[外電] Why is Houston’s defense still bad?

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原文連結: http://www.red94.net/focusing-defensive-lapses/11976/#more-11976 Why is Houston’s defense still bad? By MICHAEL PINA | MARCH 18, 2013 at 10:00 AM 為什麼火箭的防守還是很爛? Since Donatas Motiejunas entered Houston’s starting lineup, that particular five-man unit has allowed just 95.6 points per 100 possessions. It’s an elite figure, but the sample size is far too small to attribute it any meaning. 自從D-MO被拉到先發後,這個5人組合讓對手平均每100次球權只得95.6分。這是一個蠻 出色的數據,但是樣本數太小所以也沒什麼意義。 Motiejunas has played only 11 games with Jeremy Lin, James Harden, Chandler Parsons and Omer Asik beside him on the court. Here are the teams they’ve gone against: Nets, Wizards, Bucks, Magic, Mavericks, Warriors, Suns, and Timberwolves. Two of those teams boast top 10 offenses (barely), two are average, and the remaining four all find themselves ranked at or near the bottom. D-MO跟林、哈登、帕帥還有阿西同時在場上的時候只有11場而已。以下這些是他們過去 幾場所面對的隊伍﹕籃網、巫師、公鹿、魔術、小牛、勇士、太陽以及灰狼。其中有兩 隻隊伍在進攻方面排名前十,還有兩隊在平均值左右,剩下的那幾隊不是墊底就是倒數 幾名。 For this entire season, Houston’s defense has been inadequate. Despite harboring one of the four or five best defensive centers in the game, along with a few players on the perimeter who can be disruptive on the ball, the Rockets have yet to figure out a consistent method to slow opposing offenses down. They allow 104.3 points per 100 possessions, making them the 10th worst defense in the NBA. 這一整個球季,火箭的防守一直都是不及格的。除了擁有在防守上前四或前五的中鋒以 及少數幾個能在外圍干擾球流動的人以外,火箭並沒有找出一個穩定的方法來阻止對方 的進攻。他們讓對手每100次球權得到104.3分,這是聯盟裡防守第十差的排名。 The good news is that most of their problems are correctable, or so it would seem. A vast majority of the open shots Houston allows are due to various mental mistakes: ball watching, losing track of shooters, failing to know when it’s time to shoot the gap and when it’s time to stick to your man, needlessly helping in the paint when proper help is already there. 好消息是,他們大部分的問題都是可以改善的,至少看起來是如此。大部份火箭讓對手 所跑出來的空檔都是來自於他們各種心態上的錯誤﹕只盯著球看,跟丟進攻者,不知道 什麼時候要撲出來阻止對方或是什麼時候要緊貼著對方,在禁區裡不需要協防的時候跑 來協防。 These are all mistakes the Rockets make constantly, but all can be fixed. They don’t require an upgrade in skill or personnel, but more a change in mindset when it comes to defensive discipline. The Rockets are the youngest team in the league, so to watch them still endure growing pains shouldn’t be a surprise. Here are several examples. 這些都是火箭一直不斷在犯的錯誤,所幸這些都可以被修正。不需要在個人或技巧上面 去提升,只需要在防守準則上改變他們的心態或是習慣。火箭是一隻聯盟裡最年輕的球 隊,所以看到他們還處於陣痛期一點也不意外。以下是一些例子。 (圖片連結) http://www.red94.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Lin-at-free-throw-line.png
Here we have Jeremy Lin standing at the free-throw line, leaving his man, Ricky Rubio, wide open behind the three-point line on the left wing. He’s there to help prevent a wide open driving lane for Timberwolves center Greg Stiemsma, who’s operating a side pick-and-roll with Luke Ridnour. 在上圖我們可以看到林站在罰球線上,離開他該防守的 Rubio,讓他在左側的三分線上 有一個大空檔。林站那邊是要防止灰狼中鋒 Stiemsma在跟Ridnour擋拆後有空間可以切 入。 Knowing the situation, is this really necessary? Let’s say Stiemsma catches the ball in motion at the right elbow. Then what? Even if Lin isn’t there, there are two back line defenders (Motiejunas and Parsons) plus the quick-footed Asik there to help. Also, Stiemsma isn’t good. 看了這種情況,林站在那邊真的是必要的嗎?假使,Stiemsma真的接到Ridnour的傳球, 然後呢?假設林不站在那邊,後面還有兩個防守球員D-MO跟帥哥,還有腳步不慢的阿西 也可以補防。再說,Stiemsma的進攻能力並不好。 Here’s what happens: 接下來發生的情況︰ (圖片連結) http://www.red94.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Lin-getting-backscreened-2.png
Timberwolves forward Dante Cunningham sets a back screen on Houston’s unsuspecting point guard, and Rubio is sprung for a wide open three ball. To Lin’s credit, this isn’t the most egregious play, being that Rubio is shooting less than 20% on three-pointers this season. But that doens’t mean he couldn’t position himself better. 灰狼前鋒Cunningham作了一個掩護擋住了火箭狀況外的控衛,Rubio得到了一個大空擋。 對林來說,這或許不是很糟糕的一球,因為Rubio本季的三分球命中率低於百分之二十, 但這並不表示林不能站在一個更好的位置上。 The first clip of this article features James Harden, Houston’s best offensive player and worst defensive player. We’ve seen this type of indifference from him all season. This play in particular is alarming, but easily preventable if he wants to prevent it. 哈登是這篇文章第一個短片的主角。他是火箭最強的進攻者也是火箭最差的防守者。在 本季我們已經看過太多次他這種不在乎的防守態度。灰狼這波進攻是個警訊,但如果哈 登願意的話他也可以輕易的避免這種錯誤。 (Harden leakout) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=k7Cf_TRaVcg
Rubio takes a contested pull up jumper on the right side of the lane, and off Harden goes, out past the three-point line looking for a quick fastbreak opportunity. As the Timberwolves grab the offensive rebound, Harden is still backpedaling towards the other end. Why? Well, he wants the easy basket on the other end, that’s why. And if you’ve ever played basketball before, can you really blame him? The play results in a wide open mid-range jumper for Luke Ridnour; the type of shot he could swish with both eyes closed while fixing a sandwich. Rubio 在右邊急停跳投後,哈登已經開始偷跑了到三分線想要來個快攻。但是灰狼搶到 進攻籃板,哈登還是往另一邊跑,為什麼?好吧,因為他想要跑快攻,就這樣。而如果 你有打過籃球你會去責怪他嗎?這個結果是Ridnour在中距離有一個大空檔, 讓他可以 一邊閉著眼睛把球投進籃框然後一邊作三明治。 More on Harden later. 後面再來談哈登。 The next guilty party is Chandler Parsons, a player whose great overall skillset is often overlooked thanks to an uber-team friendly contract. In his rookie season Parsons began to make a name for himself as an incredible on-ball defender, and his work on Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant drew praise from both players. 下一個要譴責的是高富帥,一個非常全面的球員卻因為佛心來的合約而常常被忽略。在 他的新人球季,他已經為他自己打出名聲,一個防守持球者防的非常出色的球員。他在 防守Kobe或是Durant上都得到來自這兩人的贊許。 This season Parsons has taken a minor step back on the defensive end; most of it is due to his random action away from the ball. 本季他的防守有些退步,這是由於他在離球的遠端時有些不知所謂的動作。 (圖片連結) http://www.red94.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Parsons-drops-down-.png
Rubio has barely penetrated past Lin and his reward is a rushed look at a snarling Asik. Look where Parsons is standing. Why did he drop so low, leaving Mickael Gelabale beyond wide open on the perimeter? (Gelabale is shooting 52.5% on the season.) Rubio僅僅只是切過林,而他要面對是虎視眈眈的阿西。看看Parsons站在哪,他為什麼 要沉到那麼低的位置而讓Gelabale在外圍有一個大空檔呢?(Gelabale本季命中率是5成 25) The play ends with Minnesota taking full advantage of Parsons’ mistake. Rubio swings the ball to Gelabale, who passes it to a wide open Stiemsma on the baseline after Parsons retreats for a late close out. Stiemsma sinks the shot. 灰狼充分利用了帥哥這個防守上的失誤。Rubio傳給Gelabale,等到Parsons撲出來時再 傳給空檔的Stiemsma投進兩分。 But Parsons’ troubles don’t just come with weakside help. Here he is later on guarding Gelabale. Rubio sets a pin down screen but instead of following his man above it, Parsons cuts beneath, then unnecessarily runs into a second screen set by Stiemsma. Here’s the play: 帥哥的問題不只是弱邊協防,以下是他稍後防守Gelable的情況。 Rubio在底線作了一個 掩護,帥哥選擇從Rubio下方(左邊)穿過,而不是上方(右邊),然後又往一個根本不需要 去的掩護衝去。 (Chandler Parsons screen trouble) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MSx_h-PwvqY
(Before we finish up with one more play from Harden, I’d like to point out that the Rockets would be in the lottery if not for his work on the offensive end. Harden’s defense needs work, sure, but his effort with the ball is an irreplaceable commodity, and it’d be an honest shame if he didn’t end up in fourth or fifth place in the final MVP ballot. For all the gushing praise Dwyane Wade and Kobe Bryant receive for their play this season, Harden undoubtedly belongs in their class at the shooting guard position. Okay, now back to jumping on his defense.) (在我們以另一個哈登的防守情況作為結束前,我想要說明一下,如果沒有哈登在進攻端 的作用,火箭有可能只能在樂透區裡面。哈登的防守的確需要努力, 但他在持球進攻上 有無可取代的價值,而最後的MVP票選上如果他沒能排在第四或第五將會是一件很遺憾的 事。對比本季人們對Kobe跟Wade源源不絕的贊美, 哈登毫無疑問在SG這個位置上是跟他 們同一等級的。) (圖片連結) http://www.red94.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Wandering-Harden.png
If I hadn’t already pointed out the play where Harden leaks out instead of staying with his man, could you even guess who he’s supposed to be guarding right now? Look at it in real time: (Harden Wanders) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rGQ0YvWcPqU1
如果我先前沒有提到誰是哈登漏掉的人,你可以猜到那一個是他該防守的人嗎? Harden is helping on a Stiemsma roll to the basket, but similar to the Jeremy Lin play from before, is his positioning a bit dramatic? As Rubio takes a dribble to the left, Harden hades more towards the middle of the court even though Motiejunas is already in the paint. Meanwhile, Harden’s man, once again Ridnour, drifts to the corner. Completely ignored. The ball is eventually swung to him and he hits the shot. 哈登幫忙防守Stiemsma以防他衝向籃框,但就像之前林那個情況一樣,他所站的位置會 不會有點尷尬?當Rubio往左邊運球時,哈登卻越來越往禁區中間靠過去,即使 D-MO已 經站在禁區也是一樣。同時,哈登要盯的人,同樣又是Ridnour,往底角移動。 他完全 被忽視,球傳過來然後他投進一個三分。 All these decisions by Houston’s defenders come with the strategy of packing the paint, disallowing penetration or anything easy near the rim. But they also all come with Omer Asik on the court, and what’s the use in over helping when you have a guy like that protecting the rim? (Asik is out on the perimeter guarding pick-and-rolls in a couple of these examples, but if the Rockets are so concerned with their interior defense in these situations maybe they should have Asik sag below the free-throw line to help contain the ball-handler whenever the opposing center isn’t all that great a risk of popping out for a jumper.) 火箭這些防守球員所作的這些決定都是基於把禁區堵住這個策略,不容許任何球員切入 或是靠近籃框簡單得分。但在他們作這些決定的同時,阿西也在場上;當你有一個像阿 西這樣可以保護籃框的球員時,這些過度協防有何用處? (某些情況,阿西會出來幫忙 防守擋拆,但如果火箭真的這麼在意在那種情況下他們內線的防守,在對方中鋒跳投能 力不是很好的情形下,他們可以讓阿西在罰球線以下游離去幫忙防守持球者。) Some of these open shots might be the result of scheme, but others simply aren ’t smart basketball. Even after the Rockets make their run at a secondary All-Star caliber player, if they don’t clean up their defensive miscues a championship won’t be in the cards. 有一些空檔是對方設計戰術所跑出來的,但有一些空檔卻是不聰明的打法所致。即使火 箭已經有了第二個有明星水準的球員,但如果他們不解決他們防守上的失策,他們將永 遠無法獲得冠軍。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/19 23:20, , 1F
真的 超愛協防底角常被射爽爽
03/19 23:20, 1F

03/19 23:23, , 2F
03/19 23:23, 2F

03/19 23:24, , 3F
耐心 要有耐心 理察帕....我說麥克海爾
03/19 23:24, 3F

03/19 23:31, , 4F
03/19 23:31, 4F

03/19 23:31, , 5F
Good & thanks
03/19 23:31, 5F

03/19 23:34, , 6F
03/19 23:34, 6F

03/19 23:37, , 7F
借轉 謝謝:)
03/19 23:37, 7F
iswearxxx:轉錄至看板 Jeremy_Lin 03/19 23:37 ※ 編輯: salazopyrin 來自: (03/19 23:50)

03/20 01:15, , 8F
其實已Rubio 的命中率讓他wide open才是正解吧XD
03/20 01:15, 8F

03/20 01:27, , 9F
3pt 30%的林書豪你讓他Wide Open 也會變成40+%
03/20 01:27, 9F

03/20 06:25, , 10F
03/20 06:25, 10F

03/20 11:13, , 11F
03/20 11:13, 11F

03/20 11:17, , 12F
用這場對Rubio來當範例不太合適 放他頭應該是策略
03/20 11:17, 12F

03/20 11:17, , 13F
03/20 11:17, 13F

03/20 11:18, , 14F
然後昨天看完對勇士 發現裁判都不太抓MOVING PICK
03/20 11:18, 14F

03/20 11:18, , 15F
03/20 11:18, 15F

03/20 11:57, , 16F
03/20 11:57, 16F

03/20 11:58, , 17F
03/20 11:58, 17F

03/20 11:59, , 18F
03/20 11:59, 18F

03/20 12:02, , 19F
協防是火箭戰術之一, 也不能完全說是"防守不好" .
03/20 12:02, 19F

03/20 13:32, , 20F
03/20 13:32, 20F

03/20 14:11, , 21F
03/20 14:11, 21F

03/20 14:13, , 22F
03/20 14:13, 22F

03/20 14:14, , 23F
03/20 14:14, 23F

03/20 14:15, , 24F
03/20 14:15, 24F

03/20 18:26, , 25F
關於火箭的防守問題 可參考這篇 http://es.pn/10cxKL0
03/20 18:26, 25F

03/20 18:27, , 26F
雖是以暴龍為例 看數據派的防守主張 火箭顯然也朝同樣方向走
03/20 18:27, 26F

03/20 18:27, , 27F
看來莫雷不僅在進攻端實踐他的數據籃球 在防守端同樣也顛覆
03/20 18:27, 27F

03/20 18:28, , 28F
既有的"This is my guy"對位防守概念 以團隊協防為主
03/20 18:28, 28F

03/20 18:28, , 29F
(ps. SportVU原本是軍用偵測系統 現在被運用在職業賽場上
03/20 18:28, 29F

03/20 18:28, , 30F
上季NBA有10隊在主場安裝了這套系統 這季有15隊 已達半數
03/20 18:28, 30F

03/20 18:29, , 31F
火箭很早就採用SportVU 但在實際應用上 莫雷一直諱莫如深)
03/20 18:29, 31F
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