[翻譯] 阿拉亞說伊沒參加逼哥佛大合唱係因為對 …

看板RockMetal作者 (早安,黑色星期五)時間12年前 (2011/09/16 13:06), 編輯推噓15(1505)
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來源:http://tinyurl.com/3ph2mwm Araya avoided Big 4 live jam over choice of song Araya因選歌問題不願加入Big 4大合唱 Slayer frontman says Am I Evil doesn’t represent thrash giants and confirms guitarist Hanneman won’t return for big US show Slayer主唱說Am I Evil無法體現鞭金巨頭們的精神,並證實吉他手Hanneman無法參加 Big 4的美國演出。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayer frontman Tom Araya refused to appear with Metallica, Megadeth and Anthrax on the Big 4 live jam of Am I Evil because he doesn’t think the song represents the spirit of the thrash giants. Slayer主唱Tom Araya拒絕參加與Metallica、Megadeth和Anthrax四大鞭演唱會的Am I Evil大合唱,因為他不認為這首歌能體現鞭金巨頭們的精神。 The moment fans had been waiting to see since the movement began in the early 1980s took place at Sofia in Bulgaria last year and was broadcast to cinemas across the world. 這個粉絲們從1980年初鞭金風潮剛起時就一直引頸期盼的時刻(四鞭同台),終於在去年 於保加利亞的索菲亞實現,並在世界各地轉播。 It was part of the first-ever Big 4 shows, where all four bands shared the same stage in a series of summer festivals across Europe. 這是四大鞭首度聯袂演出的一部分,全部四團在夏季的一系列音樂季中巡迴歐洲,使用同 個舞台。 The only member of Slayer to take part in the rendition of the Diamond Head track was drummer Dave Lombardo, who’s explained in the past that his bandmates don’t enjoy jamming with other musicians. 唯一參加Diamond Head 這首歌表演的Slayer成員是鼓手Dave Lombardo,過去他解釋說 是因為團友們不是很喜歡跟別團Jam。 But now Araya reveals he had another complaint. He tells the LA Weekly: “ When they told me they wanted to do Am I Evil, to me it just didn’t represent the Big 4. It didn’t represent what we do as bands. We play heavier than that. 但現在Araya揭露他有別的不滿。他告訴LA Weekly:「當他們告訴我,他們要做Am I Evil,對我而言,這首歌實在不能代表四大鞭。它無法呈現各團所做的音樂,我們玩的東 西比那重多了。」 “Metallica’s song The Four Horsemen was what I was hoping to hear. If they’ d said, ‘Hey, we want to do that,’ I would have been on it. It’s very representative of the bands. That’s what we’re doing – the four horsemen are riding.” 「我希望聽到的是Metallica的The Four Horsemen,假如他們說『嘿,我們要做那首歌』 我就會加入。這首歌很能代表我們這些團,這就是我們在做的事──四個騎士策馬奔騰。 」 Araya adds that if he should be invited to another mass jam at the Big 4’s first-ever US show tomorrow night, and the chosen track is The Four Horsemen, “I would have a different reaction – oh yeah.” Araya補充說,假如他在明晚四大鞭首度在美國的聯演中,被邀請參加另一次大合唱的話 ,The Four Horsemen是他的不二選擇,「我會有不同的反應──『噢耶!』」 The bassist and singer is cautious about jamming at the best of time, admitting: “I’m not a fan. I don’t want to go onstage and fuck somebody else’s set up.” 這位貝斯手兼主唱承認對於選擇最佳時機參與Jam相當謹慎,「我可不是個歌迷。我不想 跑上台,然後搞亂別人的安排。」 Meanwhile, Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman, who’s recovering from an attack of flesh-eating disease necrotising fasciitis, was keen to appear at the concert in Indio, California – but he won’t make it, and will be replaced as before by Exodus axeman Gary Holt. 此外,Slayer吉他手Jeff Hanneman正從俗稱噬肉病的壞死性筋膜炎復原,十分希望能參 加在加州印第奥的演出──但無法如願,而將如之前般由Exodus吉他手Gary Holt代班。 Araya says: “Jeff’s healing well enough to play his guitar. He has two tender areas on his arm that cause him pain when he plays, but he’s eager to get back on the road with us.” Araya說,「Jeff已經復原得可以彈奏吉他。他手臂上有兩塊脆弱的區域,使他在彈琴時 會痛,但他很希望能回來與我們一同巡迴。」 Holt has committed to making himself available until Hanneman is ready to return. When the Exodus man wasn’t available earlier this month Cannibal Corpse guitarist Pat O’Brien played the stand-in role. But Slayer’s Kerry King admits Holt is their preferred option: “Gary’s a no-brainer. When I was getting ready to ask him, my only fear was he would say no. He’s perfect – I’ve known him for 25 years.” Holt承諾在Hanneman可以回團之前都會幫忙代班。雖然這位Exodus在本(4)月稍早前無 法抽空協助,而由Cannibal Corpse的Pat O’Brien代打。不過Slayer的Kerry King承認 ,Holt是他們較鍾意的人選:「自然是Gary,不做他想;當我準備要去問他時,唯一擔心 的是他會拒絕。他是最完美的人選──我認識他25年了。」 (高仕艷 譯) -- 我真的想用比較正面的態度面對這些鳥事,一個人懷恨這麼久太不健康。 不幸的是,有時候放下屠刀最好的方式就是把它砍進你敵人的頭骨--Dave Mustaine -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (09/16 13:46)

09/16 14:12, , 1F
到時候變Dave Mustain拒唱 只唱Mechanix.....
09/16 14:12, 1F

09/16 14:54, , 2F
09/16 14:54, 2F

09/16 16:28, , 3F
09/16 16:28, 3F

09/16 17:13, , 4F
變成overkill了...不過看來阿拉亞還是不爽XD 不過kk有出來
09/16 17:13, 4F

09/16 17:38, , 5F
加州旅館則由Kerry King表示:我Slayer還敢叫我唱?
09/16 17:38, 5F

09/16 18:24, , 6F
推~~~~原來如此,話說BIG 4那片後台是要表現貧富差距嗎?
09/16 18:24, 6F
其實我印象最深的是Dave女兒好正和Slayer吃完自助餐又跑去買麥當勞吃( 艸) ※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (09/16 18:54)

09/16 19:02, , 7F
09/16 19:02, 7F

09/16 21:00, , 8F
唱加州旅館 KK:真不敢相信 他媽的 我是史來噁欸!
09/16 21:00, 8F

09/16 21:14, , 9F
09/16 21:14, 9F

09/16 21:57, , 10F
09/16 21:57, 10F

09/16 23:29, , 11F
09/16 23:29, 11F

09/17 08:27, , 12F
09/17 08:27, 12F

09/17 13:04, , 14F
09/17 13:04, 14F

09/17 19:54, , 15F
09/17 19:54, 15F

09/17 21:10, , 16F
其實一群人上台彈同一首歌 蠻無聊的 玩一次就夠了吧
09/17 21:10, 16F

09/17 23:34, , 17F
09/17 23:34, 17F

09/18 01:28, , 18F
09/18 01:28, 18F

09/18 02:08, , 19F
09/18 02:08, 19F

08/15 10:09, , 20F
其實一群人上台彈同一首 https://noxiv.com
08/15 10:09, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1ESjbCtu (RockMetal)