Fw: [翻譯] Long War Beta 15 Patch Note -3

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※ [本文轉錄自 Steam 看板 #1K-pR35b ] 作者: Merkle (Merkle) 看板: Steam 標題: [翻譯] Long War Beta 15 Patch Note -3 時間: Sun Mar 8 01:34:57 2015 中間斷線一次 只有3xx P 再度 ◢▆▅▄▃-崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰-▃▄▅▆◣ - 最後也是最長的一段來了 翻到 ◢▆▅▄▃-崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰-▃▄▅▆◣ 翻到 ◢▆▅▄▃-崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰-▃▄▅▆◣ 翻到 ◢▆▅▄▃-崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰-▃▄▅▆◣ Balancing: 平衡調整 Alien roster for XCOM HQ Assault will scale up in difficulty a little more slowly 外星人去你家送快遞的組合 會變得比較沒那麼難打 Not So Long War SW option now applies modifier to soldier timeout and interceptor repair time -- meaning they will both be out longer Not So Long War(第二波選項)現在也會作用在士兵的休息時間跟攔截機維修時間 (不是拔掉改成 Dynamic War了嗎 ????) UFO upgrades to accuracy, damage and hit points now stop at 32 months (alien research 960) so interception game doesn't become truly impossible for persistent-game players 外星UFO升級會有上限(32個月後) 大後期的外星人UFO不再堅不可摧 Significant nerf to the power of large lab blocks to reduce research time 把一群實驗室連結衝科技的效果大改弱 Packmaster provides +1 Proximity Mine charge instead of +2 背包專家現在只會給遙控地雷額外一次使用次數(之前+2) Dramatic increase in Weapon Fragments required for various technologies 許多科技的武器碎片需求大幅增加 (真的增加很多很多很多很多很多 武器碎片早期有可能會不太夠用) Increased Neuroregulator psi bonus; wearing it 3 times will reduce missions to level up by 1. Adjusted PsiXP to normalize missions per level at 5 for all levels and 3 on current (.6) NSLW setting. NR grants +10 will. 神經調節器增強 每出三次任務讓你升下階心靈所需任務數減一(買三送一的概念) 現在還提供意志+10 Armor Piercing Ammo item now nullifies 2 points of enemy DR. Armor Piercing Ammo item now available to MECs, SHIVs and Engineers, but won't help with shotguns or sidearms. 穿甲彈頭改成固定打穿對方兩點DR(原本是1.5) 而且MEC Shiv 工程師都可以用(機槍手原 本就可用) 但是不作用在散彈槍和副武器上 (說好的蝦槓拋瓦咧? 蝦槓救世界阿!!!!) HEAT Ammo and HEAT Warheads damage reduced to +50% from 75%. HEAT Ammo perk made available to engineer class at Gunnery Sergeant rank (in place of RFA). 高熱彈頭(作用在主武器上)和高熱火箭(作用在爆裂物上)提供的傷害加成砍成50% 現在工程師可以拿到高熱彈頭的技能了(做好準備被拔掉) HEAT Ammo will not work if carrying a shotgun. Both HEAT Ammo and HEAT Warheads will provide a minimum of 2 bonus damage. Both HEAT Ammo and HEAT Warheads bonus exposed in separate ini variables, using up our last two spare floats for ini settings. 再度重申 高熱彈頭不會作用在散彈槍上 然後提供的增傷 最少+2 Weapon-tech damage-bonus items (alloy jacketed rounds, enhanced beam optics, plasma stellerator) now usable by humans, SHIVs and MECs. Depleted Elerium Rounds, Laser Pumper, Zevatron Booster removed from game. 武器增傷物品大一統 士兵 Shiv Mec的通通一起用 原本Mec Shiv專用的被拔掉 Laser Sight and Hi Cap Mags now usable by humans, SHIVs and MECs. Weapon Gyros and Autoloader removed from game. 現在雷射瞄準器和高容量彈夾也是大家一起用 Shiv Mec專用版移除 Targeting Module now provides +8% crit and +1 base damage when critical hits occur (so 1.5 critical damage). 瞄準模組現在除了提供+8%致命機率以外 爆擊時也有額外傷害(50% +1 50% +2) Abductions will be spaced out over an entire month regardless of how many the aliens plan. Previously they were stacked in the early month. Reduced allowed Abduction response time. 現在綁架任務發生的時間會平均分散在整個月 避免全部擠在月初的時候 相對地把綁架 任務的反應時間調短(現在是八小時就過期) Reduced meld from dead aliens to make you go after cans more. Exposed a couple of alien meld variables to the ini. 從外星人屍體身上回收的Meld量減少 逼迫你去吃Meld餌 可在ini檔內調整 (我是個矜持有原則的男人臭惹嗎 Q_Q?) Ghost Grenades renamed "Shadow Device" and no longer gain additional charges from Packmaster or Smoke and Mirrors. 鬼隱手雷現在改名叫做闇影裝置 而且使用次數固定就是一次(連背包專家都不加) (被砍是意料中的事情 之前太op 帶兩顆可以全體隱形6次) Engineers may now use shredder ammo small item. Added engineer-specific item property for additional modding. 增傷彈頭現在工程師也可以用了(本來只有突擊可以用) Recovering from being strangled reduces your grenade throw range. 脫離章魚纏繞的同回合 丟手榴彈的距離也會減少 Increased damage and reduced AOE of Proximity Mines. AOE and trigger range should now match. 增加感應地雷的傷害 縮小傷害範圍 現在傷害範圍和觸發範圍一致 Increased AOE of grenade launcher grenades. 增加Mec榴彈發射器的榴彈傷害範圍 Reaction Fire against Mecs, Mectoids, SHIVs and Sectopods (what we're calling large mechanized units) is more accurate unless the targeted unit has Lightning Reflexes, or attacker has Opportunist / Advanced Fire Control (which already provide this accuracy bonus). Specifically, added a variable to cancel the REACTION_PENALTY (which is 0.7) when firing at these units. 現在反應射擊對Mec 兔子哥 Shiv 胸砲 不會吃到命中減益 Dashing bonus still in effect. This can be removed with an ini edit. Purpose is to reduce effectiveness of big tanky units as super-dodgy Reaction Fire busters (although their DR will still help), and enhance utility of Lightning Reflexes perk on scouts. 但是這些單位的衝刺加成依舊正常作用 目的是降低這些單位吸Overwatch的能力 並且讓 斥候的閃電反射價值提高 (也要閃電反射不要一直故障阿.....) Equipping multiple Kinetic Strike Modules now confers +3 damage for each extra module equipped. Stacks with Thumper and MEC Close Combat advances. 每多裝一個動力衝擊模組 就提供給你鐵拳+3傷害 可以和其他增傷的物品/科技疊加 (泰森Mec流?) Firing a rocket/shredder rocket now grants +1 mobility for the remainder of the mission (for each rocket fired) 現在每射出去一發火箭 會提高火箭兵的移動力1點 Major Rework of rocketeer tree, some changes all other trees 火箭兵整條天賦砍掉重練 其他的進場維修 Sightline HUD (red alien heads) will now display up to 20 aliens in view instead of 10 現在敵人人頭顯示的上限從10個提高為20個 Phoenix Cannon is back (replacing Phoenix Coilgun). It is available at Alien Materials and is probably a middling upgrade to the missiles -- it has base laser cannon armor piercing (enough to do full damage to Raiders) and slightly higher damage per second than Avalanche, and all the shots should mean it should provide more consistent results than the missiles. 鳳凰卡農強勢回歸 現在外星材料科技研發完就可以製造 穿甲能力和雷射卡農一樣 傷害比雲崩飛彈高一點 提供比原本兩種飛彈更好的對空能力 (不用開場直衝進階雷射武器了) Added foundry project "Quenchguns" that triples the anti-DR capability of Gauss weapons (to 1) and is available after researching Advanced Gauss Weapons. 新加一個製造工坊改善計畫"淬火槍" 讓高斯武器擁有1點穿甲能力(本來是33%穿1點) 研發完進階高斯武器後解鎖 Added foundry project "Phoenix Coilguns" that improves all existing Phoenix Cannon to Phoenix Coilgun stats and is available after researching Gauss Weapons. 新加一個製造工坊改善計畫"鳳凰線圈砲" 所有的鳳凰卡農威力升級 研發完高斯武器解鎖 (提供另外一條對空武器升級選擇 不然本來的鳳凰線圈砲真的沒啥人用) Foundry projects will be more moddable in the ini now. 製造工坊改善計畫可以從 ini檔裡面去調整 Strategy Game alien resource numbers moddable in the ini now. 外星人的資源數量也可以從 ini檔裡面去調整 (這我不是很懂 可以改外星人那邊的資源量嗎??) Improved impact of Snap Shot for rocketeers. 突施冷箭在火箭兵的效果(降低移動以後打火箭的命中和距離減益)提昇 Mimic Beacon item provides 1 base charge, not 2 擬聲信標現在基礎使用次數改為一次 Increased "Reasonable Attack Range" for drones and flying units in hopes of reducing derpy behavior 無人機和飛行單位的攻擊距離提昇 希望可以降低一點賣萌行為 Aliens with Lightning Reflexes will now care much less about overwatchers when deciding what to do 現在有閃電反射的外星人比較不會被你的Overwatch嚇到 Offscreen kills on terror missions will be proportionally reduced with the number of aliens you can see. To compensate, aliens can rarely kill 3 civilians a turn if you have revealed few or no aliens. 外星人恐怖行動中 視距外殺你村民的數量會跟你能看到的外星人數量成反比 然後每回合殺村民的數量被限制在三人以下(未被你觸發到的) (講白話一點就是 灑滿整場BattleScanner 村民就不太會被沒觸發的外星人殺死) Master Sergeants will roll for a +1 bonus to a random stat (offense, defense, will, hit points) every 4th mission. 10% chance of hit point, 30% chance of one of the other three. 最高等的士兵現在每出四次任務就會加一點屬性 30%命中/防禦/意志 10%血量 Transports (UFOs) will tend to have more troops than previously. 外星人的運輸船裡面會有更多的驚喜等著你 You will see more alien 'monsters' (level 9 leaders) by the by on alien base assaults, larger UFOs and late-game council missions. 外星基地突襲任務/大型幽浮/後期的議會任務 你會看到更多的外星威猛一哥 Resources reworked a bit. Reduced base alloys from each UFO class by about 30%. Increased average alloys and elerium recovered on UFO crash missions. Foundry alloy and elerium projects now provide 20% bonus to ALL alloys and elerium recovered from missions. 講合金和超鈾數量的調整 製造工坊的回收改善計畫現在會作用在所有任務上 UFO Analysis techs provide 20% bonus to alloys and elerium recovered from that specific class of UFO after mission win (crashed or landed). 當你分析了某種幽浮 該種幽浮的墜毀/著地任務 合金跟超鈾的回收量+20% Slight increase in chances of UFO Power and Nav Computer surviving mission. Altered how EMP Cannon works (bonus to artifact survival instead of flat chance). 外星導航電腦和外星動力源比較不會摔壞了 更改電磁脈衝卡農的作用機制(讓外星物品 比較不會壞 而不是增加全體物品/外星人的生存機率) Slight decrease in alloys recovered from certain alien species. The goal here is to steady out your resource income and force some investment to improve it, particularly in the early game (making bagging a big landed UFO a little less swingey in overall campaign progression), make an early alien materials tech path more enticing, and make crashes somewhat more rewarding. 降低從外星人身上回收的合金數量 讓你前期很缺資源 缺到渴望被大型幽浮著地臨幸 強化開場走外星科技的誘因(增加回收的改造項目) 並且提高墜落任務的價值 Reduced base flamethrower damage by 2. Jellied Elerium foundry project now provides only bonus panic chance on its own, but it also unlocks a small item, the Incinerator Module, that provides +3 flamethrower damage. 火焰噴射器基礎傷害降低兩點 現在膠化超鈾不再提供額外傷害 只有提高被燒的恐慌機率 不過會解鎖一個小道具 "燃燒模組" 提供+3火焰傷害 (果然被砍了..... 哭哭) Reduced Chryssalid will by 10 or 15 or so. 把寄生獸的意志降低 更容易被燒到恐慌了 (先打你一巴掌再給你呼呼 大概就是這個概念) MEC Railgun will now use Minigun model and effects. Laser/Pulse Lance will use Railgun model and effects. Mec武器的模組調整 不是很重要 Arc Rifle now available to all squishy classes but gunner and rocketeer. You may now move and fire it without penalty. It still suffers close-range penalties like sniper rifles (This a technical limitation -- disabling shot can't be divorced from short-range penalty), but otherwise operates like a rifle. It no longer operates at beyond visual range. It confers +10 aim. 電擊步槍現在除了機槍手和火箭兵可以拿 可以移動後射擊(沒有命中懲罰) 依舊有近距離命中懲罰(類似Marksman/Strike Rifle) 不再受團隊視線加成 提供+10命中去抵消破壞一擊的命中減益 Alloy Belt item removed from game. Alloy Carbide Plating provides Extra Conditioning bonus (2-4 HP) but no DR. 合金腰帶移除 由碳化合金板板取代 原本碳化合金版的1DR被拔掉 (shiv哭哭 DR稱不起來了) All MEC units gain +4 hp upon conversion instead of +2. MEC Armors lowered by 2 hp. 全部的Mec單位 +4hp(原本+2hp) Mec裝甲 -2hp (總血量不變 但是需要維修的機會增加) Reworked DR calculation formula so additive modifiers are calculated before multiplicative ones, with the exception of cover DR. This reduces the effect of Absorption Fields and Shock Absorbent Armor. 傷害減免機制調整 現在固定點數減傷作用在%數減傷之前(除了Cover提供的減傷) (Mec哭哭 不能像之前一樣硬梆梆 一人單挑一群怪) MECs have slightly higher average timeout between missions 把Mec單位的休息時間拉長 (Mec:幹 是砍爽了沒?) New Item: Flak Ammo. Unlocked by Floater Autospy and MEC Warfare Systems. Can be equipped by anybody. Works like HEAT Ammo, granting greater of +2 or +20% base weapon damage against airborne units with primary weapon and rockets, and allows MECs with Collateral Damage to target airborne units with its AOE weapon attack (and gain the damage bonus). 新道具!! 福朗克彈頭 爬完Mec戰鬥系統和解剖漂浮者後解鎖 打空軍單位+20%武器傷害 最少+2 而且讓Mec的連帶傷害技能可以對空 Reduced damage for MEC Minigun, Laser Lance, Railgun by 1, so it scales up by 1 at each tech level like every other weapon. 把Mec早期武器的傷害下調1點 Combined Arms perk now nullifies 1 point of all DR, not just cover-based DR. (Note all MECs have this perk innately). Combined Arms技能提供一點穿甲能力 Mec單位切完就會有這個技能 (最高等軍官也拿得到這個技能) Attempted to make EXALT less suicidal in rushing transmitter volume with AI change to GetMaxDangerLevelForMovement Exalt AI改進 現在比較不會自殺衝鋒 (其實還是會) Vital Point Targeting no longer applies to Collateral Damage ability (was never intended to). Ranger, and Shredded effects still do. VPT的+2傷害不會作用在連帶傷害上了 但是Ranger(+1傷害)和增傷彈頭正常作用 HEAT now applies a flat +2 damage bonus when used with collateral damage against robotic enemies. 高熱彈頭現在只提供+2傷害給連帶傷害技能(打機械單位) Increased harder aliens' damage by 2 on Impossible, and easier aliens by 1. 最高難度下 比較硬的外星人傷害+2 比較軟的外星人傷害+1 比較硬的外星人有:紅皮 飛碟 兔子哥 重裝漂浮者 精英異變者 精英Exalt 胸砲 乙太 超乙太 其他沒提到的就是比較軟的 Increased alien research rate on Brutal from 105% to 110%, and 120 to 130% on Impossible. 第三難度的外星科研加成改為110% 最高難度的外星科研加成改為130% (...... 作者自己打一次雙i給我看可以嗎?) Mid-level Cyberdisc and Sectopod leaders will get HEAT ammo. A few alien leaders/navigators will get Combined Arms. 現在飛碟和胸砲隊長會有高熱彈頭技能呦 啾咪*^.<* 一些外星人隊長/嚮導有穿甲技能 (Mec:...... 不如歸去 不如歸去) Increased meld cost to convert a soldier to a MEC. Decreased meld cost of all suits. 把士兵抓去切機機所需要的Meld增加 Mec甲需要的Mec降低 Converting to a MEC confers a loss of one level (rank) and a proportionate reduction in XP; that is, a Sergeant 50% of the way to TSGT converts and becomes a Corporal 50% of the way to Sergeant with XP. MSGTs reset to minimum XP to become GSGT. 被抓去切機機的士兵 切完降一階 Gave SHIVs a little armor HP that won't need time in the shop if lost. Regular SHIV now has 15 defense (vice 10); Alloy SHIV has 10 defense (vice 15). 多給Shiv一點護甲和生命 一般Shiv防禦提升 合金Shiv防禦降低 Rework of equip UI so it alerts you when you are equipping an ammo type or other small item that isn't compatible with one of your primary weapons, and unequips the small item if you swap to an incompatible primary weapon. 當你裝備到不符合的道具和主武器時會提醒你 Damage enhancer ammos will no longer apply bonuses to sidearms. If I get another spare item, I"ll think about a pistol damage enhancer item as an option. 所有的增傷彈頭都不會作用在副武器上 會考慮作個手槍增傷道具 Three special ammo items -- Flak, Shredder and AP -- cannot stack. 福朗克/增傷/穿甲彈頭不能疊加作用 Moderate rework of some aim and defense: Items will gain aim/crit/defense on a 4/6/8/12 scale rather than a 5/7/10/15. Perk gains unchanged. Soldier aim gains on level ups will range from 18 to 28, with 18 or 21 for most classes (Scout is 25, Sniper is 28 ). 講一堆物品的命中和防禦加成調整 技能提供的加成不變 大部分的職業升滿提供18-21的命中加成 狙擊手升滿+28 斥候+25 Soldier recruit aim range changed from 55 to 75 to 58 to 72. 菜逼巴的命中從55-75改成58-72 Wider range for MECs, with a peak at 28 again for the Jaeger. (Note MECs can use Scope now.) Adjusted rocketeer scatter so a point of aim is worth slightly more, as they have fewer perk-based options to increase aim. Mec單位的命中範圍飄更大 Jaeger(Sniper去切機機)升滿+28 Mec現在可以用瞄準鏡了 火箭的散射範圍調整 現在命中對火箭兵的價值更高 Aliens lose some defense on level-ups. This is intended to do several things: 1) increase value of aim and defense-related perks on the trees, most of which are conditionally activated, challenging you to employ them effectively. 2) Increase value of cover and flanking mid-to-late game by reducing impact of general purpose defense. 3) Make it harder to reach 100 to hit 4) Flatten aim differences between classes somewhat and help supports be somewhat useful riflemen. 外星人升級後會降一些防禦 這樣子改動 是有以下四個理由 1.增加命中防禦相關技能的價值 2.增加在中後期遊戲側擊/Cover的價值 3.讓你更難百分百命中(??? 不懂) 4.讓不同職業間的命中差異降低 讓Supports(Medic/Engineer)也能當個有用個步槍兵 Three aim gainers -- Scope, Neural Gunlink and Illuminator Gunsight -- can no longer stack. Neural Gunlink and Illuminator Gunsight now provide +12 aim/crit. Scope provides +8. 現在瞄準鏡/神經槍連結/螢光瞄準鏡的效果不能疊加 瞄準鏡現在+8命中 後兩者+12 (都可以跟雷射瞄準鏡疊) Platform Stability now available on Sniper, Gunner and Rocketeer trees. Platform Stability now helps reduce rocket scatter. Platform Stability現在狙擊手/機槍手/火箭兵都拿得到 也會降低火箭偏移量 Alloy Bipod is now a flat aim/crit gainer equippable only by snipers, providing +6 aim at zero weight. 合金槍架改成專用狙擊手 +6%命中和致命 無重量(不減移動力) Slight bump in XP to reach high ranks.(Master Sergeant is 4200 instead of 4000). 升到高等所需經驗些微增加(4000->4200 多5%) Squadsight shots now suffer only a -20% crit penalty 團隊視野現在只有-20%致命機率(原本-30%) LMG series no longer provides a 5% crit bonus 長機槍(不能移動後開火的機槍)不再提供+5%致命機率 In the Zone hits do one less damage with each ITZ kill in a round. ITZ crit per kill penalty reduced to -10% per kill from -25%. (And note Squadsight ITZ-related bugfix above). 絕命地帶現在每殺一隻降一點傷害 並且-10%致命機率 (一回合無限殺只是個傳說) Titan armor is now .5 DR, 12 HP, and carries the Damage Control perk. 泰坦甲現在提供0.5DR 12hp 並附帶傷害控制(收傷後兩回合額外提供1.5DR)的技能 (你現在正在收看的是 Xcom LW Beta15:人肉坦的崛起) Rework to simplify and bugfix explosives and perk interactions. Sapper now provides +1 damage to HE, AP, Alien, and Grenade Launcher grenades and Prox Mines. Mayhem applies +2 damage to all those weapons and +2 to rockets. Completing the alien grenade foundry project applies +2 damage to Needle and Grenade Launcher grenades and a 60% AOE bonus to HE grenades. So a maxed out Needle Grenade can get 9 damage, alien grenade 8 damage, HE Grenade 6 damage + large AOE, Grenade Launcher grenade 9 damage (with Ranger) and Proximity Mine (again with Ranger) 13 damage. Rockets go from 7, 9 and 12 to top out at 11, 13 and 17 with Mayhem, Ranger, and damage enhancers. 上面一堆 簡單一句:爆破物增傷相關技能 我們調整好了 火箭一發最高傷害到17 AP Grenade定位成高傷 HE Grenade定位成大範圍拆Cover 外星手榴彈介於其中 Trying to train drones and Mechtoids not to double move when enemies are around. 現在無人機跟兔子哥 比較不會在有敵人情況下作兩次移動 Trained drones to use their overload ability in certain special conditions (Without giving up the triggers, I'm showing some restraint here.) Debating whether to up the damage a bit. 現在無人機在特定情況下會用自爆了 考慮要不要提高自爆的傷害 Trying to train aliens to set up overwatch walls when they are defending landed ships and their own bases. 現在外星人在守船和守基地的時候 會用Overwatch等你上鉤 Removed Smartgun Kit item (Advanced Fire Control is now on Gunner tree). 聰明槍插件被移除(機槍手現在直接從技能樹中拿到進階火力控制) Replaced with Advanced Suppression Module for SHIVs, which grants Danger Zone perk. 加入進階壓制模組 提供Shiv危險地帶技能 Memorial now displays soldier class of deceased soldiers 現在冰箱會顯示貼在上面的士兵職業 Savior now also provides 2 item-free medikit charges and +4 healing bonus. 救世主技能改成提供額外兩次Medkit和+4治療量 (個人覺得算buff) The first soldier on your roster will always be from XCOM's home country. 士兵列表的第一個士兵國籍一定和你基地設立國家相同 Taking Battlescanner perk now lets you throw scanners a distance equivalent to having Grenadier and Bombardier perks. Those perks will also increase BS throw distance, but it won't stack with perk bonus. 現在戰場掃描技能提供射程加成 加成的距離和Grenadier+Bombardier的效果相同(+70%) Grenadier(+20%)和Bombardier(+50%)的距離加成一樣會作用在戰場掃描器上 但不會和站場掃描技能疊加 (簡單一句:最多就是+70%距離 不能再多了) Regen Biofield now has a 50/50 chance (in separate rolls) of curing poison and reducing panic duration of nearby soldiers, in addition to healing bonus. Regen Biofield除了原本的回血加成 現在每回合有50%機率解除隊友的中毒/恐慌狀態 (心靈技能) Adjusted psi perk tree so Regen Biofield is level 1, Psi Inspiration and Distortion Field are level 2, and Psi Panic and Mind Merge are level 3. (Changed requirements a bit too). 心靈技能位階調整 Regen Biofield改T1 心靈激勵和扭曲力場改T2 心靈恐慌和意志融合改去T3 Psi fatigue increased to 24 hours for first level, and then to 6 hours for 2nd and 3rd level to increase cost of spamming low-level psis just to get at the gear. 心靈T1增加24小時休息時間 T2跟T3各增加6小時 (之前心靈激勵在T1的時候 很多人用大量T1心靈士兵 應該是砍這個東西) Combat Stims grants adrenaline surge perk(+10 aim, +10 crit if you get wounded) for duration of mission, in addition to current use. 現在戰鬥藥劑會給攜帶者 腎上腺素洶湧 的技能 (受傷後+10命中/致命) 不再是使用藥劑期間才會發動 (戰鬥藥技改強了 本來真的沒啥人要用) Slowed down pace of country item requests slightly. 議會國家對你提出要求的頻率降低 Chameleon Suit now provides immunity to Opportunist crits 變色龍裝現在不會被機會主義爆擊 Psi Shadow perk renamed "Concealment" and removed from Psi Tree. Now a MSGT perk on Scout tree. Hacking an Exalt array and capturing meld now reveals hidden soldiers. 隱身技能從心靈技能中拔除 拿去放在斥候技能樹中 (只有斥候能隱身了) 駭Exalt通訊塔和拿Meld罐會現身 Slight reduction in flight fuel for flying armors and hover shiv 稍微降低飛行盔甲和飛行Shiv的燃料用量(可以飛更久) Larger UFOs have more hit points and go slower on the strategic map, allowing for more interceptions while they are on missions. 大型幽浮的血量增加 移動速度降低 給你更多次機會把他打下來 (或者是把你整個大洲的攔截機通通打殘) Dense Smoke perk no longer provides AOE bonus for smoke grenades. 加濃煙霧現在不加範圍啦 UFO initial base will not be on your starting continent. 外星人的第一個基地不會跟你同大洲(因應加成系統改變 確保你一定拿得到大洲加成) Doubled alien alloys and elerium income from UFOs, missions and aliens. 給你雙倍的合金和超鈾 Doubled alloys and elerium costs for techs and items. Reduced $$ cost for alloys and elerium. Increased usual amount for council item requests of alloys and elerium. This makes the repair system a little more granular -- the amount of alloys/elerium needed to repair early game items (0/1/2, etc) was making too big a difference in the utility of the item. Otherwise the overall economy should be the same. 科技和物品所需的合金和超鈾也加倍歐 然後賣材料的價格下降 反正這些改動是因應新的維修系統 早期裝備維修需要的材料固定為0/1/2 其他的不重要就不翻了.... 終於翻完了...... 翻到 ◢▆▅▄▃-崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰-▃▄▅▆◣ 翻到 ◢▆▅▄▃-崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰-▃▄▅▆◣ 翻到 ◢▆▅▄▃-崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰-▃▄▅▆◣ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1425749699.A.165.html ※ 編輯: Merkle (, 03/08/2015 01:36:17 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Merkle (, 03/08/2015 01:37:25

03/08 17:05, , 1F
25頁... 只能跪著推了 OTZ
03/08 17:05, 1F

03/12 12:39, , 2F
加油 有這個mod 讓我又開始重玩了XD
03/12 12:39, 2F

03/13 05:19, , 3F
b15回鍋 覺得散彈槍真的神
03/13 05:19, 3F
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