[翻譯] Deep Purple- Knocking At Your Backdoor

看板RockMetal作者 (大飛飛飛飛飛)時間13年前 (2011/10/20 23:52), 編輯推噓3(303)
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Deep Purple - Knocking At Your Backdoor 深紫色樂團 - 敲你後門 -- Sweet Lucy was a dancer 甜心露西是一個舞者 But none of us would chance her 但是我們沒有一個對他有機會 Because she was a Samurai 因為他是一個武士 She made electric shadows 他是夢影做成的 Beyond our fingertips 超越我們的指尖 And none of us could reach that high 我們沒有一個可以達到那麼高的境界 She came on like a teaser 他的來到像是傳情 I had to touch and please her 我必須感動跟取悅她 Enjoy a little paradise 享受這一點天堂的感覺 The log was in my pocket 這日誌在我的口袋 When Lucy met the Rockett 當露西遇見the Rockett And she never knew the reason why 然後她從不知道為什麼 I can't deny it 我不能否定它 With that smile on her face 伴著她臉上的笑容 It's not the kill 這不是殺戮 It's the thrill of the chase 這是追逐的快感 Feel it coming 感受它來臨 It's knocking at the door 它正在敲門 You know it's no good running 你知道這不是好的運作 It's not against the law 這無違法 The point of no return 無法回頭的點 And now you know the score 現在你知道成績 And now you're learning 然後現在你正在學習 What's knockin' at your back door 什麼東西正在敲你的後門 Sweet Nancy was so fancy 甜心南西很花俏 To get into her pantry 為了要進入她的儲藏室 Had to be the aristocracy 必須變成一個貴族 The members that she toyed with At her city club 那些被她玩弄得城市俱樂部的成員 Were something in diplomacy 是外交部的某些人 So we put her on the hit list Of a common cunning linguist 所以我們把它放在一個普遍狡猾語言學家的最夯的名單上 A master of many tongues 許多方言的大師 And now she eases gently 現在她輕輕的簡化 From her Austin to her Bentley 從她的奧斯汀跑車到她的賓利跑車 Suddenly she feels so young 忽然間她感覺到好年輕 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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這裡的hit list當然是目標名單的意思
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文章代碼(AID): #1Ee4EeIO (RockMetal)