[翻譯] Mayhem-De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas(1994)

看板RockMetal作者 (緋村劍心)時間12年前 (2012/04/28 12:58), 編輯推噓6(605)
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閒來無事的翻譯不知不覺整章翻完了 連初級英檢都覺得很難 如果翻錯/不順/雞同鴨講 拍洩~~~ (1)Funeral Fog(喪禮般的迷霧) Every time this year 每年的這一天, This dark fog will appear 這邪闇迷霧即將出現; Up from the tombs it comes 從墓碑飄起…它來了, To take one more life that can be near 迎向另一個活體…越來越近…。 In the middle of Transylvania 它就在特蘭瓦尼西亞(米國某處)的中部地區, All natural life has for a long time ago gone 而所有活物在很久之前即已離去; It's thin and so beautiful 它是稀薄且美麗, But also so dark and mysterious 但也詭秘邪闇的。 Once again the priest is messing 那個牧師又搞砸了, May the god bless us all 也許上帝會保佑我們;(哈!) The fog is here again 那霧再次向這裡來了!! That will complete this funeral 它即將完成這個喪禮, From a place empty of life 當這個地方沒有生命時。 Only dead trees are growing here 只有死亡之林在此成長, As it comes from afar 當它從遠處來到, Only dead trees are growing here 只有死亡之林能在此成長。 ...Funeral fog ...喪禮般的……迷霧!! ...Funeral fog …!!像是要出山的!!....迷霧!… ...Funeral fog …喪禮般a……霧!! ...Funeral fog …親像咩出山A……霧!! (2)Freezing Moon(冷冽之月) Everything here is so cold 萬物在此都超幹冷 Everything here is so dark 萬物在此都慧花ki I remember it as from a dream 我記得這個夢 In the corner of this time 在時間的角落 Diabolic shapes float by 魔鬼的身影 Out from the dark 浮顯黑闇之中 I remember it was here I died 我記得我死了 By following the freezing moon 伴隨著冷冽之月 It's night again 夜再次降臨啦!!! Night you beautiful 夜..你.....水水喔... I please my hunger 我滿足了我的食慾... On living humans 用那些充滿生氣的人... Night of hunger 饑荒之夜啦!!! Follow it's call 伴隨它的呼喚... Follow the freezing moon 伴隨著冷...冽...之...月.... Darkness is growing 黑闇壯大!!! The eternity opens 不朽...... The cemetery lights up again 墓地再次開啟 As in ancient times 在古老的時光 Fallen souls die behind my steps 在我之後...墮落的靈魂死去 By following the freezing moon 伴隨著冷冽之月 (3)Cursed In Eternity(不朽惡咒) My name was written with 挖A名…….尬黑勒….. Fire in the place you only can see 尬黑勒 篝火 蝦這會、底黑勒 機舞哩 A盪看見A收宅…… When your time has come 當屬於你的時刻來到… When you walk down in the 當你下去黑勒… Land of shadows for eternity 黑勒永恆A幻影國度… The demon flies in the blackened 厲鬼飛翔在陰闇之處 Starless skies and crawls in 星光黯淡牠徐徐前進 The bottomless depths of Hell 在那地獄的無盡深淵~~~~~~~ The name which will be a 那個名字即將要被 Thousand times cursed in eternity 施加千倍重的不朽之咒!!!!!!!咿~咿~啊。 The demon flies in the blackened 厲鬼飛翔在陰闇之處 Starless skies and crawls in 星光黯淡牠徐徐前進 The bottomless depths of Hell 在那地獄的無盡深淵 Condemned to wander, until it comes 被惡咒驅使著遊蕩徘迴直到他 To the cruelest snake that crawls 有如痛苦的蛇一般地蠕動為止o%x@o!!$ox%$ (4)Pagan Fears(異教徒恐懼) The bloody history from the past 昔日血淋淋的歷史 Deceased humans now forgotten 已故的人們忘卻了 An age of legends and fear 那是一個令人恐懼的傳奇年代 A time now so distant 在一個現已模糊的時間點…….ya… Less numbered as they were 他們是少數的一幫人… their lives so primitive and pagan 生活返古而且不信教… Superstitions were a part of the life 盲目敬畏是生活一部分… So unprotected in the dark nights 在危機重重的闇夜之中……訝!!!... Pagan fears 異教徒恐懼 The past is alive 那昔日過往今天仍在 The past is alive 那昔日過往今天仍在……阿!!!!!!!!!!! Woeful people with pale faces 帶著蒼白面孔的悲慘人們 Staring obsessed at the moon 著迷般的凝視著月兒 Some memories will never go away 有一些記憶不曾會被忘卻~~ And they will forever be here 而且還將被永遠牢記~咿…。 (5)Life Eternal(永生) A dream of another existence 一個關於另一個存在的夢 You wish to die 於此汝但求一死 A dream of another world 一個關於另一個世界的夢 You pray for death 於此汝祈禱於死神 To release the soul one must die 欲解放靈魂則終需一死 To find peace inside you must get eternal 於自身尋找心之安逸必得永生!!!!!~訝----阿----A!!! I am a mortal, but am I human? 吾終需一死、然吾為人乎? How beautiful life is now when my time has come 屬於我的美麗人生有特別如何嗎? A human destiny, but nothing human inside 一個人類的命運、命裡卻毫無人跡…… What will be left of me when I'm dead? 於吾將死之際尚何有焉棄吾而去?(我死亡之際還有什麼會離我而去?) There was nothing when I lived 於吾尚苟活於世..早顯一無所有…(當我還活著的時候早就什麼都沒有了..) What you found was eternal death 汝見永恆之消亡否?(你是否發現了所謂永恆的消亡?) No one will ever miss you …「無人念汝」…此之謂也#(永恆的消亡就是「沒人想念你」。) (6)From The Dark Past(來自黑闇過往) A face in stone... decayed by age 石中顯面容…經年腐朽 A man who has returned to tell of his damnation 那個人反覆訴說他所受詛咒 Fears so deep, the mouth open wide 嘴口僵開、恐懼極度 The scream died away before dawn of this time 刺耳嚎叫、消散於破曉之前 Ancient times legends stories so dark 古老的傳奇故事異常黑闇 Blackened his sight 他的視線因此逐漸被染黑 Now not even the memories are left 那些記憶至今甚至不曾離去 Back after such a long time 而從那遙遠的時光中歸來 The stone is cold as death 那魔石因死亡而顯得冰冷 But what formed its true fears 但…是什麼成就了它真正的恐怖? Only the wind is able to tell 只有…風能訴說……喔!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me - what did you see there 告訴我-你在那兒看見了什麼 In the darkness - of the past 在過往那一片黑暗之中 The eyes - stares so empty 雙眼呆滯 The mouth - screams so silent 沉默嚎叫 Tell me - what did you see there 告訴我-在那兒-你-看見了-什麼 In the darkness - of the past 在黑闇的過往之中…… (7)Buried By Time And Dust(塵土與歲月的覆滅) Visions of that no mornings light ever will come 幻景、日復一日的無光之晨 I'm too old now 吾已衰老 The dark is so near 黑闇已近 Will I ever reach the land beyond 而我終將抵達彼岸 This is where we go when we have to die 此乃命殞之際將往之處!!!!!!!!!!! I've been old since the birth of time 時間運轉之時我亦隨之老去 Time buried me in earth 它將我埋葬於凡塵俗世之中 Centuries ago I tasted blood 百年之前我一嚐鮮血 Buried by time and dust 覆滅於塵土與歲月之間 Many years have passed since the funeral 葬禮結束的多年以後 Missing the blood of human throats 卻遍尋不著咽喉裡的紅色液體 So many years, ages ago 無盡歲月,許久之前 I must await, feel my body's stench 我終將靜候、感受軀體散發的臭氣 Wandering out of space 浪跡於界域之外 Wandering out of time 徘徊於光陰之外 A world out of light, death at the end 背棄光明的宇宙、毀滅終劫(送!!!) Only silence can be heard 只有沉默能聽見 Silence of peoples fears 人們恐懼的沉默 No one knows my grave 無人知曉吾葬身之處 Buried by time and dust 掩於塵土與歲月之間_ _ _ㄚ--- (8)De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas(撒旦的奧秘) Welcome! 歡迎大駕! To the elder ruins again 再次返還舊日遺跡 The wind whispers beside the deep forest 風聲颯颯於茂林深處 Darkness will show us the way 黑闇為我們指點道路 The sky has darkened thirteen as 天色闇湧趨黑有如地府冥界 We are collected woeful around a book 我們帶著悲傷__鎮定的__環繞著那本… Made of human flesh 由人形骨肉製成的書 Heic Noenum Pax 這裡沒有和平 Here is no peace 這裡沒有和平 De Grandae Vus Antiquus Mulum Tristis 關於哀傷的古代驢子和一條古道 Arcanas Mysteria Scriptum 書裡蘊藏的奧秘…… The books blood written pages open 翻開那本以血為墨的書 Invoco Crentus Domini De Daemonium 召喚血腥魔王 We follow with our white eyes 我們白眼翻瞪聚精會神 The ceremonial proceeding 儀式進行著 Rex Sacriticulus Mortifer 喚來殺神___SACRITICULUS In the circle of stone coffins 圍繞著石棺站立 We are standing with our black robes on 我們身著黑色長袍 Holding the bowl with unholy water 拿著盛裝邪惡之水的碗 Heic Noenum Pax 這裡沒有和平 Bring us the goat 牽來我們的山羊(666) Psychomantum Et Precr Exito Annos Major 我隨之一同祈禱的成熟導引者 Ferus Netandus Sacerdos Magus 是兇殘的祭儀巫師 Mortem Animalium 死亡的動物 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/28 13:13, , 1F
04/28 13:13, 1F

04/28 14:05, , 2F
太強大了 推一個!!!
04/28 14:05, 2F

04/28 14:22, , 3F
04/28 14:22, 3F

04/28 15:33, , 4F
04/28 15:33, 4F

04/28 15:36, , 5F
04/28 15:36, 5F

04/28 15:40, , 6F
04/28 15:40, 6F

04/28 15:51, , 7F
04/28 15:51, 7F

04/28 18:34, , 8F
04/28 18:34, 8F

04/30 19:43, , 9F
04/30 19:43, 9F

05/01 00:20, , 10F
我看得都哭了 QQ
05/01 00:20, 10F

08/15 10:28, , 11F
08/15 10:28, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1FctaDcb (RockMetal)