[外電] If Ariza is out, will McGrady be in?

看板Rockets作者 (御姉流)時間14年前 (2009/12/14 19:43), 編輯推噓15(1500)
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If Ariza is out, will McGrady be in? 亞理莎OUT,踢妹IN? 原文:http://blogs.chron.com/nba/2009/12/raptors_101_rockets_88_if_ariz.html This one won't take a lot of time studying the tape. 沒必要看重播,這一肘太明顯了。 Trevor Ariza tried to hit DeMar DeRozan. It is difficult to guess why, unless it was some sort of UCLA-USC thing. DeRozan did not do anything to Ariza, other that steal the ball. But Ariza was 0 for 9 and wildly frustrated, so he took a swing. Naturally, he missed. 亞理莎想要攻擊DeRozan。 他在想什麼阿,這是NCAA才會幹的事耶。 DeRozan躺著也中槍,他除了那次抄球外什麼都沒做。 但是亞理莎在這之前9投0中,很悶阿,所以他出肘了。 結果他沒有命中,就跟今天的投籃一樣。 That should be an easy call for Stu Jackson in the NBA office. Expect a one-game suspension. 如果裁判Stu Jackson想要的話,亞理莎可能會被禁賽一場。 With that, there should be 39 minutes up for grabs for some small forward/shooting guard type to step in and assume. 這樣的話,我們就得找個打2.3號位的來填補亞理莎每場39分鐘的空缺。 I know what you're thinking: Will Rick Adelman finally, finally play Jermaine Taylor? 我知道你在想什麼啦:Taylor終於有時間上場勒~ It seems unlikely, though Taylor's 1 of 2 shooting on Sunday qualified him to be a relative marksman. 只能說聲遺憾,雖然Taylor今天投2中一,射手水準(酸 If not Taylor, then who? 阿不用Taylor要用誰? According to people who vote for these things, Tracy McGrady should start the All Star game. He has, after all, been practicing in recent weeks. I heard that he was much better last week than he had been before. 照第一階段結果看來,踢妹很有可能會在明星賽先發上陣。 他最近幾個禮拜也滿認真練習的。聽說上禮拜他的情況比之前更好了。 Perhaps then, this is the chance Adelman needs to bring McGrady back. 也許愛逗人會趁機讓踢妹復出。 I get why he has not played, yet. It really does not seem so complicated. Adelman is convinced that this team must play a certain way. It must play with great intensity and effort. It must fight on the boards and for loose balls. It must play fast. 我看得出來他為什麼到現在都沒法上場。答案很簡單。 愛逗人認為球隊應該依照某種方式打球。 頑強、努力、爭搶籃板、拼命救球。現在火箭必須打快節奏的球風。 That has never described McGrady, and for some time, McGrady's comeback did not seem ready for that. 那些是在踢妹身上少有的詞彙。 而且前些時候,踢妹看來也還沒準備完全。 Holding him out, however, was about more than that, especially if that was how McGrady was playing last week. 但如果踢妹能打出跟上周訓練一樣表現的話呢? The Rockets want to bring back McGrady when he was capable of being McGrady again. They were not going to ask him to go stand in the corner, wait for the ball and shoot a few 3s. They were not going to expect him to defend like Shane Battier and move the ball, shooting only when extremely open. 火箭需要的是完全體的踢妹。 我們可不要他站底角等著投三分球。 我們也不要他像八爺那樣防守、傳球、空檔三分。 If McGrady is to play, it only makes sense to let him be McGrady. Adelman has long been about putting players in position to do what they do best. He never was wedded to a system, including the Sacramento style, as people assumed. He believed in the style that fit his teams best. 如果要讓踢妹上場,就得要讓他打得像Tracy McGrady才有用。 愛逗人擅於將球員擺在適當的位置,讓他們發揮所長。 他從不只鍾情於一種體系,包括國王時期的戰術風格。 他只相信最能夠適合球隊陣容的風格。 With McGrady, that means running him through high pick-and-rolls. It means giving him the ball and letting him go to work. If he was not ready to make the Rockets better doing that than what they have been doing, it was understandable that Adelman wanted to wait until McGrady could do those things at that level again, especially when he could see McGrady making progress in that direction. 一旦踢妹上場,就意味著要讓他打高位屁啃弱。要給他球權讓他主導球隊進攻。 如果踢妹沒辦法讓火箭比目前打法還要更好的話,就不難理解愛逗人為何遲遲 不讓他上場了。直到踢妹恢復水準,有明顯進步後愛逗人才會放人。 If Ariza is to be out, however, that might be the opening to make the change. Adelman did not want to bring McGrady back for four games in five nights. But if the doctors and trainers believe his knee can handle it, maybe that will be a good way to make the adjustments come quickly. 然而一旦亞理莎禁賽的話,情況可能就要改變了。 愛逗人不想讓踢妹在五天四戰的賽程中復出。 但是如果醫生和訓練員都相信踢妹的膝蓋可以承受的話,那提前復出又何嘗不可。 The Rockets did not want to dip a toe in the pool with McGrady. This might be a chance to dive in. Sure, there would be adjustments to make. That's what 1coaches do. If there is a trade, even a steal of a trade , the coach has to adjust. And that has always been Adelman's strength, as we have seen with the dramatic change in the Rockets' style this season. 火箭不想讓踢妹只是上上場暖暖身。這也許是全面回歸的機會。 當然,調整是必要的。這就是教練的職責了。 一旦作出交易,甚至是很划算的交易,教練都必須作出調整。 這一直以來都是愛逗人的強項,就如我們所見今年火箭的表現一樣。 For one game, the Rockets will likely have to adjust, anyway. There's a 39-minute player that seems to have gotten himself suspended. 就算只是一場比賽,火箭也很有可能作出調整。 畢竟被禁賽的是個每場打39分鐘的球員。 Maybe that will not influence the Rockets' McGrady decision one way or another. It is just one game starting a brutal week. But the offense has seemed pretty fragile lately, anyway. Ariza has struggled with his shot long before Sunday's 0 for 9. McGrady seems to fit better with the starters, because of the catch-and-shoot options, than the bench. And there are 39 minutes open on Tuesday. 也或許火箭會毫無反應,不會因此調整踢妹的復出計畫表。 今天這場比賽只是這煎熬的一周的揭幕。 但火箭最近進攻實在有點糟糕。亞理莎在今天的0-9之前就已經掙扎很久了。 比起板凳,擁有catch-and-shot能力的踢妹看來更適合先發位置。 禮拜二晚上有空空的39鐘喔。 Either that or perhaps this can be the start of the Jermaine Taylor era. 這會是Taylor時代的開始嗎? 想太多。 ‧ ‧ ‧ Overall, I'd say Chris Bosh passed the audition. The Rockets ought to go ahead and sign him next summer. 話說龍王可真不錯,火箭真該在明年夏天簽下他。 The problem, however, is that they didn't pass their audition for him. 問題是火箭不想招攬他...。 Trevor Ariza signed with the Rockets in part because of the impression he had of them after the seven-game playoff series against the Lakers last spring. 火箭之所以會簽下亞理莎是因為季後賽與湖人的七場大戰中, 他給我們留下了深刻的印象。 On Sunday, the Rockets left the impression that they are pushovers, a rare team that the Raptors' defense could stop. 禮拜天火箭給人家留下來的印象是嫩咖一隻, 一隻難得暴龍紙糊般的防守守得住的嫩咖。 It probably won't matter. The Rockets won't have the kind of money it will take to sign Bosh unless they blow up the roster. They won't want to do that and he won't want to join a team that just got rid of half the rotation. Miami seems like the best bet. 龍王的事也許並不重要。 火箭要簽下龍王就要清掉一攤人以湊出薪資空間。 火箭不會想這麼做的,而龍王也不會想加入輪換陣容只有目前一半的火箭。 邁阿密應該是龍王最好的選擇。 Still, it would not have hurt to give him a better show. 龍王打得爽對火箭不會怎麼樣的啦。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hiten 來自: (12/14 19:48)

12/14 19:58, , 1F
12/14 19:58, 1F

12/14 20:02, , 2F
12/14 20:02, 2F

12/14 20:13, , 3F
12/14 20:13, 3F

12/14 20:17, , 4F
推~ T-MAC快上場吧
12/14 20:17, 4F

12/14 20:42, , 5F
12/14 20:42, 5F

12/14 21:19, , 6F
12/14 21:19, 6F

12/14 21:53, , 7F
這篇作者可是號稱官方記者的費根呢 發言有一定的可信度..
12/14 21:53, 7F

12/15 00:36, , 8F
12/15 00:36, 8F

12/15 00:41, , 9F
推!! 希望不管T-Mac什麼時候回歸 都能打出好表現~~
12/15 00:41, 9F

12/15 01:27, , 10F
結果他沒有命中,就跟今天的投籃一樣。 該說還好嗎 囧
12/15 01:27, 10F

12/15 02:28, , 11F
米國鄉民很賤 說加上這一拐 Ariza今天 0/10
12/15 02:28, 11F

12/15 02:59, , 12F
雖然很不好意思..但樓上我笑了= =
12/15 02:59, 12F

12/15 04:51, , 13F
= =
12/15 04:51, 13F

12/15 05:05, , 14F
12/15 05:05, 14F

12/15 08:16, , 15F
Naturally, he missed. 這句夠酸
12/15 08:16, 15F
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