during the opening ceremony is irreplaceable. The Olympics are the dream of every sportsman! 參加開幕式的時候的感覺無可取代,因為那是每個奧運參賽球員的夢想。 The weather was unusual. During first few days, we couldn’t see the SKY! Yes, you read it well. Because of all the smog and gases the only colour we could see was GREY! One day the humidity was 87%! It tells you how hard it was to compete in those conditions… forget about the weather and other stuff, I’m taking only the most beautiful memories from Beijing. I didn’t have time for sightseeing, but to be honest I wasn’t even thinking about it, during those ten days I spent there, I wanted only to achieve the best possible result, and to experience charms of the Olympics and the Olympic village. 天氣的情況倒是無法預測,第一天我竟然看不到天空!你沒有看錯我說 的,因為充滿著霧氣,天空是「灰灰灰灰灰灰灰色」的! (嗯,我看到天空和Nole是同一個唷,真的超級無敵霹靂灰,我可以作證XD) 有一天的溼度甚至高達87%,這些情況應該可以讓你們了解要調整狀況有 多困難了。不要管天氣和其他事情,我唯一帶走美麗的東西叫做回憶。 我沒有時間去觀光,甚至十天內根本沒有思考這件事情,因為我要盡全 力去達到自己好成績,而且去感受到了奧運和村子裡的美妙感覺。 I could write you about all the details all day long, but I don’t want to go too much into that, because I don’t want to be misunderstood! :) 其實我可以說更多更多,但我想還是不要太多嘴好了,我怕會被 誤解。(乾笑) (所以是美網戰後症候群嗎XD) The Monday came, and we left for New York… 後來時間一到,我就飛去紐約啦。 It was difficult for me to leave the place, the experience I will gladly remember throughout my whole life. What I regret most is that I missed going to follow other sports. I wanted to watch athletics and swimming, because I associate those two sports with the word Olympics. Unfortunately, I had no time for that. 要離開這個我累積了生命中很重要的的回憶的地方,的確是很令人 不捨。我最遺憾的就是沒有辦法去多看看其他項目,最想看的是田 徑和游泳,因為一直認為這兩項是奧運的代名詞,但可惜的我沒有 時間做到。 I will try to be healthy and successful four years from now , so I could book quota to take part once again in the Olympics. It’s still early to say, but my wish is that also my younger brother Marko takes part in London 2012! :) Maybe Djordje too (if he makes huge progress) :) Ha, ha, ha! 我現在的目標就是要養好四年內的身體,要實現四年後繼續打奧運的 願望。雖然現在說有點太早啦,但是希望我弟Marko四年後也可以一 起打奧運,那小弟Djordje也可以嗎?哈哈哈(如果他有驚人突破的話...) In the next diary I will write you about my stay in New York! 下一次的日記我會寫有關美網的事情啦! (本人強烈懷疑下一次在哪XD) Sincerely yours, 就這樣啦,掰。 Novak. 火龍果 -- ╭──────╥─────────╥─────────╮ │██████║ ╭╮╭╮ ╭ ╭╮ ╭╮ ┐┌╮┌─ │ │██████║ ││││ │ ├╯ Ψ ├┤ │││├─ │██████║ ┘┘╰╯ ╰┘ ┘┘ ╯└╯└─ ╰──────╨─────────╨─────ψwop875 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/11 23:36, , 1F
09/11 23:36, 1F

09/11 23:37, , 2F
感謝翻譯!!! Nole Mediterranean是不是拼錯啊XD
09/11 23:37, 2F

09/11 23:38, , 3F
哈哈 推推推 為什麼大家翻譯筆下的NOLE都如此可愛呢
09/11 23:38, 3F

09/11 23:38, , 4F
09/11 23:38, 4F

09/11 23:39, , 5F
09/11 23:39, 5F

09/11 23:40, , 6F
09/11 23:40, 6F

09/11 23:40, , 7F
09/11 23:40, 7F

09/11 23:44, , 8F
而且NOLE是個city boy,喜歡大城市厚
09/11 23:44, 8F

09/11 23:58, , 9F
推推推 灰灰灰灰 好好笑 XDDDDDDD 感恩感恩:P
09/11 23:58, 9F

09/12 00:02, , 10F
09/12 00:02, 10F

09/12 15:33, , 11F
笑臉還有分好多種XDD 還乾笑XDDDDDDDD
09/12 15:33, 11F

09/12 17:17, , 12F
火龍果的文法像樣多了 不像我家豆豆..(轉頭瞪)
09/12 17:17, 12F

09/12 18:23, , 13F
因為西文其實也很強勢 很多西班牙人大概不太會去學
09/12 18:23, 13F

09/12 18:23, , 14F
但NOLE不得不學啊 不然沒人跟他講話 哈哈
09/12 18:23, 14F

09/12 18:25, , 15F

09/12 18:25, , 16F
09/12 18:25, 16F

09/12 19:53, , 17F
Troicki女友是哪一個阿 看不清楚 囧
09/12 19:53, 17F

09/12 20:14, , 18F
09/12 20:14, 18F

09/12 20:34, , 19F
這張照片連troicki在哪我都不知道了 XD
09/12 20:34, 19F

09/12 20:35, , 20F
可能只是報紙提到 但照片應該沒有他們 XXDD
09/12 20:35, 20F

09/12 23:21, , 21F
09/12 23:21, 21F

09/13 01:17, , 22F
09/13 01:17, 22F
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