[翻譯] 美國鞭金史(完)

看板RockMetal作者 (早安,黑色星期五)時間14年前 (2010/03/01 00:20), 6年前編輯推噓44(4407)
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噢耶!!貼完了!!**ˋ(  ̄▽ ̄)ˊ** Part V: Countdown to Extinction 其五:毀滅倒數 With 1991’s multiplatinum Metallica, a.k.a. “The Black Album,” Metallica vaulted themselves forever out of the thrash genre and simply became the biggest hard-rock band in the world. In retrospect, the group timed its stylistic transition perfectly: Just a few weeks after Metallica debuted on the Billboard charts, Nirvana released Nevermind, and thrash metal suddenly became yesterday’s news. Journalists and A&R scouts alike caught the first plane to Seattle to try and cash in on the hot new “grunge” movement, while thrash found itself relegated to the same dumpster as its nemesis, hair metal. The more established acts managed to soldier on, but the twin tide of media indifference and major-label ignorance proved too much for most thrash bands to swim against. 隨著1991年的白金專輯《Metallica》,又稱「黑專輯」,的推出,Metallica從此脫離了 鞭金,而成為世上最紅的重搖滾樂團。回顧起來,樂團的風格轉型正是時候。就在《 Metallica》登上告示牌排行榜後幾個星期,Nirvana推出了《Nevermind》,鞭金突然之 間變成了明日黃花。記者和A&R星探全都搭著飛機到西雅圖,好趕上新的一波「油漬搖滾 」運動熱潮,而鞭金發現自己被丟到了和它的宿敵髮型金屬一樣的垃圾箱。那些比較成功 的樂團試著堅守下去,但在媒體的漠不關心和大廠的忽略雙重夾殺下,大多數的鞭金樂團 都無法順利渡過難關。 SLAGEL Major labels ruined it. Before grunge came along, metal had become so cool that every major label had to go out and sign a bunch of metal bands. They had no idea of what this music was, what to do with it. They had no real fans at the labels. They just knew that something was happening, so any band that was selling a bunch of records got offered these huge major-label deals. The scene went from being a really cool, genuine scene, to being a huge, corporate-metal, gargantuan thing that was horrible. 那些大唱片公司毀了一切。在油漬搖滾出來之前,金屬樂變得大受歡迎,每個大廠都想 分一杯羹,簽了一堆金屬樂團。他們不懂這種音樂,根本不知道該拿它怎麼辦;他們底 下沒有真正熱愛鞭金的人。他們只知道有什麼事正在發生,於是任何賣了些唱片的團都 拿到了大廠的合約。整個風潮從一種很酷、很真誠的東西,變成了很紅、商業化、龐大 的事,真是糟透了。 JONNY Z All these other bands were coming out, and they weren’t as good as the masters. And it just got to the point where it was getting really stale. 一堆新團如雨後春筍冒出,但他們和那些經典團實在差得遠。也就是這時候起,一切開始 腐壞。 BILLY At the time, there was almost 200 stations across the country that would play metal. And then, just, like, overnight, it went down to, like, 20 stations. Heavy metal was a bad word, you know? 那時候,本來全國差不多有200個電台會播金屬樂。然後,好像一夕之間,突然就銳減到 ,差不多20個。「金屬樂」那時是很糟糕的字,你知道嗎? SLAGEL It was such a huge backlash. Thrash got lumped in with hair metal, Poison, and all that other garbage, and that kind of ruined it for everybody. It’s funny, because Metal Blade did marketing for a lot of those grunge bands —Faith No More, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Alice in Chains. I knew those guys, and they all were huge fans of metal. But they couldn’t say it to the press. They could only talk about their “cool” influences! 那時候真的出現了很大的反彈。鞭金被和髮型金屬混為一談,像是Poison,還有其他的垃 圾,害大家對它倒胃口。很好笑,因為Metal Blade行銷一大堆這些油漬搖滾樂團── Faith No More、Soundgarden、Nirvana、Alice in Chains。我認識這些人。他們全都很 迷金屬樂,但他們不能在媒體上說,他們只能說受到哪些很「酷」的音樂影響。 MUSTAINE Was the rug pulled out from under us? That’s a good way to put it, but there never really was a rug. That would imply that someone had laid down a carpet for us, but we’d been walking on broken glass the whole time. I look at it like this: When the grunge scene started, it just showed the lack of loyalty of a lot of the fair-weather fans that were there in the Eighties, and it made me understand that your core audience is a handful of your overall sales. 我們腳下的地毯被抽走了嗎?這的確是個不錯的形容方式,不過從來就不曾真的有過 什麼地毯。因為那表示曾有人為我們舖了毯子,但一直以來我們都是走在碎玻璃上。我是 這樣看的:當油漬搖滾開始流行,也顯示出80年代那些見風轉舵的歌迷毫無忠誠度可言, 這讓我了解你的核心樂迷只佔了唱片總銷量的一小部分。 HOLT When Capitol dropped Exodus [after 1992’s Force of Habit], it was the best thing we could have hoped for, except that I was tired of doing it. We could have easily gone back to being a bigger fish on a small label, but it felt like a job, and I just didn’t want to do it anymore. 當Capitol公司中止與Exodus的合約(就在1992年的《Force of Habit》之後),那真是 我們夢寐以求的事,無奈我對所做的事很厭倦了。我們可以很輕易地回去當小廠中的大團 ,但這樣感覺一切只是工作,我再也不想繼續了。 ERNST To be honest, I think it was time for a change. People had played thrash as hard and as fast as they could, and bands were looking to do different things. Metallica’s Black Album slowed it down a bit, and it was a lot different than …And Justice for All. You look at the Anthrax albums around that time—when they moved from Island to Elektra—[original singer] Joey Belladonna was leaving, and [his replacement] John Bush was coming in. They had slowed down and become almost more of an old-school metal band. 坦白說,我想那是該改變的時候了。玩鞭的大家已經盡其所能把它玩到又猛又快了,樂團 開始試著做一些不一樣的東西。Metallica的黑專輯速度比較慢,而且它和《…And Justice for All》差別很大。你看看Anthrax那時期的作品──他們從Island跳槽到 Elektra後──(原始主唱)Joey Belladonna離開了,(繼任的)John Bush加入。他們 的速度變慢,而且幾乎聽起更像是一個老學校金屬團。 FRIEND Musically and message-wise, I always thought Anthrax got stronger with John Bush. [1993’s] Sound of White Noise may be, song for song, the strongest Anthrax record. But it’s not remembered now, because of the climate in the music industry at the time it came out. 就音樂上和信息內涵上來說,我一直認為Anthrax和John Bush一起時變得更茁壯了。( 1993年的)《Sound of White Noise》可能是,從每首歌來看都是,Anthrax最堅強的一 張專輯。但因為它推出時音樂產業氣候的關係,現在沒人記得它。 IAN The first sense we had of anything on the negative side wasn’t until late ’94, after the whole Sound of White Noise tour cycle was done, because even that record was huge for us. Elektra had gone through a huge shakeup, and everyone we’d worked with over a two-year period was gone, and the new regime wasn’t thrilled about having us on their roster. They were straight-up like, “We would never have signed you, and we don’t want to release your next record.” 不用等到94年年底,我們做完《Sound of White Noise》的全部巡迴,就已經有點可以感 到負面的事情要發生了,雖然那張專輯對我們來說真的很成功。Elektra剛經歷大改組, 和我們工作超過兩年以上的人都走了,公司新的上層對把我們留在旗下一點都沒興趣。 他們就很直接了當地說,「是我們的話就不會簽你們了,我們也不想發你們的下一張專輯 。」 ADLER By ’94, other than replacing the records you’d already worn out, it was tough to find new thrash stuff to listen to. Now, as I look back, there were still good bands out there trying to do it, but it was just so shunned. Nobody cared. At the time, it seemed like everything had dried up, where in reality the support for it had dried up. That’s why [Burn the Priest, Lamb of God’s original incarnation] started jamming in the first place—because we wanted to hear some new thrash, and we couldn’t buy it anywhere. 在94年,除了把你已經聽到爛了專輯換成新的以外,很難找到新的鞭金作品來聽。從現在 回顧,其實還是有很多好團試著玩鞭,但它就是這樣被大家避開,沒人理睬。那時候,它 就好像完全乾涸了,而事實上支持它的泉源也真的乾涸了。那就是一開始我們(Burn the Priest,Lamb of God的前身)為什麼玩團──因為我們想聽新的鞭金作品,但我們 到處都買不到。 IAN If Elektra had been behind [1995’s] Stomp 442 like they were behind Sound of White Noise, Stomp would have probably been another gold record, but they just walked away. We were able to get out of our deal, and we walked with our masters. They even had to pay us for the third record, which we never made for them. But the damage was done, because by ’96–’97, the whole music world had changed. We were out there looking for a new record deal, and people were like, “Oh, Anthrax? That’s an Eighties band.” We were like, Hey, this shit’s still big—Pantera had a No. 1 record recently, Metallica’s still huge, and Megadeth’s still kickin’ ass! But everyone was like, “Yeah, but your last record only sold 100,000 copies. We’re not interested.” 假如Elektra支持(1995年的)《Stomp 442》,就像他們支持《Sound of White Noise》 那樣,《Stomp》說不定可以賣到金唱片,但他們就對它置之不理。我們最後把合約給解 了,帶著我們的母帶離開。他們甚至必須付我們第三張專輯的錢,就算我們根本沒幫他們 做出來。但傷害已經造成,因為在96、97年左右,整個音樂界都改變了。我們到處找尋新 的唱片合約,大家說,「噢,Anthrax,那是80年代的團了。」我們說,「嘿,這種音樂 依然很紅啊──Pantera最近才拿了排行榜冠軍,Metallica依然超受歡迎,Megadeth依然 很讚!」但每個人的反應都是,「對啦,不過你們的新專輯只賣了10萬張,我們沒興趣。 」 FRIEND Pantera really were in line to be the next Metallica, but they chose to stay true to their Texas metal. They just had to write their “Enter Sandman,” but they consciously stepped away from it. Pantera那時與成為下一個Metallica真的只有一線之隔,但他們選擇忠於他們的德州金屬 。他們只需要寫出他們的〈Enter Sandman〉就好了,但他們自發自覺地選擇不這麼做。 IAN From ’96 all the way through ’02, it was a really hard, hard time for this band, and I think Megadeth and Slayer had their hard times, too. And truthfully, if it wasn’t for Pantera to be the one band of our ilk still flying that flag in the Nineties, the whole thing could have died. But Pantera took us on tour. They took Slayer on tour. They did everything they could to keep that scene from going away. 從1996年一直到2002年,這段期間對我們團來說真的很難、很難熬;我想Megadeth和 Slayer也不好過。而說真的,要不是有Pantera和我們同一陣營,在90年代繼續高舉這張 大旗,整個鞭金大概完蛋了。但Pantera帶我們一起巡迴、帶Slayer一起巡迴,他們盡一 切努力,好讓鞭金免於消失。 KING We kept going along. Our shows were smaller, our album sales were smaller, but not to the point where we couldn’t still succeed and be Slayer. Stuff like we were doing was so real and so street, it stuck around. 我們繼續走我們的路線。我們的表演規模變小了,我們的唱片銷量變差了,但從來沒有到 讓我們做不下去、不能繼續當Slayer的地步。我們做的這些東西如此真誠、如此街頭,它 不會從你身邊消失。 Part VI: Epilogue 其六:尾聲 Like Godzilla lying in suspended animation under some desolate arctic ice flow, American thrash metal kept a low profile for the second half of the Nineties and the first few years of the new century, biding its time while nu-metal enjoyed its 15 minutes in the spotlight. But the last few years have seen thrash return with a vengeance, spearheaded by a new generation of bands like Lamb of God, Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, Trivium, and Chimaira—who in turn are reverently shining the spotlight back on such headbanging forefathers as Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer, Exodus, and Testament, all of whom are still alive and killing. 就像哥吉拉在荒涼的北極冰川中冬眠,美國鞭金在90年代後半以及本世紀之初沉潛著,在 nu-meta享受它短暫的風光時靜待良機。但在近幾年,鞭金似乎捲土重來,在新一代樂團 如Lamb of God、Shadows Fall、Killswitch Engage、Trivium和Chimaira的領頭下── 他們恭敬地將舞台的燈光又帶回了如Metallica、Megadeth、Anthrax、Slayer、Exodus和 Testament等,這些依然健在而且繼續從事著殺戮事業的金屬樂前輩們身上。 KING I kind of forecasted it when Disturbed and Godsmack started getting popular. People get into hard rock—soft metal, so to speak—and then they outgrow it, and they need more. It’s like a drug. They need the faster, they need the heavier. They need the band that sings about things you’re not supposed to talk about. And it’s gonna bring ‘em right down Slayer Boulevard. 我在Disturbed和Godsmack開始走紅時就有點預料到了。人們開始迷重搖滾──比較「軟 」的金屬樂,可以這樣說吧──然後胃口被養大,他們想要更多。這有點像吸毒,他們需 要更快、更重的音樂;他們需要那些唱著你不該談論的事的樂團。這將會引領他們走上通 往Slayer的康莊大道。 HAMMETT It’s great to see that thrash wasn’t just some passing fad, which it really did seem like when grunge came around, and then when the whole rap-metal/nu-metal thing came around. But now we’re in the new millennium, and metal’s back on track! 能看到鞭金並不是曇花一現的風潮真的很棒。在油漬搖滾和後來的rap-metal/nu-metal 音樂出現時,一度看起來真的像是這樣。但現在,我們步入了新的千禧年,而金屬樂又重 回軌道了! MUSTAINE Thrash endures because we’re the disenfranchised youth of America, and somebody has to play the music that will soothe the savage beast in all of us. 鞭金歷久彌新,因為我們是遭受剝奪的青年,有人必須出來演奏這樣的音樂,安撫我們心 中那頭兇殘的野獸。 (高仕艷 譯) -- I had nothing but the embittered sun... 我一無所有,除卻那怨毒的太陽…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/01 00:21, , 1F
再度頭推!這然這樣上次我說的那篇就交給妳喏..m@( ̄▽ ̄;)
03/01 00:21, 1F

03/01 00:23, , 2F
既然含板主已經開始翻了 就要堅持到底啊~~ (搖旗吶喊)
03/01 00:23, 2F

03/01 00:24, , 3F
03/01 00:24, 3F

03/01 00:24, , 4F
03/01 00:24, 4F
沒關係 我願意等(嬌羞)

03/01 00:25, , 5F
03/01 00:25, 5F

03/01 00:27, , 6F
"這有點像吸毒,他們需要更快、更重的音樂" 大推這句!!!
03/01 00:27, 6F

03/01 00:29, , 7F
03/01 00:29, 7F

03/01 00:39, , 8F
03/01 00:39, 8F

03/01 00:50, , 9F
03/01 00:50, 9F

03/01 01:01, , 10F
03/01 01:01, 10F

03/01 01:07, , 11F
03/01 01:07, 11F

03/01 01:14, , 12F
酷飛姐我愛你!!!!!! 你造福了許多英文苦手
03/01 01:14, 12F

03/01 01:17, , 13F
03/01 01:17, 13F
我是在Revolver網站上看的,他們沒標日期Orz 不過好像是2007年吧@@

03/01 01:27, , 14F
03/01 01:27, 14F

03/01 03:43, , 15F
但他們選擇終於他們的德州金屬-->忠於 :)
03/01 03:43, 15F
一時手誤XDDD 已經改過了 感謝jarvik7大的提醒

03/01 05:08, , 16F
超 極 認 真
03/01 05:08, 16F

03/01 05:53, , 17F
03/01 05:53, 17F

03/01 07:36, , 18F
03/01 07:36, 18F

03/01 07:37, , 19F
03/01 07:37, 19F

03/01 08:00, , 20F
03/01 08:00, 20F

03/01 08:49, , 21F
他們都這麼討厭破醫生喔@@ 每次都拿這個說嘴...
03/01 08:49, 21F

03/01 10:33, , 22F
03/01 10:33, 22F

03/01 11:24, , 23F
03/01 11:24, 23F

03/01 12:06, , 24F
03/01 12:06, 24F
不敢當 板上資深鞭迷太多啦 我只是個小小翻譯官而已:$

03/01 12:14, , 25F
這將會引領他們走上通往Slayer的康莊大道 XD
03/01 12:14, 25F

03/01 13:30, , 26F
03/01 13:30, 26F

03/01 13:52, , 27F
03/01 13:52, 27F

03/01 14:06, , 28F
03/01 14:06, 28F

03/01 16:08, , 29F
推呀 ~~ 那台灣的RockMetal史呢 = =+ 科科
03/01 16:08, 29F

03/01 16:20, , 30F
推推 看的相當過癮!!
03/01 16:20, 30F

03/01 18:38, , 31F
03/01 18:38, 31F

03/01 20:07, , 32F
03/01 20:07, 32F

03/01 20:17, , 33F
the disenfranchised youth of America 這個詞頗有深意
03/01 20:17, 33F

03/01 21:02, , 34F
03/01 21:02, 34F

03/01 21:29, , 35F
03/01 21:29, 35F

03/01 22:47, , 36F
03/01 22:47, 36F

03/01 23:25, , 37F
03/01 23:25, 37F

03/01 23:46, , 38F
03/01 23:46, 38F

03/01 23:46, , 39F
03/01 23:46, 39F

03/01 23:46, , 40F
03/01 23:46, 40F

03/02 00:54, , 41F
這系列文超好看的! 推!!
03/02 00:54, 41F

03/02 01:05, , 42F
03/02 01:05, 42F

03/02 17:34, , 43F
03/02 17:34, 43F

03/02 17:42, , 44F
SLAYER Boulevard !
03/02 17:42, 44F

03/02 23:45, , 45F
03/02 23:45, 45F

03/03 07:44, , 46F
推 SLAYER Boulevard ! 感謝原PO辛苦翻譯...
03/03 07:44, 46F

03/03 14:16, , 47F
03/03 14:16, 47F

03/06 09:52, , 48F
03/06 09:52, 48F

12/26 02:39, , 49F
12/26 02:39, 49F

12/26 02:40, , 50F
團 其他團在鞭金沉寂的期間 不是載浮載沉就是解散....
12/26 02:40, 50F

12/26 02:46, , 51F
現在他們就算不純了 鞭金頭號天團的地位還是穩答答
12/26 02:46, 51F
※ 編輯: coolfly (, 01/03/2018 22:07:39
文章代碼(AID): #1BYfV0AU (RockMetal)