[閒聊] Decapitated 25週年巡迴與性侵指控…

看板RockMetal作者 (A Fleeting Glance)時間2年前 (2021/07/18 02:51), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 2人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
幾乎所有爛事都降臨在他們身上的波蘭砍你全家技術死, Decapitated在2017年的時候被控性侵, 在美國巡迴巡到一半就被迫接受司法調查, 事後無罪釋放,調查結束後就驅車回波蘭, 讓團員們至今都不曾踏上美國爸爸的地盤, 團員也帶著疲憊的身心回家… 正好砍頭最近要進行25週年巡迴演出, 聽說在英國就有人拿著相關報導想要杯葛Decapitated入境英國, Decapitated當然就跳出來消毒澄清,司法都還他們清白了, 我們就是無辜受到性侵指責, 你直接拿出當我們當晚被逮捕的報導就片面宣稱我們是一群強姦犯, 要說故事也要把後續審判結果拿出來還原全貌才公平啊! Well… 我自己的淺見是,法律是個最低道德底線, 就算透過「證據」就事論事得出的結論,都只能算是科學手法還原現場以逼近真相, 司法定讞的事情不見得就是事情的全貌,畢竟知人知面不知心, 但是看到Decapitated官網這樣洋洋灑灑義正嚴辭的聲明, 我自己是偏向相信性侵的指控「在科學和客觀上」言過其實, 然後團員當晚應該有… 和女性…接觸… 至於是誰讓團員背負性侵的指控,理由和脈絡為何就非常不好說了… Anyway,無論真相為何,在外人生地不熟的還是盡量避免人與人的接觸…(怕 ———————— As many of you may or may not be aware, back in 2017 in the midst of our USA t our we had the worst experience of our lives during the time we got arrested a nd jailed after being falsely accused of sexual assault. We went through hell and back. After all charges got dropped when evidence that would prove our inn ocence came to light and we were able to return to Poland, we made a short sta tement about the situation and had decided not to go into any sort of detail. The band had not been found guilty and we didn’t want to share much, if any, of the details of what we had to go through. We have known the truth and the truth will always win. Unfortunately, it has been brought to our attention that a small group of peop le, who know nothing about our case or have any connection to it or us, have b een reaching out directly to some of our beloved UK venues and promoters of th e 25 year anniversary EU/UK tour that we announced earlier this week, bringing up old articles from when we got arrested, in an attempt to cause damage to t he band and our shows. Over the past weeks and months, we’ve heard about several industry players (b e it bands, promoters or agents) rightfully coming under fire after severe all egations of unacceptable misconduct. This is absolutely unrelated to Decapitated. We have nothing to do with this and don’t deserve to be dragged through the m ud again. The band has ZERO interest in rehashing the past and certainly, the scars need to be kept closed. We value the emotional and mental health of our band membe rs and ALL involved in their lives. We will not go back to one of the, if not, the worst times of our lives. It hurts us that some people are forcing us to go relive all those terrible feelings again, while we moved on and have been w orking very hard to rebuild this band. Our members, family, label, closest fans, friends and people from the music in dustry have helped every step of the way to keep us afloat, as well as mentall y and emotionally strong. Decapitated has never used and will never build their strategy and recognition , or look for media attention, by talking about private life, being scandalist s, or provoking and offending others. But once and for all to set the record straight: We strongly stand with the vi ctims of ACTUAL sexual abuse, homophobia, racism and strongly condemn any acti ons or sentiment of this kind, ALWAYS! There is NO room for this in our belove d metal community (or anywhere else). Accusations related to any kind of abuse or assault should always be taken seriously. Sexual harassment does happen an d it is horrible. But false accusations do also happen and can also very easily and rapidly dest roy lives, relationships and careers. Unfortunately, we experienced this first hand and this keeps chasing us to this very day. It is very unfortunate and d isrespectful that some people are trying to take this away from real survivors of abuse. After months of hard work together with our team, we were very excited to anno unce our 25 year anniversary tour this week. In case some venue or promoter wo uld still want to cancel our show, it would sadden us deeply but we will respe ct that decision and move on. We cannot wait to hit the road again after these challenging Covid times and h ope to see many of you on one (or more) of our below tour dates. Thank you once again to everyone who has supported us over the years. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1626547889.A.355.html

07/18 17:49, 2年前 , 1F
07/18 17:49, 1F

07/19 01:35, 2年前 , 2F
打砲戴套 前戲做好
07/19 01:35, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1WyoQnDL (RockMetal)