[翻譯] BMTH - Hospital For Souls

看板RockMetal作者 (changingshadows)時間5年前 (2019/05/01 00:07), 編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 6人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
很特別的一首歌,少見Oli在歌詞裡面寫入對自己生活的感悟 也稍微提到接受勒戒的過程, hospital for souls 整首歌的負能量也是多到不建議心情已經不好的人看這篇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjOSydtI38Q
#intro# And then I found out how hard it is to really change Even hell can get comfy once you've settled in I just wanted the numb inside me to leave No matter how fucked you get 後來我才頓悟人要改變是多麼困難 即使身處地獄,一旦習慣了竟也覺得舒適 我只是想讓這種麻木感抽離我的身軀 無論現在我看起來多糟糕* Sorrow is there when you come back down Funny thing is, all I ever wanted I already had There's glimpses of heaven in every day In the friends I have, the music I make, with the love I feel I just had to start again 當你回過頭再看看那些悲傷 可笑的是,其實我早就得到我想要的 我的朋友、我的創作、我感受到的愛 日常的幸福片刻彷彿帶我一窺天國生活 我必須回頭重新來過 ### The days are a death-wish 這段日子像是預見死兆 A witch-hunt for an exit 如獵女巫般尋求解脫 I am powerless 氣力已經放盡 The fragile, the broken 脆弱的、殘廢的 Sit in circles and stay unspoken 靜默著經歷一次次輪迴 We are powerless 我們氣若游絲 Because we all walk alone on an empty staircase 因為我們一直兀自踩著不存在的階梯 Silent halls and nameless faces 穿越沉默的廳室和不知其名的面容 I am powerless 再也提不起勁 Everybody wants to go to heaven 每個人都想要上天堂 But nobody wants to die 卻沒有人願意面對死亡 I can't fear death, no longer 我不能畏懼死亡,再也不能 I've died a thousand times 過去的我已作過行屍走肉 Why explore the universe when we don't know ourselves? 我們為何在還不夠了解自己時,就貪圖探索宇宙? There's an emptiness inside our heads 我們的心靈充滿脆弱的空洞 That no one dares to dwell 沒有人敢填補 Throw me to the flames! 把我丟進火海! Watch me burn! 見證我的燃燒! Set my world ablaze! 讓我陷入火海! Watch me burn! 見證我的燃燒! How are we on a scale of one to ten?* 「我們在情緒量表裡表現得如何呢?」 Could you tell me what you see? 「你能跟我說說你看到了什麼嗎?」 Do you wanna talk about it? 「你願意跟我聊聊嗎?」 How does that make you feel? 「這件事讓你有什麼感覺?」 Have you ever took a blade to your wrists? 「你有曾經讓手腕流血過嗎?」 Have you been skipping meals? 「你有沒有沒心情吃飯過?」 We're gonna try something new today 「今天我們要來嘗試新的方法」 How does that make you feel? 「這個方法你感覺如何?」 [outro1 *3] Hold me close, don't let go, watch me *3 抱緊我,別放手,看著我 in this hospital for souls 在這專屬心靈的診療所 [outro2 *2] Hold me close, don't let go, watch me burn *3 抱緊我,別放手,見證我的燃燒 in this hospital for souls 在這心靈的診療所 --- 本篇網誌: https://godxtaiwan.blogspot.com/2019/04/bring-me-horizon-hospital-for-souls.html 我的粉專: https://www.facebook.com/godxtaiwan.blogspot.tw/ 你們的點閱是對我最大的支持,謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1556640443.A.0A5.html

05/01 21:46, 5年前 , 1F
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05/03 00:53, 5年前 , 2F
推BMTH 順便推他們的Drown跟Run
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個人覺得 他們用不同的曲風演繹相同的靈魂
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05/11 11:04, 5年前 , 7F
生命之花那張我也最愛夢遊,不過BMTH我最愛it never ends
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05/11 12:56, 5年前 , 8F
推三樓 從sempiternal開始每張都令人驚艷
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文章代碼(AID): #1So7Ax2b (RockMetal)