[外電] I Meet With The Media

看板Rockets作者 (Daryl Morey)時間14年前 (2010/04/18 15:01), 編輯推噓28(28043)
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http://bbs.hoopchina.com/1004/1242073.html http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/daryl_morey_discusses_the_stat_2010_04_15.html Thursday April 15, 2010 2:37 PM Daryl Morey Meets With The Media Rockets' GM discusses state of the team following end of the regular season Jason Friedman Rockets.com HOUSTON - Rockets’ General manager Daryl Morey met with the media Thursday to discuss the state of the team following the recently completed regular season. What follows are the talking points touched upon during a press conference which primarily centered upon the return of Yao Ming, the upcoming free agency period and what the team needs to do to return to the ranks of the NBA’s elite. 火箭總經理Daryl Morey在週三的媒體見面會上談論了在剛剛結束的常規賽後將要著手準 備的工作。以下就是在新聞發佈會上的談話要點:焦點首先聚集在姚明回歸的問題上,然 後談論了即將到來的自由市場以及球隊如何回歸到聯盟強隊行列。 Opening statement: Credit to Coach Adelman and his staff and the players for changing the style of play in a major way. I think if you look back two years ago to this year, you probably wouldn’t recognize the teams in terms of (style of play). We did what we had to do to get the wins we got and we feel like a lot of what we learned this year will carry over to next year when we get Yao Ming back. We’re very excited to add an All-Star to our roster which won 42 (games) and we’re going to be aggressive to try to do even better than just bringing Yao back. But we do feel if we just bring Yao Ming back we ’ll still be a very good team next year. 開場白: 球隊取得的成功要歸功於教練Adelman和他的團隊以及隊員們改變了比賽風格 。如果倒回至兩年前,你可能就不認識這支球隊現在的打法。為了勝利我們做了該做的, 明年姚就會回來,我們會把今年學到的東西繼續發揚。我們很興奮陣容中增加了全明星球 員,我們贏得了42場比賽,我們還會積極地嘗試而不只是坐等姚的回歸。但我們覺得僅僅有 姚回來,我們的團隊就將變得很不錯。 On bringing Scola and Lowry back (both are restricted free agents this summer): They’re going to be back. Mr. Alexander said we’ve got all the resources. When we made the trade at the deadline and walked him through it, we said this might be a year where we go above where we’ve been before in terms of financial commitment and he felt like what we were getting in the trade (was worth it). Kyle and Luis are two of his favorite players on the team – for the obvious reasons that they help us win and they’re both hard working guys – and we’re going to have them back… Mr. Alexander said we’ re keeping them no matter what. 關於留住Scola和Lowry(這個夏天他們都成為受限制自由球員):他們會回到球隊的。亞 歷山大說我們已經擁有了所有的資源。當我們在截止日前做出交易然後對他說,今年的財 政負擔可能會超過以往,他感覺為了這個是值得的。Lowry和Scola是球隊中他最喜歡的兩 個球員,當然這是因為他們幫助球隊取得勝利,而且他們都是很努力的傢伙。所以我們會 留下他們的。亞歷山大已經發話,不管付出什麼代價都要把他們留住。 (每年都這樣講...) On upgrading the team this summer: Even though we’re proud of a lot of what we accomplished this year, we weren’t a playoff team and we do feel like we’ re short of having the roster to compete at the highest level. We feel like we need to be aggressive. I think a lot of teams make mistakes where they try to do everything in the offseason prior to the season and then they lose their flexibility to upgrade their team during the year. So it may not necessarily be something that happens during the offseason, it could be that Yao Ming is our big acquisition during the offseason plus maybe some minor free agent pick-ups. But that doesn’t mean we’re not going to be constantly looking at (more high-profile) free agents. 關於這個夏天球隊進一步補強:儘管我們為球隊取得的成績而感到驕傲,但我們沒有進入 季後賽,管理層意識到現在的球隊還缺少一些能夠幫助球隊去爭奪冠軍的拼圖。我們必須 不斷進取。很多球隊試圖在賽季開始前做完所有工作,我想這是錯誤的,因為這使得他們 在賽季中期缺乏彈性來升級球隊。所以在賽季結束後並不一定要發生什麼,姚明的回歸是 我們最大的收穫,然後再挑選一些二流的自由球員。但這並不意味著我們不會持續關注那 些大牌的自由球員。 On roster upgrades versus roster stability: I do think stability helps you 100 percent. I think it helps you defensively and I think it helps you overall when you’ve got the right group. That said, if there’s something compelling that can upgrade the team I think we do have to look at it and we will be active at the start of free agency. We’ll give of course our A-plus effort to try and upgrade the team there. We feel pretty good about our chances. 陣容升級VS陣容穩定: 我認為穩定壓倒一切。當你有一個正確的團隊時,保持陣容的穩定 有利於球隊防守,有助於任何方面。也就是說,如果有令我感興趣的能提升球隊的事情, 我將認真考慮研究,而且在自由市場開啟的時候我們也會積極活躍的。當然我們會盡最大 努力來提升球隊,我們覺得這是個很好的機會。 There’s obviously players in this league – and I can’t mention them – that any team would want to add. And if we can somehow get them, we will, and if not we do feel good about this group. We’re bringing more guaranteed contract players than probably any team in the league. 顯然這個聯盟中有些球員是每個球隊都想要的,我不能具體指出是誰。如果我們能得到, 我們當然會付出努力。但即使得不到,我也很滿意現在這個球隊。相比其他球隊,我們擁 有更多合同保障的球員。 On areas hoping to upgrade the most: With Yao Ming back next year, it is a situation where early on he’s not going to come out playing 40 minutes the first night. So we do feel at the big spot, even with Luis, even with Yao Ming, even with the guys who have potential like Jordan Hill and even guys we have a lot of faith in like Chuck Hayes and with depth like David Andersen, I do feel like there’s the potential to add someone there who could play maybe more minutes than you might expect early because I think Yao Ming is going to have to work his way back in to playing high minutes. Obviously the draft is a time when a lot of changes happen in the league but I think during the free agency period bigs will be more of a priority. 球隊最希望補強的位置:即使姚明回歸,他也不可能在第一個晚上就打40分鐘,而且這種 情況將持續下去。所以我覺得在大個方面,即使擁有Scola、姚明、還有充滿潛力的J.Hill 、非常信任的 Hayes 和像 Andersen這樣的板凳深度,我們仍然可能會增加一個超乎你預 料的能打更長時間的球員。因為姚不可能再像以前那樣打這麼長時間。當然這要取決於選 秀情況,這個聯盟中經常發生變化,但我想在自由球員市場上大個是我要優先考慮的事情。 I think there’s, overall, more quality players who are free agents this year but it’s a dynamic league so everybody’s competing for that. I think I mentioned at the trade deadline how 8 teams are clearly trying to add top players and we think there’s probably 5 (top players available) and a lot of the 8 teams are trying to get two of (those top players). So there’s going to be a lot of competition which is why we sort of made our free agent move early when we added Kevin Martin. So that was our move early. That doesn’t mean we won’t be pursuing folks in July, we definitely will and I’m sure I’ ll be on someone’s doorstep June 30th. 我想今年自由市場上優秀的球員比往年多,但這個充滿活力的聯盟裡每個人都在為此競爭 。在交易截止前有8支球隊有很明顯的意圖要獲得頂級球員,但大概只有5名可供選擇,甚 至還有一些球隊同時想簽下兩名。所以競爭是很激烈的,這就是為什麼我們要趁早把 K. Martin 交易過來的原因。但這並不意味著在七月我不會有動作,我很清楚的確信在6月 30日我將站在某個球員的門前。 I think we’re looking for a quality big. We’ve got guys who can flex between positions. Luis Scola, Jordan Hill, Chuck Hayes and David Andersen can play the four or the five. So we feel like we can add either spot, we’re just looking for a quality big. 我想我們在尋找一個優質的大個。我們已經有一些能打不同位置的球員,Scola、Hill、 Hayes和Andersen能兼任四五號位。所以我們能在這兩個位置任意選擇,但必須是找一個 有質量的大個子。 (Armstrong:幹) I’ve focused a lot on the bigs in free agency but I will say this: at the highest level we’re looking for just highly talented players because we feel we’ve got a roster full of very good, bordering on great, players. But we are short of those elite players that are important in this league as well. 我已經在關注自由市場的很多大個子,但我想說:我們必須找一個最高水平的有天賦的球 員。因為我們有一些非常不錯的接近偉大的球員,我們只是缺少那些在聯盟中非常重要的 頂尖球員。 On Yao Ming’s progress and the minutes he can play next year: I don’t know. I think for sure by playoff time we think he can be 100 percent back, which is the most important time, obviously. He can be back to where he was last year when he was playing at a high level. What his exact ramp-up will be, I don’t think anybody knows exactly how that will happen. 關於姚明的恢復和下個賽季上場時間:我不清楚,但可以肯定的是在明年季後賽的時候他 能夠百分百恢復。他將回到像上個賽季那樣的最高水準。他到底能提升到什麼水平,我想 沒有任何人能給出準確的回答。 Yao is on schedule with the doctors. I think he’s at two-thirds of his body weight on the treadmill. Each week it ramps up a little bit and each week he’ s responded great so we expect him to be back at the start of the preseason. If it’s not exactly that, we’re OK with it. Again, we’re focused on having him in the playoffs next year and clearly we’d like to have him for a large (percentage), if not all of the regular season as well. 姚正在遵照醫生的時間表進行康復。我想他消耗了三分之二的體重在跑步機上。每個星期 他都能提高一點,每週他良好的回應讓我對他在季前賽的復出是如此的期待。不過這未必 如此,我們正在確定。我們關注的是在明年季後賽擁有他,顯然這有很大的概率,即使不 是所有的常規賽都如此。 On gauging the defense going forward: I mean we’ve got a lot of good excuses for why our defense went down but the bottom line is we need to get better. We ’re not going to win very much how we played defense down the stretch. There ’s a lot of good reasons why we were challenged: we had a lot of turnover; we had some of our better defenders out like Trevor Ariza and Shane Battier. All year we had a challenge without Yao Ming around, we needed a lot to go right to keep our cohesion defensively and obviously that broke down with injuries and trades. 關於如何提高防守:我的意思是,我們已經有很多好的理由,為什麼我們的防守下降,但底 線是我們需要變得更好。如果只打防守,就目前這個陣容來看我們不會取得如此多的勝利 。我們受到批評是有很多因素的:我們失誤太多,像Ariza和Battier這樣的防守者缺席了 很多比賽,整個賽季我們都因沒有姚而受到挑戰。我們必須重新保持防守凝聚力,很明顯 這必須克服傷病和交易的影響。 So we’ve got a lot of excuses but we’re for sure going to turn it around. In the three years prior to this year, if you just take the average of those three years, we were the best defensive team in the league. So we’re definitely going to be a top defensive team and it’s either going to be with this group or some other group because we’re not going to accept not being a top-10 defensive team. It’s just not what the Rockets are. The Rockets have always been a top defensive team and we won’t go away from that. 我們找了很多藉口,但我們確信能重新把防守找回來。在過去的三年,如果你看三年的平 均值,那我們是聯盟中防守最好的球隊。不管是以現有的這個陣容還是別的陣容,我們明 確的要成為防守強隊。我們接受不了自己的防守進不了聯盟前十。那樣的話就不是火箭隊 了,火箭是一直傳統的防守強隊,我們不會背離這個的。 We believe in our defensive concepts and we believe in our players. We feel like we have good defensive talent but that doesn’t mean we can’t get better. I think at the big spot I’m probably focused on getting someone a little more defensive-minded there. 我們相信自己的防守理念,也信任我們的球員。我們有不錯的防守天賦,而且能使防守變 得更好。在挑選大個方面我將更傾向於關注他的防守意識。 We’re concerned. We were an average defensive team and I don’t think anyone ’s ever won the title being an average defensive team. We’ve got to get top-10 defensively, that’s been something you almost have to do if you want to be a title contender. 我們很關心這個。上個賽季防守做得很一般,我不相信任何球隊靠著普通的防守水平就能 拿到冠軍。我們要成為top-10防守隊伍,這也是成為一個冠軍爭奪者你所必須要做的。 We are trying to balance it, though. We’ve acquired some players who are gifted offensively versus defensively but we feel like we can mesh them in with our strong defenders and we want to be top-10 in both (offense and defense). 我們要使攻防平衡。我們獲得了一些進攻很犀利的球員,但他們防守稍微羸弱點。但我認 為他們能融入到強大的防守體系中,在攻防兩方面我們都必須做到聯盟前十。 On draft strategy, specifically as it pertains to selecting “older” players like Aaron Brooks, Carl Landry, Chase Budinger, etc: We really try to take who we think is the best player. I guess we’ve ended up feeling like several of the (guys Houston has drafted) weren’t picked where they should be picked. We just feel like maybe the league has maybe missed on some of these guys who, because they’re older, they get the perception that they don’t have as much upside or aren’t as good and we don’t agree because we’re always focused on how a drafted player fits over a four-year window and maybe even longer. 關於選秀策略,擅長選擇一些高齡新秀,比如Brooks、Landry和Budinger等:我們試著選 擇一些我們認為最好的球員。我們只是想要一些本應被挑選卻漏選的球員。我只是認為聯 盟很多球隊因為這些人年齡有點大而不選他們,認為年齡太大沒有很多上升的空間而且不 夠好。但我不認同這些,我只考慮他一個新秀合同期(4年)內的表現. On how Kevin Martin fit in: I think he fits in great. He can really shoot. And if Yao gets extra attention and they rotate to him, he can beat them off the dribble, he’s got a great first step. He gets to the line so much and Yao Ming we feel like is the best offensive player in the league once we’re in the penalty. So obviously we think (Kevin) fits great. 關於Kevin Martin的融入問題:我認為他很好的融入了球隊。他能投籃,而且在姚吸引注 意力而受到包夾的時候,Martin能通過運球突破他們,他有非常不錯的第一步。他經常走 上罰球線,而且姚是聯盟中最好的進攻球員之一。顯然 Martin 非常適合我們。 On the elite free agents moving via sign -and -trade: I actually think they’ ll all go sign-and-trade. Even the teams with room often will sign-and-trade into the room and get something back from the team. A free agent is picking where he wants to go more or less, so he eventually tells the team, “I want to go there,” and the team doesn’t want to lose him for nothing, so they try to work out some sort of arrangement. 關於頂尖自由球員的先簽後換運作:我真的認為他們都會先簽後換的。球隊通常會用先簽 後換的方式,然後得到相應的回報。一名自由球員或多或少的想去別的地方,所以他最終 告訴球隊,「我想去那裡,」然後球隊不想一無所得的失去他,所以他們試著去做出的這樣 的運作。 On what the future holds: Obviously starting at 42 wins we have a lot to do to get back to where we want to be. To win the title you have to be somewhere around 55 to 57 wins. So we’ve got to get there. I think if we get Yao Ming back we’re close and I think if our guys on the team can take a step forward defensively or a step forward overall, or if we make other acquisitions, we’ ll be right there. 關於未來:顯然在42勝距離回到我們想要的位置,我們有很多事要做,。贏得冠軍,你必須 要獲得55到57勝。我們要到達那裡。我認為,如果姚明回來,我們將更加接近,如果我們的 球員一步步做好防守和所有的事 ,或者,如果我們球隊有些別的收穫,我們將很快達到目標 。 謝謝收看 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/18 15:02, , 1F
04/18 15:02, 1F

04/18 15:13, , 2F
04/18 15:13, 2F

04/18 15:23, , 3F
整理一下 就是"目標簽B級自由球員 伺機先簽後換A級球員"
04/18 15:23, 3F

04/18 15:28, , 4F
早就說過他趕的上下球季開賽已經很誇張了 只是有人不相信
04/18 15:28, 4F

04/18 15:29, , 5F
沒受過或沒看過這種傷 也不知道復健要做什麼的卻很愛夢想
04/18 15:29, 5F

04/18 15:30, , 6F
基本上他要動不是問題 但是要能撐住NBA這樣強度的比賽
04/18 15:30, 6F

04/18 15:30, , 7F
04/18 15:30, 7F

04/18 15:31, , 8F
現在預設是今年之前他可以回歸 然後用明年三個月時間進入
04/18 15:31, 8F

04/18 15:31, , 9F
狀況 這樣已經算是很理想的速度
04/18 15:31, 9F

04/18 15:49, , 10F
04/18 15:49, 10F

04/18 17:02, , 11F
推樓上 我的想法大概也是這樣 火箭只差一個爆炸性長人
04/18 17:02, 11F

04/18 17:03, , 12F
如果換來bosh 可以吃掉一些C的時間 剩下的分給JH 海爺
04/18 17:03, 12F

04/18 17:04, , 13F
JJ球員選項我猜不會跳出 要交易也得有人要QQ
04/18 17:04, 13F

04/18 18:36, , 14F
04/18 18:36, 14F

04/18 18:42, , 15F
JJ不會跳出啦 6.8M的到期約加上一定的戰力 算是不錯商品
04/18 18:42, 15F

04/18 19:25, , 16F
04/18 19:25, 16F

04/18 19:46, , 17F
簽到Bosh 等姚回歸 這是最好的結果
04/18 19:46, 17F

04/18 21:11, , 18F
問題是要拿誰換Bosh...Scola Arize BD2到時至少要走一個@@
04/18 21:11, 18F

04/18 22:00, , 19F
樓上 說不定要走2個...XDD
04/18 22:00, 19F

04/19 00:05, , 20F
04/19 00:05, 20F

04/19 00:06, , 21F
04/19 00:06, 21F

04/19 00:07, , 22F
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04/19 00:08, , 23F
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04/19 00:08, , 24F
04/19 00:08, 24F

04/19 01:44, , 25F
04/19 01:44, 25F

04/19 02:36, , 26F
(Battier or Ariza) + Scola + Lowry + JJ 都可動
04/19 02:36, 26F

04/19 02:37, , 27F
AB Yao Martin Hill 我猜是絕不會動...也不該動= =
04/19 02:37, 27F

04/19 02:37, , 28F
顯然AB+Martin雙槍 Battier的經驗與Yao的破壞力
04/19 02:37, 28F

04/19 02:38, , 29F
04/19 02:38, 29F

04/19 03:39, , 30F
04/19 03:39, 30F

04/19 03:40, , 31F
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04/19 03:41, , 32F
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04/19 03:42, , 33F
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04/19 03:42, , 34F
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04/19 03:43, , 35F
04/19 03:43, 35F

04/19 03:44, , 36F
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04/19 03:48, , 40F
04/19 03:48, 40F

04/19 03:48, , 41F
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04/19 03:49, , 42F
04/19 03:49, 42F

04/19 03:50, , 43F
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04/19 03:51, , 44F
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04/19 03:51, , 45F
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04/19 03:52, , 46F
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04/19 03:52, , 47F
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04/19 03:54, , 48F
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04/19 03:56, , 49F
04/19 03:56, 49F

04/19 03:57, , 50F
04/19 03:57, 50F

04/19 03:58, , 51F
04/19 03:58, 51F

04/19 03:58, , 52F
不過希望我回來後不要變成我不認識的火箭就好= =
04/19 03:58, 52F

04/19 04:54, , 53F
樓上好認真..可以回文阿 內容超充實的
04/19 04:54, 53F

04/19 13:44, , 54F
04/19 13:44, 54F

04/19 13:45, , 55F
到底會不會來 可能還是要看Lowry這裡談的如何吧 雖然兩個
04/19 13:45, 55F

04/19 13:45, , 56F
人是不同類型的後衛 優缺點不同
04/19 13:45, 56F

04/20 09:48, , 57F
04/20 09:48, 57F

04/20 13:53, , 58F
camby續約了 …
04/20 13:53, 58F

04/20 13:54, , 59F
2年21m火箭花不起 不如留起來續Scola&Lowry
04/20 13:54, 59F

04/20 14:27, , 60F
04/20 14:27, 60F

04/20 14:36, , 61F
平均一年一千萬 Camby已經三十多歲了........
04/20 14:36, 61F

04/20 14:40, , 62F
36歲 有精采的傷病史 拿千萬 中鋒真是稀有財啊
04/20 14:40, 62F

04/20 14:43, , 63F
04/20 14:43, 63F

04/20 18:56, , 64F
沒辦法 人家老板不缺錢
04/20 18:56, 64F

04/20 19:32, , 65F
我之前還在肖想2~3m簽下來 看來只能在夢裡了
04/20 19:32, 65F

04/20 19:36, , 66F
Camby簽這個價 搞不好會把內線自由球員續約價碼給拉起來
04/20 19:36, 66F

04/20 21:02, , 67F
真貴= =,雖然他很好用,但我覺得依照以往的傷兵史跟
04/20 21:02, 67F

04/20 21:02, , 68F
年齡,這個價碼時在太高了= =
04/20 21:02, 68F

04/20 21:58, , 69F
對于拓荒和小牛這種老板不介意付多少奢侈稅的球隊來說 貴
04/20 21:58, 69F

04/20 21:58, , 70F
點無所謂 不過合約不會給太長以避免薪資結構失去彈性
04/20 21:58, 70F

04/20 22:00, , 71F
04/20 22:00, 71F
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