[閒聊] 安迪是大善人!

看板Roddick作者 (張阿廢)時間14年前 (2010/06/26 20:20), 編輯推噓16(1607)
留言23則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
大家應該都知道溫網第三天那場不可思議的馬拉松大戰吧! 安迪當天也在推特的發言非常好笑~ seriously..... doesnt anyone have to pee ? umpires included 1:56 AM Jun 24th via web 他發了好幾推,主板有版友整理,就不贅述了 今天是要轉一個好人好事的感人事蹟... 馬拉松大戰的贏家Isner在賽後訪問被問到比賽後做了甚麼事時說 他照利泡完冰澡做完冰敷之後--他收到安迪送的三大盒披薩!!! 甚麼口味都有,讓Isner和整個團隊都吃的飽飽的 有沒有這麼好心的啊安迪~~(大心) 附上原文... Q. Talk us through what your post match routine was. What was the first thing you did? Ice bath? Eat? JOHN ISNER: I drank a recovery shake just to get some carbs in me right away. My coach came to the locker room with a plate of pasta and a plate of a bunch of stuff, meat, and I don't know what it was. But I couldn't eat that right away. A lot of times after a tennis match, you're not hungry right away. Takes like 30, 45 minutes. Yeah, then I took an ice bath, iced my arm down. Then I ate as much as possible. Then actually Andy Roddick left the site and came back with takeout food for myself and my coach, believe it or not Q. You said this was like a dream. In some ways, is this even better than a dream? And what did Andy get you for takeout? JOHN ISNER: (前文略) Andy just brought me all sorts of stuff. It was for my coach and my trainer. There was three boxes of pizza, all sorts of chicken and mashed potatoes, anything. I would have eaten 12 BicMacs. -- 對不起我不會上色... 希望這樣有好讀 很開心跟大家分享這麼可愛的安迪 下一場比賽一起幫安迪加油!即使背叛國家也在所不辭啊XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/26 21:31, , 1F
06/26 21:31, 1F

06/26 22:53, , 2F
媽啊!! ANDY人也太好了!! Q////Q
06/26 22:53, 2F

06/26 23:48, , 3F
ANDY 就肝心!!
06/26 23:48, 3F

06/27 00:40, , 4F
06/27 00:40, 4F

06/27 01:06, , 5F
06/27 01:06, 5F

06/27 07:45, , 6F
喜歡Andy都快七年了 想都不用想 當然是支持他!
06/27 07:45, 6F

06/27 09:53, , 7F
背叛國家也在所不辭啊!!!!!!! XD
06/27 09:53, 7F

06/27 13:01, , 8F
Andy人也太好 真的好貼心喔 = v =
06/27 13:01, 8F

06/27 13:37, , 9F
06/27 13:37, 9F

06/27 14:34, , 10F
哈哈Andy人真好! 大家別管主板某些人啦, 我覺得網球
06/27 14:34, 10F

06/27 14:34, , 11F
06/27 14:34, 11F

06/27 14:35, , 12F
此忽然不支持原本就喜歡的球員了! 我也希望Andy加油!
06/27 14:35, 12F

06/27 14:36, , 13F
06/27 14:36, 13F

06/27 23:39, , 14F
06/27 23:39, 14F

06/27 23:43, , 15F
根據總版一些草包的想法 這樣都是不愛國的
06/27 23:43, 15F

06/28 02:44, , 16F
06/28 02:44, 16F

06/28 02:45, , 17F
看到這幾天戰成這樣 實在無話可說
06/28 02:45, 17F

06/28 02:50, , 18F
每天一堆人在問幾點打 真不曉得有誰可以預知...
06/28 02:50, 18F

06/28 02:55, , 19F
我就是要支持ANDY 就算被罵可悲也沒關係
06/28 02:55, 19F

06/28 09:38, , 20F
推 不用跟一日球迷爭 從03年看Andy拿到美網冠軍到現在
06/28 09:38, 20F

06/28 09:38, , 21F
06/28 09:38, 21F

06/28 22:22, , 22F
Andy就甘心!!! 難怪那麼受歡迎 ^^
06/28 22:22, 22F

06/28 23:10, , 23F
06/28 23:10, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1C9V1-do (Roddick)