[翻譯] Sonata Arctica - Blinded No More(發갠…

看板RockMetal作者 (Nesoin)時間13年前 (2011/04/12 05:25), 編輯推噓6(600)
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先附上連結 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7a7BMgFq0I
最近生活一團糟 感情失敗、學業荒廢、生活無解 如果歌詞或翻譯有誤 懇請原諒... 畢竟一個凌晨5點07分還不睡 喝著酒又抽著菸的人聽力也不會多好... ============================================================ Your pretty face seduced me 你又再次裝可憐 blinded me from how you used me 而我他媽的又再次心軟 I walked the long way home 我獨自走在回家的路上 only to get hurt by you again 才發現我又當了一次工具人 The longest glance, oh 幹!我怎麼會那麼蠢 what illusions did I have of you 竟然覺得我們這次真的復合了 A lone reflection splitting in two 一顆心就這樣出現了小天使跟小惡魔 You found all seven ways to keep me near 一星期有7天 你每天都有不用的理由來唬爛我 near within your reach 把我騙的像智障 you sure knew how to harness love 你他媽的很會利用我對你的感情 but never made me more than want you 但我卻不想跟你複合了 I'm not sorry, you will never get more out of me.. 打死也不後悔,你再也沒辦法耍我了 'Cause I am blinded no more 因為我已經醒了 You sucked out my will to live 我曾經對你搖尾巴乞討 You gave me the crown and killed... 你也會偶爾摸摸我的頭 High road would have none to regret 提分手的人都是不會難過的 Never left, I took the low road instead 但我他媽的從沒說出分手這兩個字 Love is a little death between two little lives, nothing more 愛只是你利用我的藉口而已 Now I have myself to live for... 但是我現在知道了『不要為一顆樹放棄森林的道理』 You sucked out my will to live 我曾經對你搖尾巴乞討 You gave me the crown and killed... 你也會偶爾摸摸我的頭 High road would have none to regret 我知道提分手的人是不會難過的 Never left, I took the low road instead 但我他媽的從沒說出分手這兩個字 All my life I hold up my hands 我的人生就是我自己過 I always gave eternal love another chance... 但我他媽的卻將你當我的生活重心 Say the words, I wanna hear... all over again 而你他媽的就只會唬爛我 Consuming love, my only reason 我這智障當了工具人還沾沾自喜 Nothing is service free, 天下沒有白吃的午餐 such things cannot be healed, 遇到情傷也只能承受 that will do fine for me 我也撐得住 So come here, come, come, come 所以我們還是就分道揚鑣吧 You sucked out my will to live 我曾經對你搖尾巴乞討 You gave me the crown and killed... 你也會偶爾摸摸我的頭 High road would have none to regret 我知道提分手的人是不會難過的 Never left, I took the low road instead 但我他媽的從沒說出分手這兩個字 (ooh)...in the same nightmare again 幹!你又要找我當工具人了 (ooh)...dark tunnel of love will never end 幹!你他媽的就只會利用我 (ooh)...taken for granted again 幹!理所當然的我又說好了 (ooh)...too weak a man to say it is over, all over 幹!我他媽的兩粒卵蛋就只是個裝飾品 ooh, my life is out of my hands 幹!我又再次對你搖尾巴了 I always gave eternal love another chance... 但我他媽的將你當我的生活重心 Say the words, I wanna hear... all over again 而你他媽的就只會唬爛我 Consuming love, my only reason 我這智障當了工具人還沾沾自喜 We always seem to end up here and break a lance 你總是說聲謝謝就拍拍屁股走人 Ready to give eternal love another chance 我幹他媽的還在期待你真的要復合了 You say the words, I wanna hear... all over again. 你他媽的只會哄我 Lust is my all consuming reason... 我他媽的也只會說好 Now, Take me again... 難怪我只能當你的工具人... ============================================================ 幹你大伯咧 整篇文都很不文雅 但是我就是沒辦法說你是PUMA 我他媽的就是這麼犯賤 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Nesoin 來自: (04/12 05:30)

04/12 06:13, , 1F
04/12 06:13, 1F

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04/12 07:57, 2F

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04/12 12:01, , 5F
我最喜歡這種風格的翻譯了 拍拍
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04/12 13:21, , 6F
04/12 13:21, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1Det6jVh (RockMetal)