[討論] 指考英文題型解析-篇章結構

看板SENIORHIGH作者 (地球)時間8年前 (2016/06/02 03:21), 編輯推噓11(1109)
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哈囉,各位水深火熱的大家,由於實在有太多人站內信我了。 我想我還是在這邊簡單的跟大家說一下我們的指考英文的解題方法哈哈 首先,我們先來談談「篇章結構」想要考我們的能力是甚麼?  當然,篇章[結構]一定會考到文章的結構! 而,有滿多人問說....[結構?是甚麼?能吃嗎?] 好的,在這邊跟大家稍微說明一下~ 目前看過大部分的篇章結構的文章都是「記敘文」幾篇的「議論文」 記敘文,代表一種「介紹」、「紀錄」的概念。 很常考時間的次序!!! 議論文,代表一種「論證」、「舉證」的想法。 而議論文的文章,通常會還有以下四種東西: SREC S=statement (該篇文章要論證的點) R=reasons(給予支持論點的理由) E=evidence, example (說出支持論點的例子或者反證的例子) C=compare and constrast (做出對比,有會怎麼樣;沒有會怎樣,較好較壞較棒較差等等) --------------------------------------- 我就以去年104年的指考篇章結構來說明一下下 Since the early 1990s, the lithium-ion battery has been the most suitable battery for portable electronic equipment. Today, they’re commonly used for cellphones, computers, tablets, digital cameras, and other devices. Lithium-ion batteries have nearly twice the energy density of traditional nickel cadmium batteries. ( 31) This feature has important implications for cellphones and computers, because it makes these items more portable for consumers. It also makes power tools easier to use and allows workers to use them for longer periods of time. (32) Lithium-ion batteries retain no “memory” of their power capacity from previous charging cycles. Thus they require no scheduled cycling and can be fully re-fueled to their maximum capacity during each charging cycle. Other rechargeable battery types, in contrast, retain information from previous charging cycles, which wastes valuable storage space. Over time, this makes these rechargeable batteries hold less of a charge. (33) It is fragile and requires a protection circuit to maintain safe operation. A high load could overheat the pack and safety might be jeopardized. (34) After 2-3 years of use, the pack often becomes unserviceable due to a large voltage drop caused by high internal resistance. It should be noted, however, that manufacturers are constantly making improvements on lithium-ion batteries. (35) With such rapid progress, the use of lithium-ion batteries will certainly expand further. (A) The lithium-ion battery is also a low maintenance battery. (B) Despite its overall advantages, the lithium-ion battery has its drawbacks. (C) New and enhanced chemical combinations are introduced every six months or so. (D) Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium-ion batteries failed due to memory problems. (E) That is, they carry more power in a smaller unit, helping to reduce overall weight and size. (F) Another downside is the increase of the internal resistance that occurs with cycling and aging. --------------------------------------- 首先,第一步驟是先看選項,抓出結構詞 (A)沒有結構詞 (B)Despite,表示儘管、雖然。 記得,Although/ Though/ Even though/ Even if/Despite/ In spite of 後面接的資訊比較不重要,後面那一個主要子句比較重要!! 這句話說,儘管大致上來說他好處多多,但這種電池仍有它的缺點。 稍微背一下,指考考出來的缺點 drawback, downside, negative side, disadvantage。 (C)沒有明顯結構詞 (D)沒有明顯結構詞 (E)That is= in others words 就代表,下面會接一個淺顯易懂的句子,補充說明主要要論證的點(statement )通常會接在主題句後面! (F)Another,表一種次序的概念。可能有很多缺點前面已經講了一種,後面會提及另外一種。 再來,第二步驟我們可以回文章中看第一段,了解這篇文章在講甚麼。 他說, lithium-ion battery已經變成最適合的電池對於行動的電子裝置來說。 今天他們被使用在手機電腦..... 喔! 看完第一段只要知道,lithium-ion battery被大量使用,所以他接下來要討論這個東西 (看不懂的字跳過,lithium-ion這種專有名詞不一定要背,背起來只是讓別人覺得你好棒棒,但無非是造成自己的負擔哈!) 開始看第二段就是(31)的前一句。 他說,這個東西有2倍多的energy density對比於傳統的電池。 (有人被嚇到了!! 他問說 甚麼是nickel cadmium!! 請告訴自己!! 不要理他往下看!! 不懂不會怎樣啊!! 反正就是一種電池啊!) (31)的後一句 他說,這個feature(這個字要背,他叫特色)很重要,因為消費者好帶。 好了,看到這邊。回去看選項囉!!(啥!! 後面還有一句沒看欸!! 沒差拉哈哈!!) 用刪去法選個答案!! 先用結構詞刪答案!!(B) (E) (F) (B)我會刪掉,因為他連好處都還沒有講,就要講別人的不好!! 況且,他都說這特色很重要很棒,還要跟你講缺點? 跟他說!! 去死吧~~ (E)這個選項,有提到可以減少大小。跟前後文好像有相通,好小=好帶啊! 而且!! 又緊接在topic sentence後面!!! 我先保留他~~ 等等回來找你喔! (F)一樣阿!! 連一個缺點都還沒有講 就Another!!!不是很奇怪嘛!!!!!!! 再來,看看(A)(C)(D) (A)他說LITHIUM-ION BATTERY 也是 low maintenance battery. 刪刪刪!!!! 連 low maintenance battery都沒有提到,怎麼會說 also呢!!!!? (D)他說為了製造可以充電的(re-charge-able; re= again, charge=充電 , able=可以) l battery 但失敗,因為memory 的問題!! (31)前後都沒有提到,memory的問題啊!!!! 他還跟你說 他不錯欸!! 怎麼會提到問題? 悄悄的跟他說 滾吧!!! (C)他說新的化合物引進!! 我看到這邊我就不看了,因為跟前後句都沒有關係阿!! 且前後文也沒有提到跟時間相關( every six months or so)的概念啊!!! 摁...這樣....看來只能選(E)了.... (只好繼續往下做...) -------------------------------------------- 篇章結構就這樣,大概就可以解完一半惹!!! 阿阿 其他的幾題大家自己試試看!!! 如果還需要教學,可以站內信我 我們再一起討論阿阿啊!!!! 祝大家很快樂 !! -- Sent from my Windows -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SENIORHIGH/M.1464808876.A.C1A.html

06/02 03:28, , 1F
換句話說,除了這邊的that is還有to put it another
06/02 03:28, 1F

06/02 03:28, , 2F
way, (101,B) in other words
06/02 03:28, 2F

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06/02 20:26, , 19F
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06/04 00:12, , 20F
感覺受益良多 改天看
06/04 00:12, 20F