[心得] Pain of Salvation-Remedy Lane全盤解析

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Remedy Lane 靈藥魔域 Album Analysis 專輯解析 前言: 瑞典前衛金屬救世主(2000年代的稱呼) POS於2002年發行的第四張專輯 ,前衛金屬當然要寫概念式專輯,這張是我個人認為的樂團顛峰之作, 包含前衛和金屬兩種元素的完美呈現,前衛是樂曲技巧構造的造詣,金 屬是力量美學的展現,這張以後,BE就偏向前衛美學,完全成為Daniel 一人的實驗作品。而和DT相比,POS 不會在歌曲中塞入過長的演奏片段 ,POS 的歌曲創作是以情緒表達為主,而非樂手個人能力展現為主,即 便如此當你在聽POS 的歌曲時,也不會產生他們的歌很簡單的感覺,主 唱方面Daniel對於歌詞情境的掌控聽起來比較屬於渾然天成的,畢竟詞 曲幾乎都是自己寫的,低落、激昂、愛意、絕望面面俱到,而LaBrie則 是用心詮釋型的,在情緒的感染力我認為是差Daneil很多。 這張專輯探討了自我、自由、性愛、人性等等諸多面向,好在Daneil哲 思的時間沒有重於練吉他寫歌的時間,不然搞不好就變成哲學家了。其 實很久之前網路就找得到全盤解析,只是那時候我不清楚資料來源,現 在有一樂迷網站直接放上Daneil具名寫下的分析內容,做為聽者認識本 張專輯的艱澀概念及歌詞,不失為一個很好的入口。 中文歌詞請自行至精華區翻閱由冷飛(Coolfly) 翻譯的版本,看了介紹 或聽了喜歡請馬上買回家珍藏。 原文網址: http://painofsslvation.com/lyrics/?album=rlanalysis By Daniel Gildenlöw (as posted on the Remedy Lane forum) 01. Of Two Beginnings:兩者之始 This is the opening track of the album and is a kind of introduction, the track is somewhere between an intro and a real song and contains several different styles and elements. The set is a hotel room in Hungary, present time. It is the beginning of this album, and contains the beginning of a chain of thought, the end of a mindless journey, the conclusion to a question that is yet not clear to the listener and the beginning of a child's relation to love and sex. 專輯的開場曲,同時是開場介紹,該曲處於前奏和真正的曲目之間,並包含幾種不同的風 格和元素。場景是在匈牙利的酒店房間,時間是當下。這是此張專輯的起始,包含一連串 想法的源頭,以及一段盲目旅程的結束,結論指向一個對聽眾沒交代清楚的問題為和孩子 愛/性關係的開始。 G:開場有點做fade in的感覺,主唱輕聲道起兩個分別為10歲男孩和12歲女孩,害羞地聊 起禁忌之事,配樂轉成長拍鼓扣齊下,唱完一句,再下,唱完,又下;時間立即轉到當下 ,主角在旅館床上,想著,自己是什麼樣的人,充滿困惑,痛苦激昂悟出,自由不過是一 種心理狀態,餘音繚繞,在詭異的電音中結束。 Chapter I 02. Ending Theme: 終幕曲 This is one of the simpler songs on the album, but of course with subtlety and finesse. We are entering the story a few days earlier, on the arrival in Budapest. Someone is coming to Budapest to find answers, to meet someone. There is a connection to a situation in Budapest earlier that we will find out about later in the concept. How much of a person's disposition and reality derives from himself or herself? How much is it in relation to the surroundings? There is a meeting, confusion, seeking... 專輯中比較簡單的一個的歌曲,但仍伴隨著隱晦和技巧性。該曲是早在(敘事當下,第一 曲之現在)幾天前,到布達達佩斯時進入故事。某人到布達佩斯尋找答案,見一個人。早 先在布達佩斯的情況有某種關聯,讓我們將了解後面的概念。一個人的性格和真實有多少 來自他/她自己?有多少是關係到周遭的環境?這其中有會面,困惑,找尋... G:開場平淡的敘事,交代故事。主角在布達佩斯想找尋什麼,找到一個女孩做愛,順邊 發表一下做之間的內心戲。 歌詞時間地點:2001八月,布達佩斯 03. Fandango: 凡丹戈 A picture of two unique persons forming a life together, fighting against norms and patterns that they have inherited from their pasts. At one point in my life I was devastated and asked for some God to give me some answers. I am not a religious man, but I am not non-religious either if you catch my drift. The only thing I know is that I don't know anything. Anyway, I was suddenly filled with a calm and started smiling because it was as if someone had just told me that if I get the answers there is no point in living - life is the tool to get the answers. It was like asking for answers in order to be able to find the exact same answers myself. I wanted to put some of that feeling into this song, since it runs through everybody's life in one way or another. 兩個獨特的人共組生活,對抗他們從過去所繼承的規範和模式的畫面。我人生中有次,徹 底絕望了,請求上帝給我一些答案。我非教徒,但我也不是不信神的如果你明白我的意思 。我唯一知道的就是我什麼都不知道。總之,我突然充滿了平靜和開始有了笑容,因為彷 彿有人告訴我,如果我得到了答案那麼人生便沒有意義──生命是獲得答案的工具。就像 找尋答案是為了能夠找到同樣答案的自我。我打算把這種感覺放入這首歌,因為它以這種 或那種方式貫穿每個人的生活。 G:詭異的旋律開場,在某個不知名的場景,觀察著他和她的過去、個人特質和一些想法 ,簡單說兩性都有愛的夢想,實則渴望著性慾,Daniel在此提到他們「總是比他們所希望 的還要人性」,這是她在此張專輯中一個最重要的概念。 歌詞時間地點:1993-?,地球上 04. A Trace Of Blood: 一道血跡 During the recording of “Entropia” (our first album) me and my wife had a miscarriage and it was very hard on us. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. It was not the loss of a tiny organic something, to me it was the loss of several lives - the child and the life he/she would have had and the lives me and my wife would have had. History took a sharp turn for us that day and I cannot leave it behind altogether. That mix of joy, grief and anger is also found in the music and the lyric of the song I think. A struggle. 在錄“Entropia”(POS第一張專輯)時我和我的妻子經歷了流產,這對我們而言是很艱 難的,也是我生命中最不好的經驗之一。這不是一個微小有機體的失去,對我而言這是好 幾個人生的失去──這個孩子和他/她可以擁有的人生,以及我和我的妻子也能擁有的人 生。歷史在那天把我們人生急轉直下,而我不能完全將之拋諸腦後。我想,喜悅、悲傷和 憤怒也可在歌曲的音樂和歌詞中找到。一種掙扎。 G:專輯開場以來第一個驚豔,漂亮的前奏,節奏也稍快,就像是待產的心情,聽著 Daniel唱出自己的心路歷程,如此血淋淋,這首有我最愛的片段”I never knew your name but I will miss you just the same…”多麼動人的呼喊,隨後進入的clean tone 轉折淒美絕倫,實在讓人哭哭。 歌詞時間地點:1997三月,法倫(瑞典中部城市)/馬爾摩(瑞典南端第三大城) 05. This Heart of Mine (I Pledge): 我的此心(我發誓) This is simply a love song that I wrote to my wife, in this concept it represents the belief and the strength in words and rituals, in faith. Some of the themes reoccur later in the concept to remind us of this vow and how fragile human faith can be sometimes. 這是一首我寫給我妻子的簡單情歌,在此概念中它呈現文字和行為中的信心和力量,在信 念中。一些主題稍後將再次出現在概念中,提醒我們這個誓言,以及有時候人類的信念會 有多脆弱。 G:就是情歌,但是聽起來還是有點Pain,Daniel的意思是說,情歌唱歸唱,人想做愛的 時候還是做了再說,是吧。 歌詞時間地點:1999六月,埃斯基爾斯蒂納(瑞典城市) Chapter II 06. Undertow: 退浪 This is one of the darkest songs of the album. It is simple in structure but complex in emotion. We are trying to build a card house starting with apathy, going over a spectra of sadness, yearning, reconciliation and anger, to cross the line of hysteria back into apathy - constantly with the same main message; let me go. It is a blend of monologue and dialog in a shattered relationship. We are now starting to find out why we start off in Budapest. 這是專輯中最黑暗的歌曲之一。結構上很簡單,但在情感上複雜。我們試圖建立一個紙牌 屋,以冷漠開始,越過悲傷、渴望、和解以及憤怒的光譜,跨越歇斯底里的界線回到冷漠 ──不斷伴隨著相同的主要訊息,讓我走。這是一種獨白和對話在破碎關聯下的混和。我 們現在開始了解為什麼我們從布達佩斯開始。 G:所謂Undertow是水利及海洋用語,一般用於海浪打上岸後,海水退回海中的那道流, 那是一股很強大的回流,尤其當底部坡度越緩,波浪溯上越遠的時候,退回的力量就越大 ,很多人在岸邊被捲入海裡就是小看這種回流的力量,這裡歌詞就是想藉由這股力量,將 他從原來的地方給帶走,所以說Daniel也懂波浪力學? 第二章開始情緒急轉直下,剛剛唱完情歌,現在馬上逃跑、想死,情緒從低迷到激動,再 沒力,算是第二章精彩的開場,在Die的回聲中進入到下首。 歌詞時間地點:2001七月,埃斯基爾斯蒂納(瑞典城市) 07. Rope Ends: 繩末 One night my wife dreamed that someone she knew tried to kill herself. The dream was so vivid she couldn't shake it off and finally she called her friend. It turned out that she had tried to hang herself three times that same night. A few years later I experienced someone trying to hang him/herself and I got there just in time. For a minute I couldn't get him/her down and I started to panic completely before I finally got the sudden insight that I should add my weight to the rope, and it broke. At one point earlier I thought of rushing to the kitchen for a knife to cut it with, but I found that it is impossible to leave the room when someone is hanging from the ceiling. 有一晚,我妻子夢見她認識的某人企圖自殺。這個夢過於逼真以至於她無法擺脫它,最後 她打了通電話給她朋友。事後證實,當晚她朋友曾試圖上吊三次。幾年後,我經歷了有人 試圖上吊自殺,而我及時趕到現場。短時間內我無法把他/她弄下來,在我開始徹底恐慌 之前,我突然內心閃過一念,我應該將我的體重加到繩子上,於是它斷了。早些時候我認 為要搶進廚房拿刀來割斷它,但我發現當有人從天花板上垂吊而下時,我便無法離開這房 間了。 G:超屌前奏,屌拍加屌Riff喚醒沉寂的聽者,心情就像是看到有人吊在那,Daniel的旁 白She is still young就是對著那吊著的人哀悼,前奏riff貫穿全曲,充滿自殺的詭異氣 氛。 歌詞時間地點:1998二月,法倫 08. Chain Sling: 鎖鏈 The dance of love and breaking up, the different turns and pleads. 相愛和分手之舞,不一樣的轉動和乞求。 G:比較無感的一首,還是內心戲,愛的消逝,人被鎖鏈銬住,跳著舞,走向靈藥魔域。 歌詞時間地點:2001八月,埃斯基爾斯蒂納 09. Dryad of the Woods: 林間仙子 This is an instrumental piece for my wife that I actually wrote several years ago. Once again, the contrast between the love and the strange situation we find in this concept. 這是一首獻給我妻子的演奏曲,完成於好幾年前。再次,我們在此概念中發現愛情和怪異 現象間的對比。 G:很美很抒情的演奏曲,但是概念文字述說林間仙子和主角一段耐人尋味的對話(請參考 冷飛翻譯中的推文),果然很怪。 歌詞時間地點:2001八月,埃斯基爾斯蒂納 Chapter III 10. Remedy Lane: 靈藥魔域 Another instrumental piece, between an intro and a song going back to several themes from the album in different moods. We are back on Remedy Lane again, with a little more understanding. There is an uneasy pulse running through this track, which captures the restless feeling of the quest of this concept, to find truth, to be free... 另一首演奏曲,介於前奏和歌曲,在不同心境下引領回到專輯中的幾個主題。我們再次回 到靈藥魔域,有了多一點的理解。一種不安的脈動貫通本曲,捕捉到概念中所探索的躁動 感覺,找到真理,成為自由… G:接著第二首演奏曲,氣勢不一樣了,來到第三章,專輯同名曲,像是進入時空隧道, 把我們從前面幾首不同時空的情境下,帶回到故事的起點,也是終點,布達佩斯。 歌詞時間地點:2001七月,布達佩斯 11. Waking Every God: 喚醒諸神 ...but what is freedom? We are back at the first visit in Hungary, the one slightly described in the beginning of the concept. This is the beginning of the end, or the beginning of another beginning? …但什麼是自由?我們回到匈牙利的初訪,該曲概略描述概念的起始。這是結尾的開始, 或者另一個開始的開始? G:歌詞回到女孩的身上,繼續分析在做愛中會有什麼感受和想法,歌曲普普我不愛。 歌詞時間地點:2001仲夏,布達佩斯 12. Second Love: 第二愛 This is actually an old song that I wrote when I was 15 or 16 years old. Since the concept was to have a track about being heartbroken at a young age, I simply thought that this song could be a good idea to bring in, since it was written in that exact position - it is the real thing. 這其實是一首老歌,我寫於15歲或16歲時。由於這概念是關於在年輕時心碎的曲目,我只 是覺得這首歌放在這裡可能是一個好主意,因為它寫得很到位──它是真實的事。 G:深情傷痛,聽得出Daniel很心痛,他說放在這裡位置很好,因為上一首做完愛,就要 想到自己是來療傷的,或許因為受傷,才找人做愛,做完又想起傷痛,其實沒療到傷,只 是有爽到而已。 歌詞時間地點:1984-1990,埃斯基爾斯蒂納 13. Beyond the Pale: 難以接受 And so we are back in that bed, in that hotel room where and when we started off. We have been given clues and glimpses of why we are here, and this song is bringing it all together, revealing the flaws of the human heart and mind, questioning the search for a freedom that does not ask you back how it works for you and the ones around you. Once I thought it would be a terrible thing if we were not enough on our own, if we are only good enough in relation with others, but then again, maybe that's why we are here in the first place? To make each other better, to heal each other's wounds... 於是我們又回到床上,在酒店房間裡,我們開始的時空。我們已經找到線索並瞥見我們為 何在此,而該曲是將一切結合在一起,揭示了人的內心和心靈的缺陷,質疑尋求的自由並 非要求你回到「它如何作用於你和你身邊的人」的點上。 一度,我認為這會是件可怕的事,如果我們對待我們自己不夠,如果我們只在與他人的關 係上足夠好,但話又說回來,也許這就是為什麼我們在這裡,最初的地方?為了讓彼此更 好,癒合彼此的傷口… G:前衛金屬專輯中,最完美結尾曲,也是POS最經典的曲目之一,一個故事如果沒有完美 的結尾,其實就算是失敗的,POS當然不會讓這種事發生,其實上一張專輯的結尾就已經 很棒了,但是這張能奠定POS在前衛金屬界的地位,自然有它的道理。 開場急脆的三連音,配上步調沉重的riff,要把故事說完,性自他很小的時候就跟著他, 愛存在,卻是徒勞,”he was always much more human than he wished to be”,但這 終究不是他想成為的人,此時此刻他還在那女孩的身上,畢竟是愛情傷他太深,再度出現 內在的吶喊”Come and drown with me…”這段展現出Daniel,對世界的控訴與怒吼,你 ,難道沒想過也要這般地吶喊,”And I don’t know if I am true to my soul”你真 的對得起你的靈魂?”And we were always much more human than we wished to be... ”再來繼續痛苦哀戚地說,情緒也將隨之到達最高潮,因為自己的愛人也曾經背叛,和別 人上床,無法抹滅的傷痛,自己也有性欲,但是卻努力克制,換來的是這種下場,原本以 為只是一根小刺,沒想到某天卻造成血跡斑斑,這就是為何必須來到靈藥魔域的原因。 最後為了找尋自由,自己做的太超過,以至於結局難以接受,遂寫下這張專輯,告訴聽者 ,我們永遠會比我們自己所希望的,還要「人性」。 The meaning of the album title “Remedy Lane”:《靈藥魔域》專輯名稱意義 There is an expression in the English language, to ‘take a walk down memory lane’ - which means to visit your past or going through a nostalgic trip. In a way, that is what happened in the concept, but with more stress on reconcile with that past and to find remedy for the crisis that the album is about. This is another step in the development of Pain Of Salvation. One of our trademarks would probably be the seamless blend of deep emotional structures and skillful technical architecture, and that is more present than ever on this album. If you are looking for a band that sounds just like your favorite band, just forget about us. If you are looking for a band that will make you forget about your favorite band, we are here, just walk down Remedy Lane a few times and you will never be the same again... 有一種英語的表達,為「隨步在記憶途徑」意味著探訪你的過去或者走過懷舊之旅。在某 種程度上,這便是此概念中所發生的,但伴隨更大的壓力在與過去和解,找到危機的補救 ,是這張專輯的大概。 救贖代價的發展又邁進了一步。我們的特點之一很可能是深厚情感結構和熟練技術架構的 無縫融合,在這張專輯上比過去更為現代。如果你正在尋找聽起來就像是你最喜歡的樂團 ,就忘了我們吧。如果你正在尋找一個樂團,會讓你忘記你最喜歡的樂團,我們在這裡, 只要走向《靈藥魔域》幾次,你將會變得有所不同… 2016/2/10 vul3G編譯+心得 -- ┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬ ┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬ ┬┴┬┴┬┴ The Wall ┬┴┬┴┬┴ ┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬ ┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1455094924.A.15B.html

02/10 18:26, , 1F
專業推 這張也是PoS我最喜歡的一張
02/10 18:26, 1F

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02/10 18:46, 5F

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02/10 20:25, 6F
※ 編輯: vul3G (, 02/10/2016 22:35:38

02/11 01:42, , 7F
02/11 01:42, 7F

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02/11 14:04, 8F

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02/11 15:09, 9F

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02/11 15:16, 10F

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02/12 12:25, 11F

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02/13 17:28, 12F

02/20 10:03, , 13F
02/20 10:03, 13F

02/22 21:32, , 14F
一定要推 Daneil是天才
02/22 21:32, 14F

03/02 14:50, , 15F
03/02 14:50, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1MkloC5R (RockMetal)