[外電] 姚明報銷,但老木返老還童

看板Rockets作者 (嘎抓 \⊙▽⊙/)時間16年前 (2008/02/29 02:34), 編輯推噓32(3203)
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來源: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/bk/bkn/5577003.html After Yao injury, Rockets' Mutombo rediscovers fountain of youth 在姚明報銷後,老木返老還童 By JONATHAN FEIGEN Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle Dikembe Mutombo and Rick Adelman shared a few words on the side of the Rockets' practice court Monday. 禮拜一練球時,老木和Adelman在場邊打了一下屁。 Mutombo said it might be time to start playing a few minutes a game, an idea Adelman and Rockets coaches already were entertaining. 老木說,Adelman和教練團說是時候讓他每場上場幾分鐘為球隊貢獻。 Four hours later, Yao Ming called Mutombo to tell him he was out for the season with a stress fracture. The next night, Mutombo started and starred. 在姚明知道自己球季報銷的四個小時後,就馬上打電話給老木談心。隔天晚上, 老木馬上披掛上陣並成為休士頓的英雄。 By Wednesday, the 41-year-old Mutombo was ready not just to play down the stretch of his final season but is considering a return for another "last season of his career." 禮拜三,41歲(?)的老木不僅已經準備好在生涯最後一個球季大展雄威,甚至考慮明年繼 續為火箭效力,永遠打不完的最後一季。 "(Rockets general manager Daryl Morey) spoke to me about it, but I didn't answer him," Mutombo said. "I didn't answer him. I have to think about it, to talk to the wifey and the kids and see how everybody feels about it. Even my teammates said, Deke, we don't want you to leave. Shane (Battier) talked to me about it.T-Mac (Tracy McGrady) said, 'Deke, you're not going no where. I'll make sure you stay here.' But I don't know why everybody wants me to stay. I wonder to myself, when will I go home. 「Morey跟我談了這件事,不過我還沒回答他。」老木說。 「我還沒給他答覆,我得好好考慮一下,和我的老婆及孩子們談談,看他們有什麼想法。 雖然我的隊友說,『ㄟ,老木,我們不希望你離開阿....』鄉巴爺就是這樣跟我講的。 T-mac也跟我說,『老木,我看透你了,你哪都不會去的啦,你一定會留在這裡!』。 我不知道為什麼大家都這麼希望我留下來,我很想知道,我什麼時候才能回到我的家 鄉?」 "Let's see how things go. If I wake up one morning and change my mind, God forgive. Right now, we're trying to finish the season, make the playoffs and maybe get a chance to win a championship." 「再說吧~如果哪一天我起床時改變了主意,老天爺就原諒我吧。現在我們應該先努力 打完這個球季,殺進季後賽,也許還是有機會得到總冠軍啦!」 Fountain of youth 青春的泉源 The Rockets have a long way to go for that, and he has a long way to go before deciding to play an 18th season in the NBA. He seemed at first to be playing along with Morey's comment that Mutombo was ready to renegotiate his contract after learning of Yao's injury. But one game into Mutombo's return to the court, Morey seemed open to the idea of one more season. 火箭還有很長的路要走,同樣的,老木對於是否打第十八個球季也還有很多得考慮。老木 根據Morey之前說的,老木在知道姚明受傷報銷之後,就準備和火箭重新簽合約。在老木 回來的第一場就大顯神威的時候,Morey就很希望老木再打一年。 "We would love to convince him to play another year," Morey said. "You put him in a game, and all he does is produce. I'm not sure why you wouldn't want him to continue as long as he feels he's up to the conditioning. We can't imagine a better backup for Yao Ming. The Rockets are lucky, and the city of Houston is lucky to have him as a player and a member of the community." 「我們希望說服老木再打一年,」Morey說。「只要把老木推到場上,他就能有所貢獻。 當老木覺得自己還能打的時候,我找不到任合理由不讓他繼續待在球隊。我們找不到 比老木更適合擔任姚明替補的球員。火箭很幸運能有老木這麼偉大的球員,休士頓也很 幸運有這麼棒的市民。」 On Tuesday, Mutombo had six rebounds, blocked four shots and brought reminders of last season, when he was unexpectedly sensational when Yao was out. 禮拜二的比賽,老木貢獻6個籃板、4個火鍋,這讓我們想起去年姚明受傷時,老木也是 打出驚人的成績。 "He's was huge," forward Luis Scola said. "He got four blocks. He got rebounds. He intimidated. He played huge. If he plays like that, we'll be OK. 「老木太威了,」Scola說。「他幹了四個火鍋,還能抓籃板,真他X的嚇人。他在場上 真是太威了,如果每次都能打得這麼好,那我們一定沒問題的。」 "He did not play the whole season. I was like, he's out of shape or he is not ready to play right away. It's not like we were getting him ready. I was a little concerned. Five minutes after the game started, all that concern went away. I was like, 'This guy never gets old. I want some of that medicine.' " 「老木並不常上場,我本來以為他會胖的跟豬樣或是沒辦法隨插即用。我們沒有給他時 間好好準備,所以我一開始有點擔心。沒想到比賽才開打五分鐘,老木就讓我的擔心 一掃而空。當時我只覺得,『靠,這傢伙真是永遠都不會老!哪裡有這種不老仙丹? 我也要阿!』」 The fact that's he is 41 makes Mutombo's play seem remarkable, but the rarer accomplishment could be that he is making big contributions after playing so little. 也許41歲(?)的事實讓老木的表現看起來非常驚人,但更難能可貴的是,老木之前打這麼 少比賽竟然還能一上場就這麼威! Mutombo played just four minutes in the Rockets' previous 21 games before playing 23 on Tuesday. His two field goals and four blocked shots were twice his totals for the rest of the season. 木桶伯在最近的21場比賽緊緊上場4分鐘,而禮拜二他竟然打了23分鐘!他這場比賽的4分 和4火鍋竟然是本季前面所有比賽總和的兩倍....囧 "It's pretty amazing what he did," Battier said. "This is a guy who has played very few minutes this year, saw very limited action. He came in and changed the game. Forget his age; I don't know how many people could do that, to go from inactivity to changing the game and really lifting our team. We feel good about having him out there. 「老木的表現真是太不可思議了!」Battier說。 「老木今年根本沒打幾場球,但他上場之後,竟然就改變了比賽。別管老木的年齡了, 我不知道有多少人能像他一樣,從超級冷板凳突然變成改變比賽的超級英雄率領球隊贏 球。有老木真是太好了!!」 "Obviously, he's a situational matchup for us. Especially when playing big guys, he'll be out there more. But it's nice to know Deke still has some of the magic there." 「很顯然地,他會隨對手的不同而上場。當我們得面對有高大中鋒的球隊時,老木就會 上場更久。看到老木還能像變魔術一樣的表現真是太爽了。」 In 33 games last season when Yao was out, Mutombo averaged 10.4 rebounds, 1.5 blocked shots and 4.9 points on 58.2 percent shooting. 在上個球季姚明缺賽的33場比賽裡,木桶伯每場平均10.4籃板,1.5火鍋,4.9分,命中率 高達58.2%。 That was stunning then, particularly when he blocked five shots against the Lakers to move into second on the career list and had 22 rebounds in Denver, where he began his career. 更嚇人的是,當他在對湖人的比賽巴了五個火鍋,其中第二個火鍋讓他成為NBA史上第二 火鍋王;對金塊的比賽還抓了22個籃板,那個當年他開始NBA生涯的球隊。 But it's further proof that Mutombo is his best when needed. 這證明了,當球隊需要老木時,他能立刻展現他的最佳狀態。 "Of course, off the floor, we've all witnessed that fact," guard Rafer Alston said. "On the floor, whenever he was needed or called upon, he stepped in a huge way for us. When we got the news about Yao, some of us knew what we were going to get from Deke." 「當然,我們在場下早就見識過老木還是很威的,」Alston說。 「在球場上,只要我們需要他,他就能馬上為球隊帶來很大的貢獻。當我們知道姚明報銷 時,我們有些人就馬上想到我們還有老木!」」 Shaking off rust Mutombo said that is how he still can succeed, because now, his team needs him. On Monday morning, he wanted to help. By Monday evening, he knew he had to help. 老木說他之所以還能這麼屌,是因為他知道球隊需要他。禮拜一早上他就希望能幫球隊 些什麼。而傍晚的時候,他就知道自己真的得挺身而出。 "I was feeling worse about myself about not playing that much," Mutombo said. "I think before (Tuesday) and during the practice, I went to greet him. I said 'Coach, I'm glad we won 12 games. I'm asking myself how much I'm contributing. It's good to be a cheerleader on the side. But have you thought about giving me even two minutes?' He was like, 'Yeah we were talking about it in the coaching meeting. Definitely, we have to find a way to play you more minutes.' 「之前上場這麼少,我也覺得很不爽,」木桶伯說。 「在這之前以及上次練球的時候,我一直在想這件事,於是我跟教練說了,『教練,我很 高興我們12連勝,但我問了自己到底作了啥貢獻?能在板凳上當啦啦隊隊長也很爽,不 過你有沒有想過讓我上場個一兩分鐘也好呢?』他回我說,『是阿,我們在教練團會議 中就有談到這個,我們一定會找時間讓你上場的。」 "Now I have to deliver. It's not all on me. But there are a lot of things I have to do with my old body. I think this time, I didn't have no choice for me to come in and step up." 「現在我得為球隊貢獻。當然不是只靠我一個人,不過我得靠我的老骨頭去作一堆事情。 不過我想這次我別無選擇,是我該挺身而出幫助球隊的時候了!」 jonathan.feigen@chron.com -- ███ █ █ ████ ████ ████ ████ █ █ ████ ██ █████ █████ Japan THE LAST LIVE ▉▊▋▌▍▎▏ ~嘎 抓~ -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/29 02:46, , 1F
板大翻譯辛苦 推
02/29 02:46, 1F

02/29 02:49, , 2F
也對 應該還是有機會衝冠軍 大家多盡一份力還是可以的
02/29 02:49, 2F

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02/29 08:55, , 10F
哈哈,翻譯也翻的滿屌的~ 推~~~
02/29 08:55, 10F

02/29 09:09, , 11F
翻譯的超順 GJ
02/29 09:09, 11F

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02/29 11:09, , 18F
翻譯得真好 推一個~~~
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02/29 22:58, , 30F
推翻譯 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!老木魂!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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