[外電] 火箭所面對的西區

看板Rockets作者 (dd)時間9年前 (2015/08/03 20:10), 8年前編輯推噓11(11010)
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http://goo.gl/OzwmaS By Jonathan FeigenAugust 1, 2015 Updated: August 2, 2015 6:01pm 英文原文貼在最下面 火箭試著補強 但是同時也面對了一個競爭更加劇烈的西區 核心都建構完成且歸隊了 哈登也得到了進攻上的幫助 但是 西區的其他隊伍也同樣變的更強了 撇開 取得Lamacus Aldridge這個半賭博 半運氣的目標不講 其他火箭今夏務實的補強是大家都能看見的 火箭希望 1) 找到能分擔哈登進攻重擔的playmaker 同時 2) 也希望盡可能地能保留上一季的主要核心 在7月底定的主要交易中,他們2者都做到了。 不過我們還不知道這些補強是否已經足夠了 這個每年一次的夏季重開機 總是要開季後才能證明成效 在迎來27歲的後衛Ty Lawson後 火箭得到了他們想要的那種能發起攻勢 也有自己得分能力的選手 如此一來 哈登就不用總是在組織以及得分方面兩頭燒 而且火箭還是以較低的的金額這位有酗酒問題的即戰力 如果泰勞神以及他的新隊友們能克服傷病問題 那麼這個夏季補強就可說是成功的了 不過 西區的其他頂尖隊伍似乎也變強了 火箭在上一季拿到西區第2 並且打到了西區冠軍 所以他們有理由認為自己比過去更強了 但是金洲勇士以及聖安東尼奧馬刺這前2年的冠軍隊 似乎還是跟他們各自的奪冠年一樣強 當然別忘了快艇以及雷霆 他們也加強了自己的陣容深度以及健康程度 火箭可說已經完成大部分的工作 雖然火箭還未與 自由球員海爺 Chuck Hayes以及2輪選入的Montrezl Harrell 這2位前鋒正式簽約 但是幾乎可以確定他們會進到火箭的陣容 火箭也已經報價給老飛機Jason Terry了 但是這是一份底價合約 而且他能上場的時間少之又少 所以火箭不認為能留下Jet 以下是目前已經簽合約的12名球員 PG 泰勞神 Ty Lawson (2 年 $2600萬美金 , 2016-2017非保障) 天空貝 Pat Beverly (4 年 2300萬美金 2018-2019非保障) 火箭在7月交易一開始時 首要目標就是留住天空貝 火箭相信他會好好表現 因為小貝會很珍惜這份自從他被從俄羅斯聯盟拉來NBA後的第一份合約 就算火箭打出了一個成功的2014-2015季後賽 火箭人們還是很想念小貝的防守 火箭的如意算盤 就是希望Ty Lawson的加入來分擔上場時間 能夠讓小貝的全場防守更持久 目前最大的問號是在於 火箭要讓Lawson打替補或是先發 不過目前情勢看來 Lawson與Beverly 會輪流當先發 火箭選入Lawson的主要動機在於他能作一個第二得分手 能讓哈登不至於時常在組織跟得分兩頭燒 當哈燈被趨前包夾時 Lawson也能作為攻擊的角色 更不用說他很適合檔拆戰術 而且他也能帶領火箭的替補陣容 如果火箭無法留下Jason Terry 那麼他們還需要再找第三個PG 因為Lawson酒駕問題 很有可能在開季被聯盟禁賽數場 =========================== SG James Harden (3年5240萬美金) Marcus Thornton (1年 149萬美金) 哈燈說他想要發展更多的無球打法 藉由更多的幫檔(screen) 來創造Catch & Shoot的機會 當然哈燈能從Lawson那邊得到很多傳球 不過火箭還是希望鬍子 作他最擅長的事--跑檔拆然後攻擊籃框 在加入了Lawson這個playmaker 以及Thornton這個得分手後 冰箱能夠讓鬍子得到更多的休息時間 Thornton也很自然的能成為火箭上一季所缺少的板凳暴徒 跟著鬍子以及Lawson一起打球 Thornton也能得到更多他所擅長之底角三分的出手機會 ========================================== SF Small forward Trevor Ariza (3年 2340萬美金). Corey Brewer (3 年 2330萬美金). KJ McDaniels (3 年 1000萬美金). Sam Dekker (4 年 790萬美金; 2017-18, 2018-19 隊伍選擇權). 如同他自己說的 Ariza完全知道自己的火箭所扮演的角色 而且這次回到火箭 他也願意作個苦力的角色 的確 他上一季開始真的上場了很多時間 不過自從2014年11月Brewer來到火箭後 Ariza不用再辛苦的長時間上場了 Brewer擅長快攻 接下來也能發揮他在側翼攻擊的長才 McDaniels也擁有類似的天份 而且慢慢變成一個強力防守的球員 不過火箭還在養他 Dekker也跟McDaniels類似情況 也是正在養成的球員 不過火箭看好他能快速成長 因為他有很豐富的大學籃球經驗 雖然Dekker是小前鋒 但是火箭如果打小陣容時 他也能打到4號位 ================================== PF Power forward Donatas Motiejunas (1 年 230萬美金). Terrence Jones (1 年 250萬美金). Chuck Hayes (將會 1年150萬 部份保障). Montrezl Harrell (尚未簽約新秀). 上一季 這個哈燈來到隊上第三年的2014-2015球季 怎樣火箭都不會料到隊上會有傷兵 但是 火箭在開季第四場就傷了Terrence Jones 並且整個季後賽都傷了D-MO 不過火箭在接下來這一季 對自己年輕的4號位很有信心 此話怎說 因為火箭不再積極留下這位 想要爭取更明確角色定位的Josh Smith 火箭給不起 因此賈詡另尋出路 和快艇簽約 D-MO的缺席給火箭在季後賽帶來很大的麻煩 因為火箭無法填補他在低位進攻 screen幫檔,等等的空缺 D-MO也即將從他的背部手術中痊癒歸隊 也即將參與隨隊訓練 Jones一整季都在試著找回他與隊友的化學效應與默契 但是沒有很好效果 他是一個很好的檔拆選手 預期未來將會跟Lawson有很好的效應 火箭尚未簽下老將海爺Hayes 但是火箭希望借重他的防守以及領導氣質 來帶領新秀Harrell成長 ========================== C Center Dwight Howard (2 年 4550萬美金; 2016-17 球員選擇權). Clint Capela (1 年 120萬美金; 球隊選擇權2016-17, 2017-18). 霍華德已經沒有之前困擾他大半球季以及西區冠軍時的膝蓋問題了 在例行賽膝蓋受傷而長時間休息前 儘管他在進攻端很掙扎 但是他還是維持著頂尖的防守 他在例行賽的尾聲回歸到比賽 並且還是那個體能條件超優異的superman 季後賽前2輪的表現也讓許多人讚嘆 Capela 也差不多在這時候嶄露頭角 他藉由超出預期之優異的投籃完成率 火鍋 以及籃板能力讓人記得他 火箭被他的能力以及拼勁所感動 所以決定讓他做Howard的主要替補 =============================================================== ================================================================== The Rockets' realistic summer goals - those that did not include the long-shot hopes of landing LaMarcus Aldridge - were no secret. They hoped to add the sort of playmaker who would take some of the load off James Harden. And they hoped to keep as much of last season's core together as possible. With July and the bulk of offseason deal-making complete, they did both. Far less certain is whether that will be enough and how the question marks that come with the annual summer reboot will be answered. With the trade for guard Ty Lawson, 27, the Rockets got the kind of player the y wanted to help initiate or finish the offense so Harden does not have to do both so often. They even got him at a reduced price, costing no one from last season's full-strength rotation, though he was such a bargain because he had been ordered into a private alcohol treatment program following his second DUI arrest in six months. If Lawson and his new team can overcome their health issues, the Rockets will be able to consider their summer roster retooling a success. But the top of th e Western Conference appears stronger than last season. ROCKETS The Rockets want and need guard James Harden, center, to initiate offense and finish at the rim, but they acquired Ty Lawson and Marcus Thornton to ease the pressure on their bearded superstar. Rockets try to upgrade, but face a better Western Conference Ty Lawson poses for a portrait during Denver Nuggets NBA basketball media day on Monday, Sept. 30, 2013, in Denver. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey Rockets acquire point guard Lawson from Nuggets KJ McDaniels was acquired in a February trade with Philadelphia. He was using sparingly by the Rockets after averaging 9.2 points for the 76ers. McDaniels, Rockets reach agreement on 3-year, $10-million deal From right to left, NBA Summer League head coach Becky Hammon talks with San Antonio's Kyle Anderson and Cady Lalann e during an NBA summer league basketball game against New York, Saturday, July 11, 2015, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Ronda Churchill) Cy-Fair's Harding helps blaze path of women coaches in NBA It's anybody's guess as to where the Thunder's Kevin Durant ends up once the free-agency dust settles next summer. But he's certain to see dollar signs. NBA free agency turns its hungry eyes to Durant in 2016 The Rockets could have reason to consider themselves better than they were on their way to the West's second seed and the conference finals, but Golden Stat e and San Antonio, the past two NBA champions, appear to be at least as strong a s when winning their titles. The Los Angeles Clippers and Oklahoma City look to be fortified with greater depth and health. Most of the Rockets' work is done. Free-agent forward Chuck Hayes and second-round pick forward Montrezl Harrell have yet to sign contracts, but both are certain to be on the roster. The Rockets have made an offer to guard Jason Terry. But given that it would be a minimum contract and with little playing time likely available, the Rockets consider it unlikely he will return, said a person with knowledge of the situation, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the uncertainty o f the situation. With 12 players signed to guaranteed contracts with the July deal-making complete, here is a look at the roster. Point guard Ty Lawson (contract status: signed for two seasons worth $26 million; 2016-17 non-guaranteed). Pat Beverley (contract status: signed for four seasons, $23 million; 2018-19 non-guaranteed). The Rockets began the month by locking up Beverley, believing he will respond well to his first contract since they plucked him out of the Russian League as a free agent. Beverley's defense was missed even as the Rockets had postseason success without him. But the hope is that by playing fewer minutes with the addition of Lawson, he can be more durable with his 94 feet of defense. The greatest on-court question with Lawson will be whether the Rockets need hi m most with the starters or the second unit. He likely will get ample time with both. The primary motivation for picking him up was to give the Rockets a second playmaker and allow Harden to initiate or finish the offense, but not have to do both so often. He also will strengthen the attack when teams double the ball out of Harden's hands early. But Lawson also is an excellent fit in pick-and-roll and on the break with the Rockets' second unit, which often lacked a traditional playmaker. If the Rockets do not sign Terry, they could need to find a third point guard, especially with Lawson likely to face a suspension to start the season. Shooting guard James Harden (contract status: signed for three years, $52.4 million). Marcus Thornton (contract status: signed for one year, $1.49 million). Harden said he wanted to develop more offense off the ball, working around screens to get catch-and-shoot opportunities. He could get a great many more o f those shots with Lawson, but the Rockets will want Harden to do what he does best, running pick-and-rolls and attacking the basket. The additions of Lawson as a playmaker and Thornton as a scorer could allow coach Kevin McHale to trim some of Harden's minutes. Thornton fills another Rockets void from last season as a scorer off the bench who can get his own shot. Playing with Harden or Lawson, Thornton could get more of the corner 3s he shoots especially well. Small forward Trevor Ariza (contract status: signed for three years, $23.4 million). Corey Brewer (contract status: signed for three years, $23.3 million). KJ McDaniels (contract status: signed for three years, $10 million). Sam Dekker (contract status: signed for four years, $7.9 million; 2017-18, 2018-19 team options). As advertised, Ariza returned to the Rockets keenly aware of his role and entirely willing to stay within that job description. He played too many minutes early in the season, before the December acquisition of Corey Brewer. With Brewer on board throughout the season, the Rockets should be able to keep Ariza's playing time at manageable numbers. Brewer was valuable as a finisher on the Rockets' fast break and could continu e to play at both wing positions. McDaniels has similar potential and could be ready to be a strong defensive player, but he's signed as a prospect to develop. Dekker fits in the same category and likely will spend much of the season in the D-League, but he does have potential to develop quickly given his college experience. Though viewed as a small forward, he has potential as a stretch four if the Rockets choose to match up small. Power forward Donatas Motiejunas (contract status: signed for one year, $2.3 million). Terrence Jones (contract status: signed for one year, $2.5 million). Chuck Hayes (contract status: will sign for one year, $1.5 million, partially guaranteed). Montrezl Harrell (contract status: unsigned rookie). The Rockets had no reason to expect injuries to players in just their third seasons, but lost Jones after the fourth game of the season and Motiejunas for the entire postseason. The Rockets' confidence in their young power forwards was made clear when they were not more aggressive to keep Josh Smith, who signed with the Clippers because he wanted a more concrete role than the Rockets could offer. Motiejunas' absence caught up to the Rockets in the Western Conference finals when they could not make up for missing his abilities in the low post and as a screen-setter and ball mover that helped make the offense work. He is on track to be ready to return from his back injury and subsequent surgery in time for training camp. Jones spent much of the season trying to catch up for the time lost, never finding the consistency he has lacked. An outstanding pick-and-roll player, he could benefit from the addition of Lawson at point guard. Hayes has not signed, but the Rockets want to bring back his defense and leadership while Harrell develops. Center Dwight Howard (contract status: signed for two years, $45.5 million; player option for 2016-17). Clint Capela (contract status: signed for one year, $1.2 million; team options for 2016-17, 2017-18). Howard has no lingering issues with the knee problems that cost him half the season or the injury that limited him in the Western Conference finals. Despit e his offensive struggles before he shut it down midseason, he remained on an elite level defensively. His athleticism returned impressively in the final days of the regular season and first two rounds of the playoffs. Capela emerged at about the same time, showing excellent potential as a finisher, shot-blocker and rebounder ahead of schedule. The Rockets were as impressed with Capela's demeanor and work ethic, leading t o the decision to make him Howard's primary backup. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rockets/M.1438603826.A.0EA.html

08/03 20:21, , 1F
Marcus Thornton 薪資多了1個0
08/03 20:21, 1F

08/03 20:22, , 2F
08/03 20:22, 2F

08/03 20:22, , 3F
08/03 20:22, 3F
※ 編輯: doig (, 08/03/2015 20:26:50

08/03 21:13, , 4F
海爺是替補C吧 取代多西的位置
08/03 21:13, 4F

08/03 21:13, , 5F
08/03 21:13, 5F

08/03 21:18, , 6F
賽季開始的主力應該是血貝,哈登 ,阿里扎,TJ,魔
08/03 21:18, 6F

08/03 21:18, , 7F
08/03 21:18, 7F

08/03 21:18, , 8F
08/03 21:18, 8F

08/03 21:18, , 9F
08/03 21:18, 9F

08/03 21:21, , 10F
覺得討論海爺是PF還是C沒什麼意義 就兩個都可以打
08/03 21:21, 10F

08/03 21:27, , 11F
08/03 21:27, 11F

08/03 22:15, , 12F
08/03 22:15, 12F

08/03 22:29, , 13F
08/03 22:29, 13F

08/03 23:08, , 14F
海爺連結了MM跟HH... 嗚嗚
08/03 23:08, 14F

08/03 23:33, , 15F
08/03 23:33, 15F

08/04 00:02, , 16F
08/04 00:02, 16F

08/04 10:55, , 17F
08/04 10:55, 17F

08/04 12:36, , 18F
我對火箭陣容很樂觀 只求不要有傷兵了
08/04 12:36, 18F

08/04 13:45, , 19F
感謝翻譯! 推~~
08/04 13:45, 19F
※ 編輯: doig (, 08/04/2015 15:40:20

08/05 03:42, , 20F
推海爺 歷史橋樑
08/05 03:42, 20F

08/25 15:41, , 21F
08/25 15:41, 21F
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