[轉錄][外電] 你不知道的KM

看板Rockets作者 (馬丁)時間14年前 (2010/02/19 20:53), 編輯推噓3(301)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Kings 看板] 作者: RonArtest93 (新阿泰) 看板: Kings 標題: [外電] 時間: Sat Dec 12 00:25:42 2009 http://0rz.tw/ZO3ki Back when I wrote feature articles for basketball magazines, I would pick a player and interview a handful of people about that player, as well as the player himself. 當我要作一個球員的專題報導時, 我會採訪他週遭的人 當然 , 也包括他本人 Then I'd use about 6% of what the people told me in an article that would be 94% my words. 然後我習慣 用 , 96% 是我的話 4% 是採訪者的話 , 這樣的方式來完成我的文章 But it often occured to me that it would be cool to just print the (edited for length) transcripts of those interviews. Forget the article, you know? I like reading transcribed interviews, for some reason. And a handful of them on the same topic would probably end up making you feel like you knew a lot about that topic! 但是有些文章 , 採訪者的話讓我發現 , 我寫的那些 , 都還不如採訪者 本身說的東西重要 , 那些是讓你真正了解這個主題的精隨 So, I'm going to try that for you on TrueHoop, as an experiment. 恩 , 所以 , 這次作KM的主題我決定用這種方式 , 看會不會奏效 And the subject of the experiment is Kevin Martin. 這次的專訪人物是跟KM有關的人物 Why Kevin Martin? Because he's a promising young player most people know too little about. Because he's about to get a lot more famous (and rich). Because he's a good guy. And because he's tight with my buddy David Thorpe, who has helped put me in touch with practically everyone who played a role in Kevin Martin's development. 為什麼選KM當主題呢? 因為他是個年輕的NBA球員, 是個富翁, 是個名人 也是個好人 同時因為我剛好有認識跟KM比較有熟識關係的人......... The first interview is with Kevin's high school coach, Scott Aronhalt of Ohio's Zanesville High School. Coach Aronhalt (who is now also the athletic director) gets raves from other coaches, and Zanesville's program is praised for churning out extremely competent players who know what to do on and off the court. (For instance.) Coach Aronhalt is also the father of a fine young shooting guard with a perfect GPA. (Full disclosure: Thorpe has also trained Logan Aronhalt. Yup, this story is getting pretty incestuous, from a journalism ethics point of view.) 這次採訪的人物是他高中的教練 Scott Aronhalt KM高中母校Zanesville 也出產過不少優秀的球員 ============================================================================= When did you first meet Kevin? Q:你第一次見到KM的時候是? Probably the first time was at our elementary school basketball camp. He must have been in the third or fourth grade, and as you can imagine he was nothing but a stick. But he was a great looking kid, with a big smile. Easygoing. He loved to play. Just loved the game. But you never dreamed he'd be the one in that gym to make it to the NBA. Scott:在學校辦的一個, 基礎籃球訓練營 他那時已經三年級還是四年級 那時他還是瘦皮猴 他人很隨合 , 長的也蠻帥的, 但是你絶對不會想到這小子將來會打NBA He just doesn't give off that "I'm going to rip your head off" vibe. Q:外表是看不出來他是那種惦惦吃三碗公的人啊 He's very unassuming. He's a great competitor. When you throw the ball up, he gets into it. But he doesn't have an ego that says he has to get thirty. He has never had that. I can't tell you how many players we've had here, but he's certainly the best scorer we have ever had. And at that time, we were independent, so we played one of the toughest schedules in the state. He averaged 22 points per game against a lot of guys who were on their way to play Division 1 basketball. Scott:他是惦惦吃三碗公沒錯, 他是個上進心很強的球員 , 當你丟球給他 他會完成你交代的工作,但他從不搶球投 , 沒有那種耍大牌的脾氣 我不知道我們學校出過多少籃球人才,但他無疑是校史中最會得分的 那時我們學校實力已經夠強去面對一些好的球隊, KM 照樣能在 強度高的賽程中平均拿下22pt We had another kid at the same time, Kyle Witucky, and those two just always had an incredible work ethic. 他跟另外一個校友Kyle Witucky , 這兩個人有者超乎常人想像對工作正確的態度 Kevin could always shoot it. But when he came as a freshman he was about six feet tall and weighed 99 pounds. People sometimes say that he's not strong, but that's not true. I'm a certified strength and conditioning coach as well, and pound for pound he's one of the strongest guys you'll ever come across. KM能得分 , 但是當他還是個高中籃球菜鳥時, 他 只有 180公分 出頭 45 公斤左右 人們常說他太瘦了 但我告訴你, 我同時是個體能教練 KM是我看過最強韌的一個球員 I remember the summer he really worked on his strength. He had been pretty much a standstill shooter. But he got a lot stronger when he moved to the varsity, and then he just really started to get after it. His senior year he was lighting people up. He'd back them down in the lane. He'd get to the line. He'd score on the run. 我記得他進校隊前的那個夏天 , 他苦練他的力量, 那時他已經是個不錯定點射手 進校隊後他整個人變壯很多 , 他的高中籃球第二年整個讓人驚艷 他可以在內線給對手好看, 可以跑轟, 騙罰球 樣樣都來, 整個升級 But the recruiters were still questioning his strength. They'd call me and ask "who's recruiting him?" and "why isn't he ranked in those top 100 lists?" 但是還是有人始終疑問 "這傢伙打哪來的啊? 夠資格名列高中100大好球員嗎?" "誰招募他進校隊的?" I always felt like if you saw him play, and trusted what you saw, who cared about the other stuff? 我總是說 "眼見為憑" 你親自看到KM打過球後 , 你就不會理會那些閒言閒語 Sometimes I think that being in a big spotlight as a very young person might not help your development anyway. Can it be good to fly under the radar? Q:有時我的想法是.....過多的鎂光燈對年輕球員的成長不是好事 像KM這樣默默耕耘的球員 , 是不是對他的成長比較好? You're right about that. The spotlight has made some people highly rebellious, or they haven't handled themselves very well. But Kevin? When he comes back to town, he's just Kevin Martin. He acts like he's nobody special. Scott:你可能是對的, 鎂光燈可能讓球員變的不受管教, 難以教導 但是KM嘛.......當他下了球場後, 他就當自己是Kevin Martin, 跟一般人過著無異的生活 He was one of four candidates for Ohio's Mr. Basketball. That's a very prestigious award. But he just did not have the personality to get a big head about it. Whatever attention he might have received, I don't think it would have damaged him. 他得過 Ohio 籃球先生 , 這個獎項的提名, 這在當地是個很大的殊榮 但是他沒有因此變的有大頭症, 不管你給他多少的吹捧 他不會迷失自己 How often do you see him? Q:他跟您還有常連絡嗎? We talk on and off. He texts me when he's coming to town, wondering if the school is open. Then he'll come up on a school day and kids will stop him and want autographs, they just love him. He has really embraced the community, even though he has no idea what all the fuss is about. He is as down to earth as you get. Scott:我們保持聯絡, KM 有時會連絡我問我學校有開嗎, 他想回來看看 孩子們看到他像看到偶像一樣瘋狂包圍索取簽名, 他有點受寵若驚, 但是他還是保持你所認識那樣樸實的一面 So, he's texting wanting to get into your gym to work out? Q:所以你還有一直在幫他作重訓嗎? Oh yeah. He's always in there. The Kings sent some media guys to follow him around in the weight room and stuff. He's here in the morning many days, or in the afternoon. He'll lift. He'll shoot. If someone's doing drills or something, he'll jump in and he's just another regular guy. Scott:當然 , 國王會派一些記者一起跟他來 他會在我的訓練場做些舉重跟投籃的功課 這是個公眾場所, 有時別人在練習時他會突然進來加入訓練 就跟一般人無異 I have to ask you about that funny looking shot of his. [Look at about the 1:46 mark.] Q:我一定要問有關KM怪異的投籃姿勢....... He has always been a left-eye dominant shooter. And the ball would start high, off his left eye. You could watch as he pulled it up to his face it would move across his face, and he'd release it over to the right of his head. As a coach, I used to be really adamant about getting everyone to shoot the same way, but through the years I have forgiven a lot of that. All of us are not the same, and you can be very successful with different kinds of shots. Scott:他是習慣用左眼觀察的球員, 他會先把球舉高, 高過左眼 , 然而把球位移到他能看的清楚籃框的距離 最後出手點是在額頭右邊 身為一名教練, 我本來很堅持每個球員都該有所謂的 "標準出手姿勢" 但是執教那麼多年後我發現對KM這類的孩子並不適用 能夠投的進, 就用自己習慣的方式投籃吧 Later, David Thorpe really worked with him and while Kevin's shot is still very similar, David was adamant that his hand should be moving straight towards the basket as he shot, not moving side to side. I think his stroke looks pretty natural -- plenty of people have a motion that's more awkward. ESPN的記者David Thorpe 有跟KM一起訓練過 , 他曾批評KM的投籃姿勢應該要把手直接瞄藍 不要晃啊晃先 , 但比起一些人做起進攻起手勢那樣笨拙相比, KM的姿勢明顯自然很多 Kevin's approach to the game, according to everybody I have talked to, is as professional as anybody's. For instance, he bought a house near the team's workout facility, so he could get to the gym all the time. And David tells me that Kevin has worked on essentially everything David has ever asked him to work on. Where does he get that? Why can't everybody have that? KM對比賽的態度, 我問過其他人, 那真是專業, 他用錢買了一棟在球隊 訓練場隔壁的房子, 這樣他就能隨時去那邊報到 David Thorpe說, 他跟KM一起訓練時, KM 對每一個訓練菜單照單全收 我想問, 為什麼KM做得到, 其他球員作不到? Number one, his family is fantastically supportive, and they're great people. His grandmother is as good a person as you'll ever meet. And Kevin is smart enough to know who's really trying to help him, and to trust those people. If you respect him, and listen to him, he'll listen to you. He has not been led in wrong directions, and he has developed beneficial relationships with guys like David Thorpe. Scott:第一,他的家族全心支持他, 他有很好的家庭, 他祖母更是一個難得一見的好人 而KM本身就是個聰明的孩子, 他能分辨誰是真正在幫助他而誰不是, 如果你尊敬他的為人, 他就同樣會尊敬你, 聽你說的意見 他沒有被帶壞, 反而結交了像David Thorpe這樣的好朋友 I hope to think that we've been a part of it too. Zanesville is not a typical program. We have boosters and try to do some things that other programs can't do. And we take an approach where your actions on and off the court are important. We're concerned with how they carry themselves. I hope he picked some of that up. 我想我們學校多少有幫到忙, Zanesville的學風跟傳統學校不同 它關注於教導球員怎樣潔身自愛, 明辨是非, 場上場下的品格都很重要 我希望KM能從中受益很多 Is there a Kevin Martin moment that really stands out to you? Q:KM有什麼讓你感動的時刻嗎? There are just so many great highlights from his basketball career. He has been a big part of some amazing games. But honestly, the moment I think of came off the court, last summer. I was in Florida, where my son and Kevin were training with David Thorpe. I had some family meeting me there, and we all met downstairs at the Reside nce Inn for the buffet breakfast. Kevin was there with some friends of his from high school. We ate breakfast, and then Kevin got up to grab something from his room before we went over to the gym. Scott:他在NBA場上有很多精采高光, 但是我印象最深的不是在場上 有一次 , 我跟我兒子 , KM, David Thorpe 正在做訓練 剛好我們家族有個聚會也在那 , 於是我們就把大家湊在一塊到餐廳吃飯 當我們吃完準備在回去訓練時, KM 突然好像在收集什麼似的 Then he paused, and asked me if we were supposed to bus our own tables. I said yeah, I think so, and then Kevin just didn't even hesitate and picked up everybody's plates and took them over where they were supposed to go. 他停住, 問了我一下我們是不是該自己收拾自己的碗盤不要麻煩服務生 我說恩對啊應該這樣, 於是他二話不說就把大家的碗盤收拾乾淨 把它們一一放回應該放的位置 Never mind NBA players -- how many people would do that? 別說NBA球員了? 一般人有幾個會這樣做? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: RonArtest93 來自: (12/12 00:54)

12/12 00:57,
12/12 00:57

12/12 01:06,
12/12 01:06

12/12 01:38,
已收錄精華區 感謝分享
12/12 01:38

12/12 01:39,
KM不只是個好球員 也是一個非常棒的人
12/12 01:39

12/12 02:17,
180CM....45KG= =???
12/12 02:17

12/12 08:56,
180cm 45KG是哪招啊...比一堆厭食症的都還瘦了吧
12/12 08:56

12/12 11:50,
其實很多服務生不喜歡客人收拾餐盤耶XD 因為自己會被罵
12/12 11:50

12/12 14:03,
Scott說 Martin是瘦皮猴(a stick) 但長得還滿好看
12/12 14:03

12/12 14:06,
12/12 14:06

12/12 14:08,
12/12 14:08

12/12 14:10,
Work ethic與其說是熱情,不如說是態度積極且正確
12/12 14:10

12/12 14:14,
感謝 ~
12/12 14:14

12/12 14:14,
另外independent就不用去追究了 XD
12/12 14:14

12/12 14:15,
12/12 14:15

12/12 14:15,
12/12 14:15

12/12 14:18,
12/12 14:18

12/12 14:19,
另外Back someone down in the lane不一定指背框
12/12 14:19

12/12 14:21,
12/12 14:21

12/12 14:23,
恩 好 我會一併修正
12/12 14:23

12/12 14:25,
12/12 14:25

12/12 14:26,
12/12 14:26

12/12 14:26,
可以去請教NCAA版的 hunight大 他可能會有答案
12/12 14:26

12/12 14:27,
12/12 14:27

12/12 14:28,
如果真的要瘦不是不行 只是真的會死人
12/12 14:28
※ 編輯: RonArtest93 來自: (12/12 14:32)

12/12 15:02,
Mydick 我有幫你查到一些想關資料
12/12 15:02

12/12 15:04,
我自己的理解 美國高中籃球每年都會舉行錦標賽
12/12 15:04

12/12 15:05,
每個州都有相關單位負責主辦 譬如KM母校
12/12 15:05

12/12 15:06,
Zanesville 是屬於 Ohio 俄亥俄州
12/12 15:06

12/12 15:07,
12/12 15:07

12/12 15:07,
Ohio High School Athletic Association所負責舉辦
12/12 15:07

12/12 15:08,
的聯賽 每個州的規則不盡相同 像OHSAA 他們比較
12/12 15:08

12/12 15:09,
寬鬆 能允許隸屬該州的學校球隊能跟別的州的校隊
12/12 15:09

12/12 15:09,
12/12 15:09

12/12 15:10,
所以我個人是推敲Scott 說的independent 指的是這個
12/12 15:10

12/12 15:11,
12/12 15:11

12/12 15:12,
而不限於本州自辦的錦標賽 所以KM會遇到更強的對手
12/12 15:12

12/12 15:12,
12/12 15:12

12/12 15:13,
12/12 15:13

12/12 15:13,
12/12 15:13

12/12 15:14,
12/12 15:14

12/12 15:14,
但建議一下還是問一下NCAA版很多大咖 才好
12/12 15:14

12/12 15:15,
12/12 15:15

12/12 15:16,
因為我也是網路上資料加減看一看加一點猜測亂講 XD
12/12 15:16

12/12 15:16,
Z高校可能是跨過這一道,以學校名義就報名了 所以賽程比較硬
12/12 15:16

12/12 15:17,
恩 有可能 它的簡章規則有一段有說他們能允許各校
12/12 15:17

12/12 15:18,
12/12 15:18

12/12 15:18,
不過經新阿泰大解釋我也覺得有理 也可能indie是相對於自州
12/12 15:18

12/12 15:20,
我也來研究看看高中賽制, 以上感謝了!
12/12 15:20

12/13 15:31,
12/13 15:31
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/19 21:56, , 1F
KM的投籃姿勢真的怪 XD
02/19 21:56, 1F

02/20 00:07, , 2F

02/20 08:28, , 3F
02/20 08:28, 3F

02/20 16:35, , 4F
談到Martin,可參考這篇文章 http://ppt.cc/aHXv
02/20 16:35, 4F
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