[翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Endless part2

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第二篇,這篇會從永恆族母星.托爾的死亡講到貫串整個遊戲的星塵(Dust)的誕生 預計永恆族一共會發四篇,目前正在進行Heros(英雄)部分的翻譯 還有上一篇[翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Endless 1 (#1Ja97ZOn) 拜託大家一定要幫我看看裡面的翻譯問題阿...... 實在是太多了,這樣會不敢拿出去見人的>"< ==================================== Endless Space Wiki 翻譯 http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Space_Wiki google文件:http://0rz.tw/oRHT9 我把google文件的權限調到只要有連結的人就能修改 如果要修改的板友,請標明修改段落並留下您的ID 這樣以後有機會發佈時,我才知道感謝名單要列上哪些人 感謝 ==================================== The Death of Tor 托爾的死亡 Due to the complexity of their natural biology and the relative difficulty in building space-going vessels that contained water atmospheres, the Eaür were much slower to leave tor and move into space. Instead, they turned their energy and sciences into more intensive exploration of the planet, digging ever deeper into the crust and settling in the abysses of the oceans. 因為身體構造較為複雜,且要建造含有水圈的太空船有困難,耶烏爾很晚才離開母星前往 太空。相對的,他們把精力和科學轉向對於母星更加透徹的探索,從海洋的深淵處挖進了 地殼。 While the Eaür learned much of high-pressure environments and the extraction of minerals under extremes of pressure, a time came when the drills and explosives of their industry disturbed the crust of the planet itself. It happened in a mine far below the bottom of the deepest sea trench, known as Beneath-the-Belly-of-the-Leviathan, in a mining operation run by a corporation called To-Share-the-Bounty. Using fission devices to shift and fraction large rock plates in order to break them into exploitable chunks, a fracture was caused that broke open a path to the lava at the planet’s core. Exploding out under pressure, the magma followed the path of the mine— obliterating the entire operation and a large undersea city in seconds—and began to fill Beneath-the-Belly-of-the-Leviathan. 雖然耶烏爾學到許多關於高壓環境和處於極大壓力下的礦物種類的知識,但當鑽頭和工業 炸藥打擾到這顆星球時,事情發生了。托爾最深的海溝,名為「在利維坦的肚子之下」, 在其底部往下的更深處有個礦場,該礦場由一間名為「分享慷慨」的公司經營,事情就是 從這裡發生的。他們用核分裂裝置移動並爆裂巨大的岩板,好把岩板破壞成可利用的碎片 。有一個破裂面造成了一條通往充滿岩漿的地核的通道,岩漿因為壓力而爆發,從礦場造 成的通道沖出來─在幾秒內沖掉整個公司及一個巨大的深海都市─並開始填滿「利維坦的 肚子下面」。 In a matter of days, the instability spread to several other deep sea trenches in the same region, and notable increases in water temperatures were recorded. Leviathans went mad, first in the affected area and then sympathetically across the entire planet. As entire regions were rendered uninhabitable and entire populations of sea life were wiped out, the clock began ticking. It would only be a matter of months before much of the Eaür homeworld would no longer be habitable. 幾天內,不穩定性散佈到同區域的幾個其他海溝,海水的溫度開始顯著的上升。利維坦發 瘋了,一開始只在受影響的地區,然後這悲慘的景象擴及全星球。全部地方都變得無法居 住,海中生物被一掃而空,末日時鐘開始倒數了,距離幾乎所有耶烏爾家園都再也不能居 住的時辰只剩大約幾個月。 Emergency messages came and went. Full-scale evacuations to land and to space were triggered in a panic; asteroids were hollowed out, filled with ice that was melted and purified, and thousands of Eaür were driven inside in desperate bids to save the species. But time was short and resources were not infinite. As the seas died over a period of months, millions of Eaür died with them. Ecological havoc was visited upon the land and sea as storms ranged, currents changed, and seasons became indistinguishable. When the last rocket lifted to raise a few thousand more Eaür into a desperately under-prepared orbital, it left behind millions of dying and dead on a planet that was a geological catastrophe. The survivors watched from space as fire and water met, turning their home into a ball of boiling vapor. 緊急訊息不斷來去,以陸地和太空為目的的全面撤退造成了悲劇。小行星被挖空、裝滿了 融化且純淨的冰,數以千計的耶烏爾被趕到裡面去,一切都是為了保存種族而做出的孤注 一擲。但時間太短,資源也太少,當大海在數個月後死亡時,數百萬的耶烏爾隨之一起陪 葬。風暴巨大化、海流流向改變、四季變化消失,而生態浩劫接著造訪了大地和海洋。當 最後一支火箭,載著數千名耶烏爾,絕望且毫無準備的發射並進入軌道時,他們把數百萬 正在死去和已經死去的同胞留在已經成為地質學災難的行星上。當水和火衝進他們的家, 使之成為一個沸騰的蒸汽球時,殘存者們正從太空中看著這一切。 The impact of these events on the Endless conscious was enormous. While the loss of a million lives was a misfortune, the destruction of a homeworld was a catastrophe that resonated through the soul of the species. Songs and tales rapidly spread concerning the last months of the planet. Across the reach of the Endless discoveries the message was left everywhere: Spun into perpetual machine-driven vibrations that would echo forever across the void, memorized as nursery rhymes to indoctrinate the children, even carved into the faces of planets in letters as tall as mountains. 這些事件對於永恆族意識的影響非常巨大。雖然失去數百萬性命的確很不幸,但家園的毀 滅卻是使整個種族的靈魂都為之震動的災難。描述星球最後一個月的歌曲和故事快速的傳 播了出去,只要是永恆族發現並到達過的地方都會留下這段訊息:與由機械永遠持續發出 的震顫紡織在一起,成為虛空中永遠的回音;如同孩童聽的搖籃曲一般的記憶,儘管字母 是刻在星球表面上,與群山一樣高(譯註:求高手修飾這段訊息)The Wars of Alteration 抓交替戰爭 The Eaür took the adaptation to space with great difficulty. Water-breathing creatures have heavy and expensive life support systems, and they find the atmosphere in space colonies to be painfully dry and hard on their epidermis. A number of major, radical changes to their own biochemistry would be necessary in order to survive this; and with the help of allies among the Torian spacefarers they began the arduous process. Augmentations, grafts, and artificially grown organs helped many survive who may have died, but more was needed. Decisions were taken by some scientists to adapt the genetic code of the Eaür to become an entirely new species, no longer dependent on water. 耶烏爾非常難以適應宇宙,這些在水中呼吸的生物依賴又重又昂貴的生命維持裝置,而他 們發現太空殖民地的大氣對他們的皮膚是令人痛苦的乾燥和難受。為了要在這種環境下生 存,他們需要在生化方面做出重大、根本性的改變,還需要那些已經是太空常客的托爾人 盟友的協助。他們就此開始了艱困的工作。人工器官的大規模移植讓很多早該死去的耶烏 爾們活了下來,但還有更多人需要。一些科學家決定要改寫耶烏爾的遺傳密碼,使之成為 不需要依賴水的全新物種。 Many of the survivors viewed this as an abomination; the thought of altering one’s body so fundamentally was an unthinkable and unforgivable act, beyond treason or apostasy. Arguments became demonstrations, demonstrations became riots, and riots became wars. But space habitats were still small and fragile, and the risk of mass suicide or genocide was enormous. Still, it happened: Alterists on A-Second-Hope attacked a police barracks where a pro-alteration doctor was imprisoned. The resultant fires consumed the oxygen supply of the station in a matter of minutes, crippled life support machinery, and caused the death of over 6,000 displaced Eaür as well as their Haduns hosts; an anti-Alterist on the hollowed-out asteroid Thanks-for-Small-Things used mining charges to crack a hole in the part of the asteroid where the Alterists where living, venting them into space and causing a ripple effect that destabilized the asteroid crust. The resultant loss of atmosphere killed most of the population. 許多生還者厭惡這個想法,從根本上改變一個人體的想法不僅不可思議且難以饒恕,這甚 至比叛國或通敵更過分。議論變成了示威、示威變成了暴動、暴動變成了戰爭。但太空的 居住地仍然又小又脆弱,而集體自殺或屠殺的風險很巨大。最後,事情還是發生了:支持 改變的「第二希望」團體的人攻擊一個警局,因為有個支持改變的醫生被關在裡面。這次 攻擊造成的大火在幾分鐘內就消耗掉了該地方的氧氣,並癱瘓了維持生命的機器,造成超 過六千名耶烏爾難民和提供他們住處的哈登斯們的死亡;一個反改變份子在一個名為「感 謝小東西」的挖空小行星內使用礦業炸藥把支持改變者住的地方炸出一個洞要把他們扔到 太空去,爆炸卻造成了整個小行星殼的不穩定,這導致的大氣喪失殺死了大部分的居民。 For those who survived the wars and went ahead with alterations, it only required a few decades for the accelerated evolution of the Eaür to change them radically from the people that they had been. An era was passing that would be looked at and referred to by many names: The Changing, The Perversion, or the End of Youth. 在這場戰爭中殘存下來的人民朝改變的方向前進,要讓耶烏爾從他們原本的身體加速做出 根本性的改變只花了幾十年。一個年代就這樣過去了,未來會用許多名字來代表這個時期 :改變的年代、顛倒的年代、或是青年期的結束。 The Tragedy of Kyros 凱洛斯的悲劇 By the middle years of the seventh century ME, several hundred exoplanets had been explored and Endless orbitals circled several dozen that could potentially be habitable. Many were settled, notably Kyros. 在第七世紀ME的中期,幾百個行星外漂流者在數十個永恆族的星系中尋找有潛力居住的地 方,大部分的人都住在凱洛斯。 Kyros was a planet whose environment was so welcoming that it became viewed by many Torian religions as their promised paradise. They flocked to it in great numbers, set up communities and nations of competing religions, and heatedly disputed its purpose, use, and ownership. While fear for the planet’ s ecosystem kept these different groups in check, the rise of a strong and manipulative leader from within one of the parties spun the society into self-destruction. 凱洛斯是一個非常宜人的星球,許多托爾人的宗教都把這裡當做他們的應許之地。他們大 批大批的聚集而來,設立了社群和國家以做宗教競爭,並狂熱的爭論該星球的走向、使用 及主權。雖然對於這顆星球生態系的崇敬能限制這些團體的行為,但其中一個團體裡有一 個強大且有控制欲的領導人崛起,而這導致了整個社會的自我毀滅。 A brilliant charismatic preacher, Koil, founded a Kyros-is-paradise religion but with a twist; as he had discovered this Truth he was the Chosen Leader, and those who Followed would be blessed. It is a well-known fact that once a leader begins to speak in capital letters things are going to get ugly; and this was no exception. 柯伊樂,一個優秀又有魅力的牧師,建立了一個把凱洛斯當成天堂的宗教,但不一樣的是 該教的真理為他是被選中的領導者,而跟隨他的人則會受到祝福。一旦一個領導者開始說 一些致命的話語,那事情就會開始扭曲,這個事實眾所皆知、毫無例外。 Koil nevertheless had two saving graces: A real, honest belief that Kyros must be protected and preserved, and a loving mate, Hoce, who believed deeply in him and his cause. Several times, when Koil's fanaticisms or political maneuvers brought the factions to the brink of war, it was Hoce’s diplomacy and purity who reconciled the leaders of armies. 不過,柯伊樂有兩項令人安心的魅力:他真誠的相信凱洛斯會永遠受庇護且能永遠存留著 ,而且他還有一位鍾愛且深深相信他及他的目的的伴侶.霍絲。當柯伊樂的宗教狂熱或政 治策略把整個派系帶到戰爭的邊緣時,霍絲的外交手段及她的純潔總是能讓軍隊的領導者 們和解。 This was unfortunately a common occurrence, as Koil's belief in the Rightness of his Cause was unwavering, and his ability to charm, hoodwink, and seduce neutrals and enemies was enormous. But a time came, of course, when the growing power of Koil, Lord of Kyros became a threat to the other divisive factions, and a conflict began that no amount of pleading by Hoce could resolve. 不幸的是,這種事情一再發生(譯註:看不懂),因為柯伊樂對於他目標正當性的信念堅 定不移,而且他吸引、哄騙和誘惑中立及敵對份子的能力十分強大。但該來的總是要來, 當柯伊樂的權力不斷增長,凱洛斯之主變成了其他分離派系的威脅,而連霍絲的懇求都無 法消除的衝突就爆發了。 So war came, and Kyros burned, and in his ego and his madness Koil unleashed the ultimate weapon – Dust that existed only to create Dust, infinitely, until there was nothing left. The face of the planet turned alive as earth, buildings, water, and beings were broken down into their elemental parts and rebuilt as nano-machines. 因此戰爭來臨了,凱洛斯隨之陷入火海。因為自身的自尊及瘋狂,柯伊樂使用了終極武器 ─一種機械粉塵,這種粉塵在把該地所有事物都化為同樣的粉塵之前都不會停止運作。這 顆星球上無論是大地、建築、水和生物都被分解為原子,並被重構成奈米機械。 The last to die was Hoce, still believing, still hoping for the gods themselves to appear, end the horror, and bless them all. She criss-crossed the world in an airship built of balloons and solar motors, seeking him, seeking peace, crying out for her love. It is said that craft that later visited the planet – without touching down – could hear her voice on the wind, still calling his name. 最後一個死掉的是霍絲,她仍相信、希望他們的神會出現、終結這場災難、並祝福他們所 有人。她乘著太陽能驅動的飛船橫跨整個世界,尋找他、尋找和平、大聲呼喚她的摯愛。 據說,最後一艘造訪該行星─但並未著陸─的太空船,能夠在風中聽到她呼喚他的名字。 Like the loss of Tor itself, this loss of the greatest treasure that they had yet discovered drove the Endless into adopting an extreme "hands-off" policy in exploring and exploiting planets and planetary bodies. Already a species whose population was over 80% off-planet, the Torians moved even further in the direction of non-intrusive exploration, observation, and non-intervention. Teyuns became the one and only religion, and their violation was met with immediate punishment. 就如同失去托爾一樣,失去他們所發現最偉大的珍寶使永恆族在探險及開發行星和類行星 體時嚴格執行一項極端的「交棒」政策。如果一顆星球上已經有一個種族統治超過80%的 地方,那托爾人就只會坐非侵入性的探險、觀察,並且不會干涉他們。帖楊司變成唯一的 宗教,違反的行為會立刻受到制裁。 The Recusion 遞迴 As a result of the Tragedy of Kyros, their process of discovery began to revolve around a set of rules called "They Must Be Remembered", an extension of the teyuns, which was based on development of moon-based observation posts, passive probes, and long term analysis. Planets were only marked as targets for colonization after decades of research, and in fact most Endless explorers moved on to discover the wonders of other stars and planets rather than put up with the ages-long wait until it was determined that one was declared exploitable. 因為凱洛斯悲劇造成的結果,整個探索的進程以一系列名為「銘記逝者」的規定為中心展 開。這是帖楊司教的延伸,奠基於月面基地觀測站、被動探測器及長時間分析的發展。只 有對於一顆行星做數十年的研究後才能把它作為殖民的目標,事實上比起花上畢生來等待 某顆星球宣告能夠殖民,大部分的永恆族探險家都繼續探索其未知的它星球。 Three centuries of the Endless therefore grew up more in ships, mined asteroids, and constructed orbitals than on planetary surfaces. Their physiology began to evolve, as the lack of gravity made fundamental changes in their bodies. 三個世紀以來,永恆族比起行星表面更常在船艦、小行星礦場和軌道圈上生長。重力的缺 乏根本性的改變了他們的身軀,因此他們的生理開始變化。 As these changes began to alter the fundamental philosophy and morphology of the Endless peoples, a third thing came along that would be equally disruptive – a substance known as Dust. 當這種變動開始改變永恆族的基本哲學和型態時,第三件事情發生了,而這將會造成同等 的種族分裂─一種名為星塵的物質。 The Birth of Dust 星塵的誕生 This strange substance that came to dominate the Endless culture had relatively mundane origins; scientists driven by the problems of the Eaür developed increasingly miniaturized machines in order to handle the biophysics of adaptation. What started as micro-machines to assist under-oxygenated gills or as tiny dermato-prophylactic swarms began to evolve. They became ever smaller, ever more mobile, ever more adapted to pulling energy from ambient radiation. Ultimately, they learned to self-network and self-organize, which had the unexpected side effect of creating near-infinite networks of intelligent mechanical nodes. 這個掌控了整個永恆族文化的奇怪物質,有個很平凡的來歷。當時被耶烏爾的問題搞的焦 頭爛額的科學家們研發了改良的微型機器人以處理生體調整工作。這些微型機器人一開始 的工作是協助無水鰓的運作,或預防皮膚疾病,之後這些機器人繼續發展。它們變得更小 、更靈活、甚至更能從周遭的輻射中汲取能量。最後,它們能夠建構自己的網路及自我組 織,當初並沒有想到會創造出幾近永久的網路系統或智慧機械節點,這是預期之外的副作 用。 Therefore, what is now commonly known as "Dust" was a mix of different miniaturized elements that could replicate themselves, self-assemble, and network. Based on technologies of quantum computing and atomic-level miniaturization, Dust was capable of simple physical tasks as well as feats of advanced computing. As large numbers of elements communicated, combined, and interacted, it could even form sophisticated AI systems that were able to achieve advanced levels of reasoning and analysis. Its utility and flexibility became such that Dust was created in enormous volumes and became an integral component of everyday life. 因此,現在以「星塵」之名為人所知的物質,其實是一堆不同的微小元件的混合,它們能 夠自我複製、自我組織及建構網路。星塵以量子運算科技和原子尺度微小化科技為基礎, 能夠做簡單的物理運動及進階的運算能力。當大量的元件互相傳輸訊息、結合和影響時, 它甚至能構成精密的人工智慧系統,能夠做高階的推理和分析。星塵的性能和靈活度,使 得它被大量生產,並成為日常生活不可或缺得一部分。 At the time of the Endless Space game, Dust is only known as a rare and priceless resource created by the Endless that appears to give almost god-like incomprehensible powers to its users. For, as the Endless technology to handle it was lost, new races will have to discover the secrets within Dust through experimentation. 在Endless Space遊戲時期中,星塵只被當做是永恆族創造的一種稀有且無價得資源,能 給予使用它們的人難以置信而幾乎等同神的力量。但是,因為永恆族操縱星塵的科技已經 失落了,新生種族必須透過各種實驗來發掘星塵的祕密。 Some people will gain powers that appear to be supernatural due to the effects of the Dust; they became known as "Heroes" due to their innate capacity to absorb Dust and exploit its many capacities. 有些人會因為星塵的效果而獲得超自然的力量,這些人天生就能吸收星塵並開發它的許多 能力,並被稱為「英雄」。 However, as it can vary from a highly sophisticated physical tool to an advanced AI and could even contain a sleeping "consciousness", as more and more Dust is gathered together, strange things might happen and strange effects occur without any control from those Heroes… 然而,因為它能構成高度精密且擁有高階人工智慧的肉體工具,甚至會有「潛意識」,當 越來越多的星塵聚集在一起時,到時就會發生奇怪的事情,且會出現不受這些英雄控制的 奇怪影響…… ================================= 請大家務必批評指正我的翻譯,尤其是文本中的紅字註明 感謝>"< -- 到那時,在壁爐邊,當孫子坐在某位老人的膝蓋上,問道:「爺爺,你在亡靈天災入侵的 時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說 :「啊……爺爺我當時在清淨農場挖牛糞。」與此相反,他可以直盯著他的眼睛理直氣壯 地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在太陽花學運和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」 ~《太陽花》 第一章第二節 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SLG/M.1402056736.A.3A4.html

06/06 21:52, , 1F
06/06 21:52, 1F

06/06 22:10, , 2F
中二集團 感覺不會其他種族攻擊它 自己就會滅亡掉 囧
06/06 22:10, 2F

06/06 23:29, , 3F
06/06 23:29, 3F
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