[翻譯] Pink Floyd-Time

看板RockMetal作者 (哈哈鏡)時間12年前 (2011/08/02 17:34), 編輯推噓21(2105)
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Pink Floyd - Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntm1YfehK7U
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day 時間滴滴答答地走,無聊的一天就此展開 Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way 就這麼輕易的揮霍了一小時又一小時 Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town 無所事事的你只能在家鄉的每一吋土地上流浪 Waiting for someone or something to show you the way 等著某人或某事會指引方向 Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain 厭倦了躺在豔陽底下,就呆坐在家裡等待大雨落下 And you are young and life is long and there is time to kill today 你還年輕,生命還很長,你還有很多時間去揮霍每一天 And then one day you find ten years have got behind you 然後有一天你會赫然發現你竟然只剩下十年的光陰 No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun 原來,沒有人會告訴你什麼時候要開始起跑,你早就錯過了鳴槍的時機 And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking 然後你奮力的跑啊跑啊想要追上太陽,卻發現他已經沉入地平面了 Racing around to come up behind you again 你跑得氣喘如牛,結果太陽卻又出現在你的身後 The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older 太陽轉動的軌跡始終如一,但是你已經垂垂老矣 Shorter of breath and one day closer to death 你的呼吸愈來愈虛弱無力,因為死神已纏上了你 Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time 每一天都變得愈來愈短,時間的概念早已不存在 Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines 行事曆上是一片空白,被潦草的塗鴉給填滿 Hanging on quiet desperation is the English way 靜靜沉醉在平靜的絕望裡,這是我們英國佬的方式 The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say 時間終於來到了盡頭,繞樑的歌聲漸漸散去,但我卻還有好多話沒有說完 Home, home again 溫暖的家啊 I like to be here when I can 我只想要待在這裡 And when I come home cold and tired 當我感到寒冷又疲累的時候 It’s good to warm my bones beside the fire 我可以坐在火爐旁讓火從外到內溫暖我的身軀 Far away across the field 在遙遠的田野那兒 The tolling of the iron bell 巨大的鐘聲響起 Calls the faithful to their knees 召喚所有忠心的人們來這然後跪下 To hear the softly spoken magic spells. 喃喃的唸咒聲,緩慢的飄盪在空中 這首是我心目中的神曲之一啊 歌詞真的寫得很棒 娓娓道來一則悲傷的故事 藉此告訴我們真的要好好把握年少輕狂的時光啊 --  照片中的苗場正在慢跑,構圖雖然平凡無奇,卻完美的捕捉了周圍寂靜的氣氛, 以及苗場先生身上散發出如蒸氣般的熱度,我心裡覺得好帥,也再次想起「繼續做我 所能做的事」那句話。--伊坂幸太郎<終末的愚者> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nbaworf 來自: (08/02 17:40)

08/02 19:30, , 1F
PF 我的最愛 可是歌曲好背傷 不能每天聽
08/02 19:30, 1F

08/02 20:08, , 2F
這首SOLO超好聽 真的是百聽不厭
08/02 20:08, 2F

08/02 20:29, , 3F
home後面開始是Breathe reprise
08/02 20:29, 3F

08/02 20:34, , 4F
08/02 20:34, 4F

08/02 21:28, , 5F
08/02 21:28, 5F

08/02 21:28, , 6F
08/02 21:28, 6F

08/02 21:49, , 7F
DT也有copy整張dark side of the moon,也很動聽
08/02 21:49, 7F

08/02 22:55, , 8F
08/02 22:55, 8F

08/03 02:08, , 9F
超級超級愛這首 歌詞超棒 旋律超美 其實整張都超愛
08/03 02:08, 9F

08/03 02:09, , 10F
DT跟PF是我最愛的兩個團 但是說實在的DT cover的這張
08/03 02:09, 10F

08/03 02:11, , 11F
韻味還是稍微差了一點點 James Labrie的聲音稍為尖了點
08/03 02:11, 11F

08/03 02:13, , 12F
08/03 02:13, 12F

08/03 03:12, , 13F
我超愛這首 歌詞也寫的非常棒
08/03 03:12, 13F

08/03 11:45, , 14F
08/03 11:45, 14F

08/03 12:41, , 15F
推 這張聽了至少有20遍
08/03 12:41, 15F

08/03 16:08, , 16F
Gilmour rules
08/03 16:08, 16F

08/03 17:18, , 17F
08/03 17:18, 17F

08/03 20:11, , 18F
月之黑暗面好聽!! 最近才敗了這張
08/03 20:11, 18F

08/03 20:28, , 19F
08/03 20:28, 19F

08/03 23:30, , 20F
08/03 23:30, 20F

08/04 00:18, , 21F
08/04 00:18, 21F

08/04 00:24, , 22F
08/04 00:24, 22F

08/05 00:00, , 23F
08/05 00:00, 23F

08/05 21:59, , 24F
08/05 21:59, 24F

08/24 20:11, , 25F
08/24 20:11, 25F

08/15 10:05, , 26F
推 這張聽了至少有20 https://noxiv.com
08/15 10:05, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1EDyITzD (RockMetal)