[外電] Grading Patrick Beverley

看板Rockets作者 (He'll Be Back #7)時間11年前 (2013/05/25 16:23), 編輯推噓43(430109)
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Grading Patrick Beverley By michael pina http://www.red94.net/grading-patrick-beverley/12647/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not many people knew who Patrick Beverley was before he collided with Russell Westbrook’s knee while attempting to steal the ball during Game 2 of the first round. It made him the center of attention and forced him beneath the brightest spotlight of his life. He was a role player who took out a star. Patrick Beverley在季後賽第二場的比賽中,因為試圖抄截而發生碰撞, 導致Russell Westbrook的膝蓋受傷。 但在此之前,並沒有太多人認識他。 這起事件讓他成為眾所矚目的焦點,也是他人生中最大的亮點。 而他是一個讓球星受傷的角色球員 But, of course, Beverley is much more than that moment. His story began long before and will carry on long after. Here’s a quick recap of how his relationship with the Houston Rockets began, and where it currently stands. 當然,Beverley的價值絕對遠比那個事件來的高。 他的故事在這起意外前早就已經開始,而且還會繼續很久。 我們先將他與火箭的關係是怎麼開始,以及目前的狀況做個快速的回顧。 After spending a few years playing professional basketball in Ukraine, Greece, and Russia, Beverley signed with the Rockets one week into 2013. His role was third-string point guard, an insurance policy for Jeremy Lin and Toney Douglas. Beverley曾在烏克蘭,希臘和俄羅斯的職業球隊打過幾年球,並在2013年加入火箭隊。 而他曾經被設定的角色是第三號控球後衛替補,是Jeremy Lin和Toney Douglas的保險。 以防不幸兩人都受傷時,還有人可以替補缺口。 Eventually Beverley took Douglas’ minutes (allowing the team to include him in a deadline deal for Thomas Robinson), and soon after he found himself closing games on the court, with Lin on the bench. A combination of Beverley’s ability to space the floor on offense and stay in front of quick ball-handlers on defense afforded him the time. 最後Beverley吃下Douglas的時間,讓球隊能把Douglas拿去交易。 並且過了不久,球隊讓他在比賽最後時刻留在場上,而Lin坐在板凳。 綜合Beverley攻守兩端的能力: 進攻時,可幫助球隊拉開戰術空間。 防守時,迅速地保持在持球者的正前方。 而上述這兩點,是讓他能夠留在場上奮戰之主因。 Beverley went from being a forgettable mid-season signing from Russia to starting five games in the playoffs (33.3 minutes, 11.8 points, and 5.5 rebounds per game) while standing as a key figure in the team’s small ball strategy. Beverley在俄羅斯開始發跡,Beverley從一個不會被人記得的季中短約球員, 到後來在季後賽先發五場比賽中繳出亮眼成績,變成球隊小球戰術的重要關鍵人物。 (場均: 33.3 MINS + 11.8PTS + 5.5REBS) That’s where we are. Here’s who he is: Pesky, frisky, a mosquito who does way more than put an itchy bump on your skin. Beverley plays with the same intensity regardless of where he/the ball is on the court. On his Twitter profile, he aptly refers to himself as “Mr. 94 Feet,” for obvious reasons. 這就是他目前在球隊的地位,他像是個生猛活跳又煩人的蚊子, 而且被他盯到可不只是腫個癢包而那麼簡單。 Beverley在球場上,不管他或者球在哪裡,都始終保持一樣的高強度意識。 他在Twitter上的個人檔案裡,稱呼自己是“Mr. 94 Feet”在這邊可看出端倪。 (*註:94 FEET是籃球場全場的長度,應該有點類似Mr.Where的樣子。) He’s also an unknown commodity, as has previously been mentioned. Beverley’s last name is misspelled over several websites that aren’t in the business of misspelling the names of NBA players, including NBA.com’s new statistical database and Synergy Sports. (There’s no “e” between the “l” and “y” at the end of his last name.) 他是一個不為人知的球員,就像先前提到過的。 他的姓式"Beverley",連極少拼錯球員名字的NBA官網數據庫與Synergy Sports 都把Beverley的名字少拼了最後一個"e"。 Beyond his name, what else is unknown is his immediate future with the Rockets. Not much useful lineup data can be gathered from his play with the team’s other fixtures (James Harden, Omer Asik, and Chandler Parsons) due to the small sample sizes, but I’ll be giving them to you anyway. 除了他的名字不為人知外,短期內他在火箭隊的未來也是未知的。 跟另外三人一起上場的數據樣本太少,(James Harden, Omer Asik和Chandler Parsons)。 數據參考價值有限,但我還是會想辦法呈現出來的。 In just 156 regular season minutes beside Asik and Harden (the team’s two most important players), the Rockets scored 109.6 points per 100 possessions while allowing only 96.8. They outscored opponents by 1.28 points per possession and grabbed 36.4% of their own missed shots. 本季球隊季內賽僅僅只有156分鐘,是他和Asik與Harden這兩位最重要的球員同時在場上。 這樣的條件下,火箭隊每一佰個回合能得109.6分,並被對手得了96.8分。 他們的PPP高出對手1.28分之多。並且有36.4%的進攻籃板率。 (When you throw Chandler Parsons into the mix, those four man units outscored opponents by 12 points per 100 possessions in only 70 total minutes played.) 當你將Chandler Parsons也放進陣容裡,這四個人每一佰回合比對手多得12分。 而本球季僅僅出現70分鐘的時間。 That offensive rebounding rate is phenomenal, about a dozen percentage points higher than Houston’s season average. For reference, the Denver Nuggets led the league with an offensive rebounding rate of 31.4%, according to NBA.com/Stats. 這樣的進攻籃板率是非常驚人的,遠超出於球隊的季均10%之多。(*註:36.4% - 26.4%) 我們拿進攻籃板率領先聯盟的金塊隊作比較,他們的進攻籃板率是31.4%。 Let’s talk some more about offensive rebounding because Beverley is really good at it. The average offensive rebounding rate among all point guards in the NBA last season was 2.1%. It’s so low for two reasons: 1) point guards are small, and 2) when a teammate shoots the ball, it’s the guard’s responsibility to retreat as a safety net and prevent any easy transition opportunities. 讓我們多談談關於進攻籃板部份,因為Beverley真的非常在行。 本季NBA聯盟控球後衛的平均進攻籃板率是2.1%。 這個數據有兩個原因: 1. 控球後衛都比較矮。 2. 當隊友出手後,控衛的責任是快速回防,不給予對方快攻機會。 According to Hoopdata.com, Beverley’s offensive rebounding rate was 7.1%. It sounds high because it is, and Beverley was first among all point guards. Generally speaking it’s both good and bad to have your point guard bum rush the rim whenever a shot soars towards his own basket. Good because the potential for second chance points is theoretically increased now that the ball is in the hands of a player possessing high IQ player and an ability to pass—wide open three-pointers galore over here. But should he or his team fail to corral the ball, they’re susceptible to an easy basket the other way. With Beverley on the floor this season the Rockets actually allowed fewer fast break points than their average, which is a little strange. Will that number negatively shift over the course of an entire season? Maybe. But all we can go from is the numbers we have. 根據Hoopdata.com,Beverley的進攻籃板率是 7.1%,非常高,是所有控衛中第一名。 讓我們來分析當球隊的控衛,不管我方出手結果如何都去衝搶籃板的優缺點吧。 優點: 有二次進攻機會。並且在理論上,被IQ高且有能力傳球的球員拿到球後 這個機會會增加,可以傳給三分線外大控檔的一票射手群。 缺點: 當他或者隊友沒搶到時,就讓對方有輕鬆快攻上籃得分的機會。 不過當Beverley在場上時,球隊被對手快攻得分的平均數據竟然比整體平均還低。 關於這點也是非常奇妙的。 但如果把時間拉長到出賽一整季時,會不會有不一樣的結果呢? 或許吧,但目前我們只能用現有的數據來觀察。 Moving on, Beverley is fearless with the ball in his hands, but much like his “attack the glass” mentality in rebounding situations, it’s not necessarily a good thing all the time. Luckily he can get his own shot when need be, featuring a step back jumper that’s too quick for any defender’s reflexes, and a spin move (he might rely too much on) he often breaks out in the lane. 再來要談到,Beverley並不會害怕當球在手中時, 但在搶到二次籃板時,想要直接攻擊籃框的心態,不完全是個好事。 幸運地,他總是能在需要時得到自己的分數。 他善用快到讓防守者無法反應的快速後徹步跳投, 而他在切入時常使出的轉身過人(他可能太依賴這招)。 Once he penetrates past the opponent’s first level of defense, Beverley has difficulty reading the floor and making the correct play. When he gets too deep below the foul line the ratio of him finding a three-point shooter to launching a wild, contested floater isn’t favorable. That’ll need to improve if he wants to start next season. 每當他突破了對手第一道防守關卡後,他有無法判讀場上狀況與做出正確決策的困難。 當切入過深時,他找到三分射手跟丟出一個離譜又被影響到的拋投的比例並不好看。 他如果想要在下一個球季成為先發球員,則必須改善上述缺點。 But before we get ahead of ourselves, is starting over Jeremy Lin a realistic option? Of course it is. Beverley is a superior defender, rebounder, and shooter from distance. He doesn’t crumble under pressure and plays the game with evident confidence. 但在我們天馬行空之前,如果他取代Jeremy Lin先發會是一個較實際的選項嗎? 當然,無庸置疑。 Beverley是一個更好的防守者,籃板手與外線射手。 他並不會因為高壓力而退卻,並且帶著無比的自信打球。 He is the best point guard on Houston’s current roster, and that’s nothing to be sad or disappointed about. Beverley isn’t “building block” good, but pieces like that (especially ones being paid less than $2 million combined over the next two seasons) are valuable. He’s a role player who maximizes his production within Houston’s demands. He’s a diamond in the rough. 他是目前火箭隊陣容中最優秀的控球衛后,而這也沒什麼好感到失望或者悲傷的。 Beverley並沒有好到可以當球隊的基石,但是他有他的價值。(尤其與他的合約相比) 他是一個在火箭隊的方針下,將自己的貢獻極大化的角色球員。 他是一顆待磨亮的鑽石。 Grade: B+ 延伸閱讀: Player Report Cards: Patrick Beverley A http://0rz.tw/P9fZj ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 文末提醒大家一下,我會翻譯Red94的Grading為主,並陸續補上Dream Shake的文章聯結。 不管是火箭迷,或者球星迷,大家的討論都是非常歡迎的。 但是請注意,一個文章一個作者都是提供一個角度的參考方向,或者是板友間的意見。 不管我們同意不同意,都請友善的互相交流,盡量少一些情緒上的字眼。 大家有緣會來隊板一起交流是有原因的。 希望大家好好珍惜這個緣分。 畢竟,我們都不是真正的局內人,也沒有改變事實的能力。 希望大家僅將文章當參考,將板友的交流當另一個思考方面即可。 真的有想法相左的地方,也請禮貌的回應。 如果有攻擊板友,或者鬧板等行為,只能請大家向板主檢舉去認定了。 謝謝配合。 -- ★Thanks for the ride, Houston Rockets 12-13★ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/25 16:30, , 1F
這篇基本上都點到位了 大概不會有啥爭議
05/25 16:30, 1F

05/25 16:31, , 2F
好的壞的都是 小貝的AST以控衛來講有夠低的
05/25 16:31, 2F

05/25 16:34, , 3F
腳色球員per36 ast 5.X 不差吧 又不當主控 更別談球權
05/25 16:34, 3F

05/25 16:41, , 4F
05/25 16:41, 4F

05/25 16:43, , 5F
05/25 16:43, 5F

05/25 16:46, , 6F
05/25 16:46, 6F

05/25 16:47, , 7F
05/25 16:47, 7F

05/25 16:58, , 8F
05/25 16:58, 8F

05/25 17:09, , 9F
他與哈登一起 剛好能彌補後場的防守 不會和哈登爭球權
05/25 17:09, 9F

05/25 17:13, , 10F
莫雷真的很黑心XD 印象中不到一百萬
05/25 17:13, 10F

05/25 17:46, , 11F
從生意的角度來說 莫雷很會做生意 不過對 PB 來說能有在
05/25 17:46, 11F

05/25 17:48, , 12F
NBA證明自己的機會也是很好的 錢少點沒關係 打得好 機會
05/25 17:48, 12F

05/25 17:48, , 13F
05/25 17:48, 13F

05/25 17:52, , 14F
05/25 17:52, 14F

05/25 17:52, , 15F
05/25 17:52, 15F

05/25 17:55, , 16F
05/25 17:55, 16F

05/25 21:14, , 17F
XD 我也覺得那三年約很黑心 PB真的很想留在NBA阿
05/25 21:14, 17F

05/25 21:17, , 18F
Beverley、Smith、Parsons的約都很類似呀 每年都有TO的低薪
05/25 21:17, 18F

05/25 21:18, , 19F
長約 而且除了CP,簽他們之前都有讓他們在毒蛇隊小試身手
05/25 21:18, 19F

05/25 21:26, , 20F
05/25 21:26, 20F

05/25 21:33, , 21F
Morey對那些可以先去毒蛇隊打一下的眼光很準呀 XD
05/25 21:33, 21F

05/25 21:34, , 22F
05/25 21:34, 22F

05/25 21:40, , 23F
05/25 21:40, 23F

05/25 21:41, , 24F
大概不喜歡培養 除非低薪簽來當板凳
05/25 21:41, 24F

05/25 21:41, , 25F
05/25 21:41, 25F

05/25 21:58, , 26F
火箭養了N年的PG~alston 小AB Lowry 抓抓基
05/25 21:58, 26F

05/25 22:00, , 27F
05/25 22:00, 27F

05/25 22:01, , 28F
小貝防守的努力 活力真的是他最大本錢~
05/25 22:01, 28F

05/25 22:02, , 29F
05/25 22:02, 29F

05/25 22:03, , 30F
抓雞是太陽養的 火箭只是給他舞台 就像尼克給林舞台發光
05/25 22:03, 30F

05/25 22:04, , 31F
05/25 22:04, 31F

05/25 22:04, , 32F
球員遇到隊的體系很重要 Lowry去暴龍打得也不怎樣
05/25 22:04, 32F

05/25 22:04, , 33F
05/25 22:04, 33F

05/25 22:05, , 34F
05/25 22:05, 34F

05/25 22:05, , 35F
05/25 22:05, 35F

05/25 22:06, , 36F
05/25 22:06, 36F

05/25 22:11, , 37F
05/25 22:11, 37F

05/25 23:33, , 38F
名字那段 原文是說 連極少拼錯球員名字的NBA官網數據庫與
05/25 23:33, 38F

05/25 23:33, , 39F
Synergy Sports都把Beverley的名字少拼了最後一個"e"
05/25 23:33, 39F
還有 74 則推文
還有 1 段內文
05/26 16:34, , 114F
05/26 16:34, 114F

05/26 16:35, , 115F
05/26 16:35, 115F

05/26 16:36, , 116F
可是他們兩個的型真的差很多呀 Rondo持球時間長但對戰術的理
05/26 16:36, 116F

05/26 16:36, , 117F
05/26 16:36, 117F

05/26 16:38, , 118F
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05/26 16:39, , 119F
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05/26 16:40, , 120F
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05/26 16:40, , 121F
05/26 16:40, 121F

05/26 16:40, , 122F
不是,只是覺得網路上沒必要一點就燃 釣魚的人無所不在
05/26 16:40, 122F

05/26 16:41, , 123F
05/26 16:41, 123F

05/26 16:41, , 124F
如果對方是認真就算了 放一句話就跑的實在沒必要為此生氣
05/26 16:41, 124F

05/26 16:42, , 125F
他能當大鎖,他連LBJ都守過 他的切入能力也是少見的刁鑽
05/26 16:42, 125F

05/26 16:42, , 126F
05/26 16:42, 126F

05/26 16:43, , 127F
05/26 16:43, 127F

05/26 16:44, , 128F
05/26 16:44, 128F

05/26 16:45, , 129F
05/26 16:45, 129F

05/26 16:46, , 130F
05/26 16:46, 130F

05/26 16:47, , 131F
05/26 16:47, 131F

05/26 16:48, , 132F
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05/26 16:49, , 133F
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05/26 16:54, , 134F
05/26 16:54, 134F

05/26 16:56, , 135F
05/26 16:56, 135F

05/26 18:30, , 136F
Lin的擋拆還不差阿 火箭打不出來部分是禁區終結能力不夠好:Q
05/26 18:30, 136F

05/26 20:32, , 137F
會掌握節奏組織的控衛一直被當射手和鎖用, 顯然小貝更
05/26 20:32, 137F

05/26 20:33, , 138F
05/26 20:33, 138F

05/26 20:33, , 139F
適合, Lin不適合在火箭, 小貝A
05/26 20:33, 139F

05/26 21:30, , 140F
05/26 21:30, 140F

05/26 22:45, , 141F
05/26 22:45, 141F

05/27 00:27, , 142F
看我神預測 說有魚群上鉤就有魚上鉤 根本神準!!!!!
05/27 00:27, 142F

05/27 01:01, , 143F
支持阿豪打第六人 反正第六人場均30分鐘也不過分
05/27 01:01, 143F

05/27 01:01, , 144F
05/27 01:01, 144F

05/27 02:19, , 145F
這其實是個不錯的建議 說不定林帶著替補打得更好!!
05/27 02:19, 145F

05/27 02:20, , 146F
05/27 02:20, 146F

05/27 10:49, , 147F
05/27 10:49, 147F

05/27 10:49, , 148F
05/27 10:49, 148F

05/27 11:18, , 149F
05/27 11:18, 149F

05/28 08:41, , 150F
05/28 08:41, 150F

05/28 11:41, , 151F
05/28 11:41, 151F

05/28 11:42, , 152F
05/28 11:42, 152F
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