[閒聊] Porcupine Tree: In Absentia重發

看板RockMetal作者 (A Fleeting Glance)時間4年前 (2019/12/28 13:57), 4年前編輯推噓2(200)
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身為享富盛名的Porcupine Tree在2009年發了樂團最後一張專輯The Incident, 那麼若有似無,也那麼突留遺憾,聽得不是很之其所以然,也有些那麼不夠過癮, 原本期待Incident下一張可以有著怎樣的PT再次震驚四座, 首腦兼吉他手Steven Wilson就宣布將來自己不會以Porcupine Tree的身分繼續活動, 我想要搞單飛了~~~掰掰。 我記得他在熄燈號聲明中述說自己不會參與PT的活動, 至於要耍任性到甚麼時候,他表示後會有期,但我不確定, 反正他對即將展開的單飛搜肉行程感到興奮的無以復加, 應該沒有想過自己就是PT的靈魂人物兼最終決策人, 你這個決策人兼團長都說不會活動了, 其他三個人哪敢在Steven缺席的情況下造次找個人頂替他繼續演出阿... 雖然這樣說好像是Steven一個人任性大爆發想要告別舊愛, 魚與熊掌不可兼得下自然選擇光明燦爛的可塑未來, 但是其他人好像貌似都有別的活動和計畫想要好好打點, 像是鼓手Gavin Harrison就跑去King Crimson深造,順便辦了一系列巡迴講座。 不過各位千萬別忘了,Steven絕對不會就這樣讓PT淡出歷史洪流, 還會時不時透過PT臉書宣傳其他成元目前正在進行的計畫和活動, 其中還包含我幾個禮拜前看到,讓人大感振奮的好消息: Porcupine Tree即將重新發行2002年, 將樂團再次拉向高峰的重磅作In Absentia的超豪華3CD+1BD重發! 裡面當然有In Absentia的完整收錄, 外加一片Steven最擅長但我至今沒錢購買設備所以再怎麼大力標榜, 我也木耳聽不出所以然的的5.1混音盤。 當然啦,各位都有所耳聞,只要是樂團發了張專輯, 他們為了這張專輯所投入的時間和心力之工程浩大絕非常人所能想像, 也往往會寫出一大堆歌曲靜待雀屏中選收入專輯中, 所以Steven這次也一併把創作過程中所有寫出來的Demo和為收錄歌曲, 一併當做豪華新手大禮包送給各位。 除此之外,一般的專輯中很少會將創作歷程悉數告之, 中間的含辛茹苦通常只有音樂人自己知道, 但我超愛這種重發盤, 因為很大的機會樂團會多加幾段話或一整個篇幅介紹專輯的創作背景。 當然啦聽說In Absentia的重發也不例外, 也許可以看看Steven Wilson讚許新鼓手加入後怎樣把樂團再次拉到新的高峰之類的~~~ 欲購請洽~https://porcupinetree.lnk.to/inabsentiadlx 阿不過我也有在露天某個優質賣場看到預購連結(非工商><)。各位可以參考參考>< ------------------------------------------------ The much anticipated deluxe edition of Porcupine Tree's iconic 2002 album 'In Absentia' will be released on 21st February. Pre-order here: https://porcupinetree.lnk.to/inabsentiadlx It's a 3CD/Blu-ray set featuring remastered stereo and 5.1 surround sound mixes, additional studio recordings, a disc of unreleased demos and a new feature length Lasse Hoile directed documentary, plus 100-page hardback book with exclusive content including photography by Lasse Hoile, Carl Glover (Aleph Studio), Richard Barbieri and John Blackford from the recording sessions, subsequent tour and more, extensive biographical liner notes and track-by-track commentary by Stephen Humphries, artwork drafts, and handwritten notes and lyrics. ———— In Absentia was Porcupine Tree’s seventh studio album, first released in 2002, the first in a run of three albums that for many represent the pinnacle of the band's artistic achievements. Not many albums can claim to have created a new genre, but with its fusion of metal, progressive rock, ambient textures, and acoustic singer-songwriter styled material, it became a blueprint for a generation of bands to come. It also represented a commercial breakthrough for the band, eventually going on to sell three times more than the band’s previous releases. In Absentia features many of Porcupine Tree’s most beloved songs, including Trains, The Sound of Muzak and Blackest Eyes. While not a formal concept album, many of the songs have common themes related to serial killers, youthful innocence gone wrong, and observations of the modern world, setting a template for many of songwriter Steven Wilson's future songs. This deluxe version of In Absentia provides an unrivalled insight into a seminal album. The first CD features Steven Wilson's 2017 remaster, which has considerably less compression and limiting for a more dynamic listening experience. The second CD includes all of the additional finished studio recordings the band made during the period. Collapse (intro), Drown With Me, Chloroform, and Meantime were all recorded during the album sessions in New York, while Futile and Orchidia come from the post-album promo-only Futile EP. Radio edits of Trains, Blackest Eyes and Strip the Soul are also included. The third CD comprises over 70 minutes of demos recorded at Wilson's home studio during the two years leading up to recording the album. Many of the selections differ from the final versions, with additional sections, alternate lyrics, and different arrangements. Also included are demos of three songs that were not subsequently recorded by the band, all released here for the first time: Imogen Slaughter, Watching You Sleep, and Enough. The Blu-ray features the new master of the original stereo mix, the 5.1 surround sound mix created in 2003 by legendary engineer Elliot Scheiner, plus the audio from the second CD, all in high resolution audio. It also boasts a new 109-minute feature length documentary film directed by Lasse Hoile, chronicling the making of the album with interviews and archive footage. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1577512667.A.257.html ※ 編輯: Opethmist ( 臺灣), 12/28/2019 13:58:30

12/28 14:44, 4年前 , 1F
乾 前陣子才買一張單Cd超貴= =
12/28 14:44, 1F

12/28 15:28, 4年前 , 2F
12/28 15:28, 2F
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