[新聞] Nole進美網十六強專訪

看板SRB-CRO作者 (熱血網球)時間16年前 (2008/09/02 00:13), 編輯推噓13(1306)
留言19則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
沒錯..是我.. 將!將!將! 又到了我愛翻譯翻譯愛我的時間拉... (配樂外加偷塞克的梗偷得很順手~~~) 雖然翻譯總是翻得哀哀叫 但進入十六強了...我希望我能再翻到四篇(祈禱) 至於及時翻譯高手的一百張灑錢賭票...翻譯先在這裡謝過啦 P.S.還好翻譯沒那個能力開賭盤...不然選項就會變成.. 1.雙贏 2.Nole和JJ一起贏2.賭JJ輸會變窮光蛋 3.賭Nole輸會變暴躁小孩 6.賽版功德箱 7.翻譯文功德箱(請投遞翻譯小幫手之Nole專訪翻譯文) ===========================我是偷梗來翻譯的分界線============================= Q. He proved to be a very, very difficult opponent; how tough of a match was it out there? 他真的是一個超超超超難纏的對手(記者很入戲XDD) 來講一下這場比賽有多艱難?? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Very tough. I mean, you could see by the result and by the time we spent on the court, in general I was really trying to stay in the match all the time, because even though I lost that first set, which was crucial, I think if I got that first set under my belt, it would be maybe easier in some way, but the good thing about that second set, is that I stayed really focused. Whenever I needed to serve it out, he was stepping in, really, and he surprised me there. Nole說: 超難的啦! (沒辦法看比賽只好賽後幫擦汗的翻譯XD) 你看比數和我們在場上花的時間就知道.......... 通常來說...我希望能全神灌注在比賽上 (沒錯!不要被暴躁小孩附身!!但我看推文你似乎跟他玩得很開心= =") 雖然我丟了超關鍵的第一盤 但我還在幻想如果能夠一盤在手...贏得比賽可能會比較容易.. 還好第二盤我整個好轉啦...我真的超專心的! (看推文你到這之前都表現得很OK...等暴躁小孩出場我要巴你頭!蓄勢待發的翻譯) 不管什麼時候...我必須要全力以赴... 因為他整個很有侵略性...真的...他在這方面有嚇到我 (請完暴躁小孩退駕還要幫忙收驚.....整個忙碌的翻譯XD) Obviously he didn't have much to lose as a youngster, and he's on the road. He won New Haven and he won a couple matches here, and he was on the Center Court for the first time, if I'm not mistaken, and so he was really stepping in and I played a bit too defensive. I was waiting for his mistakes, and I was wrong. 很明顯的...人家年輕有為整個沒在怕的...而且正強耶... 他在這裡贏得了New Haven和一些比賽.... 如果我沒記錯的話......這是他第一次在中央球場出賽 所以他整個很帶種的在打....而我卻打得有點保守 我只是等人家失誤真是失算阿!!(抱頭懊惱ing..) (為什麼你會隨身攜帶老實丸勒..這也要跟人家講..手伸出來!狂沒收老實玩的翻譯XD) Q. Is it, in a way at this stage, is it good to have a match ?? obviously it wears your body out but is it good to have a match like this? 在這個階段經歷這種比賽是好事嗎??(贏了就是好事XDD) 很明顯的..這讓你筋疲力盡...但有一場像這樣的比賽不是很棒嗎? (想不到記者也會學翻譯自問自答....那你幹麻問這題害我還要翻...又開始昏的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Last year I had a match against Stepanek which was really extremely difficult, one of the toughest in my career. I reached the finals, so it could be the same this year, hopefully, I mean. But it's always good to have in the early stages long matches, a little hustle, you know, struggle on the tennis court, so now I'm motivated to get far. Nole說: 去年我對上Stepanek也是超難纏的阿.... 大概是我生涯難纏指數前幾名的比賽之一.... 但我最後進了決賽耶!(這樣也開心...) 所以今年也可以一樣....(把這當成好兆頭了XDDD) 在前面的階段來一場這種比賽實在很棒... 打起來有點吃緊的這種... 在球場上奮鬥讓我更有動力走更遠去見豆豆啦(又亂翻的翻譯XDDD) Q. You had so many rallies that were 20 shots or more, and they could have gone either way. What, in your opinion, why did you triumph in the end? 你們超多這種超過20球的瘋狂來回對打...兩邊都有機會得分... 你是怎麼得到最後的那一分勒??? (真的嗎?想不到我們家Nole這個棒阿.....沒辦法看比賽只好狂摸頭當獎勵的翻譯XD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, little experience here and there, but I think it was more -- it was more just the fight and just the focus I had in the end in that crucial fourth set tiebreak. I think I managed to get myself together after that two match points, you know, he saved, and he was 6-5 up, he won that first point, won 6-5 on my serve. I didn't feel good in that moment, that's for sure. Nole說:ㄟ....就一些有的沒有的經驗.... 但我想只是蠻牛給的鬥志和我真的很專心到最後... 尤其是關鍵第四盤的搶七...... (頭一盤輸了果然是讓你專心最棒的鐵鎚XDDD Nole:我好醒阿!!) 因為我一直想到第一盤6-5的兩分 感覺真的超不開心的啦...... (什麼??我不是把你老實丸都沒收光了怎麼還有阿??開始有正當理由搜身的翻譯XD) As I said, I was mentally strong. So for me, this match is extremely important mentally to continue on going. 但就像我說的..我心臟真的超大顆的... 所以對我而言...這個比賽對於心臟是超棒的鍛鍊啦... (Nole的心臟:我剛上完健身房....我想變猛男...) Q. Is that mental strength, is that something you feel as if it's something you always had, or does the success you had here last year and in Australia this year, does that... 請問一嚇強壯的心臟是你本來就有的.... 還是美網進了決賽之後又拿到澳網才鍛鍊完成的....還是...?? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I always kind of managed to get through those tough matches. You know, I lost some and but I won more. Even in the juniors, I was managing to play the best tennis when I needed to play. Nole說:ㄟ....我總是希望能盡力度過這些艱難的比賽... 我有些輸了但贏的比較多..... 即使是我兒童時期.... 當我需要比賽的時候我總是盡力做到最好.... (所以你是很不要臉的說你的心臟天生就很壯嗎? 剛剛搜身不確實我要再搜一次XDDD) You know, this is very, very good thing and very encouraging for me for the future, you know. Bottom line is that everybody's playing great tennis, physically they are very fit, but if you're mentally able to play the best tennis in the most important moments, then you're different in the others. 我現在這顆強壯的心臟鼓舞著我迎接未來的比賽... (想不到心臟練身體是為了當啦啦隊...遞彩球的翻譯XDD) 大家打球的基本底限就是生理上的最佳狀態... 但如果連心臟都能撐過關鍵時刻....你就會跟別人不一樣... (你是想說自己與眾不同就對了...老實丸藥效還沒退齁...) Q. Do you feel old at 21 when you have all these teenagers... 當你看到這堆肖連郎...你會不會覺得自己21已經有點老了...(去年還被叫小將耶...) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: What I have been through in all these years, yes, I do feel a little old, like I played tennis all my life, but, no, it's good for the sport to see new teenagers and rising stars coming up, couple of really tall guys, Cilic and Del Potro and Nishikori. They're all top 10 players. I'm sure we're going to see them in the future. Nole說: 我這幾年經歷的這些的確讓我覺得我有點老了....(遞柺杖的翻譯) 我覺得自己好像一輩子都在打球.....(賽程果然太滿) 但這對網球來說是好事阿! 看到很多新血和新星崛起....有些還真的超大隻.... Cilic,Del Potro和Nishikori都是前十的選手麻... (你是說身高還是排名阿XDDD 很愛來亂的翻譯XDDD) 我很確定未來還會看到他們優異的表現....(Nole在播預告XDD) Q. How surprising is it to you like Cilic making the strides that he's made here, he won two of the Grands, Australia and at Wimbledon, like you say he has the New Haven victory? 你是否很驚訝像Cilic這樣的年輕球員進步神速.... 就像你說的...他剛贏了New Haven.... P.S.誠徵翻譯小幫手! 幫我解答一下原文說他贏了兩個大滿貫--澳洲跟溫布頓...害我想裝死換成豆豆都沒辦法 我一直在想說是說他青少年時期的事情嗎??但我整個沒印象耶....(太不專業的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: The thing which surprises me a lot with his game is his movement, you know, when he you look at him physically, he's very tall, and the way he walks, you know, doesn't seem that he has a great coordination best of your recollection on the court he's just great, so this is a great thing, and plus he improved his serve a lot. For him, relief is that he's -- he can use his height, you know, and he can really rip that serve, and he was putting a lot of pressure on me. Nole說: 嚇到我比較多的應該是他的移位..... 體型上來說他非常的高...而且走起路來完全看不出來如此靈巧 協調性和反應都超好的啦.... (自己也是高個就不要小看高個= =" 也是高個卻真的超不協調外加反應慢的翻譯) 外加他發球整個進步超多....(是什麼機器人大變身嗎??) 對他來說身高是他發球很棒的優勢... 真的是給我很大的壓力阿....... (跟我的作業一樣嗎?? 眼睛又變成@@的翻譯....) I'm not surprised that he was doing well lately. He's certainly going to do even better. 所以我真的沒有太驚訝他剛剛表現得這麼好 他甚至可以表現的更好阿..... (越講越怕他下次又對上Cilic..知道怕就好..不要跟人家太好阿!太好像Muury會輸XDDD) Q. If you could talk about Tommy. He's, you know, he's beaten Marat and he beat Tsonga. I mean, he's well-tuned coming into this match? 那可以來談一下Tommy嗎? 他打敗了Safin和Tsonga... (可惡..都是翻譯的最愛...要去買飛鏢回來射的翻譯) 接下來...就~是~你~了~~~~ (強力壓住自己發抖的雙手的翻譯....) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Sure, sure. I can expect big fight from his side, and he knows that he's confident and he's going to go. He's going to go for the victory, that's for sure. Nole說: 當然啦...我可以預期他將會有超強的鬥志... 而且他一定有自信能夠贏得比賽.... (輸人不輸陣!!Nole快拿出你的自信來...) The good thing about Grand Slams, you have a day off. You can recover. I have good team of people around me, and I'm sure I'm going to be recovered enough for the upcoming match. 大滿貫的好處就是你可以打一天休一天(貼心~~) 打很累也有時間恢復元氣..... 我身邊有很棒的團隊所以我可以拾回足夠的能量去應戰... I just need to play my game, you know, be aggressive like I always played against Robredo, won a couple times, and I lost, as well. It's going to be interesting. We haven't played for a long time. 我只是需要一如往常好好的發揮實力來跟Robredo打一場... 有輸過也有贏過.... 這場比賽應該會很有趣...(其實不用太有趣沒關係..= =") 我們好像很久沒有對上了耶... (大敵當前你怎麼還這麼天真阿......Nole都不急急死翻譯.....) =>結果校正完這句還是很天真= =" ==============================Naive作結尾分界線=============================== 本來超睏的看到後面的專訪整個大醒..... 因為美網只有Follow到賽版和豆版...完全不知道外面腥風血雨...死傷慘重阿..... Nole加油阿!!我這麼睏明天一堆蟲要吃還在這裡翻專訪 你要給我爭氣點阿!!!!!!!!!!GOGOGO~~~~ -- ╭═╮ ╭═╮ ╮ ╭═╮ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ :暴躁小孩我要跟你切八段!!! (怒吼~~~) ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═╯ ───────╮ ╭─────── ╰ ╰ ╰═╯ ╰═ ╰═╯ 我是食指 │ │我也是食指 mental advantage 云鬼 ───────╯ ╰─────── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/02 00:16, , 1F
未看先推 辛苦了
09/02 00:16, 1F

09/02 00:30, , 2F
未看二推 辛苦了
09/02 00:30, 2F

09/02 10:18, , 3F
未看三推 辛苦了
09/02 10:18, 3F

09/02 10:25, , 4F
推 有看完推~ 不習慣Nole已經不是young gun了! :p
09/02 10:25, 4F

09/02 11:52, , 5F
對對 每次聽球評叫別人小將 就想到Nole21歲是有多老
09/02 11:52, 5F

09/02 11:53, , 6F
雖然知道是因為Nole已經有實績 但還是忍不住這樣想 哈
09/02 11:53, 6F

09/02 12:42, , 7F
我要推人家年輕有為又帶種XDDDDDDDD 老實Nole very cute
09/02 12:42, 7F

09/02 17:33, , 8F
推翻譯~C大辛苦囉^^~ 的確在這半年覺得NOLE快速變老(逃~)
09/02 17:33, 8F

09/02 18:15, , 9F
We haven't played for a long time 應該是我們很久沒
09/02 18:15, 9F

09/02 18:15, , 10F
09/02 18:15, 10F

09/02 18:22, , 11F
09/02 18:22, 11F

09/02 18:28, , 12F
推 變態 但我怎麼很想加入 XD
09/02 18:28, 12F

09/02 19:11, , 13F
最後一句好像應該是 我們很久沒對戰了...
09/02 19:11, 13F

09/02 21:57, , 14F
09/02 21:57, 14F

09/02 21:57, , 15F
09/02 21:57, 15F

09/02 21:57, , 16F
09/02 21:57, 16F
※ 編輯: chj920 來自: (09/02 22:01)

09/02 22:01, , 17F
因為我也不清楚那段XD 好想也不是青少年組~
09/02 22:01, 17F

09/02 22:04, , 18F
09/02 22:04, 18F

09/02 22:10, , 19F
09/02 22:10, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #18l1Ix8P (SRB-CRO)