[翻譯] Metallica - No Remorse

看板RockMetal作者 (我是黃)時間11年前 (2013/10/04 15:57), 編輯推噓10(1004)
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Metallica / No Remorse 金屬製品 / 無愧 [1983] (Solo! #1) << 很爽,值得一聽! No mercy for what we are doing / 我們做事毫無慈悲 No thought to even what we have done / 我們對做過的事毫無懸念 We don't need to feel the sorrow / 我們不需要覺得悲哀 No remorse for the helpless one / 沒有愧恨給那無助的人 War without end / 戰爭沒有盡頭 @No remorse No repent / 不慚愧,不反悔 We don't care what it meant / 我們不在意意義是啥 Another day Another death / 另一天 另個死亡 Another sorrow Another breath / 另一個不幸 另一瞬間 No remorse No repent / 不慚愧,不反悔 We don't care what it meant / 我們不在意意義是啥 Another day Another death / 另一天 另個死亡 Another sorrow Another breath / 另一個不幸 另一瞬間 Blood feeds the war machine / 鮮血餵養著戰爭機器 as it eats its way across the land / 一路吞噬著這片土地 We don't need the feel the sorrow / 我們不需要感受與悲哀 No remorse is the one command / 無愧就是唯一的命令 War without end / 戰爭沒有盡頭 (Repeat @) (Solo! #2) Only the strong survive / 只有強者才能生存 No one to save the weaker race / 沒有人拯救脆弱的人種 We are ready to kill all comers / 我們準備殘殺菜鳥們 Like a loaded gun right at your face / 像上膛的槍般瞄準你的臉 War without end / 戰爭沒有盡頭 (Repeat @) ATTACK!!!!! / 開戰!!!!! Bullets are flying / 子彈在飛行 People are dying / 人們正死亡 with Madness surrounding all hell's breaking loose / 地獄崩潰伴著憤怒環繞 Soldiers are hounding / 士兵在獵殺 Bodies are mounting / 屍體在堆積 Cannons are shouting to take their abuse / 喧囂的加農砲肆虐著他們 With war machines going / 戰爭機器不止 Blood starts to flowing / 血開始流淌 No mercy given to anyone hear / 沒有人給予同情的聞問 The furious fighting / 怒氣在戰鬥 Swords are like lighting / 劍就像閃電般 It all becomes frightening to you / 一切都變得令你恐懼 Know death is near / 明知死亡已近 No remorse / 仍無愧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/04 16:23, , 1F
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這首Bass爽歪歪 不愧是Cliff
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文章代碼(AID): #1IJdJUJc (RockMetal)