[翻譯] Amaranthe - Maximize

看板RockMetal作者 (金屬浪潮)時間6年前 (2018/01/08 16:56), 6年前編輯推噓3(301)
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三重主唱風暴來襲,請版友們抓穩啦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfk7YZJtmeo
以下歌詞誰唱的會用顏色代表 Elize Ryd 女主唱 Henrik Englund Wilhemsson 男主唱(harsh vocal) Joacim "Jake E" Lundberg 男主唱(clean vocal) Amaranthe - Maximize Hello is there someone out there who can hear me scream What you hear is not the same in a mystical dream I know if you read between the lines it is serene There's a darkness in the shadows you can fear 誰能聽見我的呼喊 你聽到的並非如同夢境一般 寧靜將在字句中展現 你會因陰影中的黑暗而恐懼 Higher louder overdrive Can you be the one to lift me higher The future can be brighter Someone be my guiding light Maybe I can give what you require Can't stop rewind so mesmerize 超越更高更亮 你能否成為讓我更高的巨人 未來必定更光明 成為我的燈塔,我將給予你所需要的 沉迷到不斷倒行 Mesmerize Maximize me Let's go beyond reality If you can see what I see Hypnotize maximize me Let's take it to eternity Believe the will inside of me 沉迷,將我極大化 若你能見我所見,我們將其超越現實 催眠,將我極大化 若相信我的意念,我們將會航向永恆 Come home to a life you never wanted to be real I'm crawling deep within you in control Bring me dignity to free this soul Nothing ever lets me 將夢境化成現實 我控制著你的內心深處 藉著尊嚴解放靈魂 任何事都無法阻擋我 Turn into the overdrive Let me change my destiny forever And no one will forget me Let me swim against the tide Maybe I will yearn for your desire Maximize I'm mezmerized 打開超載模式 我將改寫我的命運 所有人都會記得我 我即將逆流而上 渴望你所希望的 極大化,我沉迷著 Mesmerize Maximize me Let's go beyond reality If you can see what I see Hypnotize maximize me Let's take it to eternity Believe the will inside of me 沉迷,將我極大化 若你能見我所見,我們將其超越現實 催眠,將我極大化 若相信我的意念,我們將會航向永恆 Higher louder overdrive Can you be the one to lift me higher The future can be brighter Someone be my guiding light Maybe I can give what you require Can't stop rewind so mesmerize 超越更高更亮 你能否成為讓我更高的巨人 未來必定更光明 成為我的燈塔,我將給予你所需要的 沉迷到不斷倒行 Mesmerize Maximize me Let's go beyond reality If you can see what I see Hypnotize maximize me Let's take it to eternity Believe the will inside of me 沉迷,將我極大化 若你能見我所見,我們將其超越現實 催眠,將我極大化 若相信我的意念,我們將會航向永恆 -- 為了找主唱的名字跑去看維基 發現Jake E居然離團了QQ 等等再去找新聞QQ https://goo.gl/9eMmFf The vocalist concludes, "I know my potential as a singer and a songwriter, but over the last couple years I felt I wasn't reaching that potential. You can hardly hear me on the new Amaranthe album. I have a small part here and a small part there, so I started to feel more like a backing singer. I'm 35 years old, and I decided I have to continue with music that makes me happy. Meeting the fans makes me happy and touring is the best thing I've ever done, but I can't stand on stage not believing in what I'm doing. That's the main reason I left Amaranthe." Jake E離團主要有兩個原因 1.他在這個樂團中只剩下作為作詞/作曲人的功能,主唱的功能越來越薄弱 (個人意見:女主唱Elize的表現太搶眼,其他金屬團中有女清腔+男吼腔也是很常見的, 再加一個男清腔的話其中的比重就要精打細算了) 2.前兩張專輯Jake E很滿意,那是他想像中完美的Amaranthe的樣子,但從第三張專輯開 使,Olof和他的創作意見就開始分歧,而是朝著他無法控制的方向走。直到Maxima- lism這張專輯時,Jake E認為他要忠於自己的想法,所以就分道揚鑣。 原來後面兩張(Massive Addictive和Maximalism)會走得比較pop是因為Jake E在樂團中 的聲量變小了阿...... Maximalism專輯裡的Limitless感覺就像Jake E對Amaranthe的告別作QQ --

04/25 13:33,
我今天就是靠這漏洞過奈法利安的 打了快1個小時!
04/25 13:33

04/25 13:47,
04/25 13:47

04/25 13:48,
幹 原來是我推的 = =
04/25 13:48
14分鐘的空白人生 #1LEoQGp1 (Hearthstone) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1515401805.A.930.html ※ 編輯: xdanielzero (, 01/08/2018 17:27:12

01/08 18:27, 6年前 , 1F
01/08 18:27, 1F
是還有再補一位新的男清腔,只是怕這團的曲風整個大走鐘 ※ 編輯: xdanielzero (, 01/08/2018 18:44:18

01/08 19:46, 6年前 , 2F
我也只喜歡前兩張 新專輯出了之後就沒再follow這團了
01/08 19:46, 2F

01/08 19:46, 6年前 , 3F
01/08 19:46, 3F

01/10 00:49, 6年前 , 4F
01/10 00:49, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1QKp9Dam (RockMetal)