[新聞] Nole的美網賽前專訪

看板SRB-CRO作者 (熱血網球)時間16年前 (2008/08/25 23:55), 編輯推噓12(12018)
留言30則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
W小弟把功課塞給我的時候說 "這是大牌才有的賽前專訪喔!" 可惡的白目小孩最好給我好好表現.....因為你現在是大牌的白目小孩XDDD ============================我是超大牌分界線================================= Q. You had such a great run here last year. I imagine you had some pretty great memories. How does it feel to be back? 你去年表現得這麼好....我可以想像你再這裡應該有很棒的回憶 那感覺怎麼樣阿?? (第一題是溫故知新考古題....覺得記者去年就問過的翻譯XDDD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It feels great, you know, to be back in the tournament where I did really well last year. I was really close to the title and I had some exhausting matches, but this is where I think I felt really confident after that, you know. I started believing more than I can win a Grand Slam title, which I did this year. Nole說: 感覺很棒阿....(很配合的開始回想ing) 又回到去年我表現很棒的地方了.......(喊聲"我愛紐約!!"來聽聽XDDD) 我離冠軍是那麼的近.....但有些比賽真是打的筋疲力盡 但真的是美網給了我很大的自信讓我開始相信我是有機會贏得大滿貫冠軍的 (感謝美網讓咱家白目小孩這麼大的信心阿.....也要來喊"我愛紐約"的翻譯XDD) Now things are quite different. As a Grand Slam winner, you know, you get some kind of relief, you know, and you get motivation to have -- to claim even more titles. I think this surface and the balls and all the conditions here in New York are suitable to my style of the game and to my personality and everything. So if I feel well physically, I think - I hope - I can get far. 但現在局勢出現了些許變化.....(白目小孩也是有警覺心的...) 身為一個大滿貫得主,比較不會緊張而且有更大的動力去尋求更多的冠軍... 我真的很喜歡這個球場還有球還有紐約的一切.... 這些都超適合我的風格我的比賽我的個性我的一切.... (你果然愛紐約.... 是因為只有這裡的人愛你的模仿也不會罵你白目嗎XDDD) 所以如果我身體狀態不錯我希望我可以更上一層樓..... Q. You said you have great memories here, but each Grand Slam is different. What's unique about this one? 你說你在這裡有一個很棒的回憶....但每個大滿貫都不同...這裡有啥特別的勒? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think it's entertainment, the show. I think Americans really know how to do it, and everybody who gets here has a lot of things to do. It's really interesting so for the fans. Nole說: 我想這裡比較特別的是它的娛樂性.... 我覺得美國人很懂得玩耍.... 而且每個來看比賽的球迷整個很忙碌..一堆加油的花招很有趣 (難怪愛玩耍的白目小孩愛紐約.....很想一起去玩耍的翻譯XDD) And even for the players, you know, to be in the biggest stadium in sports, and to play, you know, primetime, you know, last year I played a couple of matches. 即使是選手....在這個最大的運動場上比賽打球... 我去年大部分的時間也很忙碌的在比賽.... So it was one of the best feelings I had, you know, stepping in the court in the finals match when, you know, 23,000 people stood up and, then, you know, applause. 所以在這裡最棒的感覺就是決賽的時候站在球場 看著兩萬三千人站在那裡...然後你知道的...狂拍手~~~~ (白目小孩又想當大明星了.....又要幫忙遞墨鏡的翻譯XDD) It's really nice. They appreciate what you're doing, and they really enjoy. So it's a pleasure, and big entertainment. 這真的很棒....觀眾真的很享受這個比賽很融入其中... 所以這真的令人開心...是個超大的娛樂性阿.... (好啦...我知道你愛紐約跟紐約的觀眾...那就多打幾場阿~~~拜託!) Q. Now that you've been able to win a Grand Slam, how important is that experience to succeed in the final of a Grand Slam tournament, going into another Grand Slam knowing you've been able to do it before? 現在你有能力去贏得大滿貫冠軍了...這個經驗對你在決賽的心臟有多重要? 因為你已經知道你是有能力可以贏的.... NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It gives you, as I said, relief and confidence. It gives you a belief that when you find yourself in that certain important moments when you just need to come up with something good and something special and just try to be calm and hold your nerves. Nole說:我已經講過啦....(就說記者沒啥創意超愛溫故知新XDD) 就是讓我比較放鬆並且有自信 (重點再提示...請畫螢光筆!!) 這讓你在關鍵時刻相信自己並挖掘自己 因為重要時刻你必須格外冷靜並試著來些絲背秀的好球.... (這是必考題超重要的阿!請錄起來自己下次倒帶放出來即可...) That's what happens when you have experience with winning Grand Slams, you know. That's why Roger and Rafa are so dominant and they look so good on the court when they have these important matches, important moments. They're really calm and they know what to do.This is what I'm still trying to do, and I think it's getting -- it's getting in a good way. 這就是澳網經驗所能帶給你的..... 這就是為啥Rogi和豆豆能夠在球場上稱霸的原因啦 因為在他們關鍵時刻和關鍵比賽的時候都記得帶心臟XDDD 他們真的超冷靜的而且知道該怎麼做.... 這是我到現在依然在嘗試想去辦到的並希望做得好的事情.... (不錯麻....講是很會講啦!那之前那個被暴躁小孩付身的是.....) Q. What does it feel like to look at the draw and see Roger not at the top of it anymore, whereas he has been for the last few years? 看到Rogi再也不在籤表上方的感覺是什麼?他這幾年一直在哪裡的.... (有什麼差嗎??反正紅土你就會在豆豆那邊硬地就會在Rogi這邊...可惡的倒楣= =") NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I haven't really looked at the draw. But, yeah, it's strange. He's been very dominant, of course, for the last four years. He was always in that first place. Nole說: 我其實還沒看到籤表耶......(老實XDDD) 但這是有點奇怪啦... 因為這四年他一直都在第一個位置... But, you know, you've got to give a lot of credit to Rafa. He's been playing best tennis of his career this year, and he deserves to be No. 1. 但你真的要好好讚賞豆豆.... 他今年真的打出他生涯最棒的表現阿.... 世界第一是他應得的!! Q. Aside from yourself, who is the favorite for this tournament? 除了你自己以外...你覺得誰最有可能奪冠勒?? (我真的很想聽看看加上他自己他覺得誰最有可能奪冠....幫忙挖坑的翻譯XDDD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Them two, you know, first two favorites to win this title. Nole說: 就他們麻...你知道的... 最有可能奪冠的那兩個阿.....(這回答考驗著Nole與記者的默契XD) Q. Would you pick one over the other? 兩個選一個來選看看麻~~~~(記者很淘氣XDD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No. I would -- Roger of course is defending champ and he feels great here. But it's going to be interesting to see, because Rafa is playing the best tennis this year. Nole說: 好難選喔.....我想..... Rogi要捍衛冠軍寶座外加他在這裡很拿手..... 但是我們可以淘氣的來看看到底誰勝誰負... 因為今年被豆豆打成豆豆年阿.... (所以你真的沒選耶@@....我還以為你會很老實的給個答案勒....= =a) Q. Do you think that's an advantage to you that you're not the clear favorite? 你認為你的優勢是不是在於你不是奪冠的大熱門?? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Sorry? Nole說:蛤? (Nole應該想說我是阿XDDD 連翻譯都想蛤.........) Q. Is it an advantage to you that you're not the clear favorite for the title? 你不是美網最大的奪冠熱門是否反而成為你的優勢?? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't think I'm a clear favorite when I'm playing next to these two guys, you know. I've never been, because they're of course first two players of the world. But still next to me there are a lot of players, like Andy Murray who is doing really well last couple of months. We can expect him to play well in this tournament. Nole說:我對上這兩個人的時候我真的不覺得我會是奪冠大熱門... 我從來就不是...因為她們是世界排名前二的選手.... 而且我後面還有很多高手... 像是Andy Murray上兩個月大爆氣 我們可以期待他在美網的表現...... (對不起...事實證明上一題是我自己猜錯...想不到這小孩現在這麼沒志氣..哼哼!) Davydenko, of course. Roddick. Ferrer. There are players who are really motivated, and they're waiting for their moment. So anything can happen. I do have a lot of expectations, of course, always to go far in the event, towards semifinals at least. But I'm not trying to pay attention to that, even though most of the matches I get in I'm a favorite as a third player of the world. But I just want to play the best tennis I can and results will show up. Davydenko Roddick和飛兒.... 真的有超多選手虎視眈眈的要來角逐.... 他們都在等待著屬於他們的時刻....所以什麼都有可能發生... 我經驗豐富而且常比到四強......(除了今年的悲情溫布頓以外...哀) 但我不打算太過在意這件事情..... 即使我常打到很後面...或者是第三種子這件事.... 但我想盡全力去拼到最好.....(握拳!!) 比賽結果會說明一切....... Q. Are you somebody who suffers in any way from jet lag? I'm just wondering this trip that you did to Beijing and back... 你們有人受時差之苦嗎?? 我只是很好奇你們這樣北京來回是否太奔波.... NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Oh, yes. I had my consequences, as well. But it's -- this year was special because of the Olympics, so the schedule was really, really tight. Last couple of weeks for me were really exhausting, so I had to travel all over the world and made a -- wound around the globe, because I went from Cincinnati, I went back home and then went to Beijing and then came here. Everything in 10 days. You can imagine how I feel. Nole說: 喔對阿! 但我狀態有恢復了啦.... 但今年因為奧運比較特別...所以"絲ㄍㄟ就"真的真的爆滿.. 前兩個禮拜我真的是比到彈盡糧絕..體力耗盡... 我必須要到處旅遊....來個環遊世界只要10天.... 因為我從辛新那提那裡回家然後又跑到北京然後又來這裡 地球快繞一圈才花十天....你可以想像我有多累了吧 ... (算了..大家都很累...翻譯也好累阿....偷偷離題的翻譯XDDD) Q. How do you feel right now? 那你現在覺得怎樣勒?? (我想要來罐蠻牛~~~硬要回答的翻譯XDD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I feel -- I feel excited, you know. I look forward to the tournament. But physically I still need to work on some things hopefully till, you know, Tuesday, Wednesday, I can be fit. Nole說: ㄟ...我覺得齁...我覺得很興奮耶!! (難道我的蠻牛是被你喝掉的?) 我超期待這個賽事的.... 但我生理上我還需要一些時間適應..... 希望禮拜二禮拜三我就可以快速適應了.....(加油阿!) Q. Did you do anything different in the last week or so that you wouldn't have done just because of an increase in the sort of the jet lag factor? 你有沒有做一些有別於上禮拜的改變勒? 或者你因為時差所以也沒啥時間改變? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I tried to decrease the intensity of the practice a little bit in first couple of days, you know. Not to exaggerate, not to go really full, because as I said, I traveled a lot and the body reacted. Nole說: 對阿...我試著在前幾天減少練習的密度.... 就不用太積極也不用排太滿.... 因為就像我所說的.....我過度旅行身體在抗議了... So I felt a little dizzy. But, you know, after a while, now, you know, I'm trying to increase the intensity and get ready for the matches. 所以我覺得有點暈....(所以現在眼睛是長這樣嗎?? @@) 但過一陣子我會試著提升戰鬥力...為比賽做準備... (雖然現在眼睛長這樣@@...卻也要提升戰鬥力遞蠻牛的翻譯...) Q. Jelena was talking earlier about how wonderful a time it is for Serbian tennis. Obviously a good summer for Serbian tennis. Top three players from Serbia. Just reflect on how this plays at home when you go home, the importance of the fact that Serbia has three great tennis players on tour now. JJ剛剛才說塞爾維亞的網球是多麼美妙.... 很顯榮這對塞國來說是個很棒的夏天..你們有世界前三名的選手 (還有眼鏡哥啦!!>"<) 跟我們實況反映你回家鄉看到這個運動的情況..... 很重要的是塞國現在有三個是世界頂尖的選手(就跟你說是四位齁...可惡耶!) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes, I mean, they appreciate really what we are doing, so we get a lot of feedback, and positive feedback and a lot of support from them, from the people. Nole說: 喔對阿.....他們真的很感謝我們的表現 所以我們得到了超多的正面回應以及支持... (這讓我想起了Nole的相關系列...Nole的溜溜球也可以大賣XDD) It's just great when you come back home. The people, you know, recognize you and give you a lot of compliments, of course, and just tell you some nice things. This feels right, and this feels -- you feel proud of yourself because of that. That means that you've succeeded in your life, and it's great to share these moments with your people, so... 回家的感覺真的很好...每個人都認識你而且一直狂誇你XDD 當然啦...我只跟你講一些好事.... (壞事就是全國都認識他搞得他沒隱私只好住去蒙地卡羅....= =") 因為這種榮景...你會非常以自己為榮.... 這表示你的人生很成功....跟同鄉分享這些時刻真的很棒.... 所以..... (所以你還是沒辦法住在家鄉XDDDDD) .............................虛線內是被頭昏昏翻譯忽略的那小段................ But, you know, as you all know probably, we travel a lot, so we don't get to spend as much time home. So we really don't have a clear picture of how big is tennis in our country, but I think it's the biggest sport in the moment, the most popular, and soon we're going to have a tournament there. 但是你知道的....我們長年各地熱血網球..... 我們沒啥時間待在家鄉的(而且你還搬走了XDDD) 所以"我們"不太知道網球在家鄉是怎樣的榮景.... (你幹忙幫人家回答阿....眼鏡說他都住家鄉阿XDDD) 但我想現實後應該是最大牌的運動吧XDDDD (阿剛剛不是說你不知道.....下一句就開心的幻想起來了XDDD) 而且超受歡迎的..... 所以很快的我們在家鄉又有場表演賽了..... .........................我是因為蠻牛被搶走才這樣的超無辜分界線.............. Q. How does that make your experience in Beijing different than your success on the tour at the Grand Slams? 北京的比賽經驗比起你在大滿貫的勝利有什麼不同??? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Oh, yeah. It's quite different, you know. I was playing with a lot of emotions in the Olympics, because it's something different, you know, top athletes all around the world in different sports participating in that event. Everybody starts from zero. There is no favorites whatsoever. Nole說: ㄟ.....很不同喔...(有阿...你不只哭了還撕衣服XDD) 我奧運的時候徹底的暴躁小孩上身..... 因為這真的很不一樣... 世界頂尖的網球選手來到這裡...大家是各個國家的巨星.... 這裡沒有奪冠大熱門這種東西..... Anything can happen. Olympics, just to be there is a huge success and achievement for you as an athlete, and to win a medal is really something you remember for a lifetime. I got a lot of positive comments on that from my country. Of course, they're really proud. 什麼都有可能發生....(這才刺激阿XDDD) 在那裡贏得獎牌是一種超大的成就而且是會記一輩子的事情... 我在那裡得到很多來自家鄉的正面評價...他們當然很為我驕傲啦 (原來只有我一個人要去請乩童幫你退駕@@) So you represent your country in first place, you know. You bring your medal, you bring a medal for your country. That's what makes it so unique. 所以你代表著你是國家的第一名選手(塞國一哥!!) 你為你的國家帶來一片獎牌...這真的超特別的... Q. Rafa was asked a similar question, and he says that he feels every time he steps on the tennis court he's representing Spain. It isn't just Davis Cup or the chance to play in the Olympics. 豆豆也被問了一個很類似的問題..... 他說他覺得站在那裡就代表著西班牙... 而不只是在台維斯盃或是奧運的一個比賽機會而已....(記者竟然給我聊起來了= =") NOVAK DJOKOVIC: True, true. Nole說: 對對對...就是這樣...(阿你也聊得很開心...我翻得很傷心@@) Q. Do you feel that way, playing for Serbians in the private homes? 你是不是覺得很像在為了塞爾維亞這個祖國而戰?? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Absolutely. Absolutely. As an individual, in an individual sport, of course you first of all represent yourself and your name, your family, and then of course your country every time. Nole說: 當然!絕對是! 身為一個個體在一個個人運動中.... 你第一次?分每秒覺得你是代表著你個人你的名字你的家人你的家鄉 Because every time you show up in any tournament, you play on the big screen and it shows up next to your name and it shows the name of your country. 每次當你站在球場上 你出現在大螢幕的時候你的名字後面就寫著家鄉的名字... So I think, you know, the sportists and the athletes, not just tennis athletes, any athletes in the world, who represent -- who are participating in the great event are one of the biggest and ambassadors of their country. 所以我覺得不只是網球員...世界上每個運動都是.... 他們都代表著自己的國家參與盛事...等於是國家最大的外交官... Because, you know, you show up and in a big country like this, United States, and then the people see where you're coming from so they get interested for the country. This is, I think, a great thing for us. Serbia is a small country, 9, 10 million people. Nothing comparing to States. 因為你出現在一個像美國這種大國家中..... 而人們可能因為你的表現對你的國家產生興趣 我想這對塞爾維亞是件好事...塞爾維亞是個小國 大概九百到一千萬人吧....實在跟美國沒得比.... (所以現在大家都知道塞國名產是火龍果了...美國怎麼比阿XDDD) Q. You've been quite entertaining the last two years. Any plans for this year? 你過去兩年都非常的娛樂......今年有什麼新的哀低而勒?? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no plans. If it comes, it comes spontaneous. We'll see. Nole說:喔不不不....沒有計畫(快速撇清) 這次自然而然給他發生的....等著看吧 (三八...還賣關子...) ============================暈頭轉向分界線================================ 終於翻完了....... 呼.......我現在除了希望暴躁小孩快點退駕以外... 我現在希望省話一哥可以附身一下...拜託..... 講到塞爾維亞就沒完沒了......(昏@@) 在此希望有人能伸出援手......救救蠻牛被NOLE搶去喝的翻譯吧!!! -- ╭═╮ ╭═╮ ╮ ╭═╮ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ :暴躁小孩我要跟你切八段!!! (怒吼~~~) ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═╯ ───────╮ ╭─────── ╰ ╰ ╰═╯ ╰═ ╰═╯ 我是食指 │ │我也是食指 mental advantage 云鬼 ───────╯ ╰─────── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/25 23:58, , 1F
為看先推 翻譯辛苦了
08/25 23:58, 1F

08/26 00:02, , 2F
推 辛苦了
08/26 00:02, 2F

08/26 00:06, , 3F
是因為某人一開始就簽了美網翻譯文章支票啊 XDD 辛苦了
08/26 00:06, 3F

08/26 00:10, , 4F
NOLE~~~美網加油喔!!最自在的場地要好好表現 Ajde!!
08/26 00:10, 4F

08/26 00:11, , 5F
真的是說到塞爾維亞就一堆話 XD
08/26 00:11, 5F

08/26 00:12, , 6F
08/26 00:12, 6F

08/26 00:16, , 7F
來一罐RedBull吧! (遞)
08/26 00:16, 7F

08/26 00:25, , 8F
推推 辛苦啦!! 也推白目小孩又想當大明星了XD
08/26 00:25, 8F

08/26 00:46, , 9F
辛苦了!! C大的註解害我在電腦前笑翻了..這白目XDDDDD
08/26 00:46, 9F

08/26 01:12, , 10F
編按之白目小孩 突然變誠實了科科 翻譯辛苦了~
08/26 01:12, 10F

08/26 08:31, , 11F
08/26 08:31, 11F

08/26 23:38, , 12F
Nole:(搶+咕嚕咕嚕~~)精神亦亦我要去美網了! GOGO~~~~
08/26 23:38, 12F

08/26 23:39, , 13F
08/26 23:39, 13F

08/26 23:41, , 14F
沒關係啊~ 這樣他就會充滿精神XDD
08/26 23:41, 14F

08/26 23:47, , 15F
08/26 23:47, 15F

08/27 00:29, , 16F
08/27 00:29, 16F

08/27 00:30, , 17F
08/27 00:30, 17F

08/27 00:30, , 18F
08/27 00:30, 18F

08/27 00:30, , 19F
我想說是不是因為在講塞爾維亞 你不想翻阿 XD
08/27 00:30, 19F

08/27 00:31, , 20F
08/27 00:31, 20F
※ 編輯: chj920 來自: (08/27 00:39)

08/27 00:39, , 21F
08/27 00:39, 21F

08/27 00:40, , 22F
08/27 00:40, 22F

08/27 00:40, , 23F
科科 科科
08/27 00:40, 23F

08/27 00:40, , 24F
08/27 00:40, 24F

08/27 00:41, , 25F
08/27 00:41, 25F

08/27 00:41, , 26F
我把真的漏掉的那一段加進去了= ="(罷翻哪是我的風格阿!!)
08/27 00:41, 26F

08/27 01:28, , 27F
08/27 01:28, 27F

08/27 12:17, , 28F
科科 科科
08/27 12:17, 28F

08/27 12:39, , 29F
08/27 12:39, 29F

08/27 22:11, , 30F
08/27 22:11, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #18ijNXYA (SRB-CRO)