[情報] Angra/Almah主唱Edu Falaschi年底封麥

看板RockMetal作者 (馬克斯泰爾)時間12年前 (2011/09/29 14:30), 編輯推噓45(45023)
留言68則, 36人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Angra/Almah主唱Edu Falaschi發表聲明, 超過20年的演唱生涯已經讓他的嗓子不堪負荷並且身心俱疲, 所以他決意在年底所有樂團相關活動結束後永久封麥, 但會繼續擔任製作人及寫歌。 轉載自老學校音樂館 http://www.facebook.com/17oldschool 原文 Angra / Almah Vocalist Edu Falaschi has checked in with the following update: "Dear friends, At last I would like to clarify some facts about my voice with all the sincerity, humility and integrity that I may have. For over 20 years I have worked without a day off in the heavy metalstyle, and we all know how difficult and technically demanding it is. Joining Angra, I had to fit a particularly high way of singing, which was totally out of my range, and of the vast majority of the singers! At the time I took the responsibility and faced all the pressure. But 10 years ago it was much easier due to the physical factor, excitement and age. I started to feel, year after year, gradually, the difficulties of singing something so high and out of my natural trait. I fought to the end! I did everything possible to continue to sing the songs, particularly the old ones, always in high pitches, because the melodic metal audience has ever 'demanded' this of us singers. But unfortunately, today, older and more experienced, I assume that I am no longer able to sing so high. I am extremely tired and feeling the weight of all that in my voice, including the region that has always been the most comfortable for me! I’m a baritone singer who dominates the mediums and lows, with drive, singing with a more aggressive chest voice, as I did in Symbols and do in Almah. I have conquered many things and built much of my story with my own style. Therefore, I made a decision, thinking only and exclusively about the health of my voice and integrity of my career, which I have built with so much struggle and dedication. After fulfilling all the promotional activities of Motion, scheduled until the end of the year, I will stop indefinitely to finally rest and be able to deal properly with my health. But I have to point out that from today on I’ll just sing whatever is in my natural range, be it in Angra or any other band, for my own good! I want to be who I really am, instead of being what people want me to be! In the meantime, I’ll continue with my activities as a producer and composer, which are things I love doing, and will not harm at all the progress of my recovery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the fans who always supported me and defend me unconditionally! I will always do my best writing and singing good music for you guys, with all my truth and emotion! This is the first step to a new time in my life! I have confidence in the future and will always be passionate about the greatest music ever, heavy metal!" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/29 14:35, , 1F
09/29 14:35, 1F

09/29 14:43, , 2F
09/29 14:43, 2F

09/29 15:02, , 3F
丁柔安 Q<>Q
09/29 15:02, 3F

09/29 15:12, , 4F
09/29 15:12, 4F

09/29 15:17, , 5F
09/29 15:17, 5F

09/29 15:29, , 6F
說真的他嗓子壞的太快也太誇張 聽聽Rebirth跟TOS
09/29 15:29, 6F

09/29 15:30, , 7F
09/29 15:30, 7F

09/29 15:31, , 8F
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09/29 15:31, , 9F
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09/29 15:32, , 10F
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09/29 15:33, , 11F
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09/29 15:40, , 12F
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09/29 15:54, , 13F
09/29 15:54, 13F

09/29 15:55, , 14F
隨著年紀增長這個越來越考驗他的能力 聲明還寫了之後若要唱
09/29 15:55, 14F

09/29 15:55, , 15F
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09/29 15:55, , 16F
09/29 15:55, 16F

09/29 15:55, , 17F
09/29 15:55, 17F

09/29 16:20, , 18F
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09/29 16:41, , 19F
09/29 16:41, 19F

09/29 16:59, , 20F
09/29 16:59, 20F

09/29 17:00, , 21F
這樣應該就不會對他喉嚨負擔太大 XD
09/29 17:00, 21F

09/29 17:03, , 22F
其實已她這幾年的狀態 就算是唱自己任內的歌 都很勉強
09/29 17:03, 22F

09/29 17:03, , 23F
09/29 17:03, 23F

09/29 17:03, , 24F
09/29 17:03, 24F

09/29 17:05, , 25F
不過話雖如此 他兩張Almah的歌都很好聽~
09/29 17:05, 25F

09/29 17:25, , 26F
他自己也覺得狀況越來越差了啊 唉
09/29 17:25, 26F

09/29 18:32, , 27F
09/29 18:32, 27F

09/29 19:16, , 28F
09/29 19:16, 28F

09/29 19:19, , 29F
09/29 19:19, 29F

09/29 19:22, , 30F
09/29 19:22, 30F

09/29 19:28, , 31F
再把Andre找回來吧 XD
09/29 19:28, 31F

09/29 19:30, , 32F
09/29 19:30, 32F

09/29 19:38, , 33F
買一支小白吧 可以讓破喉嚨起死回生的神效XD
09/29 19:38, 33F

09/29 19:52, , 34F
一眼望去 很多團都是主唱最後會變成正常人,其他則越來越強0.0
09/29 19:52, 34F

09/29 19:53, , 35F
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09/29 19:54, , 36F
09/29 19:54, 36F

09/29 19:56, , 37F
09/29 19:56, 37F

09/29 20:14, , 38F
09/29 20:14, 38F

09/29 21:04, , 39F
09/29 21:04, 39F

09/29 22:23, , 40F
09/29 22:23, 40F

09/29 23:01, , 41F
今年的Rebirth 退了也好
09/29 23:01, 41F

09/29 23:02, , 42F
和TARJA合唱的那首好慘喔= = " 我都快哭了
09/29 23:02, 42F

09/29 23:47, , 43F
GLORY OPERA的專輯好難買阿....唉
09/29 23:47, 43F

09/30 00:54, , 44F
也該退了. 不然. 安瓜人生 歹戲拖棚.
09/30 00:54, 44F

09/30 01:02, , 45F
好險去年有看到live> <
09/30 01:02, 45F

09/30 06:19, , 46F
Ohhhhhhhhhh.......... >"<
09/30 06:19, 46F

09/30 06:35, , 47F
上一個decade的名團 近幾年都人是以非...
09/30 06:35, 47F

09/30 12:48, , 48F
還有很多好好的團啦,像我們家歐洲還有老相好棒球飛 >_<
09/30 12:48, 48F

09/30 22:18, , 49F
09/30 22:18, 49F

09/30 22:47, , 50F
Q_Q好可惜,不過好好休息也好 我第一次看live的主唱啊~
09/30 22:47, 50F

09/30 23:36, , 51F
09/30 23:36, 51F

09/30 23:37, , 52F
09/30 23:37, 52F

10/01 00:06, , 53F

10/01 00:07, , 54F
10/01 00:07, 54F

10/01 00:11, , 55F
樓上你可以先說說看你第三喜歡的樂團是隨= =
10/01 00:11, 55F

10/01 00:19, , 56F
水瓶座.很冷門= =
10/01 00:19, 56F

10/01 01:23, , 57F
10/01 01:23, 57F

10/01 01:25, , 58F
10/01 01:25, 58F

10/01 01:35, , 59F
10/01 01:35, 59F

10/02 02:59, , 60F
Hangar主唱又換人柳 http://0rz.tw/PutK2
10/02 02:59, 60F

10/02 11:31, , 61F
10/02 11:31, 61F

10/02 11:31, , 62F
10/02 11:31, 62F

10/02 11:35, , 63F
10/02 11:35, 63F

10/02 11:35, , 64F
10/02 11:35, 64F

10/02 12:18, , 65F
他Rebirth的時候 中低音胸音頭音真的都超神的
10/02 12:18, 65F

10/02 12:19, , 66F
很多人都說他不如Andre 但是據我的看法 他只有超高音
10/02 12:19, 66F

10/02 12:19, , 67F
不如Andre 其他根本就樂勝 當然是指Rebirth時期的他
10/02 12:19, 67F

08/15 10:10, , 68F
他Rebirth的時候 https://muxiv.com
08/15 10:10, 68F
文章代碼(AID): #1EX12VN_ (RockMetal)