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看板Rockets作者 (我的蟋蟀女友)時間15年前 (2009/06/29 03:47), 編輯推噓13(14112)
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原文:http://blogs.chron.com/nba/2009/06/follow_the_nba_draft_live.html#comments 翻一些比較有意義的... with hindsight, do you think the rockets could of gotten rubio (#5 pick) without giving up too much? considering what minnesota gave for him? (A lot of people believe the Timberwolves gave up a lot for him. Anyone else would have to, also. -- Jonathan) 問:火箭可以不花太大代價換到小帥哥嗎? 答:灰狼必須花很大代價才能留住他,其他隊也一樣 Posted by: jai at June 26, 2009 12:16 AM With the additions of budinger and taylor are the Rockets trying to make Von Wafer more expendable? If they keep both of these players, Wafer, and Artest someone on their roster will have to be cut. BTW Budinger's movement without the ball using various picks to get open is very impressive, reminds me of a young Peja Stojakovic. I think he is going to be a great fit with the Rockets and Adelman's motion portion of his Rocket's offense. (Picking up second-rounders, they are trying to get guys they think have the best chance possible to make it in the league. The odds are always against them, and the Rockets know this. I thought Budinger was more like a young Brent Barry. Good hops and vision, with a solid shot, but not a one-on-one guy. Peja is about three inches taller and nowhere near as much jumping ability. -- Jonathan) 問:多了布丁狗和泰勒,那WAFER和阿泰是否可被取代?還有布丁狗在無球時能透過很多   手段取得空檔就像PEJA那樣令人印象深刻,他會很適合愛豆人體系。 答:第二輪總是有寶可掏,火箭一直都在幹這種事。布丁狗更像年輕的Barry爺(同感~)   ,體能、視野、外線都不錯,不過一對一不夠好,而PEJA則比他高比他準… Posted by: Bryan at June 26, 2009 08:46 AM rubio clearly does not want to stay with the team that drafted him. What would it take to bring him to Houston? Miracle? or is this a possibility? (The Rockets are trying, but I don't see what the Rockets have that would entice the Wolves. They gave up Miller and Foye for that pick. Landry and Lowry would not seem to be enough. -- Jonathan) 問:小帥哥好像不想去灰狼,火箭有機會嗎? 答:火箭正在試,但火箭沒有誘因讓灰狼上鉤,他們剛放棄麥米和佛依,洗衣店和羅莉看   起來還不夠… Posted by: rocketsrule at June 26, 2009 10:18 AM Jon: I'm impressed with what Morey did to get these 3 picks, credit to him and the Rockets. but, the roster is kind of full especially the 2 and 3 spot. How do you think the Rockets will evaluate this situation? I know some players will be cut or released, but does it also depend if Tracy gets traded to make room for Taylor and/or Von Wafer? Please give me your thoughts. Thank you, Phil (I think they keep all of the above with the thought that a trade might be worth making later, or they might not sign everyone they want. If they do sign Wafer, Artest and a center, then there will have to be competition for spots, and they might have to eat a contract if there is no deal. It is not unusual for teams to go into camp with 15 or 16 guaranteed contracts. -- Jonathan) 問:選秀後roster很滿了特別是2/3號,你覺得火箭怎麼看這情況?當然有的人會說掰   掰,但如果踢妹被交易了,那火箭真的只要靠泰勒或威佛撐場面嗎? 答:我想火箭會將那些交易或簽約什麼的動作往後推。如果他們一下子就確定跟威佛或阿   泰或某個中鋒簽約了,那他就必須跟別隊競價,沒交易的話可能還會被迫吃下大約。   進入訓練營時擁有15~16個保障約對球隊來說並不是件不正常的事。 Posted by: Philly3 at June 26, 2009 10:36 AM Is Von Wafer gone with the 2nd round picks? Von is probably going to want much more money than he was making last season and he had some arguments with coach in the playoffs. (Not necessarily, but he probably should not drive too hard a bargain. -- Jonathan) 問:威佛會說掰掰嗎?他一定想拿比去年更多的錢而且他季後賽跟愛逗人鬥嘴鼓。 答:不一定,但他很難討價還價。 Posted by: Jonathan P at June 26, 2009 11:53 AM If the Rockets fail to acquire Rubio, is there a backup plan? Are there any other points in the draft that they might target? Also have there been any talks about getting Rondo? (No, it's probably too late to get other players that were just drafted. Rubio is a different situation, but I don't think they have the assets to make that happen. -- Jonathan) 問:如果火箭換小帥哥失敗了,有替補方案嗎?選秀會裡還有其他目標嗎?有任何有關交   易來軟豆的談判嗎? 答:現在還說選秀太晚了啦。但小帥哥人帥就是不一樣,只是我不覺得真的能成功。 Posted by: David at June 26, 2009 04:02 PM Does the draft picks guarantee tmac most likely won't get traded? this team can be a dynamic team next year by signing Ron and a decent backup center, become contenders along with the Spurs. Morey should have some confidence in McGrady and right now he doesn't, I also think that he has lost faith in him. Of course, every single time we bring up the topic of the Rockets being or becoming contenders, the topic health comes up, lets just assume everything will go well during the season or maybe some ups and downs, but till the playoffs everything should goes smoothly. Jon, what's on your mind? Thank you, Phil (The draft has nothing to do with McGrady's future with the team. -- Jonathan) 問:在選秀裡選擇這些新人是不是可能在保證踢妹不會被交易? 答:兩件事沒關係 Posted by: Philly3 at June 26, 2009 04:55 PM Will Llull attend the summer league? Your article quoted Morey's words that Llull may be brought back some day or used as a trade asset. What's your thought on that? Thank you. (Like most players signed with the top teams, he is not expected to be available for summer league. -- Jonathan) 問:乳兒可以來打夏季聯盟嗎? 答:就像其他跟頂級強隊簽約的大部分球員一樣,他還不太夠格打夏季聯盟。 Posted by: rivo at June 26, 2009 09:58 PM Several questions - Any ideas who the Rockets might be looking at for a backup center (I agree with others that Morey seems to have a blind spot about getting people with height - Right now Yao is the only player over 6'9") - Does White have the potential to be a 20 point a game go to guy (And do the Rockets believe he has that potential) - Does Brooks have the potential to become a Tony Parker type point guard (Parker went through some tough times before he became what he is today) - Thanks for the answers - jwb (It is much more important that players play big than actually are. The Wizards were the tallest team in the NBA last season; the Cavaliers were the second shortest. It is extremely unlikely that James White has that kind of potential. He was a free agent playing in the D-League, now with the Rockets on a non-guaranteed contract. Brooks has potential to grow into a more consistent offensive force, but I would not expect him to get into the Parker echelon. Parker is a former Finals MVP and he seems to still be getting better. -- Jonathan) 問:火箭有想找替補中鋒的想法嗎?(另兩個問題不翻了) 答:找一個play big的球員比他只是長的big還重要的多,巫師全聯盟平均最高,騎士聯   盟第二矮,你說勒 Posted by: JWB at June 28, 2009 12:38 AM Hi Jonathan : Back up center is a big issue bec. Yao can't afford another stress fracture. Is there any on going talk for the back up C? will it be from the free agents or through a trade? Tmac's value seems to be at its lowest and Morey seems to refuse any trades that has a garbage contract in it, does this explain why we couldn't get VC or that 2nd pick? Lastly, is Bosh obtainable? Thank you. (Morey has accepted lousy contracts often, taking on Jackie Butler and James Reed to complete trades. Carter's contract is not that long with just two seasons left. The Nets had no interest in McGrady and never have, but there are some that believe the McGrady's value has increased because of financial and cap considerations. So far Toronto does not seem to be looking for move Bosh, but he will become a free agent next summer. -- Jonathan) 問:踢妹現在價值最低點,但莫雷卻把可以丟爛約的機會都拒絕掉,可以解釋幹麻不換表   哥嗎?還有龍王有機會嗎? 答:表哥約是不長還有兩年,但籃網對踢妹沒興趣,也有些人相信因為財務問題和薪資問   題使踢妹的價值增加。而多倫多並沒交易龍王的打算。 ---- http://blogs.chron.com/nba/2009/06/jonathan_feigen_answers_your_n.html 這裡還好多...有大大要幫忙翻的嗎@@? -- ╭═◥█◣══◢█◤ ◢██◣ █ \ ˊ ██◣◢██ ╰══ █▊ ═════════════ ██████ ◢◣ █▊ ◣◤◢◣ ◢█ ◢ ◣ █◤◥◤◥█ █▌ █▊ ◥ █ █ █▌█ █▌█ █ █ \\ █ █ ◥◤ █▊ █ ◥ ◥◥ ◥◥ ◥ ╰════════════◥██═════ψbluesgzr ▃◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/29 04:35, , 1F
06/29 04:35, 1F

06/29 06:06, , 2F
06/29 06:06, 2F

06/29 06:07, , 3F
06/29 06:07, 3F

06/29 06:09, , 4F
It is not unusual for teams to go into camp with 15
06/29 06:09, 4F

06/29 06:10, , 5F
or 16 guaranteed contracts. 是指,一支球隊進入訓練
06/29 06:10, 5F

06/29 06:11, , 6F
06/29 06:11, 6F

06/29 06:15, , 7F
06/29 06:15, 7F
※ 編輯: smallzch 來自: (06/29 08:18)

06/29 08:16, , 8F
play big 這句說得好~
06/29 08:16, 8F

06/29 08:17, , 9F
小帥哥人帥就是不一樣XD 看了前後文這句我翻不出來 哈
06/29 08:17, 9F

06/29 08:20, , 10F
06/29 08:20, 10F

06/29 08:41, , 11F
沒辦法 不考慮現實狀況只想要七呎電線杆的太多了
06/29 08:41, 11F

06/29 08:42, , 12F
Rubio低代價拿到難度太高了 所以我希望他別來 哈哈
06/29 08:42, 12F

06/29 11:53, , 13F
06/29 11:53, 13F

06/29 11:55, , 14F
要拿到rubio難度跟代價都很高 還是務實一點吧
06/29 11:55, 14F

06/29 12:21, , 15F
06/29 12:21, 15F

06/29 12:21, , 16F
06/29 12:21, 16F

06/29 13:20, , 17F
灰狼如果白目太久 說不定最後沒人可換
06/29 13:20, 17F

06/29 13:22, , 18F
下季就換成5個控衛上場 讓洨AB打爆他們禁區
06/29 13:22, 18F

06/29 13:24, , 19F
又不是非RUBIO不可 最後要是小米粒2代那不就哭哭了..
06/29 13:24, 19F

06/29 13:26, , 20F
我們缺控衛阿! 不一定要小帥哥 最起碼再補一隻有經驗的
06/29 13:26, 20F

06/29 16:42, , 21F
06/29 16:42, 21F

06/29 17:15, , 22F
暴龍那隻 很早就注意到 可是防守差了點 覺得還是不要好
06/29 17:15, 22F

06/29 17:53, , 23F
06/29 17:53, 23F

06/29 20:19, , 24F
06/29 20:19, 24F

06/29 20:20, , 25F
06/29 20:20, 25F

06/29 20:20, , 26F
06/29 20:20, 26F

12/12 20:07, , 27F
沒辦法 不考慮現實狀況 https://noxiv.com
12/12 20:07, 27F
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