[麥片] Black Metal CDs

看板RockMetal作者 (再見理想)時間6年前 (2017/10/01 11:18), 6年前編輯推噓4(405)
留言9則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
上個月搬家,整理出一些湊數多訂的CD,都是全新,未拆封的另外有加註。 Agalloch - Marrow of the Spirit (Sealed Digi CD) Nattefrost – Blod & Vomit Nattefrost – Terrorist (Sealed) Explosion in the Sky – Take Care, Take Care, Take Care (Sealed Digi CD) 以上,一張三佰,限郵寄,郵資我出,意者:kazuki666@gmail.com 聯繫,謝謝。 -- He is the wind, He is the storm He is the woods, He is the roots Nobody will escape the wrath of the tyrant Forever the beast shall wander the earth Mortiis,Anno 1991 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1506827883.A.2DE.html ※ 編輯: kazuki (, 10/01/2017 11:18:45

10/01 12:59, , 1F
10/01 12:59, 1F
※ 編輯: kazuki (, 10/02/2017 16:34:08

10/04 07:23, , 2F
卡博你又搬家?! ㄟㄟ你fb帳號怎麼了?!
10/04 07:23, 2F

10/04 11:46, , 3F
10/04 11:46, 3F

10/04 11:46, , 4F
10/04 11:46, 4F

10/04 11:48, , 5F
10/04 11:48, 5F

10/04 11:48, , 6F
10/04 11:48, 6F

10/05 06:05, , 7F
幹噴, 猴拿兩張留給我好了ㄆㄆ,IG你有帳號嗎ㄆ?
10/05 06:05, 7F

10/05 06:06, , 8F
最近剛開IG, 有用的話還是可以猴一下ㄆㄆ
10/05 06:06, 8F
※ 編輯: kazuki (, 10/05/2017 08:59:41

10/05 23:56, , 9F
賣特好, 賀一下!
10/05 23:56, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1Pq5vhBU (RockMetal)