[轉錄][外電] 小胖&白邊測試報告 (上)

看板Rockets作者 (驕傲)時間14年前 (2010/05/27 23:30), 編輯推噓1(1015)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Kings 看板 #1B_dzdiv ] 作者: RonArtest93 (新阿泰) 看板: Kings 標題: [外電] 時間: Thu May 27 22:19:16 2010 http://0rz.tw/t7eAu On Tuesday, Hoops Daily editor Eric Guilleminault and I got a chance to attend a workout with upcoming NBA draft picks Hassan Whiteside and Daniel Orton in San Francisco. 星期二去看了白邊跟小胖的測試 Daniel Orton & Hassan WhitesideBoth players are amongst the biggest mysteries in this year's draft, so this was a great opportunity to see how they are training and preparing themselves for workouts with teams in the next month leading up to the draft. The pair are working out with Frank Matrisciano and Bob Hill who have trained players such as Blake Griffin, Patrick Patterson and Arron Afflalo in recent years. 這兩個人在選秀資料方面都很神秘 這是個好好觀察他倆的機會 他們跟曾經訓練過 Blake Griffin Patrick Patterson 及Arron Afflalo 的教練 Bob Hill跟 Frank Matrisciano 一起訓練 Frank works with the players on what he calls "Chameleon training", which utilizes all natural training exercises without the use of free weights and machines, as well as improving the player's diets. He does a lot of core exercises and gets the players out at the beach in San Francisco running on the sand and dragging sand bags to build up strength and endurance. Frank使用一種天然訓練機制 完全不採用器材輔助 譬如他會要球員在沙灘上奔跑或是背沙袋來訓練力量跟耐力 Hassan WhitesideFrank conceded that neither player was truly "NBA ready", but said neither were any of the other players in this year's draft. He said both kids had been working hard and have come a long way since he's been working with them over the past few weeks. Frank說今年每個選秀都需要養 他說白邊跟小胖兩個人訓練時都很努力 他已經跟兩人進行了好幾個禮拜的訓練 Bob Hill is a former NBA coach and he works with the players in the afternoons on basketball related exercises with individual skill development and then some one on one, two on two and some light half court scrimmages. Bob Hill曾當過NBA教練 他跟球員進行個別訓練 一些技巧的開發還有一對一對跟二對二打 還有一些半場的練習賽 We have been very high on Hassan Whiteside all season, and he did not disappoint us, displaying immense upside. 我們之前就非常看好白邊 結果他果然沒讓我們失望 他展現了巨大的潛在進步空間 Daniel Orton actually surprised us with his skill level and maturity. After averaging just 3.4 points per game in his freshman season at Kentucky, it's safe to say he's still got a lot to prove to NBA teams, but based on this workout, he is a surefire first rounder and should really impress teams in individual workouts. 小胖讓我們驚訝於他的技巧成熟度 他的大學成績並不出眾所以他在測試時必須更努力 但顯然他第一關作的極好 接下來一定會令眾家球隊興致高昂 We got a chance to sit down with both kids and pick their brains on their freshman seasons, the Chicago draft combine interviews, and workouts with Frank Matrisciano and Bob Hill. Their interviews will follow the workout report. 我們有對兩人作個別的專訪 將於之後的文章陸續刊出 Both players have been working out with Houston Rockets bigman Hilton Armstrong who looked like a man body wise compared to the pair. In the one on one exericse, the trio would take turns going one on one against each other. 跟他們一起訓練的有老同學Hilton Armstrong 一打一的方式採取三人一組捉對廝殺 Armstrong beat them 5-0-0, showing that the young bucks still have a ways to go. They just could not score on Armstrong or against each other, while Armstrong used his strength, experience and savvy to find ways to score on them. Armstrong完封兩位嫩咖 不過白邊跟小胖兩人互手守也各自得不了分 Armstrong有點倚老賣老的感覺 用經驗取勝兩位 Hassan Whiteside's combine numbers almost seemed too good to be true. He checked in a 6'10.5 barefoot making him a legit 7 feet. His 7'7 wingspan was the most of any combine player. His 5% body fat at 227 is very impressive. And his 9'5 standing reach would have been higher had he not shown up in flip flops for the measurements. 白邊身的體測數據看起來是真貨 七呎身高 7-7翼展 227磅但是只有5%的體指肪令人驚艷 9'5的垂直摸高 他應該可以跳更高 可是測試時穿藍白拖限制了他的跳高能力 Hassan WhitesideWhiteside's agent Andre Buck mentioned that he also bench pressed 185 - 12 times in the combine athleticism tests. Which shows that despite being very skinny, he has good strength. 白邊的經紀人說白邊的舉重可以 185磅可以來到 12下 表示他瘦歸瘦 力量非常足夠 Whiteside is obviously an upside pick, and will take a few years to reach his potential. He's like a big kid and lacks maturity, so it will be important that he lands in a good situation where he feels comfortable and can be brought along without losing his confidence. We got the sense that he's a good kid, still very naive about being a professional athlete, but seems to have his head on straight in order to deal with the temptations and distractions that accompany being an NBA player. He also shows a real exuberance for the game. He wants to get better and is not just a kid that was pushed into playing basketball because of his size. 白邊無疑是個上升股 將會花幾年的時間養成 他像是個大孩子且還不夠成熟 所以他待的環境非常重要 選他的球隊要給他舒適的成長空間培養他的信心 他是個好孩子 非常天真 但對自己的NBA生涯規劃非常有主見 他是個行動派 他想要成為真正的職業球員而不是空有體能的龍套咖 Orton impressed us with his confidence and maturity. His offensive game is more polished than people realize. He can catch and shoot with good balance and rhythm and despite barely seeing the floor as a freshman should be able to contribute to an NBA team before too long. His upside isn't that of Whiteside's and based on being unproven at the college level he probably will be taken outside the lottery, but not long after. 小胖相對來說比較成熟穩健 他的進攻比人們想的好的多 他可以catch and shoot並且不失去身體平衡 看似可以立即提攻即戰力給選他的球隊 他的天份沒有白邊來的那麼受人期待 秀出來的可能在大學大家都看過了 他不會在樂透區被選中 但是也差不遠了 Daniel OrtonWe came away impressed with Orton, although he will need to continue to work hard at keeping his body in shape. he appears on his way to becoming a solid NBA role player and appears to have a solid understanding of what it will take to get there. 小胖要好好控制體重跟持續努力 但是他完全知道該怎麼做 不用擔心他 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/27 22:1,
05/27 22:1
※ 編輯: RonArtest93 來自: (05/27 22:21)

05/27 22:26,
這篇原文裡面Bob Hill說白邊比較偏向大前鋒 因為打中鋒
05/27 22:26

05/27 22:27,
力量不足 進NBA後大概要進行大改造
05/27 22:27

05/27 22:33,
05/27 22:33

05/27 22:35,
另一個是說運球投籃有問題 但腳步不賴且不易犯規??
05/27 22:35

05/27 22:37,
專家 白邊
05/27 22:37

05/27 22:57,
05/27 22:57

05/27 23:29,
05/27 23:29
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/28 01:40, , 1F
被Hilton Armstrong完封....
05/28 01:40, 1F

05/28 01:48, , 2F
05/28 01:48, 2F

05/28 10:23, , 3F
185磅..我也可以12下呀= =
05/28 10:23, 3F

05/28 15:10, , 4F
05/28 15:10, 4F

05/28 15:11, , 5F
05/28 15:11, 5F

05/28 15:12, , 7F
上面是臥推(Bench Press)的影片.....
05/28 15:12, 7F

05/28 15:14, , 8F
05/28 15:14, 8F

05/28 15:15, , 9F
05/28 15:15, 9F

05/28 15:17, , 10F
05/28 15:17, 10F

05/28 15:18, , 11F

05/28 15:19, , 12F
影片名稱叫做:Girl Bench Press
05/28 15:19, 12F

05/28 15:20, , 13F
05/28 15:20, 13F

05/28 19:06, , 14F
05/28 19:06, 14F

05/29 00:13, , 15F
05/29 00:13, 15F

05/29 00:13, , 16F
健身房一堆吧 真的沒有想像的難
05/29 00:13, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1B_f09bX (Rockets)