[外電] T-Mac saga nears end for Rockets

看板Rockets作者 (Just cruising)時間14年前 (2009/12/31 11:57), 編輯推噓25(25029)
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T-Mac saga nears end for Rockets By RICHARD JUSTICE Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle Dec. 29, 2009, 11:36PM http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/bk/bkn/6791664.html richard.justice@chron.com 自翻 First, there was the matter of calming nerves in the locker room. That’s why Rockets general manager Daryl Morey met with his players over the weekend. “We understand we’ve got something good going on,” he told them. 為了穩定更衣室裡面的氣氛, Morey在週末跟球員們談了一下. "我知道球隊目前運作的很好."Morey告訴大家. So does coach Rick Adelman. “I wanted what was best for the team and not one individual,” he said. “This team has a great group of guys. They bust their tails every night and at practice every day.” Adelman也這樣認為. "我尋求的是對整支球隊有好處的事情, 而非對個人."他說. "這支球隊有不少很棒的球員, 每個晚上無論在賽場上或是練習中, 他們都拼盡全力." Things are simpler for the Rockets with Tracy McGrady out of the equation. There’s no guarantee he’ll be traded, only that he won’t play for the Rockets again. Now we’ll find out if this team that has been such a joy to watch, that has been smartly constructed and brilliantly coached, can continue to grow together. 如果踢妹離開了, 很多事情就會變的更單純些. 目前無法保證他會被交易, 我們只知道他不會再為火箭隊打球了. 現在的火箭隊是賞心悅目的, 聰明的打法以及不斷地茁壯, 還有絕佳的教練. Are they a championship team? Absolutely not. Are they a playoff team? Possibly. This season began with virtually no one thinking the Rockets could make the playoffs without McGrady, Yao Ming and Ron Artest. Wrong. Despite a brutal early schedule — 19 of 32 games on the road — they’re on a pace to win 49 games after rallying from eight points down in the fourth quarter to beat New Orleans 108-100 Tuesday night. 這是支冠軍隊伍嗎? 肯定不是. 這是支能打進季後賽的球隊嗎? 有可能. 在沒有踢妹姚明阿泰的開季當初, 沒有人認為我們可以打進季後賽. 他們錯了. 即使那麼基八的賽程之下 — 19場客場作戰之下, 在擊敗了黃蜂之後, 若依照這樣的戰績下去, 我們是有機會贏到49場比賽的. They’ve done it with speed and toughness, with energy and unselfishness, by diving for loose balls and making the extra pass. They’re a living, breathing definition of a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts. Morey overhauled the roster without benefit of a high draft pick or a big-ticket free-agent signing. He has put together a competitive, entertaining team and refused to make short-term moves, thereby keeping enough financial flexibility for next summer when he’ll try to add an impact player. 球員們用速度以及打死不退的精神做到了 充滿著活力, 無私的傳球, 奮不顧身地爭取每 一個球權. 團結力量大, 他們就是活生生的一個例子. 這樣子的陣容並沒有一個高順位的選秀,或是交易來的大咖. Morey就這樣建構出來一支拼鬥力十足的隊伍, 為了夏天的補強還保留著一些薪資的彈性 The Rockets had hoped to add McGrady to the mix at some point. If he could recover from knee surgery and play at a high level. If he was willing to accept a role and fit in. If this, if that. McGrady either could not or would not. That’s the thing we’ll never know. He’d always been his team’s centerpiece. Suddenly, he was part of one that had moved on without him. Morey and Adelman attempted to understand what McGrady was seeing. He probably wondered if he’d ever again be what he once was. He probably was scared. 火箭隊確實有認真思考過踢妹的回歸. 前提是在他能夠從手術裡完全康復並保持高檔的狀 態. 並且他必須要接受現況以及自己的腳色, 願意融入. 或許踢妹沒有辦法, 或許踢妹只是不願意, 我們無法得知他在想什麼. 他一直是球隊的核心人物, 不過突然之間, 他已經變成了球隊的其中一部份而已. Morey與Adelman希望了解踢妹的想法, 他或許只是想證明他還是從前的踢妹, 他或許只是有一些害怕. Fast and furious As far back as training camp, Adelman had predicted how things would turn out. The Rockets had a group that needed to play fast to be competitive, and they had a once-great player who was either uncomfortable with playing fast or unable to. 在訓練營的時候, Adelman其實就有預料到事情的發展. 火箭的球風打快了起來, 不過踢妹似乎不太能適應這樣的改變. “The thing people want to write about is who he was two years ago,” Adelman said. “He isn’t that right now. We have a whole team. It’s not just about what he wants or what he was going to want. It was about what can he do to help us win.” "人們看到的還是那個兩年前的踢妹."Adelman說. "不過他已經不是了. 我們要運作的是一整支球隊, 我們不能只考慮到他想要的東西. 唯 一的重點只在於球隊能獲勝." Morey attempted to assure the players that the roster wasn’t about to be torn apart to facilitate a McGrady trade. Any deal would have to be in the best interest of the entire team. If Morey can’t find one that makes sense, McGrady will sit out the remainder of the season and collect his $22.4-million salary, the highest in the NBA. This is the path McGrady has chosen. The Rockets would have preferred he remain in uniform as they attempted to work out a deal. McGrady declined. Morey保證踢妹的交易並不會影響到目前的輪替. 任何交易都會依據球隊的最佳化來做考量. 只要Morey找不到合適的人選, 踢妹就會繼續領著全聯盟最高的薪水並坐在家裡. 這是踢妹自己選擇的道路. 火箭隊希望他能夠繼續打球直到交易成真, 但是踢妹拒絕了. Similarly, McGrady was not sent away from the Rockets on Saturday in New Jersey. Adelman had grown increasingly frustrated with McGrady’s public campaign for more playing time and told him so. “He’s coming back from major surgery and rehabilitating, and who knows when he’s going to get there?” Adelman said. “Right now, he wasn’t there. The explosiveness definitely wasn’t there. That’s to be expected.” 踢妹並沒有隨著火箭隊到客場去征戰. Adelman對於踢妹公開的言論感到有些挫折. "他剛經歷過手術與復健, 沒有人知道他什麼時候會完全恢復."Adelman說. "就目前而言, 他並沒有完全恢復. 我從他身上看不見爆發力." Adelman worried that McGrady’s complaining — and his unproductive minutes — were beginning to hurt the team on the court. Over the last two weeks, the Rockets’ defense had gotten worse, their offense inefficient. McGrady asked for, and received, permission to leave New Jersey on Saturday. Why stay? To support his teammates? To cheer them on? To be there in case he was needed? Now you’re just being silly. So what now? Morey’s telephone began to ring moments after word got out that McGrady was available. He listened to sales pitches for older pitchers, injured players and overpaid players. No, Toronto didn’t offer Chris Bosh. Nor did Golden State offer up Anthony Randolph. Adelman擔心踢妹的言論, 以及他那些未必有貢獻的上場時間, 會開始傷害整支球隊. 這兩個禮拜以來, 火箭隊的防守越來越差了, 進攻也越來越沒有效率. 踢妹所要求的, 所被允許的, 是離開新澤西. 為什麼要留下來? 替隊友們加油嗎? 或是在關鍵時刻上場? 別開玩笑了. 當踢妹的交易新聞傳了出去, Morey開始瘋狂的接電話. 他聽到了各式的報價, 老球員, 受傷球員, 很貴的球員. 多倫多不會給我們Bosh的, 勇士隊也不會給我們Randolph的. 醒醒吧各位. The Rockets said there’s only about a 50-50 chance McGrady will be moved. Meanwhile, they play on. Tracy McGrady’s time with the Rockets, which began with so much hope five years ago, ended with a press release. “We’ll see what happens now,” Adelman said. “My job is still to help those other guys in that locker room. We’re trying to stay where we are, and I know how fragile it is.” 火箭隊說踢妹離隊的機率大概是一半一半. 無論如何火箭隊會繼續前進. 踢妹五年前充滿希望地來到, 就這樣結束了. "讓我們看看火箭瞳鈴眼會如何發展."Adelman說. "我的職責是幫助在更衣室的那群球員, 朝目標前進, 這不是件容易的事情." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: Websphere:轉錄至看板 NBA 12/31 12:02

12/31 12:05, , 1F
12/31 12:05, 1F

12/31 12:26, , 2F
其實我打球打越久看越久就有個感觸越深 天縱英才固然難得
12/31 12:26, 2F

12/31 12:26, , 3F
12/31 12:26, 3F

12/31 12:34, , 4F
哈 醒醒吧
12/31 12:34, 4F

12/31 12:37, , 5F
12/31 12:37, 5F

12/31 12:38, , 6F
Landry是火箭的未來 Morey應該沒這麼傻
12/31 12:38, 6F

12/31 14:16, , 7F
12/31 14:16, 7F

12/31 14:47, , 8F
12/31 14:47, 8F

12/31 14:48, , 9F
之前還會場面話 看來雙方都鐵了心不會再合作了
12/31 14:48, 9F

12/31 15:16, , 10F
12/31 15:16, 10F

12/31 15:25, , 11F
能把大眾臉軍團帶進季後賽 和讓火箭衝擊總冠軍這是兩碼子事
12/31 15:25, 11F

12/31 15:27, , 12F
12/31 15:27, 12F

12/31 15:30, , 13F
這幾年的公牛隊就是很好的樣板. 另一方面,Morey精明是精明,
12/31 15:30, 13F

12/31 15:31, , 14F
12/31 15:31, 14F

12/31 15:31, , 15F
yao夏天不一定續約火箭 球團肯定也有其他打算
12/31 15:31, 15F

12/31 15:57, , 16F
12/31 15:57, 16F

12/31 16:15, , 17F
姚的確可能適應不良 或是大材小用 不過認為現在的陣容加
12/31 16:15, 17F

12/31 16:17, , 18F
姚明才沒差呢,他本身才是真的無私的球員= =
12/31 16:17, 18F

12/31 16:17, , 19F
上姚也不能怎樣 這種想法很怪 有姚的火箭 對上某幾隻隊伍
12/31 16:17, 19F

12/31 16:18, , 20F
12/31 16:18, 20F

12/31 16:29, , 21F
是的 以後姚就是專門用來打魔獸和鄧肯 其余時間作苦力
12/31 16:29, 21F

12/31 18:20, , 22F
無私的姚明 無私的團隊火箭 偉大的冠軍 這樣不是很好?
12/31 18:20, 22F

12/31 18:35, , 23F
12/31 18:35, 23F

12/31 18:37, , 24F
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12/31 18:38, , 26F
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12/31 18:39, , 27F
12/31 18:39, 27F

12/31 19:09, , 28F
A帥寧可重用進攻爛的Battier和Ariza 也不願給我家T-mac表現
12/31 19:09, 28F

12/31 19:10, , 29F
他是合約年 為了新約一定會大爆發 居然把他冰凍起來
12/31 19:10, 29F

12/31 19:21, , 30F
12/31 19:21, 30F

12/31 19:39, , 31F
不覺得T MAC在球場上很自私..不過之前他惹毛了球團吧
12/31 19:39, 31F

12/31 19:39, , 32F
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12/31 19:40, , 33F
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12/31 19:49, , 34F
12/31 19:49, 34F

12/31 20:01, , 35F
魔術是因為把MM交易掉 然後看不出補強才失望吧
12/31 20:01, 35F

12/31 20:02, , 36F
12/31 20:02, 36F

12/31 20:03, , 37F
融入體系絕對不是問題 球隊主要是怕梯妹太常幹拔 還
12/31 20:03, 37F

12/31 20:03, , 38F
有防守腳步吧 復出這幾場看起來他的速度還是沒恢復
12/31 20:03, 38F

12/31 20:04, , 39F
22連勝已有先例 梯妹配上這個團隊不是問題 反而YAO歸
12/31 20:04, 39F

12/31 20:04, , 40F
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12/31 21:16, , 41F
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12/31 21:17, , 42F
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12/31 21:17, , 43F
姚不需要融合 他已經習慣自己搶籃板自己來了 不怕
12/31 21:17, 43F

12/31 21:18, , 44F
12/31 21:18, 44F

12/31 21:18, , 45F
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12/31 21:30, , 46F
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12/31 22:13, , 49F
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12/31 23:18, , 50F
12/31 23:18, 50F

01/01 02:03, , 51F
是啊~~姚辛苦的卡位就只是為了搶進攻籃板 再得分
01/01 02:03, 51F

01/01 13:36, , 52F
01/01 13:36, 52F

01/01 18:27, , 53F
01/01 18:27, 53F

01/01 19:09, , 54F
01/01 19:09, 54F
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