[報馬] NOISE80000V - 即興/噪音/前衛音樂祭

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以上由ptt2轉文 作者 noise (my soul is older than a) 看板 AAAAAAAA 標題 [造音] NOISE80000V - Kandala Records GIG 時間 Fri Aug 13 00:01:12 2010 ─────────────────────────────────────── NOISE80000V - Kandala Records GIG 8/21 & 8/22 5:30 PM @ Nanhai Gallery 2 Days, 6 Sets, 10 Artists, and 80000 VOLTS! TICKETS: 250 NT (1 day); 400 NT (2 days) http://kandalarecords.tw -> NOISE80000V 8/21 (Sat) 6:20 - 7:00 Jump Off Overpass (Taiwan) + 林桂如 (Taiwan) 7:10 - 7:50 yingfan psalmanazar (Taiwan) 8:00 - 8:40 PAL PAL (Hong Kong) 8:50 - 9:30 Jam Session 8/22 (Sun) 6:20 - 7:00 Fao Torres (Colombia) + 李世揚 (Taiwan) 7:10 - 7:50 wolfenstein (Taiwan) 8:00 - 8:40 MU Child (Taiwan) 8:50 - 9:30 Jam Session 2010.08.21 (Sat) 5:40 PM 入場 6:20-7:00 PM - JOO (Taiwan) w/ 林桂如 (Taiwan) Jump Off Overpass (JOO; 跳天橋) 由噪音樂手張又升 (Zhang You-Sheng, aka. noise) 和再見奈央 (Goodbye! Nao) 團員 shower 組成,於2010年初,首次在南海藝廊演出。跳天橋演出形式為無調式即興噪音, 配件為吉他和爵士鼓。 林桂如 音樂作品類型廣泛,除器樂創作外,亦積極參與音樂劇場、裝置藝術等跨領域創作。最近 並熱衷於鋼琴即興演奏。 1999年畢業於國立台北藝術大學音樂系理論與作曲組。2008年獲加州大學聖地牙哥分校作 曲博士學位。 2009年獲台北國際藝術村選為澳洲伯斯駐村藝術家、互動聲音裝置藝術作品“listening to the darkness” 獲選於澳洲 Totally Huge New Music Festival 展出。 2008-2009年連續獲選國立臺灣交響樂團鼓勵原創作品。 2008-2009年連續獲選國立臺灣交響樂團鼓勵原創作品。 2007-2008年創作計劃獲國家文藝基金會音樂創作類補助。 曾受委託創作包括:La Jolla Symphony and Chorus、墨西哥吉他演奏家 Pablo Gomez、 打擊樂家黃皚雲、加拿大室內樂團 Nouvel Ensemble Moderne,十方樂集等。音樂作品曾 於台灣、日本、韓國、澳洲、法國、波蘭、加拿大、美國及以色列等地演出。 持續參與劇場、舞蹈、電影及紀錄片之音樂創作;現為動見体劇團音樂總監,並任教於國 立中山大學音樂系。 Lin’s works include instrumental music, computer music, as well as sound  installations and interdisciplinary collaborations. She also improves on the piano. She holds a Ph.D. in composition from University of California, San Diego. Past commissions include: La Jolla Symphony and Chorus (U.S.A.), Nouvel Ensemble Moderne (Canada), the Forum Music Ensemble (Taiwan) and percussionists Aiyun Huang (Canada/Taiwan). Her music has since been performed in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Israel, Australia, France, Poland, Canada and U.S.A. She is currently the music director of the M.O.V.E. Theater Group (Taipei). 7:10-7:50 PM - yingfan psalmanazar (Taiwan) 黑狼 受到 the velvet underground、einstuerzende neubauten 與日本動畫長片“akira” 配樂 (藝能山城組演奏) 影響,近20年來累積近3000件錄音作品,其中絕大部分被歸類為 噪音。1997年起在電台不定期發表作品,2001年推出首張自選輯,2002年開始現場表演, 2004-2010年旅日期間不時混跡大阪地下樂圈,透過現場表演與合作演出,建立自己的方 法論,以電子音建構高密度的音牆,並且導向破滅。2010年返臺後,著手以歌曲為中心的 專案『囧人歌劇 nerd opera』,預計2012年完成發表。 http://www.indievox.com/yingfan http://www.facebook.com/yingfan http://iskandar.pixnet.net/blog yingfan psalmanazar Begins bedroom recordings at teen under influences of Geinou-yamashirogumi(i.e. “AKIRA”), Velvet Underground and Einstuerzende Neubauten. Recordings broadcasted at Taipei's classic radio station in 1997. Live performance since 2002, he plays varoius instruments, electronics, laptop and junks in Taipei, Taichung and Kaoshiung. During his abroad study years(2004~10), Yingfan get connected with Osaka's underground/noise scene, and performed with artists and musicians such as the choreographer SUMI Masayuki, er-hu(chinese fiddle) performer MUKAI Chie, guitarist YAMAMOTO Seiichi, digital musician INAMI Sunao and ISHIGAMI Kazuya, as well as Osaka's riot-girl duo AFRIRAMPO. Member of legengary scum band ULTRA FUCKERS between 2008 and 2009. Yingfan's works appear on several compilations such as "LOBO 2", "B!AS sound arts", "C.U.E. COMPILATION 2", "TAIWAN FREE SOUND", etc. Albums in limited copies, or released online are about 100 items. http://www.indievox.com/yingfan http://www.facebook.com/yingfan http://iskandar.pixnet.net/blog 8:00-8:40 PM - PAL PAL (Hong Kong) 葉浩恩 香港的聲音藝術家及實驗音樂家,沉迷於前衛音樂與聲音質感,隻身到蒙特利爾探索鑽研 ,範疇涉及實驗、即興、簡約噪音、聲音藝術、具象音樂、環境田野錄音、影片配樂、後 搖滾等創作,致力於各種聲音項目,如配樂、聲音裝置、戲劇音樂、現場表演和組織音樂 活動等,幻想推動香港聲音藝術、實驗即興音樂的發展。 Paul Yip is a sound artist and experimental musician from Hong Kong who works in various sound projects such as soundtrack, sound installation, theatre music, live performance and music event organizing. Obsessed in exploring new music and sounds, he had been staying in Montreal for couple years where he met lots of great musicians such as members of Godspeed You!Black Emperor, Martin Tétreault, Michel F Côté, William Parker, Felix Kubin. He had participated in the experimental big band Ho de Kestra which is directed by Philippe Keyser who inspired him alot. His interest ranges widely from Experimental, Improvisation, Minimalist, Sound Art, Actuelle, Avant Garde, Musique concrète, Contemporary Music, Field Recording, Free Jazz, Noise, Ambient, Film Score, as well as Post Rock. Paul had taken part and performed in various bands and live concerts in Hong Kong, Guang Zhow, Shen Zhen, Macau and Montreal. He worked as a freelance soundman and does live recording for concerts and music festival. His sound installation had been exhibiting at the Heritage x Art x Design (HAD) by HULU Culture. He also make background music and sound effect for online game and being live musician for the theatre work associating with Le French May directed by Ho Ying Fung. He is organizing Feel Music Experimental Lab (presented by Videotage) which is a mission to promote and spread sound art, experimental and improvised music to wide open Hong Kong's music scene, build up unique music style and find new music directions and ideas. Recently he organized the HK vs UK Noise Festival, the Extreme Noise, Drone, Ambient, Power Electronics & Experimental Music night featuring Exciting Local and International Artists from London & Australia. 8:50-9:30 PM - JAM SESSION ─────────────────────────────────────── 2010.08.22 (Sun) 5:40 PM 入場 6:20-7:00 PM - Fao Torres (Colombia) w/ 李世揚 (Taiwan) Fao Torres Fao (Aka. Fabian Torres) was born in 1977 in Bogota, Colombia (South America). 卍 Electronic sounds + Live instruments 卍 Instruments: 古琴 (Guqin), Tabla, Mouth-harp, Djembé, kalimba, Digeeridoo, Hand percussions or other objects Developing a performance based on Sound, Butoh, Taiji chuan, Performance ... Meditation Other activities ... painting (calligraphy), Soundtracks, Performance, sound art, installations, DJ ♦ Sound massage (Theraphy) using the singing tibetan bowls♦ Travelling in Asia (Japan, Korea, India, nepal, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan) http://www.faoto.net 李世揚 台北縣人,畢業於台南藝術大學七年一貫制音樂系,交通大學音樂研究所碩士班演奏組, 主修鋼琴,曾師事於程彰、辛幸純、何婉甄、鄭登琬、邵婷雯…等教授,並參與多次鋼琴 大師班,受教於 Julia Ganeva、Konstantin Ganev、Bernard Ringeissen、 JacquesRouvier、Boris Lvov、Rudolf Kehrer、Laurent Cabasso、陳必先、宋如音、劉 孟捷…等國際知名音樂家。他在國內外比賽皆獲得肯定,是一位跨足於古典音樂與即興演 奏的演奏家。曾跟隨張曉雯、李子聲、董昭民等教授修習作曲及相關理論課程,並且受到 作曲家 Jeroen Speak、李泰祥、曾毓忠、彭靖邀請演出作品。曾合作過的音樂家包含 GeneColeman、Klaus Bru、李亦青、林芊君、林惠君、張宜蓁、駱昭勻、劉俊德、羅堂 軒、若池敏弘、金光亮平…等。目前為卡到「音」即興樂團 (Caught Up In ImprovisationGroup) 召集人,藝綻室內樂團作曲家。 7:10-7:50 PM - wolfenstein (Taiwan) 謝仲其 聲音藝術家、電腦作曲、錄音、評論、企劃、翻譯。台北聲音小組成員。 8:00-8:40 PM - MU Child (Taiwan) 木小孩 他經營自己的手工肥皂品牌-木小孩肥皂。傳達生活概念。他也花大量的時間在創作聲音 作品,面對同樣的器材與自己。其他時間,喜歡在宜蘭的鄉野小道漫走與思考。 8:50-9:30 PM - JAM SESSION -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/13 15:24, , 1F
李世揚我記得暑假前有次失聲記他有演出動物農莊 蠻特別的.
08/13 15:24, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1CP2Kucg (SCUindierock)