[外電] Omer Asik期待成為火箭隊的先發中鋒

看板Rockets作者 (Just cruising)時間12年前 (2012/07/30 09:55), 編輯推噓29(29011)
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Omer Asik looking forward to being a starter for Rockets Omer Asik期待成為火箭隊的先發中鋒. http://blog.chron.com/ultimaterockets/2012/07/omer-asik-looking-forward-to-being-a-starter-for-rockets/ Posted on July 26, 2012 at 4:50 pm by Jonathan Feigen 自翻 Long before Omer Asik held up his No. 3 Rockets uniform on Thursday, before the Bulls chose not to match the Rockets’ offer sheet to get him, even before his new team began the free agency period at Asik’s door, Asik planned to be a starting NBA center. 在Asik拿起火箭隊的三號球衣之前, 甚至在更早更早之前, 他就期待自己能成為NBA的先發中鋒. With Asik having served a two-season apprenticeship behind Joakim Noah, the move to Houston gives him his chance. And it gives the Rockets a center whom vice president Sam Hinkie said they “long coveted.” 在Joakim Noah的身後打了兩季的比賽, 轉戰休士頓讓他得到了這個機會. 而火箭隊副總裁Sam Hinkie也表示這是他們"覬覦很久"的人物. “This is a big opportunity for me,” Asik said. “It will be a little different for me. I didn’t start much there, but I think I will be working very hard and try to adapt quickly.” "這對我來說是個大好機會."Asik說. "這對我來說是個改變, 過去我並沒有甚麼機會先發, 不過我會好好努力來適應這樣的角色." The Rockets would be happy if Asik simply brings the defense and rebounding that he called his strengths and that drew them to him in the first place. Asik averaged 3.1 points and 5.3 rebounds in his 14.7 minutes per game last season. However, he said he has more offensive ability than he has shown and plans to develop it. 只要Asik能夠發揮出防守端以及抓籃板的功夫, 火箭隊就感到心滿意足. 這也是他吸引休士頓最主要的原因. Asik在上季平均出賽14.7分鐘, 拿3.1分以及5.3個籃板球. 不過,他說他的進攻技巧其實不只如此. “I know it looks like the offense is the missing part of my game now, but I believe in myself I can improve that,” Asik said. “I am working hard every day. In Chicago, I didn’t show too much because I was playing very nervous. I just did what they asked me. I’m sure … I can improve that. "我知道我的進攻看起來並不太可靠, 但是我相信我絕對有進步的空間." Asik說. "我每天都勤苦的練習. 在芝加哥我總是戰戰兢兢的, 只會去做他們要求我做的. 我相信我能夠再進步的." “I am very happy I will be with Kevin McHale, a legendary post player. I think I will learn a lot from him and will get better.” "能夠在低位傳奇球員Kevin McHale下面打球實在令人興奮. 我想我可以在他身上學到很多." Will defend the rim But the Rockets did not sign Asik, 26, to a three-year, $25.1 million contract for his offense. 但, 火箭隊在他身上砸下重金並不是為了他的得分. “We believe … 7-footers like Omer are in short supply,” Hinkie said. “He’s an outstanding help defender. He’s a rim protector. He rebounds on both ends of the floor. He’s proven this throughout his career, at every stop on team after team, first as a professional in Europe, for his national team in Turkey and then most recently for the last few seasons in the NBA in Chicago. "我們認為, 像Omer這樣的七呎長人是稀有財." Hinkie說. "他是個出色的協防者, 他能捍衛禁區, 籃板球也抓得不錯. 在各種大大小小的比賽他都證明了這些." “Young centers in our league that have proven they can impact an NBA game are scarce. Really, really scarce.” "在聯盟裡, 真正能夠影響球賽的年輕中鋒並不多見. 很少很少." Still, the job will change as the starter, with Asik expected to bring the same energy for at least twice as long as he did in Chicago and to defend for much longer and against starters without getting into foul trouble. But with Asik having already made the jump from the Turkish league to success in the NBA, the move from the bench to starting might not be as difficult a transition. 這一次, 角色換成了先發中鋒, Asik被期望的是更堅強的防守, 以及遠離犯規麻煩. 當年Asik從土耳其聯盟躍升到NBA的球員實屬不易, 這次的先發角色又是一次大躍進. “Here, I think he’ll have a chance to flourish,” Hinkie said. “In that (bench) role, he was outstanding both years. Often, as we have seen here, the adjustment for an international player as a rookie is quite challenging as they make the transition in. He was outstanding as a rookie, and he took big strides throughout this year. "在休士頓, 我想他會有機會大鳴大放."Hinkie說. "擔任替補的那些年他表現得不錯. 身為一個國際球員, 在NBA中如何調適自己菜鳥的腳色並不容易. 他表現得相當不錯, 並且讓我們留下了很好的印象." “He’s an outstanding rebounder at both ends. He’s a natural help defender that when penetrators try to get to the rim, he’s there waiting on them. That’s a big, big deal, and not so many guys around the league can do it at the level he’s done.” "他是個出色的籃板手. 他能夠輕鬆的阻止那些想要切入禁區的球員. 他會在籃下迎戰他們, 這是很了不起的事情. 聯盟裡並沒有太多的人物能做到這些事情." NBA dream comes true That, Asik said, was the plan all along. “This is a big opportunity for me,” he said. “It will be a little different for me. I didn’t start much there, but I think I will be working very hard and try to adapt quickly. “Actually, when I decided to come to the NBA, my goal was to be a starting center in this league. I’m very happy about it.” "這是我的大好機會."Asik說. "或許跟以往的角色有些不一樣, 但是我會努力鍛鍊來讓自己調整到最佳狀態." "進聯盟的那一天起我就希望能成為先發的中鋒, 我真的感到很開心." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/30 10:27, , 1F
07/30 10:27, 1F

07/30 10:33, , 2F
07/30 10:33, 2F

07/30 10:34, , 3F
07/30 10:34, 3F

07/30 10:34, , 4F
又去打他臉吧? @@
07/30 10:34, 4F

07/30 10:42, , 5F
Morey 肖想Asik很久了 一直想拿Lee跟公牛換
07/30 10:42, 5F

07/30 11:05, , 6F
howard 拜能...這2個心態都不怎麼好...還是別追吧...
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07/30 11:07, , 7F
07/30 11:07, 7F

07/30 12:26, , 8F
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07/30 12:41, , 9F
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07/30 13:05, , 10F
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07/30 16:19, , 12F
07/30 16:19, 12F

07/30 16:27, , 13F
07/30 16:27, 13F

07/30 16:57, , 14F
哈哈~~~平均年紀搞不好也是最年輕的 果然是偶像隊XD
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07/30 17:04, , 15F
07/30 17:04, 15F

07/30 17:17, , 16F
C:Asik PF:D-Mo SF:Parsons SG:Martin PG:林
07/30 17:17, 16F

07/30 17:19, , 17F
東歐市場 北歐市場 白人市場 黑人市場 黃人市場
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07/30 17:33, , 18F
推~~~~~~NBA新男孩偶像團體:Rocket boys今年底出道XD
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07/30 17:46, , 19F
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07/30 17:58, , 20F
07/30 17:58, 20F

07/30 18:13, , 21F
07/30 18:13, 21F

07/30 19:02, , 22F
Asik的高光mix http://ppt.cc/yNV0
07/30 19:02, 22F

07/30 19:22, , 23F
高光幾乎全是灌籃 還完全沒有第一時間 希望再多練個兩招吧
07/30 19:22, 23F

07/30 20:41, , 24F
07/30 20:41, 24F

07/30 21:28, , 25F
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07/30 21:32, , 26F
拳王 BG howard其實也差不多阿...=3=
07/30 21:32, 26F

07/30 22:49, , 27F
07/30 22:49, 27F

07/30 22:52, , 28F
07/30 22:52, 28F

07/30 22:53, , 29F
07/30 22:53, 29F

07/30 23:08, , 30F
拳王 BG howard也差不多!?!? 我相信你是在開玩笑
07/30 23:08, 30F

07/30 23:28, , 31F
07/30 23:28, 31F

07/30 23:30, , 32F
07/30 23:30, 32F

07/30 23:31, , 33F
07/30 23:31, 33F

07/30 23:41, , 34F
07/30 23:41, 34F

07/30 23:41, , 35F
期待防守就好... 得分的話就隨緣吧XD
07/30 23:41, 35F

07/30 23:59, , 36F
07/30 23:59, 36F

07/31 00:00, , 37F
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07/31 00:06, , 38F
阿里幼...看到版友提供的連結...小帥哥會呀 噗
07/31 00:06, 38F

07/31 01:59, , 39F
看高光可以看見一個優點 Asik完全不怕籃下的衝撞
07/31 01:59, 39F

07/31 02:00, , 40F
卡位也很有份量 如果進攻再練多點技巧 就更棒了
07/31 02:00, 40F
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