[外電] 四大專家評火箭

看板Rockets作者 (We will be back)時間15年前 (2008/08/31 23:54), 編輯推噓5(502)
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轉自hoopchina 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/htm_data/44/0808/419255.html 原文:http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=9878 The Houston Rockets have had the talent to compete for a title now for some time; the problem is neither Tracy McGrady nor Yao Ming have been able to stay healthy for an entire season. The result has been a series of first round exits. Unfortunately, there's nothing the Rockets can do to ensure that both McGrady and Yao stay healthy. However, adding depth is one way the team can help circumvent this problem. Moreover, adding veteran players who have played in big games could be what helps turn the Rockets into true contenders. The acquisition of Ron Artest was a no-brainer for the Rockets. Sure, Ron-Ron has had his fair share of off-the-court issues in the past. However, he's in the final year of his deal which should provide him with the necessary motivation to be on his best behavior. Also, despite what you might have read or heard, Artest has been generally well liked by his teammates in the past. Simply put, this was a low-risk, high-reward play by the Rockets. Between the lines, Artest is one of the best one-on-one defenders in the game today. He will truly be an asset if the Rockets go deep in the playoffs because of his ability to match-up with guys like of Kobe Bryant and Manu Ginobili. And unlike most great defenders in the league today, Artest is not a liability on the offensive end. Time will tell just how well Artest will mesh with the Rockets on the offensive end. In the past, he's been a guy who tends to dominate the ball on the perimeter. With Yao and McGrady on the roster, Artest is going to have to accept being the third option offensively. If he can come to terms with that, the Rockets have a chance to do some special things. In an acquisition that got much less fanfare, Brent Barry could pay huge dividends for the Rockets come playoff time. He's not a guy who will play major minutes in the regular season, but during winning time he's a nice guy to have on your side. His outside shooting ability will help space the floor and give Yao, McGrady and Artest more room to work. Depth is of the utmost importance come playoff time, and the Rockets are deep across the board. If the Rockets can reach agreemente with free agents Carl Landry and Dikembe Mutombo, the Rockets will have plenty of depth up front. With names like Rafer Alston, Luther Head, Shane Battier, Steve Francis, Aaron Brooks, and the newly added D.J. Strawberry, the Rockets are also very deep in the backcourt. Still, even as deep as the Rockets are, Houston's season once again hinges on the health of Yao and McGrady. For the team to be a true contender both must stay healthy for the duration of the playoffs. Having just one of two to team up with Artest simply won't be enough. The Rockets might even want to consider strategically resting McGrady and Yao for certain stretches during the regular season. Whatever it takes to ensure these two are healthy come playoff time must be considered. If -- and this is, of course, a colossal if -- the Rockets "big three" is healthy for the duration of the playoffs, this team will be able to compete with anyone. While none of these men will ever admit it publicly, Gregg Popovich, Phil Jackson, Byron Scott and Jerry Sloan most certainly grimaced like they just took a shot to the mid-section when Houston announced the Artest trade because they realized the Rockets just got a whole lot better. Yes, Artest could implode and bring the Rockets down with him. However, he's simply got too much at stake to let that happen. Expect him to come out and have a career year for the Rockets, and with a little good fortune on the injury front, the Rockets just might qualify for The NBA Finals for the first time in over a decade. Travis Heath is a Senior NBA Writer covering the Western Conference, the Denver Nuggets and LA Clippers for HOOPSWORLD.com 休斯頓火箭隊已經具備了問鼎總冠軍的實力,最關鍵的問題是姚明和踢妹從來沒有一起打完 一個完整的賽季。於是,人員換了一批又一批,年年的依然是一輪掰。 不幸的是,誰也不能保證姚麥一個賽季都能健健康康的。但是,增加球隊陣容的深度可能會 在一定程度上緩解這個問題。而且,引進一些參與過重大的比賽的老將會幫助他們成為真正 強有力的競爭者。 阿泰的到來對於火箭毋庸置疑是一件好事情。當然,過去的阿泰在場上場下存在一些問題。 但是這已經是他合同的最後一年了,這是他表現出最好狀態的最大動力。不管你之前聽到或 者看到有關於他的任何事情,過去他一直受到隊友們的歡迎。簡單的說,這是個低風險,高 收益的投資。 在籃球場上,阿泰是現在聯盟總最好的一對一防守者。季後賽的時候,他肯定會是火箭的一 個重要武器,因為在對陣KOBE或者GINO這些進攻者時,他有足夠的能力限制他們。並且與大 多數出色的防守者不同,進攻端,他的手段同樣豐富。 時間會證明阿泰到底能和或火箭的進攻體系融合成什麼樣子。但是在過去,他一直習慣於在 外線霸佔著球權。 但是陣容中有了姚麥,他可能不得不作為進攻的第三選擇。如果他可以欣然接受,火箭就有 機會做一些“特殊的事情”。 在另一個相對球迷關注度更低的簽約中,老將 Barry,真正到了季後賽時他能為球隊創造更 大的價值。他不是那種常規賽中能打很長時間的傢伙,但是卻能在關鍵時候作出應有的貢獻 。他外線的投射能力能夠扯開對手的防線,讓姚明、踢妹和阿泰有更多的空間發揮。 到了季後賽,陣容深度是最關鍵的制勝因素。現在的火箭看起來已經足夠的雄厚了。如果他 們能和洗衣店以及老木達成協議,他們的前場陣容將會非常令人羡慕。後場上,他們擁有RA ,小頭,八爺,小法,小AB和小草莓,同樣實力雄厚。但是,儘管火箭的陣容看起來已經如 此強大,火箭的新賽季依然取決於姚麥的健康。如果想要成為更有力的競爭者,季後賽期間 他們要確保自己的健康。而且,他們兩個之中僅僅一個人和阿泰搭檔是遠遠不夠的。火箭甚 至會考慮在常規賽讓他們倆策略性的休整。不管怎麼樣,要確保他們到季後賽的健康,這很 重要。 如果—注意,這是一個大大的如果—三巨頭能夠在季後賽期間保證健康,他們確實能夠與任 何隊伍抗衡。然而從來沒有一支隊伍公開承認這一點,波波維奇,禪師,Scott 和教皇當聽 說休斯頓人已經帶來了阿泰時,肯定會無奈的聳聳肩做個鬼臉,因為他們清楚,火箭獲得了 全面的提升。 是的,阿泰會增強這支球隊的向心力,他可以扛起這支球隊前進。但是,讓他完成那樣的任 務,未免過於冒險了。期待他能夠好好打球,打出一個漂亮的合同年,然後再幸運一點少一 些傷病,火箭也許真的可以在十年之後再次打進總決賽 Travis Heath 是NBA西區方面的資深作家,為 HOOPSWORLD.com 撰寫丹佛金塊和洛杉磯快艇 的 相關文章 All the pieces are there. Now if only the Houston Rockets can finally put it all together and advance past the first round. This tends to be the conversation within the Western Conference for the last few seasons, with the Rockets always appearing so close, yet so far away. Last year was another reminder of just how intimidating Houston can be with Tracy McGrady, Yao Ming and an impressive supporting cast of Shane Battier, Luis Scola, Carl Landry and Chuck Hayes. But more than their 55-game win season – 22 of those victories rattled off in a row – Houston will be remembered for what they didn't do, rather than what they did do. They lost to Utah in six games in the first round. And again, McGrady has to wait for his taste of the second round. Is this the season Houston can actually silence the critics and advance? That all depends on one man. More than the scoring ability of McGrady, the fragility of Yao's health, Scola's Olympic encore or the sheer defensive presence of newly acquired Ron Artest, Houston will only go as far as one man can take them: Rick Adelman. Adelman – with such success in Portland and Sacramento – has already surpassed win totals in each of his first seasons with the Trail Blazers and Kings. Portland only won 14 games of the 35 games Adelman coached when he took over midseason in his first year. They were fifth in the West and lost in the first round of the playoffs. In Sacramento, Adelman coached 50 games his first year, winning 27, but again was bounced before the second round of the playoffs. But before long, Adelman changed those results, often leaving postseason success his trademark. Portland went to the NBA Finals in Adelman's second season (1989-1990) in an amazing turn of events. In his third-full year with the Kings, Adelman led Sacramento to the Western Conference Finals in 2001-02. Today, Adelman remains the 13th winning coach in NBA history (807-508) and now looks to build upon an impressive first year in Houston that often gets lost among McGrady's and Yao's extensive trips to the trainer's table. Now, no one is every going to confuse Rick Adelma This season, though – thanks to Adelman's leadership and another 50-plus win season – some team out West will have to meet Houston in the second round. Wendell Maxey is a Senior NBA Writer covering the NBA and the Portland Trail Blazers for HOOPSWORLD.com 所有的拼圖都已經在這了,現在如果他們能把這些正確的拼在一起,他們真的可以闖過第一 輪。 過去的幾個賽季,西區的情況都是如此,每年休斯頓人都如此接近幸福,卻又離成功那麼遙 遠。上個賽季,他們用22連勝的記錄證明了自己到底有多麼可怕,他們有姚明,踢妹以及一 批像巴爺,海爺,Scola 和洗衣店這樣傑出的角色球員,他們也為球隊作出了重大的貢獻。 比起他們賽季的55勝,22連勝顯得更加刺眼。但是休斯頓人總是會記住他們沒有完成的,而 不是他們已經做到的。 他們在六場大戰中,又一次敗給了猶他爵士隊。踢妹不得不再等上一年,才有機會品嘗季後 賽第二輪的滋味了。 這個賽季,他們能讓所有批評者閉嘴嗎?這取決於一個人。 不是踢妹的得分能力,不是姚明脆弱的身體,不是Scola 奧運會上神奇的表現,更不是新球 員阿泰不要命的防守,只有一個人能夠帶領休斯頓前幾年—愛豆人。 愛豆人教練—曾經在拓荒者和國王取得成功—他在火箭的首個賽季的演出要好於在拓荒者和 國王的。在波特蘭,他在賽季中段接手球隊,35場比賽僅僅贏了14場。而在薩加緬度的首個 賽季,他獲得了50場中的27場勝利,但是還是遭到首輪淘汰。但是不久,愛豆人改變了這個 記錄,同時,他們休賽期自由市場上的成功貼上了自己的商標。 在愛豆人執教的第二個賽季,波特蘭神奇的打進了總決賽 (1989-1990)。愛豆人在國王第 三個完成賽季,他就帶領國王打進了西部決賽 (2001-2002)。現在,他仍然在教練榜上排 名第十三 (807-508),而且上個賽季,在姚麥先後缺陣的情況下,他依然完成了一個不錯 的首演。 現在,沒有人再會把愛豆人和波波維奇這兩個老頭弄混了。愛豆人的隊伍並不總是那個呼聲 最高的,甚至在他17年的執教生涯中。但是就像愛豆人一樣,在接下來的這個賽季裏,火箭 同樣不會被低估。 在豪強鼎立的西部,火箭一直是支很難對付的球隊,沒有人想要在第一輪就碰上他們。不信 你去問問聯盟中或分區中的任何一個教練,他們的答案都是一樣的。今年,愛豆人會領導他 們再次獲得50勝,而且,某支球隊會在第二輪碰上他們。 Wendell Maxey 是關於整個NBA的資深作家,他為 HOOPSWORLD.COM 撰寫關於拓荒者的文章 The Houston Rockets as constructed look solid - in fact they look like a title team. Then logic sets in: how far can Houston really go when the bulk of their roster misses 20 games each every year? Battling health and fatigue for Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady are going to be critical issues for the Houston Rockets this year. Tracy McGrady has proven over his career to "coast" through the season, sitting out when his body is not right and that has cost the Rockets dearly. For Houston to be truly exceptional this year Tracy McGrady is going to have to take a page from the Kobe Bryant playbook, and make himself leader by example. He has got to play through pain; he's got to be a "take over a game" player. When the national TV cameras are on Tracy he is exceptional; he's got to play that way for 82 games plus the playoffs. For Yao Ming, his window for greatness is shrinking. Mainly because of all the miles he has on his body, but also because big men in the NBA do not have long careers where they are truly dominate. Yao was well on his way before his latest foot injury, he has got to pick up where he left off. Foot problems are the biggest killer of NBA careers for players over 7 feet, and Yao has had three major ones. The window is closing. The decision to get Ron Artest is an interesting play by the Rockets. They get a proven NBA defender that can score the ball, but they have also introduced volatility and an unknown into their locker room. The one thing going in Houston's favor is Ron is in a contract year, and it's uniformly believed if he screws up again, he's likely out of the big dollar discussion for anyone, let alone the Houston Rockets. Keeping Artest happy and contained is no easy task, but this is a perfect storm situation for Ron. He has the supporting cast to be a real impact player, and a coach in Rick Adelman that understand how to get the most out of him. Now it's on Ron Artest to do his job and stay focused. The rest of the Rockets tends to get overlooked. Luis Scola is an amazing talent,and he plays the complimentary role well, much like consummate team mate Shane Battier – if there is every a bright center to the universe, it's Scola and Battier. Rafer Alston has really come into his own, so much that he's one of the most requested Rockets when teams talk trades. The Rockets still have some pressing needs, especially with regards to backup players. With Chuck Hayes breaking his nose this week in a pickup game, and Dikembe Mutombo and Carl Landry still unsigned the Rockets have some work to do. The prospect of going into training camp without a legit backup to Yao Ming is scary, almost as scary as not having Carl Landry back in the fold and happy. Houston's depth and bench may come back to haunt them, but stars win games in the NBA and Houston has a few good ones. With McGrady, Yao and Artest, Houston now has a Big Three, the question is can two of them stay healthy, and can the third keep his head on straight? Steve Kyler is the Editor and Publisher of HOOPSWORLD.com, and covers the NBA and the Orlando Magic 火箭已經已經把他們的陣容建立的很強大,事實上,他們具有總冠軍相。那麼試想:如果他 們的兩個大傢伙都缺席20場比賽,火箭會成什麼樣? 姚明和踢妹的健康是今年火箭最關鍵的問題。 踢妹的職業生涯已經證明他很難打完一個完成的賽季,他的身體出問題了,就必須坐在場下 休息,這簡直要了火箭的命。然而今年可能會是個特例,踢妹會從科比的籃球聖經中撕下來 一頁,然後好好學習。他必須學會和傷病抗爭,他必須要成為接管比賽的球員。當國家電視 臺的攝影機對準踢妹的時候,我們能看出來,他不一樣了:他要打滿82場常規賽。 對於姚明,也許他正在離偉大越來越遠。主要是因為他身體存在的問題,以及,NBA 中具有 統治力的大個子都難有很長的職業生涯。在他的腳受傷之前,他一直表現的不錯,現在他不 得不重新開始了。腳的問題是NBA 中七尺長人最大的剋星。姚明的傷病主要有三處,通往偉 大的窗戶,快關上了。 火箭弄來了阿泰,這真的很有趣。他們獲得了一個具有超強得分能力的防守者,但是同時, 也為自己的更衣室帶來了揮發性和不確定性。最讓休斯頓人高興的就是這是阿泰合同的最後 一年,大家一致認為他會全力以赴。他可能會跟任何一支球隊談錢,除了火箭。讓阿泰高高 興興的打球可不是個簡單的事情,但是對於阿泰而言,這是個不錯的洗心革面的機會。他有 能力對比賽真正產生影響,而且像愛豆人這樣的教練知道該如何發揮他最大的潛能。現在, 阿泰,好好的,專注的,做你的事情吧! 火箭的陣容現在仍然需要補強,特別是在替補席上。在本周的練習賽中海爺弄傷了自己的鼻 子,而且洗衣店以及老木尚未續約,休斯頓人還有工作要做。如果在訓練營開始時,他們還 沒有給姚明找一個合適的替補,可能就會很糟糕了,這樣的痛苦可能和沒能成功續約洗衣店 差不多。板凳的問題還會繼續困擾火箭,但是在NBA 中球星能夠帶來勝利,火箭已經有了好 幾個。 他們有姚明,踢妹和阿泰斯特的三巨頭。關鍵的問題是其中的兩個是不是能保持健康,而那 個第三個又能不能為了理想全力以赴呢? Steve Kyler 是 HOOPSWORLD.COM 編輯和出版人,同時為整個NBA和魔術隊撰寫文章。 When the 2007-08 NBA season ended for the Houston Rockets there was a certain hope since we never quite saw how good that team could have been. Yao Ming's mid-season injury was just the latest in a long series of heart-breaking injuries Rockets fans have had to endure. Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey and VP of Basketball Operations Sam Hinkie liked what they saw from rookie Luis Scola and point guard Rafer Alston during Houston's 22-game win streak and believed the Rick Adelman transition to be a complete success, but they also knew the team needed a little bit more. The pie-in-the-sky dream was Corey Maggette. The Rockets had no chance of out-bidding the rest of the league for Maggette's services, but they knew they needed a legitimate third scoring option who could create his own shot from anywhere on the court. Their answer, as we now know, was Ron Artest. Say what you want about Artest's well-documented antics, but whatever else he is Artest is a premier defender who can hit the three, drive to the rim, handle the ball, and make his teammates better. Artest came into his own under Adelman in Sacramento, and like Bonzi Wells before him we can expect him to have a banner year under his former coach. The only question now is whether or not the Rockets can stay healthy. Yao Ming, Tracy McGrady and Ron Artest have all struggled with injuries over the past three seasons, and if two of them go down for a prolonged period of time in 2008-09 the Rockets will suffer the same fate they did last season. Instead of talking about amazing postseason accomplishments they'll once again be wondering: "What if . . . ." Before we start preparing for the championship parade, however, there is some unfinished business that the Rockets must attend to prior to camp starting. As the roster stands today there is only one center under contract and he's missed 27% of the team's games over three seasons. Dikembe Mutombo is the short-term answer and he's waiting for something more than the veterans' minimum to come across his agent's desk. Second round draft pick Joey Dorsey is part of the long-term solution and he's expecting more than what's been on his agent's desk to date. Finally, Carl Landry is a restricted free agent who isn't getting any other offers. The addition of Artest probably makes Landry's signing less urgent, but it would be unfortunate to see this turn into a situation like the Cleveland Cavaliers had with Anderson Varejao last season. Finally, the back-up point guard position is no longer as solid as it was last season. The team has been high on Aaron Brooks, but his poor showing in Las Vegas at the NBA Summer League inspired them to make a trade with the Phoenix Suns for D.J. Strawberry. Strawberry's strength is defense, and the Rockets are hopeful that the plethora of ball handlers already on the roster can help make-up for his lack of point guard skills. There's no question that the Artest acquisition makes a Rockets team that was close to the top of the West last season into serious contention for an NBA championship. Sure, they have some questions to answer and some business to take care of, the Rockets have certainly served notice. If healthy, they're as good as any team in the NBA. Bill Ingram is an Executive Editor and covers the NBA, the Dallas Mavericks and Houston Rockets for HOOPSWORLD.com 當07-08 賽季結束的時候,我們始終對火箭充滿期待,但是不知道他究竟能變得多好。姚明 賽季中的受傷只是球隊中一系列傷病中一小部分,球迷們必須承受這樣心碎的感覺。 火箭總經理莫神和籃球運營總監辛基非常喜歡看到22連勝期間菜鳥Scola 和愛豆人的表現, 他們相信愛豆人的體系是成功的,但是同時,他們也清楚球隊還需要點什麼。 當初那個不能保證是實現的諾言是麥格提。火箭沒有實力和聯盟的其他球隊競價麥格提,但 是他們知道自己需要一個能在場上任何位置製造得分機會的第三得分點。他們的答案,是阿 泰。我們知道他有光輝的歷史,但是無論如何,他是一個有三分能力,能夠帶球攻擊籃筐, 能夠控球,讓隊友變的更好的出色防守者。和邦基一樣,他追隨自己國王的教練愛豆人來到 火箭,在他的帶領下,我們可以期待阿泰有出色的一年。 現在唯一的問題就是火箭能不能保持健康。過去的三個賽季,姚明,麥蒂和阿泰都在和傷病 抗爭,如果他們之中的兩者因為傷病缺席一段時間,火箭將會面對和上賽季一樣的窘境。儘 管休賽期有著出色的成績,但是我們還會想:“如果……” 在衝擊總冠軍之前,火箭還有一些尚未完成的工作,這些必須在訓練營開始前就搞定。現在 的陣容中只有一個真正意義上的中鋒,過去的三個賽季,他缺席了27% 的比賽。老木只是一 個短期的解決方案,而且他現在並不滿足於老將底薪,期待自己能獲得更好的待遇。,第二 輪新秀多西會是一個長期的選擇,他同樣希望能夠拿到更多的薪水。最後,洗衣店這名受限 制自由球員雖然還沒有續約,但同時也沒有接到任何報價。阿泰的到來可能讓洗衣店的續約 不那麼緊迫,但是如果像騎士去年失去瓦萊喬一樣,情況就不樂觀了。 球隊控球後衛的位置上也不像上個賽季那麼富餘了,他們對小AB期望很高,但他在夏季聯賽 表現出來的糟糕投射能力讓火箭又從太陽換來了小草莓。他的優在於防守,休斯頓人希望陣 容中足夠的控球者能夠彌補控衛技巧的不足。 可以肯定的是,阿泰的到來讓火箭從去年的西部強隊一躍成為總冠軍的有利爭奪者,當然現 在,他們還有問題需要解決,有事情要搞定。但是,如果健康,他們可以和聯盟任何一支球 隊媲美。 Bill Ingram 是NBA的執行編輯,為 HOOPSWORLD 撰寫小牛和火箭的文章 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/01 00:25, , 1F
感謝翻譯 希望阿泰的八字能跟火箭合的來XD
09/01 00:25, 1F

09/01 00:48, , 2F
09/01 00:48, 2F

09/01 09:40, , 3F
09/01 09:40, 3F

09/01 15:09, , 4F
阿泰八字會合啦 因為我們是火箭八字魂!! 隨便推都八字ID
09/01 15:09, 4F

09/01 15:11, , 5F
感覺今年陣容還沒調好 人數好多 每個都捨不得放~
09/01 15:11, 5F

09/02 00:27, , 6F
說到底最重要還是 "健康"
09/02 00:27, 6F

09/02 13:42, , 7F
09/02 13:42, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #18khx8s4 (Rockets)