[新聞] David Andersen談加盟火箭

看板Rockets作者 (要乖乖阿)時間15年前 (2009/07/16 07:22), 編輯推噓15(15017)
留言32則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.foxsports.com.au/story/0,8659,25785596-23769,00.html http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0907/748297.html The 29-year-old, who has never played an NBA game, said after a successful career in the Euroleague he is ready to fulfil his childhood dream of playing in the world's premier basketball competition. 這位29歲的球員已經在歐洲取得了成功卻還未在NBA打過比賽。他說他已經做好準備去實現 兒時的夢想,到世界最高水平的籃球聯賽驗證自己。 "You grow up looking at the NBA as the pinnacle of basketball and I've always had ambitions to play there," he said. 他說:「從小看著NBA長大,我一直夢想著去那兒打球。」 "I've had a great time in Europe and played with some of the best clubs around there, so it's been really good, and now I'm going to try to take on the challenge of playing in the NBA. 「我過去在歐洲幾家頂尖的俱樂部打過幾年好好的籃球,現在是時候接受挑戰去打NBA了。 」 Andersen described the opportunity to play in the NBA as a dream come true, even if he may have to take a pay cut to do it. 對他來說去NBA打球就像美夢成真,哪怕讓他少拿錢也願意。 "For me to go to the NBA I'm taking a slight financial hit because I've been playing for one of the best teams in the world and I've been taken care of very well, but I'm not going to be struggling. 「對我來說去NBA將少賺一些錢,我前面在歐洲頂尖的俱樂部打球,待遇很好,(他在巴薩拿 200萬歐元),不過以後(經濟上)應該還過得去。」 "Who knows, if I do well in my first few years over there then maybe I can get lucky and land a big contract." 「將來誰知道呢?如果我頭幾年打得好加上好運的話也許能整個大合同呢。」 「I’ve spoken with the coach and the general manager and they’re all excited about me coming in and this is why the main deal was done, so things are going ahead and they’re just sorting out the particulars of the contract,」 Andersen said. 「我已經和教練和莫總談過了,他們都盼著我過去。這就是我交易大體談成的原因。剩下 的就是要把合同的一些細節搞定了。」 "I should get something signed and sealed in the next few days," Andersen said. 「在下面幾天裡會搞定合約的。」 「Training camp doesn’t start until September some time so realistically they won’t start until then but I’ll probably be heading over there in the next ten days or so to do the signing, meet everyone, do the medicals and the press stuff.」 「訓練營大概是九月份開吧,我到時會加入訓練的。不過我會在未來十天內去休斯頓 簽合約,會見制服組,做體檢,開記者會什麼的。」 "Obviously to replace Yao is probably impossible because he's such a big guy and such a good player, so I'll just try to step in and help the team out and hopefully get an opportunity to play some good minutes." 「讓我去替代姚明顯然不太可能,他那麼高,打得又那麼好。我所能做的是盡可能融入 隊伍,幫助球隊,希望能多混點上場時間吧。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/16 08:23, , 1F
07/16 08:23, 1F

07/16 08:28, , 2F
07/16 08:28, 2F

07/16 08:44, , 3F
07/16 08:44, 3F

07/16 10:52, , 4F
2+1年 第三年球隊選項 每年250萬
07/16 10:52, 4F

07/16 10:56, , 5F
07/16 10:56, 5F

07/16 11:14, , 6F
07/16 11:14, 6F

07/16 16:48, , 7F
07/16 16:48, 7F

07/16 16:56, , 8F
夏季聯盟? 別鬧了.............
07/16 16:56, 8F

07/16 17:04, , 9F
一個在歐洲七年待過多支強權的主力C去打夏季聯賽 別羞辱人
07/16 17:04, 9F

07/16 17:22, , 10F
樓上正解 Siena,CSKA到巴塞隆納 不給他先發 他老大不爽來
07/16 17:22, 10F

07/16 17:23, , 11F
07/16 17:23, 11F

07/16 17:39, , 12F
他在歐洲是200萬歐元(稅後) 相比火箭給的250萬(稅前) 的確
07/16 17:39, 12F

07/16 17:41, , 13F
少拿了很多 不過德州稅率低 還有匹克的廣告和球鞋合約
07/16 17:41, 13F

07/16 17:43, , 14F
重點是好像有承諾讓他打先發 對他滿重視的感覺
07/16 17:43, 14F

07/16 17:45, , 15F
我好奇的是 以他的身手應該打過北京奧運吧?
07/16 17:45, 15F

07/16 17:46, , 16F
如果是 擁有Bogut和他的澳洲國家隊應該不弱
07/16 17:46, 16F

07/16 17:48, , 17F
07/16 17:48, 17F

07/16 17:49, , 18F
07/16 17:49, 18F

07/16 17:49, , 19F
雖然他是澳洲人 但是典型歐洲長人身手
07/16 17:49, 19F

07/16 17:51, , 20F
另外是那種壓力月大 越能發揮的類型
07/16 17:51, 20F

07/16 17:52, , 21F
看他的mix 得分手段大概是背框為主 會小勾射 翻身跳投
07/16 17:52, 21F

07/16 17:53, , 22F
腳步也不錯 跟姚的打法還滿像的 所以跟Bogut沒互補到吧
07/16 17:53, 22F

07/16 17:54, , 23F
其實他面框投籃能力很好 射程遠至三分線外也很穩
07/16 17:54, 23F

07/16 17:55, , 24F
太好啦~ 至少姚回來不用擔心替補中鋒問題
07/16 17:55, 24F

07/16 18:06, , 25F
07/16 18:06, 25F

07/16 18:07, , 26F
所以他偶爾跟姚搭可能也不賴 XD
07/16 18:07, 26F

07/16 18:33, , 27F
奪冠熱門都會屯好幾隻優質肉棒 沒問題的
07/16 18:33, 27F

07/16 18:39, , 28F
Andersen不是肉棒 反而是要找一堆肉棒來掩護他的主力球員
07/16 18:39, 28F

07/16 18:47, , 29F
真的是這樣的話還比較好 目前正缺主攻手...
07/16 18:47, 29F

07/16 20:04, , 30F
07/16 20:04, 30F

07/16 20:23, , 31F
小布 雅莉莎 八爺 鑽石 大衛 感覺有點像宅爵的陣容
07/16 20:23, 31F

12/12 20:08, , 32F
他在歐洲是200萬歐元 https://muxiv.com
12/12 20:08, 32F
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