[翻譯] Ayreon - Theory of Everything Phase I

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Theory of Everything — Ayreon 萬物理論 劇情梗概 能解釋一切的理論,加上不世出的天才,看起來是段完美的結合,對吧? 世上可沒有如此美好的事。 一齣圍繞著「萬物理論」的悲劇,即將上演。 演唱陣容(依照出場順序排列) The Teacher 「老師」:JB Christoffersson The Girl 「女孩」:Sara Squadrani The Father 「父親」:Michael Mills The Mother 「母親」:Cristina Scabbia The Prodigy 「神童」:Tommy Karevik The Rival 「勁敵」:Marco Hietala The Psychiatrist 「精神科醫師」:John Wetton Phase I:Singularity 第一階段:稀世奇才 連結:https://youtu.be/xnPKmbK8P64
01. Prologue: The Blackboard 章之一:序幕—黑板 "8:49 this morning The dew of morning still glistens on the salt grass that grows along the foundation of the old lighthouse. It isn't in active service anymore, but has been renovated to serve as a private dwelling. 上午8:49分, 這是一座舊到地基已經浮現的燈塔。 地基上長滿了鹽草,鹽草上淌著朝露,閃爍著微光。 舊燈塔已經失去了指引的功能,被改建成為私宅。 High in the tower inside, a young man is slumped on the floor in the corner of the room, apparently in some kind of trance. Somebody has put a blanket over him. He is deadly pale, but the steady, almost imperceptible rise and fall of his chest shows that he still clings to life. Standing next to him are a young woman and an older man. Both are obviously shocked and distressed. 燈塔的頂樓,倒著一位神色恍惚的年輕男子。 有人為他蓋了一件毛毯。 男子面如死灰,只剩那穩定卻微弱的心跳在替他的生命做最後掙扎。 在他身旁,站著一位年輕女子與一位年長男人,兩人臉上都充滿了震驚與悲痛。 Their frequent glances toward the door give the impression that they're waiting for someone who is yet to arrive. On the wall next to them is a blackboard covered with impenetrable mathematical equations. The older man is holding a crumpled piece of paper - it appears to be a note scribbled in haste by an unsteady hand. What follows here is the story of what happened." 雙方皆不時地往門的方向看,彷彿在等待什麼人的到來。 身邊壁上掛著一面黑板,寫滿了艱澀難懂的數學方程式。 男人手裡緊握著一張紙,上頭的筆跡十分潦草,似乎是在倉促之下手抖的結果。 接下來,便是造成這一切的故事。 [Teacher] Will we ever understand This complex genius This visionary thinker Will we ever get this close again Uniting the forces Of our universe 老師: 我們是否能夠理解 這位難懂的天才 這位有遠見的思想家 我們是否能再次觸及 那股天地萬物皆準的力量 [Girl] Will we ever understand His isolation Or his sense of wonder We will never get this close again It’s been too long... I think he’s gone 女孩: 我們是否能夠體會 他的孤寂 或那種莫名的感受 我們再也不能得到答案 已經過了太久 我想他已撒手人寰... 2. The Theory of Everything part 1 章之二:萬物理論第一部 "11 years earlier The Father, a brilliant scientist, has devoted his life to finding the Theory of Everything, the equation that will fully explain and unite all physical forces of the universe. He's obsessively working day and night; unaware that his wife and introverted son need far more attention that he has been giving them. The Mother has always supported her husband's scientific pursuits, but the strain of dealing with their asocial child's special needs has worn her down to the point of desperation." 11年前 這位父親,是一位傑出的科學家,畢生的追求就是找出「萬物理論」。 所謂萬物理論,是一道不論在任何時空下,都能解釋所有物理現象的終極方程式。 憑著對科學的狂熱,加上妻子的支持,他日以繼夜地鑽研艱澀的學問。 然而,小孩的誕生,卻造成妻子的不安。 原來兩人愛的結晶,是一位自閉症兒童。 妻子苦心照顧他,丈夫卻始終對兒子不聞不問。 長期的壓力之下,妻子終於崩潰,墜入了絕望的谷底。 [Father] I'm so close to the answer A dazzling symphony of cosmic strings I feel the pulse, vibrating just out of reach The music of space One single master equation Unification of the great and small I hear the notes but the arrangement is wrong And I'm starting to doubt, but I can't give up now I'm so near 父親: 我將要得到答案了 那是一首耀眼奪目、有關宇宙帶的交響曲 我感覺到差之毫釐的脈動 屬於宇宙的陽春雪白 獨一無二的終極方程式 搭起了宇宙和夸克的橋樑 音符就在耳際,然而編曲卻有誤 我有些懷疑其是否真實存在,但眼看就要完成了,我怎能放棄! [Mother] Can't you see that I need you out here? And what about our boy? I think he's got something to give What secrets lie... beyond these hollow eyes? 母親: 你看不出來我需要你嗎? 還有我們的孩子,該如何是好? 他那空洞的雙眼,到底隱藏了什麼秘密,又有什麼話要吐露? [Father] I'm sorry you feel neglected But it's clear that you don't understand I'm aware, and I want to be there I just need some more time, for the answer is blindingly near 父親: 拍謝啦讓妳覺得被忽視 但很明顯地,妳根本不懂 我可不同,我是如此博學,我要到達彼端 只是尚需一些時間搜索那離我極其近的答案 [Mother] Are you trying to drive us away Just when we need you most? You might find he's got something to give What secrets lie... beyond these eyes? 母親: 就在我們最需要的時候 你要棄我們不顧嗎? 若是你,一定能夠發現他的能力 那些隱藏在這雙眼之後的秘密 03. Patterns 章之三:模式 "The son is so withdrawn because his mind is overwhelmed by analyzing the chaotic stimuli of the world around him, and the mathematical patterns he sees in everything - even in nature. His brain seems to operate on a completely different level than other people's. There is something very special about him, indeed." [Instrumental] 這孩子如此孤僻,是有原因的。 他的腦袋運作方式異於常人。 他所感覺到的外界事物-即便是大自然,都是數學模型與分析後的結果 (chaotic stimuli應該是腦神經科學裡的專有名詞,此處文意是指我們看美景會覺得漂 亮,聞花會覺得香,吃蜂蜜會覺得甜,是這些"刺激"經過五官的接收,傳遞到腦中而產生 "漂亮、""香"、"甜"的"感覺"。然而主角卻不同,這些"刺激"傳遞到他腦中後得到的是 "組成"、"結構"等內容) 很顯然的,他有著某種過人之處。 [樂器曲] 04. The Prodigy’s World 章之四:神童的世界 "The Mother is determined to connect with the Prodigy, but he is completely unresponsive. He is simply incapable of relating to her emotionally, even though on some level he wants to. 母親執意要與神童交流,然而對方卻絲毫沒有反應。 情緒上他就是無法理解,儘管某部分的他是想要的。 [Mother] Talk to me [Prodigy] I know you’re there, but I won’t see you I hear your voice but it can’t reach me 母親: 跟我說說話 神童: 我知道妳在那,但我看不見妳 妳的聲音,有如耳邊風 [Mother] Let me in [Prodigy] It all seems so trivial In the scheme of things 母親: 讓我了解你 神童: 巨觀而言,這一切一點也不重要 [Mother] Talk to me [Prodigy] I feel your touch but it can't move me I hear your words but they confuse me 母親: 跟我說說話 神童: 對於妳的接觸,我不為所動 妳的話語只會令我困擾 [Mother] Let me in [Prodigy] It all comes to nothing In the scheme of things 母親: 讓我親近你 神童: 這樣發展下去 是得不到結果的 Patterns emerge in nature's dance Numbers are born in the wheel of chance Why do I see this? What does it mean to me? 大自然中浮現數學模型 命中註定與數字為伍 為什麼我看得到? 這是什麼意思? A grand design in all its majesty Vibrating strings, quantum gravity Why was I chosen? What does it mean to me? Tell me why! 感受大設計的宏偉 振動的宇宙帶,引力的量子化 為何是我? 這有什麼意義? 告訴我為什麼! (歌詞中的grand design應該是來自Stephen Hawking與Leonard Mlodinow的科學著作 The Grand Design,中文譯名為大設計,內容是關於天文物理學。) 05. The Teacher's Discovery 章之五:老師的發現 "7 years ago As the students work on a test in science class, a gust of wind from the open window blows a paper full of math equations off the Teacher's desk. Unnoticed by the teacher, it lands at the Prodigy's feet. Already having finished the test, he picks up the paper. His face lights up as he begins writing." 七年前 自然課,考試中。 窗外的一陣風吹落老師桌上的一張紙,一張寫滿數學方程式的紙。 它飄到了神童的腳邊,老師卻沒有發現。 已經寫完考卷的神童將紙撿了起來。 喜形於色的他,開始振筆疾書。 [Teacher] I can't believe… this can't be true. How could you know? I've tried to solve this For as long as I recall Is this your work? Be honest now How did you do it? I'm not angry, boy But I really need to know 老師: 我簡直不敢相信,這…這不是真的 你怎麼可能會? 自我有記憶以來,就一直在試著解決紙上的公式 說實話,這是你做的嗎? 怎麼辦到的? 孩子,我不是在生氣 但是我須要知道 [Prodigy] I'm sorry, sir, I can't explain It's the way I've always been You see, the numbers just appear Before my eyes 神童: 對不起,老師,我無法解釋 一直以來我就是如此 我一看到,數字便在眼前浮現 您能懂嗎? [Rival] Don't believe him, no! He's envious! I've felt it from the start In every class, I've always been the genius And he just wants to be like me Don't let him deceive you He's nothing but a fake A sad pretender Trying to take my place Don't let him deceive you He’s nothing but a fake A sad pretender A total waste of space 勁敵: 不,不要相信他! 他只是在嫉妒我,一開始我就知道了 一直以來我都是班上的唯一天才 他只是想要成為我而已 別讓他欺騙了你 他不過是一個假貨 一個可悲的偽裝者 企圖奪走我的地位 別讓他欺騙了你 他僅僅是一個仿造品 一個可悲的偽裝者 這個宇宙的廢物 06. Love and Envy 章之六:愛與妒 "Why is the Rival constantly bullying the Prodigy? And why is the Girl compelled to protect him?" 為什麼這位勁敵要不停的霸凌神童?又為什麼這位女孩不得不保護他呢? [Girl] Why do you torment him, are you jealous? There must be a reason you’re so cruel What have you got against him? Does he scare you? What did he ever do to you? 女孩: 你為何要折磨他?是因為嫉妒嗎? 如此殘忍,一定有某種理由。 這麼做你究竟得到了什麼? 他令你感到恐懼嗎? 他對你做了什麼? [Rival] Oh no, I can’t believe You’re falling for this loser Oh no, I thought you knew That I am so much cooler! 勁敵: 噢不,我不敢相信 妳迷上了這個魯蛇 天啊,我以為妳看得出來 我比他更有魅力 [Girl] Why do you despise him, are you frightened? Are you being driven by your pride? I think you feel threatened by his brilliance But still you admire him, deep inside 女孩: 你為什麼要鄙視他,你在害怕? 難道是自尊放不下的緣故嗎? 我想絕頂聰明的他一定讓你倍感威脅 但你內心深處卻是敬佩著他,對吧? [Rival] Oh no, I can’t believe You’re falling for this loser Oh no, I thought you know That I am so much cooler! Oh no, I always thought That we should be together Oh no, I really think That you can do so much better 勁敵: 噢不,真是難以置信 妳迷上了這個魯蛇 天啊,我以為妳看得出來 我比他更有魅力 噢不,我一直認為 我們應該是天生一對 嘖,以妳的程度 應該能理解才對啊 07. Progressive Waves 章之七:行波 [Instrumental] [樂器曲] 08. The Gift 章之八:天賦 "The Teacher visits the Father, bringing him surprising news about his son." 老師拜訪了父親,告訴他關於孩子的驚人事實。 [Teacher] I'm glad you could meet me I'm here about your son I've never seen a mind like his Especially so young He's got a gift for numbers Never known before An outstanding genius Who shouldn't be ignored 老師: 很高興能與您見面 想跟您談論您的兒子 我從未見過這樣的才智 尤其是這個年紀 他擁有前所未聞的數學天賦 是位不該被忽視的絕頂天才 [Father] You must be mistaken He's useless and he's weak I see no sign of genius The boy can hardly speak st sits there, lifeless For hours at a time No expression on his face His eyes staring into space! 父親: 你一定是搞錯了 那小子既無用又軟弱 我看不到你所謂的天賦 他連講話都有困難呢 他只會毫無生氣坐在那兒 一次就是好幾個小時 沒有任何表情 雙眼放空 [Teacher] How can you be so heartless There must be so much more that we can do 老師: 你怎能如此無情? 我們能做的,一定有很多 [Father] Who are you to judge me, You don't even know what we've been through! 父親: 你憑什麼指責我? 你根本不知道我們經歷了什麼! [Teacher] Just give him more attention You'll see there's more to him than meets the eye 老師: 只要多給他一些關注 你會見識到遠超出表面的他 [Father] Fine! I'll try to help the child Better not wasting my time! 父親: 好啦!我會試著幫他 最好不要是浪費時間 09. The Eleventh Dimension 章之九:第十一象限 [Instrumental] [樂器曲] 10. Inertia 章之十:慣性 "5 years ago The Prodigy wants to improve his relationship with his Father, but doesn't know how to reach out." 五年前 神童想要與父親更加親近,卻不知道怎麼做才對。 [Prodigy] Are you trying to drive me away? Just when I need you most. I think... I've got something to give I just don't know... how... 神童: 您要拋棄我嗎? 就在我最需要您的時候 我覺得...我能有些作為 只是不知道...要怎麼做... 11. The Theory of Everything part 2 章之十一:萬物理論第二部 "The Mother and the Father agree to enlist an outside expert to help with their son, but their motivations to do so couldn't be more different." 夫妻二人一致同意要徵求專家的協助,然而雙方的動機卻是南轅北轍。 [Mother] We need to take him to therapy Help him function in society 母親: 我們得帶他去看醫生 幫助他能融入社會 [Father] It's worth a try, who knows... He could help me complete The Theory Of Everything 父親: 值得一試吧,天知道... 也許他能幫助我完成 萬物理論 [Mother and father] A future to build A role to fulfill Something to give A reason to live 父母: 建立一個未來 一個適合的定位 有所作為 擁有生存的理由 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1471959930.A.93F.html ※ 編輯: darkflare (, 08/23/2016 21:58:10

08/23 22:25, , 1F
08/23 22:25, 1F

08/23 22:32, , 2F
推 吃飽太閒逆!
08/23 22:32, 2F

08/24 06:38, , 3F
08/24 06:38, 3F

08/24 11:38, , 4F
08/24 11:38, 4F

08/27 09:14, , 5F
大推 這故事很棒
08/27 09:14, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1Nl5Dwa_ (RockMetal)